There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 275: What you can't know about the book edition


After finally saving a sum of money, His Majesty Olivia finally bought the first suspended sports car in her life with her own money.

Very warm red, cool lines and ultra-modern arrogant shape, very much in line with Olivia's aesthetic.

Whether it's a date or something, sending the cubs to kindergarten in the future is very cool and practical. And the dog has grown up a bit, and the holiday family will take him out for an outing or something. It's wonderful to think about it!

Olivia thought so and did so.

He was extremely motivated and immediately started to speed up the processing of the work at hand. At the same time, he also instructed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not to arrange a visit for Muggan recently, and asked him to take a leave by the way. Soon, the family was standing on the honeymoon island. on the beach.

Mr. Cisse went to the concert, while the robot parents and the neighbors of Aidori Commercial Street went to the concert, so only Olivia, Mugan, and Goudan came over this time.

Whoops, this is awesome!

Taking the initiative to undertake the work of preparing food for everyone, Olivia smiled and asked Mugan to go to the sea with the dog eggs that could not wait.

"Let's go!" The young man with honey-colored skin in flower swimming trunks waved at him.

Beside him, Xiaobai Jiu who was wearing the same swimming trunks (to protect the fur on his butt) looked straight at him and waved his wings at him for a while.

So the smile on Olivia's face grew even bigger.

With a wave of his hand, he watched the father and son in front of him slowly walk towards the sea.

The sea water first submerged Xiao Baijiu, and then submerged the youth. Olivia kept watching their figures disappear, and then got busy.

He brought a lot of food, most of which Mugan and Dog Dan liked to eat, only a bottle of walnut oil was brought to him.

drink yo!

Based on the local materials, Olivia also went into the water and caught a fish, which was to be baked for the dog eggs. I don’t know if it was because they were born in the sea, and the dog eggs loved seafood since childhood. Although he is not a picky eater, he can eat everything he gives, but when he eats delicious seafood, his eyes are the brightest.

Although young, Olivia is already a good father.

Everything was almost ready, but Mugan and Goudan hadn’t come up yet. Thinking that they hadn’t had a chance to swim in the sea for a while, Olivia decided to let them swim in the sea for a while, and she planned to drive around to look around. Look, if there is a place with beautiful scenery and suitable for children to play, he can take Mugan and his son to play.

Although the new car is very sharp, the music played inside is quite soft children's songs. Uncle Alpha said that the heavy metal music he usually listens to is not good for the cub's eardrums, so he immediately changed the music in the car. I had never listened to this kind of music when I was a child, but now I started listening to it for the sake of Goudan. When I was learning various things for the grown-up Goudan, Olivia felt as if she had passed her childhood again.

Olivia was in a good mood listening to and learning how to sing these nursery rhymes.

Passing through a state with long coconut trees, Olivia suddenly stopped the car and saw the full fruit on the tree, he immediately decided to bring a few back to Mugan and Dog Dan to eat.

But just as he was climbing the tree to pick the fruit, he suddenly noticed the beautiful coastline previously covered by these tall fruit trees. After picking the fruit, he immediately went to the place he had just seen.

"This place is very beautiful! The sand is finer than other places. You can bring Ludwig over to play with the sand tomorrow!" Olivia said to herself, patrolling the beach again, and finally sitting down to take a look landscape.

Olivia sat down and fell asleep, when the midday sun was at its best.

This sleep is a long time. In order to go out on vacation, he has been very busy and tired these days. After relaxing a little, all the previous fatigue has dissipated.

When he woke up, it was dark.

When Olivia noticed the weather, the first thing Olivia did was dial the communicator to Mugan, and when the communicator was connected, he hurriedly apologized: "Sorry, I accidentally fell asleep on the beach, you wait. Well, I…”

"Did you dial the wrong number?" A strange female voice came from the communicator.

Olivia was stunned for a while, and her tone immediately became reserved. After saying sorry to the other party, he immediately dialed the familiar number again.

However, it was still the woman who answered the phone.

This time, without waiting for the other party to complain, it was Olivia who spoke first: "No matter who you are or how you picked up Mugan's phone, I advise you to hand over the phone to the nearest police station, otherwise there will be consequences. It's not something you can afford."

In these words, Olivia's tone was quite stern, and the momentum brought by her long-term position in a high position was unabashedly full. Hastily hung up the phone.

Staring at the communicator in his hand, Olivia frowned, and then he dialed Uncle Alpha's communicator. However, this time, the same unfamiliar voice came from the opposite side of the communicator.

He continued to dial. Until it hit Todd, this time, Todd's voice came from the other end of the communicator.

"Your Majesty, good evening." Todd is still Olivia's personal secretary, ranging from a staff officer in state affairs to as small as buying a children's song for Ludwig. Olivia has always been accustomed to asking Todd Germany's suggestion.

"Todd, has Mugan communicated with you? I just dialed his communication number, and a strange woman answered the phone. Also, there seems to be a problem with Uncle Alpha's communication number. Please check if the communication company's signal is crossed. …”

A series of questions pressed towards Todd, and Olivia walked to his car while talking. When he got in the car, he heard Todd, who has always been steady, hesitated:

"Your Majesty, that... May I ask who is Muggan? It sounds like a man's name. Do you want me to look up this man's number? And... Alpha... Who is the uncle?"

The moment she heard this sentence, Olivia was stunned.

"What a joke." Olivia said this sentence with anger, and Todd, who was opposite, hurriedly pleaded guilty.

However, Olivia didn't want to hear this, put on her seat belt, and decided to drive to the beach before.

However, just when he was about to touch the seat belt, he suddenly found that the seat belt on the car was gone.

Not only the seat belt, but after a little look, he found that the family portrait on the car was gone.

"Damn it! There are thieves on this island? If you don't steal cars, what the hell is stealing seat belts and photos?!"

He was really annoyed at this moment. He didn't have a negative for this photo. Once it was gone, it would be hard to say if he wanted to print another one.

However, thinking that there might be thieves on this island, Olivia immediately felt unsafe and felt like an arrow. He immediately started the car and drove to the beach where he left before.

As the car started, a deafening rock music roared out from the stereo.


It was obviously a children's song for Ludwig.

This thought flashed in his mind, and the shadow in Olivia's heart grew bigger and bigger.

The shadow was at its greatest when he didn't see Mugan and Ludwig on that stretch of sand!

Olivia quickly dialed Jopson's communicator, and dispatched a whole escort team to ask them to search for two people on the bottom of the sea!

"It's Mugen and Ludwig, you should know what they look like." As members of the first family, the photos of Mugen and Ludwig are naturally seen in the newspapers, although not many times, but as members of the first family Olivia's personal guard members are no strangers to their looks.


The members of this army, whom Olivia had trained with his own hands and who was extremely reliable in his heart, looked at each other. Finally, the captain of the Guards stood up as a representative and asked a question carefully:

"Excuse me, who are Mugan and Mr. Ludwig...?"

As soon as these words came out, all Olivia's emotions disappeared.

For a moment, his mind went blank, as if a part was missing, he was stunned for a while, and then he regained his voice.

"Muggan... is my half-wing, and Ludwig, our cub..."

"But, Your Majesty, as far as I know, you haven't interacted with a person named Mugen, but we don't know these things very well. Besides, don't you have any cubs yet? This is a major event for the empire, if there is one Cub, you have to say it in time..." The captain of the Guards also persuaded a few words.

Olivia was completely stunned.

"What are you kidding? Go find it, Muggan and Ludwig are just going to the sea to play, they are on the bottom of the sea, you quickly organize the manpower to search in different areas, and I will go down myself." Olivia said while frowning. while walking towards the deep-sea diving equipment they brought.

"Your Majesty must not! Your health is not good, especially your left leg, you must not dive deep, your old disease will flare up!"

Olivia was completely stunned.

"What's wrong with my body that I don't know? How can there be any old disease? It's just a bunch of nonsense—" Olivia was wearing a set of equipment and got off under the escort of a group of people. water.

He was picked up.

When he dived to a certain depth, his left leg suddenly twitched, and his internal organs seemed to explode. If he hadn't forcibly held back, he would have fainted in the sea on the spot!

There was no Mrs. Bayati, and another doctor who she didn't know took care of her wounds carefully. Olivia sat on the bed, staring blankly at the mirror in her hands.

The man in the mirror, familiar and unfamiliar.

It looks like it is me, but it is not completely me.

It was a pale and thin man. Although the outline and facial features were familiar to Olivia, the man's eyes were full of ill-will and gloomy. He looked like a ruthless character. In addition, the man in the mirror His eyes were not golden, but tawny.

This appearance is very different from the familiar appearance of himself, and even his height is much shorter, but Olivia knows that this person is him, and this body is his own.

It might be strange to say that, but he just knew it.

After staring blankly in the mirror for a while, he called Todd, who had been waiting outside, and started chatting with him.

Then, a familiar but unfamiliar thing came out of Todd's mouth.

This "he" killed people with familiar names, and finally sat on the supreme throne of the emperor of the empire, however—

No Mugan.

There are no robots like Alpha.

There used to be an Aidori commercial street on Bailuxing, but when the planet rioted, the whole star of Bailuxing exploded.

Clean, nothing left.

Without Mengmeng, Mengmeng "broken" many years ago.

"According to the name Mugan you mentioned earlier, I checked the imperial population database and found two similar names, but one died a long time ago, and the other is a newborn baby born this year. Have a look at their profile?"

Olivia's pale face was raised to face Todd, his face horribly gloomy, and he held out his hand to Todd.

Todd hurriedly and respectfully handed the information to his hand.

Olivia looked at the two materials carefully, and her face paled even more.

Not him, this is not him, the other is not him.

Olivia jumped out of bed.

He suddenly felt that this room was very scary!

The scarlet room may be very much in line with his aesthetic, but his room is not like this! Mugen doesn't like such a strong color. Uncle Alpha also thinks that this color is not good for eyesight, and it will make people restless if they live for a long time. Therefore, the room between him and Mugen has always been warm beige, although the decoration is also very luxurious, but But bright and warm.

Everything is in pairs, and their things are mixed together, which is definitely not the case now!

Solitary! Everything is alone!

Olivia angrily jumped off the big bed with a long pillow. He violently and vigorously opened the wardrobe door and took out the clothes inside.

He tries to find Mugan's clothes, but—

There are all kinds of emperor uniforms in the entire wardrobe, and none of them belong to Mugan!

His Majesty the angry emperor smashed all the furnishings in the palace in anger, and then lay quietly in the scarlet bed and fell asleep.

When he woke up, he was still alone.

There is no half-wing's warm and dry skin touch, there is no warm and wavy furry belly of his own little white, and there is not even the rigid and cold cry of the robots.

Apart from the personal life part, the work aspect is pretty much the same as usual.

He handled official duties numbly, ate alone numbly, and then numbly slept alone.

Olivia felt like she had a dream. The healthy, happy family, the best partner in the universe, and the cute little Tweet in the universe were just her own dreams. They didn't exist at all. ,now…

Just woke up from a dream.

However, although the laborious search of the seabed did not find their little Baijiu and Mugan, they found the underwater world left by Louis I.

Exactly the same as in the dream.

Ignoring the objections of all the ministers, Olivia reluctantly sent six fleets to the place where she met Mugan for the first time in her memory, trying to find clues, and then...

Among the many suspected items brought back by the fleet, he found the body parts of Epsilon.

"According to expert appraisal and analysis, the spacecraft should have been destroyed between 370 and 390 of the starlight calendar. According to the analysis of the cracks on this part, the entire spacecraft should have... completely crashed."


Between 370 and 390 years of the astral calendar...

It happened to be the time when Uncle Alpha and the others met Mugan and brought Mugan to meet him in the "dream".

Did Uncle Ypsy Lomb crash before they met, or after

Did they meet up

If you hadn't met Uncle Alpha and the others, what about Mugan, who was only four years old at the time

There was a sharp pain in her heart, and Olivia actually fainted that day.

He buried the board in the garden solemnly. For others, it was the wreckage of a spaceship, but for Olivia, it was his possible family.

He lived so alone for a while longer, and then he dug the board out of the garden and took it to Honeymoon Island alone.

Olivia sat on the shore, with the board by her side, and the sea breeze was blowing.

The weather on this day was very good, just like the day when the young man with honey-colored skin and Xiao Baiju went for a swim in the dream.

He seemed to hear their laughter.

However, not true.

Those are not true.

he told himself.

However, I really seem to hear their voices!

Chirply, Xiaobai chirped happily.

That's the little white chirp of his family!

Thinking in her heart, a faint smile slowly appeared on her face, and Olivia slowly walked towards the sea.

He dived naked into the deep sea, the sunlight on the shore had all gone, and in the deep seabed, he seemed to see...

An inky blue fishtail


He was only surprised for a moment, and then continued to dive down, and then he saw a very familiar Xiaobai, wearing flower swimming trunks, stomping his little claws, swimming happily in a terrifying deep-sea giant around the beast.

what! That is-

Olivia's eyes lit up, and she couldn't help but call out the man's name.

Countless sea water poured in from his mouth and nose, and he didn't know anything about what happened next.

"Oli, do you feel better? It's all my fault, I spent too long in the sea with the dog eggs, and asked you to come down to find us." On the shore, a young man with honey-colored skin helped Olivia rub Stomach, while apologizing.

"But so do you. After diving so many times, why are you still opening your mouth in the water? Fortunately, you are in good health, but you just choked a few sips of water."

Mugen's strength was so great that Olivia felt like he was about to rub her to death, but this real pain made him feel extremely at ease. Seeing Xiaobai who was sitting obediently on his chest, he felt his weight. weight, his mouth grinned, and he even showed a smirk.

"Ludwig, let Daddy give him a kiss." After speaking, he kissed Xiao Bai hard.

"啾!" After Xiaobai was kissed by him, he let out a scream of protest, and immediately hid behind the other father's butt, but he hid his body, but his little head looked at him.

A little worried.

Olivia was even happier, and her eyes were fixed on the young man who was looking at her worriedly.

"Let's go back quickly?" On this day, during dinner, Olivia actually proposed to go home.

"Ah?" Why did the person who said that he wanted a family of three to be alone for a while, changed his mind so quickly

"I miss Uncle Alpha and the others, I miss Mengmeng, and I also want to go to Mr. Cisse's concert!" Lies! It's all lies! Olivia just wanted to stay away from this beach temporarily.

"Okay, I also want to go to Mr. Cisse's concert! Can I go with the dog eggs?"

"Okay? Let's get him filter earplugs so his eardrums are less impacted."

"Ha! Dog Dan, Dad is going to take you to Grandpa Cisse's concert, are you happy?"

"啾..." I want to eat first.

The calm and pragmatic dog Dan said so.

So, after a big meal, the first family of the empire left Honeymoon Island in a hurry and went to another planet to listen to the concert. Although it was a little late, fortunately, Olivia and Morgan were both good at driving spaceships, and it was very easy for the two to take turns driving.

When Morgan drove the spaceship, Olivia took the opportunity to check what the dark blue fishtails she saw represented.


Like a nightmare, Olivia quickly forgot about the experience in the comfort of a happy reality.

For Olivia, Honeymoon Island is a beautiful place, and in another ending in another time and space, Honeymoon Island is where Olivia of that time and space finally died.

drowned in the sea.


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