There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 36: Mysterious silver-haired man


As a phantom spaceship, Baiyun Duoduo is equipped with very high-end illusion weapons, which are not only used to attack the enemy, but also a good tool for Duoduo to entertain himself.

The picture that Olivia and Mugan had just witnessed were the memories of a ship that Duoduo had preserved using the principle of illusion weapons.

The ignorance at birth, the joy of growing up, the high spirits of being away from home, and the ups and downs of living independently.

Maybe as a spaceship, Bai Yun Duoduo can't understand these feelings, but anyone who sees his memory will instantly understand his feelings.

Especially at the end, the illusion has become the only means for Duoduo to ask for help.

By this time, Duoduo's illusion was already very weak, and due to insufficient energy, he could not even complete the image.

In Duoduo's last memory picture, Mugen and Olivia finally saw their figure.

When the two teenagers were laughing and laughing at each other, Duoduo's faint shadow had already followed them. Along the way, he used all methods to attract the attention of Mugan and his party, but unfortunately no one found him.

Mengmeng and Alpha are robots, and they automatically use the scanning device to see things by default. This visual method was originally used to prevent the interference of hallucination weapons, so it is absolutely impossible for Duoduo to be discovered by them; in this way, the only one who can find him is only Maybe Olivia or Mugan.

However, the bad thing is that Duoduo's illusion is too faint. When there is light, the light can easily penetrate him. When there is no light, Mugen, whose eyesight is only a little better than ordinary people, is destined to be unable to see him.

Luckily Olivia was there.

In the extremely dark cabin, only Olivia noticed the desperate blossoming.

Even if I'm the only one who sees you, then, that can't scare me! ! ! ! ! Finally understand the whole story, Olivia thought with a black line.


"Thank you, Mr. Olivia, thank you for following me and finding me from under the floor." This Duoduo is quite polite, forget it.

Olivia touched her nose, who had rarely been grateful since she was a child, and finally decided to let go of this rusty head.

"Thank you Mr. Mugan for discovering me in the box, for patiently removing the rust for me, and for soldering the circuit. Your movements are very gentle and precise, almost on par with my master."

"You're welcome, I didn't actually do anything: your material is very good, and the rust marks are only a little bit, so it's very easy to remove." Mugen waved his hand hastily, and after thinking about it, he said with a little emotion: "Your The circuit wiring is also very particular, using three layers of protective film, I will replace it with your father and uncle in the future."

Just when I helped him maintain the circuit, I discovered that Duoduo's internal materials are very particular, and this is the most important capital that he can persist in this environment for so many years.

Duoduo was stunned: "Dad? Uncle? Circuit?"

Muggan is human, and he really doesn't think humans need to have circuits in them.

Mugen then raised Alpha to Duoduo: "This is my uncle, Alpha."

The big heads of the two machines are just like the dim light screen against the dim light screen.

The communication between the robots is very magical, and I don't know what communication they have done between them, Alpha immediately asked Mugan to hold himself back again.

Although there is no expression on the robot's face, Mugen knows that Alpha still likes Duoduo's ← Uncle likes polite (robot) people~(≧▽≦)!

"Thank you... beep... thank... beep-" Duoduo said thanks again: "hope... beep... hope you can send me... beep... back... beep... to... beep... master... beep... beside... beep-"

Duoduo only had time to say these words, and then, as the blue light in the dim screen gradually closed, his voice became more and more stuck, and finally—

He was silent.

Like a dream, the originally brightly lit spaceship was pitch black again.

"He is..." Olivia hurriedly grabbed him, and he instinctively asked Alpha for help (Mengmeng: ( ⊙ o ⊙) Why not ask Mengmeng for help?)

"There's no electricity." In a succinct reply to Olivia's question, Alpha immediately started to assign tasks to the robots on standby above through the intranet.

"Please note: Mugen has now obtained all the permissions of the Baiyun Duoduo. Please prepare for Ipsilon. After one minute, you will fully take over the control of the spacecraft's flight. Eta and Beta, as deputy, please prepare together."

"Yes, obey." After the same simple reply, Epsilon glanced at Robot A, which had been holding them.

Because the intellectual brain system is too backward, robot a cannot connect to the Internet with them, so he knows nothing about what happened on the ship. The result of wanting to know but not being able to know in time is that while waiting for Mugan's return, the robot a has been holding the other big heads in circles at a constant speed in place.

Not wanting to be spun around any more, Ipsilon immediately conveyed the instructions Alpha had just issued to Robot A in a succinct and clear manner.

So, after being processed by the Epsilon brand language batch processor, Alpha's long and tongue-in-cheek instructions finally converged into one sentence: "Muggan picked up another ship."

"That's great." Sure enough, Robot A immediately stayed in place.


A ghost ship expedition—

Muggan's harvest: 1 ghost ship (value cannot be estimated) + 1 clock (market value of 150 million francs) + one music box (market value of 150 million francs) + 1 dagger (market value of 200 million francs)

Olivia Harvest:…

"No gain at all!!!" Grabbing his head, Olivia rolled on the floor without image, rolling and rolling, and he finally rolled on Muggan, who was sitting next to him wiping the spoils.

"Hey! This is for you." Mugen smiled and handed the knife in his hand to Olivia.

"Hey? Why? It's very expensive!" Olivia was stunned. His hair was all blown up by him while rolling, which looked very funny.

"Didn't you also send me a box of coins you found?" As he said, Mugen pointed to the box next to him that he had wiped clean.

"However, my box of coins is worthless at all." Looking down at the clean and beautiful knife in her hand, Olivia's expression was a little cramped.

"I'm so old, besides my father and Uncle Sigma, you were the first one to give me a present." Mugen seemed to have not noticed his embarrassment, and just continued to wipe the music box in his hand.

"Well, then I'll accept it." Without saying a polite thank you, Olivia carefully hung the knife on her waist chain.

In all his life, the knife was never removed from him.

In the next time, with the help of Olivia, Mugen finally cleaned up all the spoils brought up below, put these things away, and they began to study the star chart.

Alpha's journey on the Baiyun Duoduo recorded the location of his hometown, which is a small and almost invisible planet on the map. Although it deviates slightly from their route, Alpha still decided to send Baiyun Duoduo first. No. go home.

Young teens don't know the specific reasons for their parents' decision, they just look forward to the journey that is about to begin. Head to head together, they had a heated discussion about the upcoming landing plan (≧▽≦)

And at this moment, in the orphanage of a certain imperial satellite 100,000 light-years away from them, a man left with a cold and stern face.

The hair, eyebrows, and even the eyelashes were all silver-white like snow. Against the background of the snow-white, the man's blood-red eyes were particularly eye-catching.

Behind him, the dean of the orphanage trotted behind him, trying to say something to him again, but was immediately stopped by the tall guards around the man.

Completely ignoring the gazes of the people around him, the silver-white man sat in immediately after his subordinates opened the door for him. After ordering to drive immediately, he put his chin on one hand.

It is now 386 years of the Starlight Calendar, and Olivia, who originally lived in this remote orphanage, has long since left the orphanage. It seems that she is still a step late.

Where will Olivia go after leaving the orphanage

He was lost in thought.