There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 271: your Ollie


No one knows what happened in that room that day.

The moment the door to the conference room opened, Olivia was the first to come out. Pressing his lips expressionlessly, he walked straight forward. Outside the conference room is a long corridor. The corridor is covered with a long scarlet carpet. The walls on both sides are also dark red, without windows. On the walls are neatly hung two rows of oil paintings with portraits.

The dark red corridor is gorgeous, solemn and depressing.

As Olivia feels now.

Stepping on a steady pace, he left this place with the fastest speed.

He did not return to his station, but drove the Baiyun Duoduo directly to Bailuxing. Instead of leaving the station without authorization, he applied to Marshal Rothsay before leaving and got the approval.

When walking out of the cabin door, Olivia took off his military jacket, the epaulettes on the jacket were missing to indicate his rank, and he looked like an ordinary officer with only a formal shirt and military trousers.

He went straight home.

"I'm back." Olivia said habitually when she opened the door.

The house was quiet and Olivia glanced at the clock on the wall.

At this time, the uncles should all be taking care of the steamed buns in the front, while the Crescent Moon Dilongs are working in the small workshop in the backyard, and Mugen is at work, and the house is empty.

Olivia is a little lost.

Open the refrigerator, all kinds of fresh vegetables are neatly arranged in it, and there are no leftovers. The robot stone is very accurate in the amount of cooking and the amount of food each person eats. Basically, there will be no leftovers in their home. this kind of thing.

Olivia, who was empty in her heart and empty in her stomach, ate three tomatoes, and then ran to Mugan's room.

He kicked off his shoes twice, and without taking off his clothes, he pulled the neatly folded quilt, covered his head, and went to sleep.

When Alpha waits for the robot to return home, he immediately finds that Olivia is back.

"Good day, Alpha." Mengmeng, who was weeding in the yard, took the initiative to greet him. He is a robot that can't be idle. When Olivia sleeps, he is idle. There are no internal cooking programs and housework programs. Too many, so he went to the yard to clear the weeds.

"Olivia should be working in the station now, why did you come back?" If it was a human, Uncle Alpha must have even frowned now.

"Don't worry, the boss agreed with him to come back. He is in a bad mood." Mengmeng hurriedly explained it on her behalf.

Alpha nodded and walked into the house.

Robot Stone returned from grocery shopping. When he put the vegetables he just bought into the refrigerator, he immediately noticed that there were no tomatoes in the refrigerator, and he told Alpha about this finding.

"Please go buy some more food, if it's too late, please go to the neighbor's house to borrow some, Olivia is back." Alpha said to him in an orderly manner: "Please add a fried tartaron steak to the lunch menu, a fresh Walnut pancakes, and a big fruit salad."

All three dishes are Olivia's favorite.

"Go to Mother-in-law Maria and buy a large portion of Snow Mountain ice cream without sugar beans." After a pause, Alpha finally added Olivia's real favorite: "Olivia is in a bad mood. "

He explained why he did so.

"Okay." Robot Stone led the way out.

After supplementing with fresh vegetables and steaks according to Alpha's list, he finally bought Snow Mountain ice cream at Granny Maria's store, but it was not the ice cream without jelly beans as Alpha said.

"Please enlarge the blackberry fruit-flavored jelly beans, do not embellish them under the ice cream, please press the jelly beans under the ice cream." If you press the jelly beans below, Olivia can eat the jelly beans without being seen by Alpha arrive.

"Oh~ Okay, is little Ollie back?" Granny Maria understood.

"Yes, he is in a bad mood." Stone nodded.

"If you're in a bad mood, eat sweets, a lot of sweets! Come on, let me give this child more food to comfort him." Granny Maria said, burying another chunk of pop-sweet chocolate under Snow Mountain Ice Cream. .

"Thank you."

So in the end, what Stone brought home was the super snow mountain ice cream that was three times larger than the ordinary large snow mountain ice cream.

Alpha glanced at the huge and suspicious ice cream, and the scanning system let him see the "prohibited" dessert below at a glance, but he didn't say anything, and let Stone put the ice cream in the refrigerator to freeze.

He even broadcasted Mugan's communicator: "Go home early in the evening for dinner, Olivia is back, he's not in a good mood."

"Ah? Okay." Mugen agreed very simply.

As a child raised by Alpha, Muggan's thinking is obviously on the same level as him: Muggan came back with a large ice cream from Snow Mountain. The ice cream was oversized, and obviously it also carried private goods that should not be there. In addition, he also bought fresh tartar steaks and Olivia's favorite fruit.

"Stone, please make Ollie a tartar steak, fresh walnut pancakes, and fruit salad." He even said what Alpha had ordered!

"Don't worry, Alpha has already said it, and the tartar steak is already fried." Robot Stone smiled ^_^

"Great." Putting the ingredients in his hand on the cooking table, Mugen said, "Then I'll go to the bedroom to change my clothes first."

"Go ahead, it will take forty minutes to fry the steak." Shitou nodded at him.

"Is Olivia in a bad mood?" Not long after Mugan entered the bedroom, Sigma also came back with a small white ball in his hand: "Sigma bought Olivia a small ball! "

With a small ball in one hand, Sigma was about to rush into the bedroom to comfort him, but soon, he was picked up by Alpha even with the ball: "Go and peel the fruit for the stone."

Grandpa Alpha ruthlessly shattered Sigmar's dream of being lazy.


Today's weather is not very good, the clouds are thick and the air is cool, revealing the information that cold days are coming.

However, the Mugan family's home is as warm and happy as ever.

The aroma of fried tartar steaks, accompanied by the sweetness of tartar fruit, spread throughout the kitchen and on everyone who passed by.

Mugan walked through the bedroom door with an alluring smell of steak.

Without turning on the light, he closed the door after entering, then took off his coat and sat quietly beside the bed.

"It smells so good..." Ollie's hoarse voice came from the quilt, and at the same time, two arms stretched out from the quilt, and Mugan's waist was fastened firmly.

"The stone fried your favorite tartaron steak, and the uncle asked him to buy you Snow Mountain ice cream." With a smile on his face, Mugen gently touched Olivia's hair: "You sweat a lot. ."

"I just had a nightmare." Olivia's voice was still hoarse, and it sounded completely different from his usual voice: "In the dream, the man named Louis had his head cut off."

"That's because you fell asleep without taking off your clothes, and the button on your shirt was actually buttoned to the top, which was too tight." Mugan touched it again, and suddenly he found Ollie's standard shirt.

"...You help me take it off." Olivia said in a vague voice.

"Okay." Agreeing, Mugen gently put his hand into the quilt and unbuttoned Olivia's clothes a little and took them out.

Although she was sweating a lot, Olivia's body odor didn't smell bad at all. The bed was warm, and Mugan groped for the buttonholes inside.

Just after Mugan helped Olivia take off all her clothes, Olivia suddenly sat up. In the darkness, Mugan couldn't see Olivia's face clearly, but he knew that Olivia's eyes were all focused on his face at this time.

"This is... what's the matter?" Mugan asked him softly, without avoiding Olivia's gaze.

In the darkness, Mugan felt Olivia stand up, he stood by the bed, then knelt down and buried his face deeply in Mugan's lap, who was sitting on the bed at the moment.

"Oli, are you scared?" Mugan asked softly.

The head on the knee nodded slightly.

"Why?" Mugan's voice was calm, not inquiring.

"...Because of the man in the photo." Because the person he was relying on at this moment was Mugan, Olivia unreservedly released all her emotions: "They said...I have a relationship with that man."

"That person... was born with a lack of genes. Due to his weak constitution, he had a brutal personality, a gloomy personality, and finally became a lunatic... His head was cut off by Louis I himself."

"Does this have anything to do with you?" Mugan asked after listening to him carefully.

"I... I don't know." His mouth opened, and Olivia finally said nothing.

So Mugan said for him:

"Oli I know is a nice guy. Smart, strong, courteous and family-friendly, and nobody dislikes him."

"Knowing that you were back, my boss immediately approved my application for early leave. He said that you are a hero in this country and it is rare to come home once, so he asked me to go home early; my uncle immediately ordered your favorite dishes, Mary Granny Ya secretly stuffed all kinds of good ingredients under the ice cream. Boss Tony also said that he would bring your favorite desserts in a while. Yesterday, there were several little chirps on the other side of the wall asking when you would come back. They miss you very much. ..." Mugan's voice is clear and very nice, and people can't help but be attracted by his voice.

"..." Olivia said nothing.

"Oli, you are still a good boy.

Knowing that our family is not rich, Ollie, you have been working hard to get a scholarship when you were in school. After joining the job, you handed over your salary card to your family. You have been working hard to make money for your family over the years, and you have fought for your family. "

"Huh?" Olivia was stunned.

"It was a long time ago. When I represented Di Zong in a competition outside, a student suddenly said bad things about you in the toilet." Mugan wrote lightly.

"Oh? What did he say?" The posture remained the same, and Rao was nervous, but Olivia's tone of questioning was still very calm, her voice was hoarse, as if she had just woken up and cried.

"That person said you took the lead in bullying him at school," said Mugen.

"Then what?" Olivia asked in a muffled voice.

"Then that person said a lot of insults to the uncle and them." That was the first time that Mugan was greeted by relatives.

"Then... and then?" Olivia raised her chin slightly.

"Then I beat him up." Mugen said confidently: "After the beating, ask him to explain the reason, and he will say it."

"You treated him like that because they spoke ill of our family, didn't you?"

Olivia's night vision is very good, even in the dark, he can still see Mugan's clear eyes.

In the end, there is nothing to hide.

He was like that, trusting himself unreservedly.

Olivia was stunned.

Burying her head, Olivia rubbed her chin lightly on Mugan's knee.

Mugan... do you trust that Olivia so much

Trust, your Ollie

However, Ollie is really not that good in front of others.

The reason why he is so scared is because what other people say hits the wrong place.

For the sake of his current life, that Ollie has indeed treated many people cruelly and used many dark methods. It is only because he thinks of Mugen and this family that he can barely suppress another violent self in his body, that's all.


Closing her eyes, Olivia kissed the young man's knee reverently.

"Please, stay by my side forever."

In this way, he will always be "your Ollie".

The author has something to say:

"I want to make Olivia that only belongs to you" - by Ai Daze Jun~

The other volume of the previous issue of the young man's painting is a trial reading without the afterlife, and the cover is the white mugen on the top~