There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 31: Enter the ghost ship


This is probably the benefit of robotic parents—they rarely refuse a decision for their kids.

"Olivia is very happy~" She took out her spaceship again and set up a fire circle outside, Mengmeng carried a cylindrical rocket and ran beside robot a: "I rarely see Olivia smiling like this. Well. Although he usually laughs a lot, but he laughs, sneers, and laughs wildly…”

Speaking of which, Mengmeng is stuck: wait - this Olivia doesn't sound like a good boy...

The robot who just heard him say this is the parent of Olivia's best friend! If the other party listened to him, it would be bad to have a bad misunderstanding of Olivia.

So Mengmeng made up for the dead sheep:

"Although Olivia doesn't seem like a good person when he smiles, he's really a good boy. I'm very old, and he has a lot of opportunities to replace the new robot, but he has never thrown me away! Not only did he not throw it away, he also You keep finding new materials for me to assemble my body!"

What Olivia has done that meets the standard of "good boy" is really too hard to find. There is no way, Mengmeng had to choose herself as an example. In the heart of the robot, if the model is outdated and not eliminated by the owner, then Their host is a very good host.

"Well, he's fine." Sure enough, Robot A thought so too.

"My legs were made by Mugan," he added later.

The voice of the robot is flat and unwavering, and no emotion can be heard. If the same sentence is said in a human tone, it is a proper show.

Robot A couldn't help showing off.

"It's not just the legs, my whole body is made by Olivia!" Mengmeng immediately shook her head, imitating the steel wire that imitated Mengmeng's dull hair: "Look, it even has hair!"

The perfect fuselage is Mengmeng's proudest treasure. Once he talks about it, he can't stop talking about it. He introduced the brand and model of the seamless screws on his body.

The dumb robot a couldn't get in at all, and couldn't think of anything else he could show off, so he had to listen in frustration. At this moment, Alpha, who was held in the palm of the hand by robot a, finally moved. .

Signaling robot a to hold himself in front of Mengmeng, Alpha's dim screen flashed a faint red light.

Red lights represent warnings and signals.

Mengmeng immediately realized that Alpha felt that she was too loud, and immediately stopped the work of the sound generator.

Unexpectedly, the red light display on the Alpha dim screen has added two more.

Uh... Mengmeng doesn't talk anymore? What is Alpha still warning himself about? Just when Mengmeng was puzzled, Alpha suddenly said: "This patch on my head was knocked on by Mugen."

Mengmeng then understood: the red light just now was not a "warning", but a "signal"

In fact, Alpha just wanted to show what Muggan made for him (≧▽≦)

As robots, Alpha they have no property.

Even the parts of the body will be dismantled and made into other objects when humans do not need them.

They don't have anything of their own.

Most robots can't even have an owner. Before fleeing the base, Alpha they are just robots serving in the army. They don't have a "home". The warehouse is where they are parked when they are not tasked. In the eyes of humans, they and a car , a teacup is no different; without an owner, they mechanically and precisely carry out whatever tasks humans assign them; they have no pay, no days off, and are forced to shut down when not on task to save energy.

After the mission is over, they will be repaired according to the degree of physical damage, and some damage that does not affect the function will be ignored.

There is a nick on Alpha's "left cheek". As a robot, he clearly remembers that it was left over from the first mission. Since the wound did not affect the use, the people in the maintenance department released him as "in good condition". The flaw is not big, and it does not affect the use, but Alpha himself is a little concerned.

He saw too many damaged robots at the maintenance office. If the legs of the robots that mainly use their arms to work for humans are injured, the human maintenance personnel will also release them as "intact". In the eyes of humans, it seems that As long as the robot is still functional, there is no need to waste time, energy and materials on repairs.

Nobody cares about them.

Until he met Mugan.

Muggan noticed the small breakages on them early on, and spent the rest of the time patching them up with various materials available.

"Although the color is a little different from the uncle's skin, I think it's quite handsome!" Alpha remembered everything Mugan said to him on the day he received the gift.

This is the first gift Alpha has received since his birth, and in the following time, he has received more and more gifts.

Robots all over the world have nothing.

Alpha thought he was the richest robot in the world.

Although Mugan would prepare a gift for each robot at the same time, Alpha received an additional gift due to the lack of facial material.

With this little difference, Uncle Alpha felt very relieved.

After showing off, Alpha immediately asked Robot A to support him to turn back to the original direction, and the Mengmeng robot just stuck for a while, and then caught up with the small steel cannon.


The children don't know what the parents are showing off. They are running very fast. After a few moments, they are already standing at the end of the connector.

"The other party's cabin is about to open, please be careful to fall." Ipsilon's voice sounded in their ears, and the familiar voice somewhat reassured the two teenagers.

The ghost ship was very large, much larger than their spaceship, so Ipsilon parked the entire spaceship on top of the ship. The opponent's spaceship has a spare port here, from which you can directly enter the cabin.

Under the operation of Ipsilon, the opponent's docking port slowly opened, and it was pitch black inside. Even if Olivia lit it with a flashlight, they still couldn't see what was underneath. Looking at the entrance under his feet, Mugan and Olivia looked at each other.

"I'll jump first." Olivia spoke first.


"I'll go down first to see if there is any problem, and then you jump down." Olivia said, and before Mugan could say anything to refute, he immediately jumped down.

The ground was very hard, but it was still a wooden floor. I felt the touch under my feet. Olivia looked around and found nothing out of the ordinary. After that, Olivia shouted to it: "Come down, I will catch-"

Olivia originally wanted to tell Mugan that she would catch him, but unfortunately, before he could finish speaking, Mugan jumped down.

Olivia had to silently withdraw her outstretched hand.