There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 49: Imperial College (the true face)


As an academy star, Bailuxing has a small resident population, and most of the residents are students and staff. There is only one day of the year when the planet is overcrowded: the start of the school year.

Along with a large number of new students and their parents, there are also various merchant ships, and a large number of media will flood in to report on the exam process. Bai Luxing's exam season is so lively that it is more like a festival.

The crowd at the entrance of Imperial College is particularly spectacular—

There are five academies on Bailu Xing.

In order to get the title of "college", many conditions need to be met. The evaluation team will comprehensively inspect the history of the school, research results, number of students, number of teachers, and grade setting, and finally determine whether the school can become a "college".

Any school called an academy is definitely a behemoth, and the Imperial College is a behemoth of these behemoths.

Almost all subjects are covered, and each subject has outstanding teaching resources and commendable students. As long as they have the ability and time, Imperial College encourages students to audit the content of other subjects outside the subject. This kind of teaching The students educated under the guidance of the policy are versatile and all-round development, and often have very bright results in the annual college competition.

However, these are not the most important reasons for the rush of people here. If you look closely, you will find that more than half of the people surrounding the entrance of the Imperial College are dressed as reporters. They are guarding the school entrance in groups. If such a child goes in, they will use the camera to record everything, and Zhinao will process these photos and videos as quickly as possible, and publish them on Skynet in the shortest time.

There is only one important reason for a large number of journalists to squat at Imperial University: Imperial University is the most famous bridal school in the constellation!

During the thousand years since its establishment, the school has produced a total of two marshal's wives, six general's wives, thirteen lieutenant general's wives, twenty-six major general's wives, fifty-four wives of the top chaebols in the wealth list, and several other wives. Unclear various ladies!

People didn't notice this kind of thing at first, until a military department set up a family banquet, and the generals came with their families one after another. As a result, the generals didn't say anything, but the generals' wives recognized their relatives first! The result of recognizing relatives is to find that everyone graduated from the same school. The wives of the three generals and six lieutenant generals are all from the Imperial College, and two of the wives even belong to the same dormitory, but their husbands are political enemies—

This coincidence has been talked about for a long time, and even some smart people took the opportunity to dig a little deeper, and after digging, they discovered an even more amazing fact: this academy actually produced so many ladies! The number is terrifying! It's a veritable bridal school!

Imperial College is completely famous.

In fact, the faculty of the Imperial College itself is not bad. Unfortunately, under the reputation of the Bride School, the strength of the college itself has been ignored by people.

Every year, the college admission guide that parents receive will have the strength evaluation and introduction of the major colleges and universities. Among them, there is only one sentence about the introduction of the Imperial Comprehensive College: the college with the best graduates on average.

Getting married is as important as any job - after hundreds of years of legend, this idea is now deeply ingrained in people's minds.

Except for robot parents who don't know much about the human world.

Alpha and their thinking is very simple: go to school to learn something → learn something for a good job → a school with a good job is a good school.

They immediately listed the Imperial College as their target.

Uncle, you guys have been tricked~(≧▽≦)/~

Well, in fact, it can't be said to be cheated, but there is a slight deviation between what the Imperial College and Alpha "think"!

However, it is true that this school is difficult to pass the test. Everyone believes in the magic of this school, so that every year there are huge crowds of young boys and girls who want to be admitted to marry gods or goddesses. Alpha they had to dig the corners of the system to the point where they could cram Morgan in orz.

It can only be said that it is not easy to marry well these days. In addition to the face and body, you also need to fight for your IQ. The scores of the Imperial College are really high.

The reporters don’t know where the big names in the future are, but where their wives may be is ready-made. No wonder there are so many reporters working overtime here every year when the Imperial College starts.

Don't think of these reporters as the paparazzi of the entertainment column. They are serious political, economic and military news reporters who specialize in reporting big events!

So, when Mugan and Olivia managed to squeeze through the crowd under the escort of Alpha and other robots, they were immediately stopped by a reporter next to them with a camera.

Mugan and Olivia looked so ordinary that they didn't have a "Mrs." look, so much so that only one reporter walked towards them at the time.

Not understanding what was going on at all, thinking that they were just kindly taking pictures of himself, Mugan pulled Olivia into a pose. Such an unusual move shocked the little reporter.

After taking the photo, Mugen politely said thank you to Mr. reporter, then waved and left. Infected by his smile, the little reporter also waved blankly, and their figures were quickly blocked by the figures of other freshmen.

The little reporter shook his head and hurriedly continued to chase after the other reporters and slapped them. With more attractive photos of candidates, the photo of Muggan and Olivia finally lay quietly in the reporter's camera, and it was not until a long time later, when the reporter was sorting out the old camera data, that he recreated it. Found this photo.

The two young smiling faces in the photo looked vaguely familiar, and he was stunned for a while.

Until he saw the adult version of these two faces in the news of the day, jumped up and ran to the house to take out the photos for a careful comparison, he was stunned—

That photo changed the outside world's perception of the time when Olivia and Mugan first met. Because of this precious photo, the unknown reporter suddenly became famous, and this photo became the most dazzling in his ordinary life. 's results.

Sometimes, success is really not who you become, but who you meet.


Putting aside the extraordinary experience of an ordinary reporter, Mugan and Olivia said goodbye to their parents with eggs in their arms!

"It doesn't matter if you are only admitted to the mecha department or the battleship command department! You are always the best! Tweet!" Mengmeng also waved her small wings, but she didn't drop them for a long time.

He was so focused that he was completely unaware of the squinting eyes of the surrounding humans: When your child is admitted to the mecha department or the battleship command department, will you have the confidence to say this again

In the words of the commentator in the brain hole area, this is a strong sense of "if you can't get into Tsinghua University, you can go to New Oriental"!

Note: The Mecha Department and the Warship Command Department are the star departments of the Imperial Comprehensive College, and the admission threshold is very high.

"Well, we'll work hard." Mugan nodded.

Mengmeng put down her wings in relief.

Under the collective gaze of the robots, Mugan and Olivia were about to move into the exam room.

The bell to remind the candidates to enter the venue had rang, and they should enter the venue, but Mugan's footsteps stopped.

Just now, every robot asked a few words, only Sigma was silent, and he didn't say a word.

After finding a place to stay, the spaceship disintegrated immediately, and all the robots reassembled their bodies, only Sigma was still bare and only the upper body: because he stayed in bed with Mugen and started late, when he wanted to take the opportunity to get back his original thighs and buttocks , the other robots have already lined up all the parts, and there is not a piece of metal left at the scene.

Nowadays, Sigma, who only has the upper body, so that the height is only Mengmeng and short, looks very pitiful.

He stood there very lonely, and Mugan noticed that he moved towards him at first, but soon stopped moving.

Standing still, Sigma fell silent.

Seeing Sigma like this, Mugan suddenly couldn't move his footsteps.

He and Sigma have been together since the first time they met. They ate together, slept together, studied together, took exams together, and Sigma was forced to do everything Mugen did, even if a robot didn't need to learn something. Sigma is under pressure to learn.

Like Mugan, he worked hard for a long time.

But now standing in front of the exam room, Sigma can't take the exam.

Because he is a robot.

Mugan crouched down and hugged Sigma hard.

Sigma, who was once taller than him, is now only reaching his thighs, and Mugen has grown bigger, but Sigma has not changed. In the future, Mugen will grow old, but Sigma will not change.

Because he is a robot.

This is an outsider's definition of Sigma's identity.

For Mugan, however, Sigma's identity is only one - brother.

Mugen whispered something next to Sigma's head, and then Sigma's dim light screen suddenly flashed. He looked a little more energetic. Seeing him like this, Mugen finally felt relieved. Under the cold gaze of Uncle Alpha , he quickly ran back to Olivia, and there was no further delay on the way. Following the footsteps of the crowd, the two entered the examination room smoothly.

"I have a new ideal just now." Walking in the crowd, Mugan suddenly spoke, which made Olivia, who had been paying attention to him since just now, turn his head quickly.

"Tell me about it." Slowing down, Olivia and Mugan moved forward side by side.

"I want to be the principal in the future, and I agree that children like Sigma can take the entrance exam." Muggan's eyes were very firm as he stared straight ahead.

"..." Olivia didn't say a word, but just after hearing Mugan's new ideal, he secretly added another ideal in his heart: to be someone who can appoint Mugan as the principal - this is Olivia's new ideal. Ideal too.