There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 266: Discovery under the sea


Another sunny day, suitable for sailing.

Olivia and Mugan are hanging out again.

Avoiding Sigma's turn-on time, Olivia set off early in the morning, but the uncle turned on the machine earlier than him. Looking at the two little monsters, Alpha finally handed them two extra-large bentos.

The little monster Ollie and the little monster Mugan are happily leaving with a bento box on their backs~(≧▽≦)/~

After they left, Uncle Alpha graciously started to do housework. The little monster Mugen is used to eating at home. Although he will take the initiative to throw the fish bones out every time after eating, as a little monster, he is very caring, but his stature is too big and his eyes are too small, there are always some Food residues cannot be cleaned up, and at this time, the industrious Alpha robot is needed.

Gathering the debris that drifted in the sea, Alpha threw them outside the lair, and he just stood nearby and didn't leave.

Five minutes later, a small group of brightly colored yellow croaker suddenly appeared in front of them, and their target was naturally the "garbage" thrown away by Alpha. The little yellow croakers competed for these precious food, and after a while, a group of bigger red fish came over, and after a while, it became a large group of little blue fish...

Alpha was surrounded by a school of colorful fish.

From time to time, he touches the little fish with his mechanical fingers. Those little fish who are eager to compete for food with their companions don't care, they let him touch them casually, and some even bite Alpha's fingers for a while, very cute .

Allowing the fish to scramble for food around him, Alpha secretly took a lot of photos.

For Alpha, the daily "trash" time is also a very enjoyable fish feeding time. Quietly enjoying the time with only him and a rare school of fish, Alpha's dim screen was green.

After a while, the largest fish swam over.

They didn't come to eat the leftovers from Mugan's house, they were directly targeting the little fish that ate the leftovers.

Opening the bloody mouth full of sharp teeth, these big guys rushed into the school of fish vigorously, and then—

And then no more.

Three punches knocked out three big fish, and Alpha dragged three fish home.

At home, the robot stone was also turned on, and he was cleaning the stones used as decorations at home. Seeing Alpha, he happily greeted him, and then noticed the big fish behind Alpha at a glance.

"I went to take out the garbage and brought back today's dinner ingredients by the way." Alpha dragged the big fish in.

"It's a very fresh tiger tooth shark." After checking the types of ingredients, the senior nanny robot said with experience.

"Put it in the storage room and feed Mugen and the others directly when they come back." Alpha continued.

"Okay." Stone nodded.

"Don't put the biggest one, and take it to the shore for the neighbors to eat later." Alpha instructed.

"Okay ^_^" Shitou readily agreed.

In the next time, the robots cleaned and divided the fish. They were busy and orderly. This was an ordinary and ordinary day for the robots of the Mugan family.


This day is ordinary and ordinary for the robots, but definitely not for Mugan and Olivia!

Of course, their initial itinerary was very normal.

As usual, Olivia took Mugan to the deep sea area far away from the shore, where no land could be seen around, the sun was just right, and the sea was sparkling, making people relaxed and happy.

Turning their belly over, the two little monsters decided to bask in the sun together.

Because the sun was so comfortable, both of them accidentally fell asleep.

Mugan is okay, because it is an aquatic creature, it can still float on the sea when asleep. But Olivia was not so lucky, he choked!

( ⊙ o ⊙)

In a hurry, he turned into a humanoid and quickly swam back to the sea from the sea, grabbed Mugen's tail, and Olivia coughed and swallowed the bitter sea water. He slapped it on his belly, and then the two continued to bask in the sun.

If Mugen can be tanned at this time, then, when he wakes up, there will probably be a white shadow of his own size on his belly, right

Lying on Mugan's belly thinking wildly, Olivia fell asleep again after a long time.


In the middle of the sea on a holiday afternoon, it is very quiet.

The accident happened suddenly when Olivia was dreaming, and she vaguely had a strange dream. In the dream, he was on a boat, and then, suddenly the boat capsized!

The icy sea water submerged his body, and the salty sea water poured in from his nose and mouth, and Olivia woke up in a panic.

Unexpectedly, he was also in the sea when he woke up, just like in a dream, he was struggling in the sea, with two huge bento boxes floating beside him, but Mugen disappeared.

Wait - what about Mugan

Olivia looked around alertly, but couldn't find the Mugan little monster everywhere. Diving into the water to see, there is still no Mugan figure in the shallow sea.

After wiping the sea water on her face, Olivia calmly looked at the brain on her wrist. After finding that Mugan had become like this, Mr. Cisse gave him a positioning device. It seems that Still very useful.

Olivia called up a program in her brain, which clearly showed Mugan's current coordinates: Mugan was at the depths of the sea below Olivia at this time.

Probably went down to find something to eat, or maybe fell asleep and fell to the bottom.

Olivia breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, unhurriedly took out a set of deep diving equipment, Olivia simply moved her body and dived in the direction of Mugan.

The upper part of the water layer was no different from the water layer he had dived before, turning a blind eye to the small fish that occasionally swam by his side, Olivia just swam in the direction of Mugan.

The water pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and the depth of the sea is gradually deepening, Olivia turned on the searchlight.

Then, as the water deepened, with the help of the searchlight, Olivia saw a very incredible sight:

In the sea below, vaguely, he saw the shape of a city!

Although he was extremely surprised, Olivia's diving speed remained unchanged, and the intensity of the searchlight was increased. As he approached, the scenery of the seabed became clearer and clearer in his field of vision!

It really is a city!

When Olivia finally stood on the bottom of the sea, for a moment, he almost thought he was standing in a certain city on land!

With all kinds of houses and even billboards, zebra crossings and traffic lights, it really is a city!

The surprise was only a moment, Olivia did not forget why he came down, and he immediately walked towards the direction of Muggan displayed on his brain.

Mugan was lying under a strange building at this time, and the moment she saw Mugan, Olivia was surprised again:

At this time, Mugen is a humanoid!

The humanoid Mugen was quietly curled up on the red brick floor, his expression was calm, and he looked like he was asleep.

Did it sink because of the transformation

After being surprised for two minutes, Olivia immediately swam towards Mugan and stretched out her hand. Olivia shook Mugan awake. This time he didn't take much effort, and Mugan was easily awakened by him.

The big black eyes opened, and they were ignorant at first. When they recognized that the person behind the diving suit was Olivia, there was a gentle light in those eyes.

"Oli?" Mugan opened his mouth to speak.

With his mouth shape, Olivia knew that he probably called his name, but since it was on the bottom of the sea at the moment, Mugan just spit out a few bubbles in the end.

After the diving suit, Olivia couldn't help laughing.

Muggan was obviously taken aback by the bubbles he spit out.

But when he noticed that he was at the bottom of the sea at the moment, he was even more surprised.

After being stunned for a while, I don't know if he remembered something, Mugen suddenly became silent. When he raised his head to look at Olivia again, even in the dark seabed, Olivia still felt him blushing.

Behind the diving suit, Olivia actually blushed.

Reaching out and holding Mugan's hand, Mugan did not refuse.

So Olivia pulled Muggan from the bottom of the sea.

"It hurts." The moment he got up from the ground, Mugen couldn't help crying out in pain. Although he couldn't hear his voice, Olivia still understood the meaning of this sentence from the shape of his mouth. Aya's face turned even redder.

"I'm sorry." Using the wrist-type brain, he displayed this sentence in words.

"My whole body hurts, eh? Ollie, have I grown taller?" Mugen checked his body, and when he stood up straight and compared his height with Olivia next to him, he immediately changed. gotta be happy.

"Oli, look, I'm only one head away from you now!" Mugan looked very happy when his hands were compared between the two.

"It turned out to be growing pains!" Mugen was satisfied when he found the cause of the pain all over his body.

So this time sullen became Olivia.

But the frustration didn't last long, and it didn't take long for Olivia to be distracted by the next sentence Mugan wrote in the palm of her hand.

"I've seen this building, it's the Forbidden City!" Unlike Olivia, Mugan clearly recognized the origin of this building!

"Forbidden City?" Olivia was obviously not impressed by the word.

"It's a palace in the ancient earth cultural site, and it's the palace where the emperor lived in ancient times!" Morgan explained briefly for him: "I have the introduction and pictures of this palace! The original book is now kept at Sigmar. "

Olivia nodded.

"Ah! Isn't that the Eiffel Tower?" Mugan spit bubbles again! Pulling Olivia's hand, he motioned Olivia to look at a metal building in the southwest!

"Oh! That's the Pyramid~" The ancient buildings that I saw in the picture book when I was a child suddenly appeared in front of me, and Mugan was inevitably a little excited. He pointed these buildings to Olivia, and attached them. explained in as much detail as possible.

Mugan was happy, Olivia was lost.

"There are so many buildings in your hometown, could it be... Is this the Earth?"

Olivia asks a question, and then the bewildered becomes Mugan Youth.

( ⊙ o ⊙)