There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 44: Ollie Robot & Mugan Robot


Under the guidance of Baiyun Duoduo, they obtained a lot of materials for making robots. Although they are all very common materials, Mugen is already very satisfied.

Following the structure of other robot dolls, it took them three days to finally assemble two robots.

Those were two very simple and crude robots, and because the last material was not enough, they only made three robotic arms.

"It has been automatically set in their program: this arm is used by the Olivia robot, 246, and the Muggan robot. On Sunday, they decide who will use it." Enter a program into two The robot's chip, Mugan gave Olivia an ok gesture.

Olivia just stood in front of the two robots with a solemn expression. Seeing his expression, Mugen was a little uneasy: "What, what's wrong?"

"There are so many things that are wrong!" Turning back with a black line, Olivia's expression was very bitter.

The two of them divided the labor according to the parts they were good at. Olivia, who often helped Mengmeng to upgrade the program, was responsible for writing the main program, while Mugen volunteered to take on the shape of the robot. After completing their work, the two of them put the robot together. After assembling, the finished product appeared in front of her eyes, and Olivia was dumbfounded.

"Is this what you said is good at art? In your eyes, I look like this?" Pointing to the Olivia robot with white hair, triangular eyes, small mouth, and pointed nose, real Olivia An indignant complaint came out: "Where does this look like me? Do I look like a bad guy?!"

It's like everywhere - although there is no sound, but Mugan's eyes have completely conveyed what he was thinking to Olivia.

"My art grades have always been full marks. My uncle said that I am good at drawing..." He explained weakly.

Art is completely different from mathematics, physics and other disciplines. There is no accurate answer. For robots without aesthetic ability, they can only rely on some established standards to judge the quality of a painting.

Although Muggan's paintings are nothing like the paintings, there are also people who painted like him in history and eventually became super famous painters! Those people also founded new schools of painting, such as the abstract Fauvism or something. According to this standard as the judging standard, the uncle finally gave Mugan the judgment of excellent art performance.

Morgan, who has only been praised for his paintings since he was a child, takes it for granted that his art performance is superb (≧▽≦)

Naturally, Olivia didn't know these histories, so he could only stand here and have serious doubts about Alpha's aesthetics.

Olivia looked at Olivia Robot - white hair, triangular eyes, small mouth, pointed nose; he looked at Mugan Robot - black hair, round eyes, triangle mouth, nose... off.

Well, compared to the Mugan robot, the Olivia robot looks better. As early as Mugan praised the robot dolls here for their good looks, they should have been vigilant. People who think those ghost dolls are good-looking , where can the aesthetics be normal

Sighing, Olivia re-adjusted the facial features of the two robots resignedly.

Black hair, a swirl on the top of the head, small but very attractive eyes, long but drooping eyelashes, always smiling... Imagine the appearance of Mugen, Olivia's Mugen robot has very good facial features. About to take shape.

"It seems!" Mugan was shocked.

Olivia ignored him, and quietly adjusted a few places at the end, after examining it again, he came to his robot again.

Only at this time did he realize that he could not remember what he looked like...

With the shadow reflected from the glass window on the side, Olivia took a closer look at herself: her hair hadn't been cut for too long, her eyes were covered, and the eyes covered by the thick hair were completely different from Mugen's, with eye sockets. Very deep, dark circles under the eyes are very serious, and it looks very fierce. If you look closely, you will have a little triangular eyes. In short, it looks very fierce. The nose is straight, but the nose is really pointed, with a thin Mouth, don't say—

It really looks a bit like the Olivia robot made by Mugen, and it looks like a bad embryo!

Taking out the dagger Mugen had given him, Olivia cut her hair short so that the amber eyes were exposed and the sun shone on his face, though his complexion was still pale , but at least it won't make people feel gloomy. It's just that the dark circles are still very heavy. Although this can't be removed immediately, it is not difficult for Olivia: if you don't make dark circles around the eyes of Olivia's robot, won't it be gone

According to his own appearance, (with a little artificial beautification), Olivia got his own robot in three strokes, and he proudly showed Mugen: "Look, this is me!"

"Liar! You don't look like this at all! Ollie's dark circles are heavy!" Mugan didn't give him any face at all.

"This... When I use the eye cream, the dark circles are gone, and this is what it looks like." Olivia vowed.

Mugan then dubiously compared the Olivia robot to the real Olivia.

While bickering, the two ended up working together to proofread the two robots, dressing them in the clothes Olivia got (the ripped jeans were sewn up), Muggan and Olivia Put two robots in two adjacent empty rooms.

"This is my house, and yours is right next to it. From now on, we are neighbors." Mugen smiled.

They also made robots of Mengmeng, Alpha, Robot a and other robots together. Mengmeng was placed in Olivia Robot's home, and the robots of Alpha and other robots were placed next to Mugen Robot, and the two empty houses instantly became full. .

"Haha! Ollie sells candy in your house, and mine sells eggs!" They also discovered the original identities of the owners of the two empty houses with great interest, cleaned the house, and discarded the tools in the warehouse that were not used by the owners. Take it out and set it up outside, the two stores look very presentable.

According to the program settings, the Olly robot and the Muggan robot will go to school together every morning, do homework together, they will chase and fight in the streets and alleys together, and after the sky gets dark, they will say goodbye to each other and go back to their respective homes .

And then still play together again the next day.

Imagining that scene, Olivia didn't speak for a long time.

Together with Mugan, he silently made a name tag with his family name for Olivia Robot. The family name tags of the two families are close together, looking very close.

"Olivia, what are you laughing at?" After ordering the name tag on the wall, Mugan gave Olivia a strange look.

"Haha? Am I laughing?" Olivia scratched her head, stunned.

"Well, it's such a silly smile. It's the first time I've seen you smile like that." Shrugging his shoulders, Mugen walked past him and walked away: "We have to go back quickly, Ms. Duolai wants us to go back early today!"

I saw him beckoning to Olivia, and Olivia quickly ran towards him. When he ran over, he was not serious. Olivia slammed Mugan hard, not willing to be hit. Muggan, who was fighting back, immediately chased after him. The two teenagers chased and ran to where Ms. Xiang Duolai was, and the streets and alleys were full of their laughter.

Not long after they left, the Olivia robot and the Mugan robot also walked out of their home, clapped and greeted each other, and the two robots went to school happily together.

The frozen expressions on the faces of the Ollie robot and the Mugen robot were full of smiles.

The two robots faithfully recorded the mood of the two producers at the moment.

From now on, no matter how far Olivia and Mugan will go in the future, no matter whether they will be separated in the future, their two robots will always stay here, neighbors with each other, until their parts decay and become unusable.

Like a frozen time.


Mugan and Olivia had a good time playing. Ms. Dorai upgraded the internal programs of all robots, so that Alpha regained control of herself; she also cleared the robot pie, which caused him to be unable to boot. In addition, with the help of robot a and Jimmy, she helped Mengmeng repair the fault on her butt.

I must give a thumbs up to Ms. Duolai's efficiency!

"Thank you! Madam Duolai!" Mugen thanked Duolai Temple gratefully.

"No need to thank you, you also helped me maintain all the robots." She waved her hand generously, and Ms. Duolai smiled.

"Muggan, are you going to start school? In order to catch up with the start of school as scheduled, you will be ready to leave tomorrow." While sorting out the procedures for Alpha and the others, Ms. Duolai also saw Muggan's admission letter, and also Note the numbers representing the start date.

Only then did I remember this matter, and Mugen was stunned.

In fact, he was a little bit resistant to the matter of starting school. Uncle Alpha and their wanted criminals had troubled him for a long time. Before he found a way to help them solve this matter, he hoped that he would not go to the big planet with many people as much as possible.

As if she was born with the skill of "penetrating people's hearts", Ms. Duolai smiled again: "Alpha and their original records have been withdrawn, and I deleted them directly from the system of the Military Robot Management Center. Since then, there is no record in the file. Alpha and the other six robots."

"In the system, they are now just ordinary household robots, safe and harmless, and can walk freely in the range of human activities."

"And you are my distant relative who just passed the exam and got the admission letter from Imperial College."

After gently explaining what she had done in the past few days, Ms. Duolai extended a hand to Mugen: "My child, I wish you all the best for the entrance exam in advance."

Mugen was stunned, and his eyes met Ms. Duolai's blue eyes.

It was a pair of mechanical eyes, Mugen knew, but now he can see the gentleness and encouragement that only humans have in those mechanical eyes.

Mugen glanced at Olivia and saw him nodding to himself, Mugen slowly and solemnly held Ms. Duolai's right hand.

"Thank you."


The night before departure, Ms. Duolai invited them to a big dinner.

For Mugan and Olivia, it was a terrifying experience of being entertained. All kinds of dark dishes were put on the table in turn, and Ms. Duolai asked them to eat with great enthusiasm, and often persuaded them to drink.

"Minors are not allowed to drink. Drinking during the developmental period will easily lead to mental retardation, low growth, and illness." Although he was very grateful to Ms. Duolai, Mugen still refused her persuasion to drink alcohol, and by the way returned the right to the side. Olivia's glass was full of juice.

"The cooking method of this dish is also wrong. It is only half cooked, and there is a special kind of bacteria in it that cannot be completely killed. Uncle Alpha said: Although this kind of bacteria is harmless to adults, it is very harmful to minors. Neither Leigh nor I can eat it." Taking a serious look at the dishes on the table, Mugan pushed one of the dishes away from Olivia again.

Olivia, who was holding up her chopsticks, gave a disappointed "cut".

"Human children are really fragile..." Seeing Mugen's serious and serious appearance, Ms. Duolai muttered in a low voice, she took a sip of wine, and her eyes slowly fell on the Baiyun Duoduo on the side: "So I don't want human children."

"Human children are too delicate to be raised by someone like me."

"It's still my Duoduo the best."

"He came into this world from my hands, was taught by me to be what I imagined, inherited everything from me, and he is my child."

"I was forcibly brought into this world and educated like this, so I have to be responsible for him..."

"...fortunately you brought him back..."

She sighed softly.