There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 5: Born for you


"The only chance to survive is the human named Mugan." During the process of fast travel, Alpha's brain was also running at high speed, and he heard the words that the strange robot said before running out of gas. "Heart" went in.

He thought the robot's suggestion was a good one.

However, most humans will only accept the identity of one robot, and how to make the other party accept their group of robots at the same time has become Alpha's top priority at the moment.

At this moment, a huge and ferocious beast suddenly sprang out from in front of them!

It is covered in gray-black, rock-like thick scales, and has a sharp horn about two meters long on its nose. It has a dinosaur-like body and a rhino-like appearance. It is the top predator on the planet that they observed before. !

Even more ferocious than it looks in the image, this beast did not appear out of thin air, it appeared here to chase the prey ahead.

"Eta asks for help! Eta asks for help! Please cooperate with me to subdue this prey!" The "bait" running in front of the beast was actually Eta who was previously ordered by Alpha to provide food to the young human.

Among the companions, Eta's various abilities are relatively average, and the balance is more focused on the guardian function. When the firepower of his own core body is output, it is his core task to be responsible for blocking as much enemy firepower as possible for the opponent. Under the guidance of this design idea, ETA's body is very strong and fast, but the firepower slightly insufficient.

The information that Pi just shared with his companions was also passed on to his "brain". Eta, who was worried about food, saw this beast at a glance. In a short period of time, he had collected this beast. The blood data of the beast, the analysis system in the body told him that the flesh and blood of this beast can be used as food for human consumption.

Eta immediately went to capture this beast like a treasure.

Unfortunately, as soon as he played against the opponent, he found himself in trouble:

The opponent's skin is too thick, and he can run no slower than himself. The weapon equipped in Eta's body can only hurt the opponent, but if he wants to kill the opponent, he is still in the heat.

As everyone knows, the unicorn dragon beast he selected also thinks the same way: Why is the skin of that nasty guy on the opposite side so thick! It doesn't matter if it looks strong, how can it run slower than itself? It used to bite the guy with its teeth, and the other party didn't feel much pain, but its own teeth were almost knocked out!

I can't kill you, you can't bite me, I can't catch up with you, and you can't get rid of me... One person and one beast just stalemate, until Eta scanned the information of his companions and led the unicorn to his companions until the front.

"Received the request, Beta is ready to support. Ipsilon, 175mm direct-fire anti-mecha laser cannon—" The stereotyped mechanical voice sounded from behind Alpha, and the speaker was Beta who had never said a word—he was the core firepower output of the team Hand, proficient in the precise operation of fifty kinds of weapons, Beta is a mobile cannon-like existence, and two-thirds of the weight on Ipsilon is the supply of various weapons for him!

At the same time as he said these words, the abdomen of Epsilon behind him suddenly opened a hole, and he quickly took out the weapon that Beta had just ordered, and Epsilon handed it to Beta's hand.

"The weapons are in place, the hunt begins—"

Speaking with a blank face, Beta held the laser cannon handed over by Ipsilon on his shoulder. Against the background of the huge barrel, Beta's body became slender, but Beta's hand was very stable. As the last syllable fell, he immediately activated the laser cannon on his shoulder!

The 175mm laser shot straight out of the barrel, pierced straight out of the mouth of the unicorn beast that fluttered with its claws, and burned a channel of the same thickness in its body.

The beast that had just been chasing Eta for a long time died just like that.

"The energy of the weapon has been exhausted." He took off the laser cannon on his shoulder and handed it back to Ipsilon, Beta silently took a step back, and the shortest Beta was once again covered by the tall figures of his companions.

"One minute and fifty minutes left." Touching his chest, Alpha helped Eta, who fell to the ground: "Take the food you found back for that human to eat."

The prominent hunting mission delayed their way back to the original place, and also delayed the progress of the robots asking the human to accept them. Now they have only a few dozen seconds left, and Alpha has given up resistance.

He didn't want to blame Eta, and Eta just performed his task. Compared with his own life, Eta chose to prioritize the task of "providing food to humans" that he had given him.

This is where robots are stubborn and rigid.

As a species born for humans, maybe robots are born to love serving humans

So Eta chose to give priority to this task, so Beta also chose to give priority to this task, and chose to provide Beta with weapons Ipsilon...

Even himself... the same, right

So, at the last moment of life, several robots dragged the huge unicorn dragon and returned to the original place.

At the same time, Mugan had just finished eating the little tomatoes. He was still hungry, but he was embarrassed to ask Sigmar for food again. While his stomach was still rumbling, several robots came back with the giant beast, and with them came the battered robot that Ipsilon was dragging.

"Dad!" Regardless of the consternation, Mugen's full attention was attracted by the tattered robot.

"He just ran out of energy. We filled him with new supplementary energy, which he has never used before. After getting used to it for a period of time, he will restart." Explaining the situation of the robot to the young human, Finding that the little boy didn't take the initiative to grab his hand this time, Alpha felt a strange sense of loss in his heart.

He grabbed his little hand tightly before and touched the crude left palm of the robot on the ground. When he noticed the letter a engraved on the palm, Alpha suddenly understood why this human thought he was his father.

This young human must have mistaken the "alpha" in his hand for "a".

This robot on the ground is in tatters. He must often go out to find new body materials. The materials used are different each time, and the appearance of returning is also different. It is no wonder that this young human uses this symbol to identify his father.

"I'm Alpha, not a." Before leaving, Alpha said such a sentence to the little boy. In fact, he didn't need to explain, but at that moment, he wanted to say something.

Want to tell someone: I'm different, want to tell someone, my name.

This kind of feeling is probably the "feeling" that humans don't want them to have, right

After calling Sigma, who was standing beside him, Alpha led a group of robots to turn around and leave. He didn't know how the self-destruction would be carried out, but he didn't want this human being to be harmed.

Carefully placing the few tomatoes and potatoes at the little boy's feet, Sigma quickly crawled over in the direction of his companions.

However, at this moment, a clear little voice sounded behind them.

" are Dad's brother!"

"The book says that parents will give brothers similar names. Alpha, your name is so similar to father's name, you must be brothers!"

Uh... Alpha said that he can no longer understand the thinking of this young human, completely incomprehensible!


"You are Dad's brother, why did you leave?" The expectant tone of the young human made Alpha stop suddenly.

"Sigma said you're homeless, so why don't you live with us?"

"Uncle, stay!" He spontaneously called Alpha by the name of his relative taught on the Children's Literacy Encyclopedia, and Mugan loudly held back Alpha and his party who were about to leave.

The self-destruction system, which was about to be officially activated in a second, came to an abrupt end.


You say there is light, so the world has light.

When my world was crumbling and about to be destroyed, you were like the sun, bringing me new light.

From now on, my world is made for you—