There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 37: Three heads


Olivia, who was searched by the silver-haired man, was naturally with Mugen. With Ipsilon's precise operation, they finally completely left the Dead Sea Mausoleum Star Region.

"Finally crawled out of the grave." Olivia stretched and turned to talk to Mugan, only to find that Mugan was stuck to the window.

"What did you see?" Olivia walked over to Muggan in confusion and looked in the direction of his line of sight: there was nothing there except a few spaceships.

Mugen just stared blankly at the scene outside the window and did not speak. The difference in growth background is doomed that Olivia cannot understand how he feels now.

After leaving the Dead Sea Emperor's Mausoleum, more and more spaceships appeared around them.

So many "people" - that's the only feeling Mugan feels right now!

There are many people on each spaceship. There are so many spaceships here, which means that there are more people in the spaceship!

"There are so many people here!" Finally, he couldn't bear it any longer, Mugen turned his face excitedly, his eyes were shining, and his cheeks were slightly flushed.

"Uh... Is there any?" Olivia looked out the window: it's just a dozen spaceships, okay? How many spaceships can there be in a place where such birds don't lay eggs!

But Mugan was obviously excited: "Since I was born, this is the first time I have seen so many people! People who are exactly like me!"

Well, forget that this guy crawled out of a planet that is more country than the country.

However, Olivia felt that it was necessary to mention this country boy in advance: "The people here may be a little different from what you think..."


Looking at Mugan's silly face with a question mark, Olivia sold out, smiled badly and ran away.

Then Mugan quickly learned why he said that.

"Uh..." Looking at the person on the screen, Mugen stammered a little.

"Hello, what would you like to eat?" The "people" on the screen were a little impatient without ordering for a long time.

Here's the thing: a red spaceship just happened to pass by the fairway next to them, and the moment he saw the other party, Ollie hurriedly stopped the other party.

According to Ollie, this is a mobile restaurant that travels through the universe, providing a variety of fast food snacks for interstellar travelers.

After connecting to the other party's communication device, Olivia smiled and pushed Mugan to the screen. After a while, the waiter on the fast food restaurant appeared on the screen, and then—

Mugan was stunned - the waiter on the screen was right, but he had three heads!

Three heads are fine, but each head looks different, and two of them are obviously female! The other one is a man!

"How is it, are you scared? The people here are right, but unfortunately they are not the same as you~" Standing beside him, Olivia smiled secretly.

"Uh... I just thought, should I call him Mr. or Miss..." Mugan whispered.

So this time, it was Olivia's turn to be stunned: it wasn't that she was scared by the person with three heads, but she was confused about how to call each other if the gender of the three heads was different

Olivia felt that she couldn't understand the structure of Mugan's brain more and more.

Unfortunately, Olivia couldn't answer Mugan's question. He knew that there were three-headed people in the universe, but the genders of the three-headed people were always difficult to distinguish, and most people rarely addressed them as "Mr." and "Ms.". Most of the time, they will "hello" directly.

In the end, Mugen found the solution himself. He carefully looked at the badge on the waiter's chest on the screen. After recognizing the name of the other party, he didn't stutter at all when he spoke again.

"Hello sir, please show me the menu!" With a firm gaze, Mugen said this sentence with great certainty.

However, he was not very firm in his heart: Is this what he said when ordering in a restaurant? This sentence was learned a long time ago in the situational dialogue part of the textbook. Because it was not applied after learning, Mugen was a little timid.

This time it was the waiter's turn to be stunned.

One of his three heads turned to the right to watch TV, and the other seemed to be answering the phone. However, when he heard Mugan's words, the other two heads turned at the same time, and six eyes were straightened at once. Muggan, who was staring, was a little nervous, but he didn't show it.

Then, the three heads put on a big smile at the same time. Although the smile is very bright, the effect is indeed a bit terrifying.

Mugan laughed reflexively.

"Hello sir, please look at the menu." The impatience just now disappeared completely, and the attitude of the waiter suddenly became very friendly.

This time, even Olivia was surprised - this fast food spaceship belongs to a very large catering group. Most of the employees hired are also Faroese. These three-headed people are known for their short temper and lack of service spirit. They have the most chain ships, and many people have to continue to use their services.

Olivia is one of the guests who is often left half-fumed by the three-headed service.

He also often buys food and eats on the spaceship of the Faroes, and has never gotten a good face. For a period of time, his greatest wish was to "blow up the Faroes and exterminate all the three-headed people in the universe"!

It was a coincidence to stop the spaceship this time. Olivia just wanted to see how Morgan saw the three-headed man. If it were normal, he would not patronize their business easily.

You are the only guest who has been warmly served by the three-headed person, right? (← He happened to be standing next to Mugan, so when the three-headed man smiled at Mugan, he was actually smiling at him)

Olivia thought she was dreaming.

However, the dream continued. The smile on the face of the three-headed man who was recognized by Interstellar as the "worst waiter" was still there. He smiled and put many menus on the screen, many of which Olivia never knew. It's actually provided here!

"Sir, you don't need to read these official menus, just look at the two menus on the right." The three smiling heads said at the same time.

"Uh...why?" Morgan scratched his head.

"Because the menu on the left is for general customers, it uses cheap leftovers~ It's not good for a growing teenager like you!"

Madan! Am I not a growing teenager? ! You have never shown me the menu on the left before - Olivia is embarrassed!

"So that's how it is." Nodding, Morgan began to study the two menus on the right.

Silently listening to the conversation between the two of them, Olivia also leaned over to study the menu on the right.

"This grilled Lola fish looks good! Order one? The hot spring dragon turtle egg is also good, I want two!" Olivia cracked and said a bunch of dish names, and then he felt that Morgan secretly poked Poke him.

"What's the matter?" Olivia's eyes were still on the menu. After so many days of only eating nutritional supplements, he missed this kind of cooking food so much (≧▽≦)!

"Oli, I have a question." Mugan's voice was so low that Olivia had to lean in to hear it clearly.

"Are you rich?" Mugan asked very seriously.

Olivia stopped for a moment.

He touched his pocket inconspicuously, and then raised his head in a guilty conscience: "Money... I've bought lollipops..."

With an expression of "as expected", Mugen raised his head and said sincerely to the waiter who was still waiting on the screen: "Sorry, we have no money."

He spoke so fast that Olivia didn't even have time to stop his mouth, and the words had already blurted out.


The three-headed people will never stop in vain. Once they wave their hands, they have to pay. If they can't pay...

Olivia now regretted that she actually stopped their spaceship, and he was not someone who just waited to die. He secretly called Mengmeng over, and he began to check the chances of him hitting the opponent's spaceship.

Then, something even more incredible happened:

"It doesn't matter, you are the 500th guest today, and the order is free!" The three big faces were still smiling, and there was no trace of anger.

Open your eyes and talk nonsense! It's only been ten minutes today, how come you have five hundred guests! ! ! —Olivia looked at the time and felt even more mysterious.

It's a pity that Mugan didn't think it at all, he believed it, and then ordered everything Olivia had just ordered, and then he only wanted a glass of milk.

Milk can make you grow taller - it's said in Children's Literacy Daquan! Mugen has long wanted to drink it!

"Okay, please open the connection to us next." The smiling clerk carefully took down Mugan's order. Just when Mugen said thank you and goodbye, and was about to turn off the communication device, the smiling clerk suddenly spoke. .

"Hello sir, may I ask you one last question?"

"Ah? Okay." Mugen was stunned, and then he nodded.

"Why do you call me Mr.? Are my faces female?"

"..." He didn't expect him to ask this question at all, Mugan was a little surprised, but he answered his question honestly: "I saw your name tag, is it your name? It's a male name. Ah, the beautiful Cullen Sea—isn't that what your name means? What a nice name."

Er Bo's language class taught this language. Although Mugen said it was not very good, reading and writing was not a problem.

So the three heads laughed even more happily.

"What a very knowledgeable gentleman, thank you."

"..." Finally, he waved at the three-headed waiter, and Mugan cut off the communication device.

He didn't know that he had done something very important to the three-headed people: because of the sparse population and backward culture, the three-headed people's language has declined, and because their different heads have different genders, most people can't Identify their gender.

Can't name them, can't tell the gender, in this case, most people will directly call them "hello" when facing the three-headed people. Many three-headed people never hear a formal word after they leave their hometown. 's name.

This is extremely disrespectful behavior.

Muggan was the first person the three-headed man met just now and called himself correctly.

What a great day - the three-headed clerk was in a good mood and added an extra platter to Mugan's order.

"What a beautiful day!" Olivia, who saw the extra gifts, was also overjoyed: "This is the most expensive food on their ship! It's a limited edition!"

Olivia happily brought the plate over.

Mugen was stunned for a while, then hurriedly took out something from his backpack and put it away before the other party's plate was collected.

"Come over for dinner!" Olivia greeted him: "What did you just put on the other party's plate?"

"The alarm clock picked up on the Baiyun Duoduo." Mugen said honestly, took a sip from the milk glass, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"What!!!" Olivia squirted: "That's, that's-"

One hundred and fifty million Farads!

He didn't finish his words because Mugen cut a piece of fish and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Is it tasty?"

"good to eat… "

"If it's delicious, then eat more."

"… Um."

What a hearty day.

People in the outside world are also very friendly - Mugan thought very happily.

It turns out that the three-headed people are not unreasonable - Olivia also has a new view on this race. The dishes on the hidden menu are really delicious, and it is more cost-effective not to collapse their planet.

Unconsciously, the future of the universe has quietly changed.