There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 67: The second home letter


"Cause of death: Insufficient oxygen supply." This is what Sumege finally submitted to the report.

"The student did not hide to the designated place as instructed, and the disused space capsule he chose privately accidentally rolled into the next layer of deep sea. No one found the signal lights he cast."

Sumeger did not believe the words in the report.

Paul's body was found within an hour of the end of the mission, and the ferocious face under the protective suit startled Sumege, and he quickly launched an investigation.

In order to achieve the purpose of the inspection and prevent the leak of the exam, the school did not install protective clothing with built-in communication equipment, and all communication between students could only rely on signal lights.

He first asked those who were first approved into the sea with Paul.

"Did not notice."

"We went to the designated location to hide from the beginning."

"Paul kicked us away and didn't want us to follow him."

The answers of the students were all like this, and Sumege was dumbfounded.

"I heard that this student in your class often does this, telling others to find him late and then going to bed late. Do you think he can signal the light? Can't he make a mistake?" The colleague also joked at the time.

Yes! Signal lights!

Those who entered the sea first may not know about Paul, but there is no reason for the rescuers to not know! Paul was holding the signal light firmly in his hand when he died, which means that he must have sent a signal! Until the power of the signal light runs out, he must have been Trying to help!

The colleague's words reminded Sumege, and he immediately went to question the student in charge of search and rescue.


He came back without success again.

"We were only patrolling the designated area and we didn't see the lights."

"did not see."

"I didn't see anything."

The overly consistent caliber gave Sumige an illusion: these students are lying! They are lying collectively! They all saw Paul's distress signal, but they all didn't see it...

The moment this guess popped up in his mind, Su Meige felt as if her body was ice-cold, as if she was in the deep sea.

Like the deep sea where Paul died...

Desperately locked in the space capsule, desperately sending out a distress signal, everyone saw it, but when they didn't see it, they turned their heads and walked away.

Sumeg was frightened by her own imagination.

No! No! Paul's best mates Gaia and Hollande are also search and rescue personnel, and it is impossible for them to turn a blind eye to Paul's cry for help.

The last people Sumeg found were Hollande and Gaia. However-

"did not see."

His face was ashen, Hollande denied it word by word.

In the end, Sumeg could only submit the report verbatim.

He didn't know: Hollande and Gaia didn't go to the deep sea at the beginning, and they arranged for someone to do search and rescue work for them, and they have been resting in the shallow sea. This is their usual method, but when the instructor asked, they couldn't say it.

Thus, Paul's death passed by in this way. Abil's death may also require the college's mechanical department to take a little responsibility, then Paul's death is entirely his own fault and the inevitable result of not acting according to the college's instructions.

However, after this incident, Sumeg found that the situation in the class had changed again: the students from the neutral camp had completely fallen to Olivia's group.

His heart sank instantly.


What can he say

"That's very good! When the leader of your class is determined, he can manage those students well, and you will save trouble. Why not do it?" Concerned about Su Meige, his colleague That's what he said with a smile.

It's still the same colleague, the same smiling face, who usually only thinks that this colleague is a good gentleman. For the first time, Su Meige felt that the other party was scary.


"Hollande beat someone in the dormitory again." The Microraptor, who volunteered to monitor Hollande's group, came back to report.

Sitting on the carpet and playing the game of throwing the ball with Big Horn, Olivia didn't lift her eyelids.

It wasn't until Dajiao didn't want to play with him, and he put down the ball and found someone else to grab it, and Olivia stood up again.

"His temper is so bad, it must be because he eats too much sugar." Olivia suddenly said something with no beginning or end.

"Ah?" The students around were stunned, but no one dared to pick up what he said, but Olivia obviously didn't mean to explain, sitting down at the desk, he took out a book from the drawer , and then sat there and read a book leisurely.

Your Excellency Olivia when she was reading, looks a lot more approachable...

Seeing the faint smile on Olivia's mouth, all the students present thought so. Not daring to disturb his pleasant reading time, all the students in the room left under Todd's signal.

So, in the bedroom where there was only Mengmeng, Olivia read a book full of joy.

To be precise, read a letter in a book.

Mugan's second letter has arrived.

"Dear Ollie,

The steamed bun business at home has begun to improve. I sent some steamed buns made by me to Dean Argos. He called and said he liked them very much! However, I was a little worried that he might be comforting me: I later found out that the skin of the buns I made was too hard. Yesterday, a giant beast dragon guest came to complain, saying that his teeth were knocked off when he was eating the buns. a small piece. Are you saying that Dean Argos's teeth are fine? If you meet him, please help me greet his teeth, thank you.

So, I'd better wait until I make a soft and delicious bun before sending it to you. Ollie, you often eat lollipops, and Uncle Alpha has always been worried about your tooth decay.

Ps: Secretly tell Ollie one thing, that... I'm running for chairman!

Uncle Alpha said that the chairperson is the symbol of the best student in the department. A person with ideals must run for chairperson, so I went to run for it. But Dobby said that the chairman of the cooking department is to help everyone buy food, clean the classroom, and hand in reports... It has nothing to do with learning.

This is great. If I study hard, I will definitely not be able to compete with other people. My father said that I am stupid. If it is to buy food and clean the classroom and submit the report, I am still a little confident.

good luck!

ps of Ps: Did the crescent moon Dilong cub you gave you last time grow fat


The letter made Olivia's mouth bend greatly. It had been raining for several days outside the window, but through this letter, Olivia seemed to see the bright sunshine on the white dew star.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and imagined:

In the yard of the house, there is Mugan, Uncle Alpha, Dad Robot, Uncle Ipsey, Uncle Eta, Uncle Beta, and Uncle Pai…

Everyone was wearing aprons and was busy making buns.

At this moment, the door was suddenly kicked open, and a giant dragon man with his teeth ran in to complain...

Then, in a place that Mugen didn't find, Uncle Alpha handled the Giganotosaurus complaint very "properly", and then turned around and came back to comfort Mugen, who was frustrated that his buns were too hard to knock his teeth out.

"It's not your bun's problem, it's that his teeth are not good." Uncle Alpha must have said so, and if he were himself, he should have said the same.


Sitting alone at the desk, Olivia smiled and leaned back and forth. At this moment, he was just a young boy who opened a steamed bun shop at home.

That's all.

Putting the letter in the book and putting it away, he put the book back in the drawer, and when he turned his eyes to the torrential rain outside the window, the happy expression on his face slowly faded, and finally turned into a touch of penetrating meaning. smile.

"Muggan is going to be the chairman of the committee. In order not to lose to him, I have to speed up my side~" Olivia said softly to herself, looking at Mengmeng who was ironing by the window.

Two people left.