There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 45: start sailing


Jimmy was the first to fall, because the snoring was too loud, and Ms. Dorai told Mugan to quickly help him to the next room to sleep.

During the time he was away, Mugan didn't watch, Olivia secretly drank a glass of wine, and got drunk o(╯□╰)o

But Ollie was an honest drunk. After he got drunk, he fell asleep obediently. His face was flushed, and he looked much healthier. Not long after he fell asleep, Mugan couldn't hold it any longer. After all, he was a good boy who didn't stay up all night. He rubbed his eyelids, then rubbed his eyelids again, and finally fell to Olivia. Snoring lay down beside him.

They were all asleep, and the only ones left were Ms. Dorai and a few robots. Quietly looking at their sleeping faces, Ms. Duolai poured herself a drink with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

Even though he slept very late the night before, as dictated by the biological clock, Muggan got up on time the next day, pulled the quilt for Olivia, who was drooling, and took the empty wine glass from Ms. Dorai's hand. Withdrew - Ms. Duolai didn't know when she fell asleep, not only did she fall asleep sitting down, and she didn't throw away the wine glass in her hand.

"Good morning, Dad." Not long after he woke up, it was time for robot a to turn on at the scheduled time every day. The father and son said good morning to each other, and then started to work together.

After cleaning up the mess from yesterday's dinner, Mugan made breakfast with the remaining ingredients. Robot a was in charge of watching the pot. During this time, Mugen was not idle. He tidy up Ms. Duolai's room. During this time, Ms. Duolai was not afraid of them entering her room, so Mugen thought that the other party should Don't mind helping clean up yourself.

Fifteen sets of dentures were swept out in the bedroom alone. Mugen carefully brushed them with a brush and placed them neatly on Ms. Duolai's sink. After these things were done, the soup for breakfast hadn't been cooked yet, so Mugen simply took Ms. Duolai's clothes out and washed them.

So, when Ms. Duolai was awakened by the smell of breakfast, she saw an unbelievably neat and tidy room.

"Oh my God!" Looking around in disbelief, she glanced at Mugan who was running in and out, and Ms. Duolai kicked Olivia who was rolling under her feet: "Little lazy chicken, the sun Snap the tail!"

Her wake-up action was very rude, and when she saw Ms. Dole's "destruction" of Oli at the first time, Mugan rushed in to save Olivia.

"Ms. Duolai, let me call him!" As expected, Ms. Duolai had never raised any human children. Such a rude way of waking up would almost lead to complaints of domestic violence.

After nervously checking Ollie up and down, Mugan breathed a sigh of relief after finding that Ollie was uninjured.

However, Olivia, who was usually a light sleeper and had a good night's sleep today, was not so easy to wake up. After Muggan called for a long time without success, Mengmeng finally came out.

Putting a bowl of warm stew on Olivia's nose, Olivia woke up with a sniff.

"Good morning Ollie!" When he woke up, he saw Mugen's big smiling face, and then saw Mengmeng carefully holding a bowl of meat next to him, Olivia's eyes straightened for a while, and scratching his head, he also revealed With a smile, he whispered good morning.

The golden sunlight shone on the two teenagers through the window. Today is a rare sunny day on this planet.

"If you don't come to eat again, breakfast will become lunch." In the end, Ms. Duolai's voice broke the beautiful weather: "Why don't you go wash up quickly? Do you want me, the old man, to wait for you on an empty stomach?"

Ms. Duolai just mentioned a word - "Oli Tweet", Olivia didn't pay attention at first, and when he realized what she had just said, he instinctively looked behind him and made sure After there was no tail showing, he immediately stared at Ms. Duolai alertly.

The earliest overlords on the earth were dinosaurs. Later, the cold snap came, and so did the meteorites. The dinosaurs became extinct, and the apes became the king and hegemony, and finally evolved into human beings on the earth.

Therefore, the people of the earth are apes.

If, probably, if, there is a planet with very similar environmental conditions and the development of the earth, escaped that terrible natural disaster, and the dinosaurs did not die, then, then... the inhabitants on it became the evolution of dinosaurs, that planet The owners of the planet will be these dinosaur people.

Each planet has a race that eventually defeated other races and eventually successfully evolved into humans. Various human beings live in the same universe, and finally constitute the humans in this universe.

Although they all seem to be human, due to the different primitive races, the appearance of the same human is very different. For example, humans evolved from plants do not bleed, and can be reborn with broken limbs; for example, murlocs can breathe freely in water; for example, dinosaurs are born with extremely tyrannical bodies—

Although Olivia looks the same as Mugan on the outside, it is very different inside: Olivia is a "dinosaur man" known as one of the strongest races in the universe.

That's not all, he's still a "Kantas".

This is a powerful race that once unified the universe. The owner of the Dead Sea Emperor's Tomb, Louis I, belongs to this race. This is the most powerful and rarest race among the dinosaur species. Powerful bodies, long lifespans, and extraordinary wisdom make every Kantas a presence at the top of the pyramid, and they are big figures in this universe. The national animation - "The Adventures of Kan Mengmeng", the protagonist Kan Mengmeng is a Kantas.

Olivia is also a Cantas, but he is not a big man, he is just a Cantas cub who has not yet grown up, just like Kanmengmeng.

"Tweet" is the cry of Kantas cubs, and it is also the nickname of adult Kantas for cubs. "Oli Tweet" is equal to "Cub Ollie". His racial identity was revealed in one sentence, Olivier Ya immediately looked at Ms. Duolai with vigilance.

However, Ms. Duolai just smiled slyly and waved at him: "Hurry up, wash and eat."

Her reaction was so normal, so calm, that Olivia couldn't deduce anything from her expression. He washed his face with cold water, saw his golden eyes in the mirror, looked at himself in the mirror coldly, Olivia turned and left.

"It's still a birthday present from Tali~ This denture is very useful, and it's very powerful to eat meat, but it's a pity that it disappeared after waking up one day. I've been looking for it for a long time!" Ms. Duolai smiled slightly, revealing Snow-white teeth.

"It's under your bed, maybe it's accidentally dropped while you're sleeping." Mugan chewed and chewed, and when he saw Olivia approaching, he took the initiative to pull the chair next to him.

"Thank goodness you found it. Having said that, my room hasn't been this clean in a long time, since Tully left."

"Is Miss Tully black with red braids? I saw her picture. Sorry, I stumbled across it while cleaning. Those picture frames are under the bookshelf." Mugan pointed. Cabinet in the living room: "I put them on that cabinet."

"Yes, that person is Tali, she is my last housekeeper." Ms. Duolai's eyes showed a look of nostalgia: "But she is no longer a young lady, she has already married and had children, and when she died, she had already The sixth generation is in the same house."

"...Sorry." Ms. Duolai's blue mechanical eyes showed a touch of sadness again, and Mugen whispered an apology.

"Don't be sorry, birth, old age, sickness and death are very natural things." With a slight smile, Ms. Duolai took a sip of soup with grace.

She didn't care, but the sadness in her eyes could not be completely concealed. Thinking about her age, thinking about her experience in the past few years, Mugen suddenly understood the origin of this sadness.

This is the sadness of people who have lived for too long, right

Familiar people left one by one, and only I lived, and I have been alive until the whole world is unfamiliar.

That's why you made so many people in your memory to accompany you, right

Imagine that everyone has never left, and that everyone is still happily living together.

But an illusion is always an illusion, and no one knows this better than the maker, Ms. Duolai, and no one is lonelier than her.

The body is old and rotten, but in order to wait for the important person, I still have to live.

Looking at Ms. Duolai who was drinking coffee while chatting with the big head of Duoduo, Mugen had a new layer of admiration for her.

Toughness—another quality he learned from this woman.

"I want to see the photos too." Just as everyone quietly enjoyed the pleasant coffee time after breakfast, Duoduo spoke again.

So Morgan took the photo on the closet to the front of his big head.

The scanned blue light was swept from the photos one by one, and all the photos were "looked". After that, Duoduo didn't make any sound.

That's what happened when Mugan went to pack his luggage after dinner.

Duoduo suddenly stopped Mugen.

Calling him but not saying a word, Mugen finally took Duoduo's big head out and went to prepare the luggage together.

"Muggan, I want to ask for your help again." Seeing Muggan and Olivia running up and down, Duoduo finally spoke.

"Ah?" Mugen was stunned for a while, but he quickly reacted: "Tell me about it."

"I want to take a photo with the master." Duoduo finally made his request.

Mugan was stunned.

"The master will die one day, and I will also be broken, and it will never be repaired."

"When I break down, no one will know the memory of me and my master."

"Before that, I wanted to take a photo with the host, just like the host took a photo with Tully."

Although the photo has been buried for a long time, one day it will be discovered, put out, and known again. The smiling faces of the owner and Tali were frozen at that moment, and they looked very beautiful.

After saying the above words, Duoduo didn't make a sound anymore, and the dim light screen flickered, just like the heartbeat of human beings when they are uneasy.

"Okay." Mugan solemnly promised.

Listening to the conversation between Mugen and Duoduo, Olivia never said a word. He just silently checked Mengmeng's body. After checking Mengmeng, he went to check the hull of Ipsilon for the last time.

Then when Mugan was at a loss for "how to take a picture of an invisible spaceship", he silently handed a bucket of paint.

She took out two brushes in her left hand and waved it, and Olivia gave Mugan a wicked smile.

So, Baiyun Duoduo's dream came true again~(≧▽≦)/~

After three hours of work, Mugan and Olivia climbed off him with paint marks all over him. Everyone stood in front of the Baiyun Duoduo. Jimmy's old-fashioned camera made a clicking sound, faithfully recording this precious moment.

Morgan and Ollie, who were all in paint, Mengmeng and Sigma, who were also holding paint brushes, a few big heads held in the arms of Robot A, Uncle Jimmy who almost missed the camera, Ms. Duolai who was smiling, and—

The White Cloud Duoduo is painted bells and whistles.

This is the first and only group photo of Baiyun Duoduo and Ms. Duolai in their lives.

After taking this precious photo, Mugen and his party were ready to set off, and Duoduo and Ms. Duolai said goodbye to them.

"After a while, I will also go to school." Before leaving, Duo Duo said seriously to Mugen in Ms. Duo Lai's arms: "Master will transform me into the best warship!"

"Well, Ollie and I are waiting for you!" Mugan promised equally seriously.

Ms. Duolai always looked at them with a smile, watching Mugen and Olivia board the Ipsilon again, and she waved her hands under the spacecraft.

The white M7 planet quickly shrank into a small comma in their eyes.

But Mugan has no parting sadness at all:

He and Ollie's robots are there, always there, he knows.

At the M7 that was about to disappear, Mugen also waved his hand vigorously.
