There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 267: Ancient Earth Buildings


Although he is an ancient earth person, Mugen youth has not lived on earth for a day since he was born. Apart from the knowledge he has learned from ancient books, he is actually quite an alien.

Fortunately, he is a scholar.

"That's not right~ The Forbidden City, the Eiffel Tower and the Pyramid are not in the same area at all." With a good memory, he began to recall the approximate distance between these buildings: "The area where the Forbidden City is located and the area where the pyramid is located. The distance between them is... 7,000 kilometers, and the distance to the Eiffel Tower is 9,000 kilometers, which is obviously wrong." Although he has no common sense of life, he still made a correct judgment with the excellent geography of the ancient earth.

"Also, according to what Mr. Cisse said, this is one of the birthplaces of Kantas, and the location of the earth is inside the Dead Sea Emperor's Mausoleum, right?" Since Mugan was an ancient earth person, Olivia did not agree with the ancient earth. Not ignorant. Privately, he even thought about leading his army to try to explore the area near the Dead Sea Emperor's Mausoleum in the future. If one day he could find the ancient earth in it, Mugan would be very happy.

"You're right, but—" Mugen nodded, but when he looked up at the magnificent buildings behind him, he was deeply touched!

He couldn't help but swim a distance upstream. When looking down from the sky, Muggan was deeply shocked by the scenery he saw: the thick palace walls were pushed open layer by layer, and the eaves of the palace in the middle were raised high, just like Like a straight vertebra that spreads far away, symmetrical palaces are evenly distributed on both sides of this vertebra. The palace walls are like lattices, enclosing these palaces horizontally and vertically.

The roof of the palace is made of a very special material. It is smooth and glitters with a faint light in the sea water. The dark water dims their original luster but cannot hide their beauty. Mugen is still on the ridge of the main hall. I saw a very strange monster statue, full of teeth and claws, vivid.

This is a very majestic and very beautiful palace.

With his mouth open, Mugen was stunned.

His hands were shaking, and Olivia, who had been floating beside him, clearly felt it.

"This is the building of my hometown! The uncle said that based on the analysis of the historical data left by the ancient earth, I am very likely to be a descendant of this place! Ollie! Look at it! This may be the building of my hometown!" When Mugan turned his head to blow bubbles at Olivia, Olivia saw the ecstasy in his eyes.

After saying this, Mugen couldn't bear it any longer. He flew down in a hurry. Every time he reached the roof of a hall, he would stop, carefully touch the tiles above, and look at the roof beasts above. , and then swim to the wide square in front of the main hall.

The feeling of standing on the square and looking around is different from before.

Standing on the snow-white square and looking around, Morgan was stunned.

"It's shocking." After a while, he touched his nose and smiled at Olivia: "It is said that this palace complex was built by human beings in ancient times with their hands bit by bit and after hundreds of years. This palace, built with so much human, material and financial resources, was the home of the emperor at that time."

Looking at the high walls around, Olivia was stunned for a while, then nodded for a while:

"The emperor's house... This place is too big for his family."

I don't know what he thought, when Olivia typed out this sentence with her brain, it was obvious that the sentence was a little messy.

Who knows, Mugan immediately refuted him immediately—

"It won't be very big. There were many emperors at that time! I remember an ancient emperor who had 35 sons and 20 daughters."

Olivia's expression after the diving suit immediately turned into an embarrassing word!

"Why, why are there so many cubs? You, the people from your hometown... really can give birth!" Olivia was amazed at the fertility of the ancient earth people! He also sneaked a glance at Mugan Youth.

"Uh... Because he has many wives, there are about thirty-nine people who have gone through the formalities." Mugen recalled and confirmed after a while.

"This... how can this be!" This kind of thing is simply unbelievable for Olivia, a native of the Empire: the Empire is a country that has firmly implemented monogamy for thousands of years, through genetic experts, legal experts and gender relations. Hundreds of years of research and scholars have proved that this system is the most conducive to family harmony and the most conducive to the growth of cubs, so the empire finally included it in the marriage law. Of course, the empire is not against divorce. Divorce will occur, but until the divorce procedures are completed, all marital relations are protected by national laws.

Olivia would be so amazed, partly because of the Imperial Marriage Law, and partly because of Cantas' instinct. As the most loyal race in the world, the Kantas entered into marriages that were essentially lifelong.

With only one mate to bear cubs, Cantas' bloodline is constantly being purified by this habit, and then the relationship is about to break because of this habit.

"For more and better cubs, the ancient earth has a tradition of polygamy and polyandry!" Mugan scratched his hair habitually.

"Would you do this?" Behind the diving suit, a pair of Huang Chengcheng's eyes stared straight at Mugen.

"No~ This is not scientific. Although the ancient emperor with many cubs had twenty daughters, they all died very early."

"What a sad story." Olivia was relieved.

After talking about the marriage life of the ancient earth emperor, the two young people decided to go inside the palace to have a look, but this time they were a little dumbfounded:

Although it looks magnificent from the outside, but when the gate of the palace is opened, it is a rough room inside! This is not bad, the doors of many palaces are even decorations at all, and they cannot be opened at all!

Bad review!

"Sure enough, it's not the Earth, these buildings are fake!" After looking at the vastly different scenery inside and out, Morgan said with regret.

But even so, he was still very happy, so next, they excitedly went to see the pyramid with only 100% of the appearance, the Eiffel Tower whose spire was not finished, the Neuschwanstein Castle with no green paint on the roof, and—

"The buildings here are the most careless! You see, this tower is simply inclined! And this place called the Colosseum is only half built! The architect must have left after building it." When Muggan took him to visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Colosseum, Olivia complained.

"No, this tower is originally inclined. Also, the ancient Roman Colosseum is only half left. In terms of completeness, this is the building with the best completeness~" Looking at Muggan very sincerely With black eyes, Olivia was completely speechless.

"It's a strange country called Italy, the buildings are broken." Olivia finally came to a conclusion.

Mugan could only smile with a good temper.

In just three hours, they visited almost all the iconic buildings on the ancient earth. No way, these buildings are too dense. Next to the Forbidden City is the Eiffel Tower, next to the Eiffel Tower is the Pyramid, and next to the Pyramid is the Colosseum. Three more steps to see the Leaning Tower…

While dizzying, Olivia also secretly complained: The people who built these buildings really have no aesthetic vision! Obviously it's not a faction's building, you are separated by a distance! Just plant some water plants, don't pile them up!

As a Kantas who considers himself to be very aesthetic, Olivia scoffs at the designer.

He didn't say it, though, because Mugan clearly liked the buildings.

The two continued to walk, and before they knew it, they had come to the center of the building complex, and the distinctive appearance of the building in front of them immediately caught their attention.

"Hey? Where is this iconic building? How does it look... so..." Ordinary

Olivia didn't finish her words, but Mugan immediately understood what he meant, because he thought so at the moment!

What appeared in front of them at the moment were two very ordinary two-story buildings, not high and a bit old.

This oldness is not due to ageing corrosion, the people who built these buildings took great care of the buildings here and used very good alternative materials. This kind of old is the original "old" of the building, which means that the prototype of the building should also be so old.

The wall skin is a bit mottled, but the colors match beautifully. The roof and fences have traces of repairs, but they are obviously repaired by hand. The colors of the nails are even different, and the nail caps have shapes!

This is a man's home, and he's taking his own house very seriously—at first glance at these details, Olivia and Muggan came to the same conclusion at the same time!

Both men were very observant, and soon they discovered more details:

The house on the right is the only one that is furnished! Not only is the imitation on the outside very delicate, but the workmanship on the inside is also in place! All the daily necessities are there, there is a sofa, there is a TV, there is a bed in the bedroom, and there should even be sheets on the bed!

The sheets were made of cloth, and now only a little fiber remains due to the erosion of the sea.

They also found that the wall of the house was originally planted with plants, and there were traces of plants clinging to the outer wall of the house. After Muggan's identification, a species called "wall-climbing tiger" was probably planted here before. plant.

"I've seen the pictures. The house covered with plants is so beautiful! But once it's bald, it will leave an ugly mark on the wall." Mugen said: "But it's really beautiful, and it will be cool in summer. It is said that when the wind blows, the leaves on the outer wall of the house will squeak, which is very nice. After reading that paragraph, I thought about growing this kind of grass at home in the future!"

"It's a pity it's extinct." Mugen shook his head regretfully.

Olivia secretly memorized this sentence.

They easily know who the owner of this house is.

The owner here is a photographer who loves to take pictures. There are many pictures in the bedroom. Most of the pictures are broken, but a few are well sealed.

Youth, middle age, and old age, this person left three pictures.

It's not a single photo of him, each one is a group photo, this is a person with a good personal relationship. He doesn't look very good, but he smiles very nicely. Olivia sharply recognized that this person probably had the same bloodline as Mugen!

"Ah... I know this person." Looking at the photo of that person in his youth, Mugen was stunned for a while, and then suddenly said:

"This person's name is Meng Jiuzhao. He is the only and the first scholar on the modern earth to receive the Imperial Science Award! He is also the first person in the modern earth to study at the Imperial University!"

This photo of his youth is actually not the same as the historical materials Mugen has seen. Fortunately, Mugen is very good at memorizing human faces. If you are an ordinary person, you may not be able to recognize it.

"So... is this the person's home? He built all these buildings?" Olivia raised her eyebrows.

Mugan frowned.