There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 46: A layer of onion


On the spaceship, Mugan excitedly told his ideal: "I want to be a chef!"

"Huh?" Olivia's mind immediately came to those dark fried eggs, and the tomatoes and potatoes that hurt him to run the toilet all night. He barely twitched the corners of his mouth: "Are you sure?"

"Well, I found a recipe from my hometown in the books left by my predecessors. Uncle Alpha said that those recipes have long been lost, and I want to recreate them." Speaking of his ideals, Mugan's eyes It was all light: "I have discussed with my father and uncle, and when we arrive at the school, we want to open a small restaurant next to the school!"

"Pfft—" Imagining the scene of expressionless Alpha serving the guests with a plate, Olivia snickered: "I really want to know how much tip Uncle Alpha can receive!"

Probably thinking of the same scene, Mugan laughed with him. After laughing, Mugan cleared his throat and turned his head to look at Olivia: "What is your first choice, Ollie?"

This question stopped Olivia.

After a long time without speaking, Olivia took out a lollipop and stuffed the candy into her mouth. He said vaguely, "Then I want to be a pastry chef."

"Pastry chef?" Mugen was stunned.

"I'm going to open a big... big store! The store is full of candies and desserts of all kinds, and when kids come in, they can eat whatever they want, I won't ask them for money, Not chasing and spanking them."

Depicting that scene, Olivia was speaking with impassioned enthusiasm, but suddenly met Mugan's gaze. Mugan's eyes fell on his ass, sympathetic...

Olivia suddenly felt a little hairy ass==///

"You... why are you staring at my butt?" Olivia turned her butt uncomfortably.

"Oli, you must have been beaten very badly back then." Looking at Olivia's face, Mugen said seriously.

The embarrassed side was revealed in one sentence, Olivia thought she would be annoyed, thought she would be furious, but there was nothing.

Grabbing his pants without a trace, he lowered his head and said:

"Fortunately, that guy didn't hurt me, but his own stick broke several!"

However, after all, a few of her tail hairs were knocked off, and until now, she still looks a little bald, which has always troubled Olivia.

"You and Sigmar can communicate: he also gets spanked a lot, Uncle Alpha's slap is much harder than a stick, and Sigmar's ass has been beaten several times. Fortunately, he has a lot of spare ass!"

Seeing Sigma, who turned around silently, Olivia laughed, and the originally bleak memory was instantly replaced by Sigma's embarrassing incident.

"Then it's settled, let's all report to the cooking department!" Mugen said with a smile, looking at Ollie, who was laughing all over the place for some reason.

"..." Olivia wanted to agree immediately, but when the words came to him, he suddenly hesitated: "But I don't have an admission letter..."

He was hesitating whether to continue talking, but he saw Mugen showing him a big smile, and took out a piece of paper as if offering a treasure, and Mugen shoved the paper directly into his hand.

"This is—" Olivia's eyes widened when she saw the content on the paper.

"Admission letter, Uncle Pei got it for you (≧▽≦)! He said he wanted to thank you for helping him rearrange his hard drive a few days ago!" Mugen said, pointing to the robot pie who had been standing behind them. ... the big head.

Immediately received Olivia's surprised gaze, Pi turned the dim light screen around, and the green light flashed quickly, just like someone's naughty wink.

"It's great! (≧▽≦)" Olivia was overjoyed this time! He rushed over and hugged Pi's big head, and kissed it twice, but it wasn't enough to kiss Pi, and he also tweeted the other big heads that couldn't resist one by one. This move made Mengmeng envious, and has been pitiful. Watching Olivia until Olivia noticed him and also tweeted on his head.

"啾~" Mengmeng was satisfied.

"啾~" Ollie was also satisfied.

Did you hear something strange just now? Mugan scratched his head and quickly put the thought aside.

In the next time, Alpha connected them to the official website of Imperial Comprehensive College. In the most prominent position on the website, they found the freshman volunteer application form. Head to head, Mugan and Olivia began to study the form. Fill in the way.

Immediately after Mugen, Olivia seriously entered "Culinary Department - Pastry Chef" on her first choice. After carefully signing her name, he pressed the confirm button and saw that the message was successfully sent on the screen. The words, Olivia and Mugan showed a smile at the same time.

It was a happy smile full of hope for the future.

At this time, Olivia didn't know that he had just seized an opportunity that was important enough to change his life.


Imperial Capital Auxiliary Star Four Stars

Sumeg sat motionless in his room.

For three whole days, he did not step out of the door. In the past three days, he has been desperately recalling the information revealed in the nightmare. After three days of sorting, he has arranged the information according to the time axis.

However, if you look closely, you will find that the back part of this timeline is very detailed, while the front part is a monotonous straight line without any markings.

This means that Sumeg has no idea what happened during this time.

The result of ignorance is that there is no way to stop the man and kill him in time before he grows up.

Yes, there's only one reason why Sumegh is desperately looking for teenage Olivia these days: to kill him.

The orphanage's record of Olivia was simple: male pterosaur, sixteen years old, hybrid, with a partial genetic defect.

Sumeg laughed when he saw this record: Pterosaurs? Sure enough, this is the countryside, how can you treat the Cantas cubs as ordinary pterosaurs? ! Great joke!

But when he saw the video records of Olivia that the dean had provided him, he didn't think so: in those video records, the frail chick really didn't look at all. Cantas.

He is very thin, and the photo at the age of five looks only as big as a normal Kantas cub when he is two years old. In addition, his hair is completely dull and clings to his body, not like other cubs at all. It is fluffy and trembling, and it looks like it will collapse when the wind blows. Only when you are grabbing food can you see a little bit of Kantas' posture. However, on this planet dominated by dragons, the orphans in the orphanage are also walking on the ground. There are many dragons, and Olivia, who looks completely different from other cubs, is obviously rejected. He is always hungry, so he is thinner.

In addition to that, Sumeg noticed that Olivia was pictured with shackles. As for the shackles, he had no trouble figuring out what it did.

"Our country planet has limited manpower and resources. There is no way to keep every cub from running around, so we have to tie them up..." At that time, the director of the orphanage explained in this way.

Standing in Olivia's room, the moment she saw the furnishings in the room, Sumege wanted to kill the obese old man in front of her.

He suddenly understood the origin of Olivia's behavior in the future: from birth, he was handcuffed by adults like a prisoner, eating, drinking and laughing were all carried out in a small space; no one wanted to talk to them, this orphanage Most of the grown-up cubs have language barriers; if they want to be full, they must rely on violence, and if they are not physically strong, they must use other methods—

Olivia grew up in such an environment.

No one knows what happened to him at the orphanage, and he never mentions his own experiences during that time.

A person's personality in adulthood will be greatly affected by childhood experiences. Olivia's character in adulthood is brutal and distorted, which undoubtedly alludes to his unhappy childhood. Standing in his room confirmed it with his own eyes.

In Olivia's photo, Sumege found Mengmeng's figure, although it was not the same as the Kantas robot he had seen in his impression, but the similar outline made Sumege recognize it at a glance. robot.

"This robot seems to have been thrown here with this kid, I can't remember the specifics, but Olivia likes him a lot, and a few fights were all because of this robot, you know, the orphanage The children don't have many toys, and the more domineering ones will grab them..." This is what a staff member of the orphanage said when he was questioned.

Her words made Su Meg confirm Mengmeng's identity.

It was the robot that accompanied Olivia for half her life.

Live for Olivia, die for Olivia.

When Su Meige noticed Mengmeng, he was already a top-level robot, obviously a nanny robot, but the material on his body was better than most people's mecha robots. At that time, many people were jealous. I never thought that such a bright and beautiful robot had such a past.

Seeing Mengmeng who was still in a plastic case in the photo, Su Meige was stunned for a long time.

Touching a part of the man's unknown background, Sumei's mood became more and more complicated.

That's not good - he told himself softly.

In any case, I didn't find the man in time when he was born. After living in such an environment for so many years, his character has been finalized, and history will not change.

Must find him and kill him...

Before his Kantas identity was discovered.

In the dark room, Sumeg clenched his fist lightly.