There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 272: Choppy


Mugan's hands were deeply inserted into Olivia's sweaty hair. In the darkness, there were only two people breathing in the small bedroom for a while.

Until Mugen's stomach suddenly growled.

Touching Mugan's belly, Olivia suddenly laughed: "Is your stomach hungry? Must be very hungry? I heard that you have to eat five meals a day now!"

After the transformation, Mugen's appetite was completely reported to Olivia by the stone. In three months, Mugen actually grew a little bit taller, and Olivia felt a little sense of crisis.

Morgan then pulled Olivia's hair upwards.

"Oh! It hurts! Okay, I'll let you eat, I'm hungry too." As she said, Olivia finally released Mugan's knee.

Feeling embarrassed to touch his grumbling stomach, Mugan pushed Olivia and stood up, then rubbed his knees that were sore and numb, thinking that Oli was really heavy.

In the dark room, Olivia unimpededly opened the closet, then pulled out the half-worn home clothes and put it on. When the two went out of the bedroom again, the dining table was full and all the robots were sitting at the dining table.

Just after Olivia was seated, almost all the robots scanned his face without a trace. Due to the extremely high-end scanning system in the body, almost all the robots "see" Olivia a little bit redder than usual. eyelids.

Crying - Beta the robot turned her head and brought him a freshly baked walnut crepe from the basket.

He cried - the robot Epsilon began to pack the meal.

Crying - Eta the robot silently fills Olivia with a large steak.

Robot Uncle Alpha seemed the calmest, but soon he stood up, turned to the refrigerator, and brought out a large serving of Snow Mountain Ice Cream.

"Eat, there's not enough in the fridge to have one more."

Forget about the others, Olivia looked horrified in the face of the uncle who gave her snacks before the meal!

So, with an uneasy mood, he bit the bullet and ate two ice creams from the snow mountain that were bigger than his head. After eating the ice cream, he met Beta's icy gloomy screen, and he hurriedly ate the steaming walnut pancakes. Then, seeing the smiling Ipsilon next to her, Olivia immediately picked up the spoon and ate the green rice in front of her. Then, Eta looked again...

Olivia suffocated for the first time.

At this moment, Mugen handed over a bowl of soup from the opposite side—

Olivia could only swallow the bowl of hot soup with difficulty.

"Who bought this bowl? The mouth of the bowl is actually bigger than my head." Olivia, who couldn't move at all, groaned on the chair.

"Uh... it's me." Morgan replied when he and Shito were clearing the dishes.

"Muggan has been eating too much recently, especially the soup. The soup bowl was too small and had to be filled five times each time. After changing a new bowl, it is enough." While wiping the table obediently, Sigma looked at Ao Livia: "Olivia, let's play ball with Sigma later? Sigma bought you a new ball."

Olivia: So, did I drink five times as much soup in one sitting

Although it was uncomfortable in his stomach, he still tried to keep a smile and praised the pattern of the new soup bowl: "The pattern of this soup bowl is very special. Look at this paw print, it looks very like the Krumay era~"

The Krumay Era - the era of ancient people, all the objects in that era were unearthed cultural relics, symbolized by simplicity and wildness.

"Really? I burned this bowl myself~ Those paw prints were pressed by the cubs next door, and the pattern at the bottom of the bowl is in the shape of a cub's butt, can you see it?" Mugan looked very happy.

However, Olivia suddenly had a deep nausea: the soup bowl that the cubs stepped on! There's still an ass-


Too full to eat, Olivia began to pace around the yard to eat.

Mugan was not far from him, sitting on the floor of the house's outer hallway examining a newborn unicorn cub. Robots sit next to them.

Although the weather is a bit cold now, fortunately, this family is not too afraid of the cold.

Picking up Sigma sitting next to Mugen, Olivia took his place and sat between Mugen and Alpha, put Sigma on his lap, and looked straight ahead, Olivia suddenly spoke:

"I will be the Emperor of the Empire."

He used affirmative sentences.

There was no hesitation, no fear, and no reason for it, as if he simply stated "I want to eat snow mountain ice cream tomorrow".

Mugan turned his head to see his expression, then slowly turned his head back.


"What do you need us to do?" After thinking about it, Mugan added another sentence.

"Well, I will tell you in advance when I need it." Olivia said frankly.

The droids heard him too, but they didn't speak either.

The little unicorn dragon beast in Mugen's arms snorted and fell asleep.

Then Sigma suddenly raised his head in Olivia's arms: "Olivia, does the emperor's brother have a salary?"

"Uh... no." Olivia was stopped by him.

"Oh." So Sigma continued to read the job postings in his "brain".

The weather was cloudy and clammy, but the Mugan family felt comfortable and peaceful.

The last thing that broke the peace was Olivia's stomach, which had diarrhea due to eating a lot of hot and cold food. After running to the toilet all night, the whole family did not rest well. The next day, he returned to the station with a resolute look on his face with the antidiarrheal medicine provided by Mrs. Bayati.

In December 414 of the Starlight Calendar, Olivia Augustus first appeared on the major media platforms of the Empire as the last member of the Cantas royal family. There is no doubt that the identity of the golden king blood has once again inlaid a golden halo for the already famous young general.

In February 415 of the Starlight Calendar, with the coordination of Mugan, the new counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Imperial State Council, Olivia Augustus successfully signed a weapon order agreement with the Decola people of the seventh civilization. For the first time, the empire has purchased weapons that can represent the most sophisticated technology of the seventh civilization. This is not a one-time agreement, but a sustainable development agreement. In the next fifteen years, the empire will be able to regularly Purchase specified types of arms from the Dracola.

This is also the first time that the Decola people have signed a contract with a civilization other than the seventh-level civilization. In the same year, Decola successfully became the eighth-level civilization.

In October 415 of the Starlight Calendar, Mugan, Counselor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Imperial State Council, entered into a cultural exchange agreement with three civilizations, namely Urabi, Decola, and Kelan. The Empire can send a fixed number of outstanding students into these three civilizations every year. Among them, the Decola people even opened an exchange student quota for a military academy. In June of the following year, 20 graduates from the Imperial Military Academy and the Imperial Defense Academy were successfully admitted to this academy. Become the first batch of international students to enter this college.

Also in July of the following year, due to his outstanding political achievements and in order to make him have a more suitable identity to enter the higher-level negotiating table, Muggan was promoted to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire and concurrently served as the Counselor of the Ministry of Education of the Empire. .

In November 416 of the Starlight Calendar, the Minister of Commerce of the Empire was attacked and killed in the star field of the seventh civilization Delphis. The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire, Morgan, was dispatched to the site of the attack to investigate the matter. This always courteous imperial diplomat showed his strong side for the first time in front of the seventh civilization. After leading the investigation team to escape the opponent's attack and returned to the empire's territory, facing the doubts of the empire, Delphis insisted on the business of the empire. What the minister and his party encountered were star thieves and refused to apologize or take responsibility for the incident.

The commander-in-chief of the Eighth Army of the Empire, Olivia Augustus, immediately led his troops to the expedition.

Forty percent of the entire army was equipped with weapons produced by Decora and properly commanded. All the "star thieves" who attacked the Minister of Commerce of the Empire were arrested and executed in the Empire on the same day.

Since then, Delphis has become popular and has called the imperial people "barbarians from lower civilizations", while the imperial people called Delphis "the land of robbers".

Page after page of the calendar was turned, and event after event took place in the lives of the Imperials.

Nowadays, for the imperial people, any close combat with the advanced civilization outside is a major event that attracts the attention of the public. The influence of the young lieutenant general and the last person in the blood of the king of Cantas, Olivia, is expanding day by day.

In the initial stage of the newly added advanced civilization, almost any incidents that occurred in the empire with external civilizations were related to Olivia, and this young man undoubtedly became the beacon of the empire.

Very young, perhaps too young, but he was so alive. This young Kantas is powerful and fierce, treats allies politely, and has won countless benefits for the empire; he is not afraid of enemies from the seventh-level civilization, and resolutely fights back, but the opponent cannot argue.

He almost met the expectations of all the imperial people.

The empire is monarchy, but he has lost his emperor for too long.

During this period of time, the two parts of the military and the government were separated, and within each of them they were divided into more complex factions. If there was no invasion of external civilization, the empire would inevitably go to the road of internal fighting and splitting.

The empire was unfortunate, and suffered an unprepared invasion from outside civilization, and a large number of imperial people died in that catastrophe.

However, the empire was fortunate. At the most difficult moment, the management of the empire, which had been indistinctly separate, reunited for the first time. The time was right and the place was right. They actually withstood the attack of the advanced civilization and drove them away. .

In the following time, they were even more fortunate to integrate into the advanced civilization with a soft attitude.

No one knows how long the empire's "lucky" will last. After a brief period of solidarity, the upper echelons of the empire secretly trembled again due to the emergence of new opportunities.

The hidden danger brought by the absence of the emperor gradually appeared.

Empire needs a human voice.

There is also a need for a figure who can represent the country.

In this case, Olivia Augustus naturally became the most suitable representative in the eyes of the people.

During a private visit, someone suddenly put forward the proposal "I hope Lieutenant General Olivia Augustus can become the new Emperor of the Empire".

The reporter had an idea to change the content of the interview to an investigation of the candidate for the emperor of the empire, and the program was unexpectedly popular! After this interview was broadcast, this station with average ratings became the No. 1 station in the Empire! Taking advantage of the victory, the radio station conducted a series of interviews with the backup candidates for the Emperor of the Empire, and the topic went viral.

More and more media have joined this discussion, and the topic "the empire needs a new emperor" has naturally become the most discussed topic in the empire today.

The voice of the people finally affected the high-level people. For a time, the military department and the government council were secretly surging.

At the same time, Olivia once again signed a friendly treaty with a seventh-level civilization.

As the candidate with the highest popular voice, he has been traveling to other civilizations for negotiation during this time, and has never returned. It wasn't until he got this powerful new civilization that he returned to the empire.

When he stepped off the spaceship and stepped on the port, facing the enthusiastic crowd cheering with big flags, he took off his hat in confusion, and then smiled gracefully at the crowd.

Everything is different.