There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 30: Olivia's decision


"There's no spaceship there." No matter what Olivia and Mugan said, Alpha firmly refused to admit it.

For robots, the scanning system is their eyes, and what cannot be scanned is non-existent to them, so that ship is completely non-existent to Alpha and them.

"But Uncle Alpha, there's such a big ship there! Such a long ship!" Mugan was stunned by the conclusions of the uncles, and at the same time, the coolness on his back was even worse. In order to prove that what he saw was true, he also pulled Olivia to testify for himself.

"Oli saw that too, didn't he?"

Olivia turned pale and nodded heavily.

His eyesight is much better than Mugan, and he naturally sees more than Mugan. In the glance just now, he even saw clearly the imperial emblem painted on the outside of the hull.

Not the national emblem of the empire today, but the national emblem of the era of Louis I a long time ago.

Just as Muggan and Uncle were having a heated discussion on the issue of "is there a spaceship there?" Robot A, who had been standing beside him like a decoration, suddenly said, "I can see there is a ship there."

Alphabet Robot & Olivia & Mugan & Moe: ! ! ! !

Could it be that robot a is not an engineering robot, but a great secret weapon

In an instant, the small a in the eyes of the letter robot suddenly became much taller and mysterious, and became a big A (orz).

However, Alpha was only silent for a while, and then he asked Robot A to hug him to the window again. After quietly "looking" for a while, he spoke again: "I saw that spaceship too."

Before waiting for the other robots to speak, he continued: "Don't use the scanning system to see, but use the ordinary imaging system to see, and you can see."

Four hundred years ago, a large number of hallucination weapons came out. In order to prevent robots from being attacked by hallucination weapons, people began to set that robots must use the scanning system to see objects throughout the process, so that robots can more rationally distinguish the truth of things. Alpha and the others are naturally one of this batch of robots. Their bodies are equipped with the highest-end scanning equipment, which constitute their "eyes", and these "eyes" will gather various information collected through transmitters. On the dim screen of the terminal, the most precise and accurate image is finally presented.

However, their "eyes" failed at this time. Instead, Robot A, which was using the most advanced imaging equipment, saw what Mugan saw in their eyes.

This is why a military robot "sees" things that an engineering robot a can see at a glance.

"However, it is still impossible to infer whether the spaceship really exists." After carefully observing the spaceship outside the window for a while, Alpha came to his conclusion.

There are two reasons why the scanning device cannot scan:

One is that the spaceship in front of you is an illusion, it does not exist at all;

The other is that the anti-scanning system equipped with the spacecraft in front of them is higher than their scanning equipment level, and they cannot "see" each other.

Alpha prefers the second reason. As a robot, he trusts his scanning system more. Even if it hasn't been upgraded for a long time, he is still confident that his scanning system is higher than the anti-scanning systems of most spacecraft on the market.

"It doesn't matter whether he exists or not... as soon as the cannon is fired, nothing will exist!" A slight arc was raised at the corner of his mouth, and Olivia immediately instructed Mengmeng: "Prepare the spaceship, the weapons on board can still be used, we Take a shot at that."

His face is still pale, but his expression has calmed down. Olivia has come up with a solution: from childhood to adulthood, dealing with things that he hates, things that he doesn't understand, and even things that he is afraid of, the only thing Olivia can think of The solution is to destroy the opponent.

For example, when he was a child, Olivia was very afraid of the snake that others used to scare him, until he finally couldn't bear the fear, he rushed up and bit the snake to death, and then he was no longer afraid.

The sight became colder and colder, and several plans to bomb the ship appeared in Olivia's mind.

Just when Mengmeng accepted Olivia's instructions and began to discuss the docking matters with Ipsilon, Mugen suddenly spoke—

"Oli, shall we go see that ship?"

Olivia was stunned.

"Hey! That's the ghost ship! The ghost ship! I don't know if it exists or not. Even if it does exist, the ghost knows what's on it. Killing it before trouble comes is what we should consider?"

He was getting a little restless, which was what Olivia had been in so often before she met Mugan. Habitually, Olivia started to touch the lollipop in his pocket, and then he heard Mugan talking to him again.

"As Ollie said, this is a ghost ship! We found a ghost ship that no one else has ever seen before. What a pity we don't go up and see it?" Mugan's face was still pale, but his eyes Already shining, full of eagerness to try.

"Isn't it a very handsome thing to go on an adventure on a ghost ship that no one has ever been to?" Mugan's tone was full of excitement.

Olivia was stunned.

He thought about it for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt...

damn it!

This idea sounds really cool!

"Okay, I promise you." The promised words came out of Olivia's mouth without knowing it.

"Oh yeah! Ollie, you're so handsome!" Mugan hugged Sigma and cheered loudly.

I didn't expect Ollie to talk so well ← Mugan thought contentedly;

My own decision... It seems really handsome ← Olivia... He, he has forgotten that boarding the ship is not his request at all.

Anyway, watching Mugan's excitement at his decision(?), Olivia somehow felt that she really seemed to have made the right decision. Throwing the lollipop back into the pocket, Olivia informed Mengmeng to continue preparing the weapon, but she didn't need to launch it for the time being and was on standby for the time being.

"Don't worry, if you faint, I will carry you back." Looking at Mugan, who was still a little scared, Olivia even began to comfort him.

When you are afraid, seeing someone who is more afraid than yourself, it seems that you will grow up a little bit more courageously~

From childhood to adulthood, I am not afraid of the sky and earth, but Olivia, who was a little afraid of ghosts, suddenly felt that there was nothing to be afraid of ghosts.

"Thank you, if Oli faints, I will carry you back!" Grateful glanced at Olivia, Mugan immediately raised his arm to show his small muscles, confident Olivia promised.

"Pfft—" Then Olivia laughed again.

He didn't think Mugan could really carry himself. Although the height of the two people is similar, the weight is not on the same level.

Olivia secretly reminded herself that she must not faint, otherwise Mugen would never be able to carry herself away.

So, under the operation of Ipsilon, their spaceship slowly moved towards the ghost ship.

When they were one ship away from each other, they no longer needed Alpha and they re-scanned the ship to see if it existed: "It's true..." Mugan whispered with his heart pounding.


"It's so pretty..."


"Are we ready to go up?"

"… Um."

Looking at Mugan's face, Olivia felt that his heart was inexplicably calmed down. For the first time, he made a decision similar to an adventure.