There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 43: new robot


Mugan and Olivia temporarily stayed on the M7. In order to thank them for sending the Baiyun Duoduo home, she said that she would do an inspection for Alpha and other robots, and upgrade the system by the way.

"Is she okay? She's so old, her hands are shaking... " Looking at the old lady's trembling body, Olivia questioned at the time, and then Ms. Duolai hit her butt hard with a cane.

"Never discuss her age in front of a lady!" With her eyebrows raised, Ms. Duolai did not get angry and said: "My hand is unstable, isn't there still you? You are standing here in vain. ?"

With a flick of her cane, she began assigning tasks to Olivia and Mugan. Too high-end things can't be done yet. Ms. Duolai threw them a maintenance manual and asked them to follow the above content to do daily maintenance for a total of 230 robots around.

Then she herself silently confronted Alpha and the others.

"You young people really don't take care of yourself, how did you dismantle yourself like this? In this way, even if you dismantle the body from the spaceship again, you won't be able to run it again." After carefully examining the situation of Alpha and the others, Duo Lady Lai shook her head in disapproval.

Although the body of the robot can be disassembled, it cannot be completely disassembled. The disassembly of some key parts will inevitably involve programming problems. In order to make up for the lack of materials, Alpha and the others have destroyed many of their core programs. This is a kind of destructive behavior.

However, Alpha was indifferent, consistent with him, and Beta and the others did not move.

Can't change back, we're going to send Mugan to school.

If they had eyes, people must be able to see what they are thinking in their eyes, but unfortunately they only have dim screens.

The calm green straight line slowly slides and browses in the dim light screen, as long as they don't speak, no one knows what they are thinking now.

However, this person does not include Duolai.

"Your supervision object is still young and simple-minded. Your current body can no longer protect him. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Although Duoduo has a simple mind, he is already strong enough. Even if he will suffer some hardships outside, those hardships cannot destroy him. I have confidence in the strong body I have given him. Mugen is different, he is just a human being. If you suffer a lot, you may no longer be able to live to correct your mistakes."

"Machine can be repaired, but the human body is difficult to really repair."

After saying this, she stopped speaking, leaning on crutches, she was waiting for Alpha's choice.

She was not surprised what choices Alpha they would make.

Although Alpha and the others are just robots, their identity is a human parent. As a parent, she can easily infer the choices other parents who love their children will make on this issue.

While Ms. Duolai waited with confidence, Alpha and the others silently dropped their parts from the spacecraft again. However, only a part of it fell off, and more parts were stuck on the hull of Ipsilon and could not get off.

This is the consequence of the program being forcibly broken.

For example, human limbs are composed of flesh, blood, etc. If a broken limb wants to be reinstalled, a skilled physician must align their blood vessels, flesh, etc., and then the next suture can be performed. ; Like human amputation and reconnection, the cutting of the robot body is never as simple as rough disassembly.

The body of a robot is a precise combination of the materials that make up the body and countless complex programs. Ipsilon's body can be transformed between spaceship and robot form, and this transformation is not arbitrary: where is each piece of metal installed when it is in the spaceship, where it appears after it becomes a robot, and everything It was established early in the previous installation program, and all the metals were cleverly connected through the program, and they were seamlessly connected.

On the basis of the established program, Alpha and their parts were forcibly inserted, and the program of the Epsilon itself was forcibly destroyed in the process. Even if it was disassembled again, it could not be combined into the previous Epsilon robot; And Alpha and the others are even more miserable: they are not combined robots at first, their combined program is only for them to disassemble part of their limbs by themselves, and does not include the disassembly of the whole body at all, not to mention that they cooperate with the limbs of other robots to form a new machine after disassembly. Finished product!

In the process of disassembly, the original program lost its meaning. Even if it was taken down, they could not use the original parts to reassemble their body.

Metals of different colors were scattered all over the place, and the Epsilon spacecraft without the roof was parked in tatters, looking particularly desolate.

If you hadn't met Ms. Dorai, this scene was what Mugan was about to face when he arrived at his destination.

"The next thing is up to me." Fortunately, they met Ms. Duolai.

Stacking up her sleeves, Ms. Duolai started work very energetically.


When the parents were busy, Mugan and Olivia were not idle either.

The maintenance manual Ms. Duolai gave them was very thick, difficult and complicated.

""The Elementary Production Method of Intelligent Robots" - by Dole Z. Romrabeso." Olivia read the words on the cover: "This is basically a textbook, right? I have never heard of this book. The book, I don’t know if the old lady published it for her own entertainment.”

"But to be able to create a spaceship like the Duoduo, Ms. Duolai must be very powerful."

"That's right, and... the name is a bit familiar." What he said just now was just a complaint. Olivia was still positive about Ms. Dole's level. He opened the thick textbook in his hand and began to talk to him. Mugan studied it together.

Today, robots have become an important part of human life. They are active in various fields and are engaged in various or boring or dangerous jobs. Anything that humans are unwilling to do is their main scope of work.

They were called robots at first. In the eyes of human beings, they are just steel machines composed of various parts; after that, they are called robots, and their functions are gradually improved. They are much more advanced than machines and can Engage in a complete process, just like a machine.

Today's robots are more developed, but the names have been fixed.

"I believe that robots will have life, and they may become a new race." This is the sentence on the first page of the book written by Ms. Dole.

"This is a very dangerous argument. Humans are resolutely opposed to treating robots as human beings. It's no wonder that I have never seen this book. This book is probably banned." Olivia said, but her fingers did not Stop, he couldn't wait to turn to the next page.

He has never systematically studied the manufacture of robots, and all the knowledge was taught by himself when he repaired Mengmeng. He always suspected that Mengmeng's current chatter was caused by something wrong in the repair process. To this end, he has been looking for a solution.

And this book looks like an opportunity.

What's more, they not only have textbooks, but also 230 robots for them to practice!

Undoubtedly, Mugan also had the same idea as him. Holding the heavy textbook, the two teenagers began to run around the streets.

Every time they find a robot, they will check the robot from beginning to end. There are detailed data of each robot in Duolai's textbook. They can check these robots against the original data. Once some data is deviated, they want to way to adjust this back. After operating a few robots in this way, they can basically check by feel without textbooks.

"Okay." Olivia checked a robot again. After restarting, the robot walked back to its original place very smoothly... to sell newspapers - the identity of this robot is the owner of the newsstand.

"Hey? Wait, your shirt isn't on yet!" Seeing the robot walking away, Mugen called out quickly, grabbing the shirt in his hand and catching up, he put the shirt back on the robot - just now When examining the body of the robot, he found that the button of his shirt had fallen off, and Mugan sewed the button up for him.

"Thank you." The robot thanked obediently.

"I just added a sentence to him, hehe, I added a few words to the voice program of each robot. When the old lady encounters them again in the future, she might be scared by them!" thought At that scene, Olivia smiled proudly.

"Sounds interesting! Call me next time you add a program, and I'll add it too!" Mugan was also eager to try.

Olivia was really smart, always coming up with all sorts of interesting ideas—Muggan was sure of Olivia again.

This is really a good way. When Ms. Duolai goes for a walk in the future, these robots can "chat" with her in all kinds of unexpected ways. Ms. Duolai should be very happy, right

Although the starting point was completely different from Olivia's, Mugen really thought it was a good idea, so in the next maintenance, the two secretly assigned themselves an extra task. They added several automatic reply programs to the robot's program. Once triggered, they can make various reactions and reply to different sentences according to the triggering conditions.

These robots have become more realistic because of their thoughts, and the overhauled robots have become more and more flexible. They walk around, greet each other when they pass by, and quarrel when they disagree.

"It looks like there are real people living here." Mugan said happily watching these robots come back to life because of themselves.

"Yeah." Olivia nodded in agreement, he was also very accomplished.

"To be honest, I think I can build a robot myself!" Olivia cocked her tail a little.

Hearing his words, Mugan was stunned at first, and then quickly became excited; "Oli, you're right! We can all build a robot ourselves now!"

His eyes were so bright, and Olivia turned sideways uncomfortably when he stared at him like that.

"Oli! Let's build two robots! Build you and me, and I want our robots to live on this planet!" Mugan said loudly to Olivia with bright eyes.

His voice was so bewitching, and he quickly imagined in his mind the scene of the Olivia robot and the Mugan robot happily running around the town, and his eyes became brighter.

Looking at each other, the two teenagers reached a consensus with their eyes, and they quickly started to get busy.