There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 70: Mugan's daily routine 2


In Imperial College, the number of teachers and students in the Department of Cooking is the smallest, but the academy did not reduce the office area of the Department of Cooking. On the contrary, the office allocated to the Department of Cooking by the academy is as large as the offices of the faculty members of other departments, occupying the same size. On the right half of the sixth floor of the entire building, the office of the professor of the Department of Cooking is really sparsely populated.

Mugan and Dobby couldn't help but open their mouths when they came in:

Well, so beautiful!

It is completely different from the office of the Department of Life Breeding that I just visited. The office of the professor of the Department of Life Breeding is exactly what Morgan imagined. It is full of desks and office chairs, and the professors' items are scattered on the table. The professors of the others have an office by themselves, such as Professor Mulansha, but even Professor Mulansha's office looks like an ordinary office, at most the desk and chair look more comfortable.

The office of the professor of the Department of Cuisine is completely different. The office of the professor of the Department of Cuisine looks like a natural outdoor environment: the green grass replaces the carpet. In addition to the grass, the office is full of various plants, close to the window. There were also two very tall trees, with the sun drenching their branches, and it looked very cozy.

Just when the two teenagers and a robot were in a daze, a flower flew past Dobby's nose, and Dobby couldn't help but sneezed!

"Wow! It's blooming!" Picking up a small white flower from the ground, Dobby held it up to Mugan in surprise.

"It's so beautiful!" For Mugen, who was born on Desolate Star since childhood, flowers are really rare things. Even if he came to Bailu Star later, he never saw a flower once.

Looking carefully at the flowers that he had only seen in books, Mugen took a deep breath of the moist air with a faint floral fragrance, and his whole person was refreshed.

"Sigma, look, this is a flower!"

A small white flower was placed in the robotic palm. Sigma curiously observed the five-petal flower and put it away. He carefully followed his brother onto the green grass.

"There are cows in the office!" Dobby is the most excited one. This young man who just came from the countryside to the big city has always been a little unable to adapt to the life in the big city. The environment in front of him made him suddenly return to his hometown: "My home It's just cattle raising!"

"Every morning I have to drive my younger siblings and a herd of cows to graze, so that they can go to school when they are full." (← Hey! There seems to be something wrong with this sentence)

"The grass here is really good and delicious." Looking at the green grass, Dobby couldn't hold back after all, and after accidentally nibbling on it, he hurriedly shook his head: "This is the teachers' office, you can't eat it. "

Looking at Dobby, who had convinced himself to be patient, Mugen smiled and ran to his side.

By this time Dobby had already run to see the only cow in the office.

"This is a bull." He skillfully lifted the hind legs of the cow and glanced at it, and Dobby said to Mugan with experience: "I can't tell what breed it is, but the lean meat rate is very high, and it looks like a very good beef cattle. ."

While talking, Dobby rolled the cow's eyes and opened the cow's mouth to look at the teeth inside: "This is a prime-age cow, I don't know which professor raised it, if it can be bred with my sister cow, Well, there is a serious lack of good breeding cattle in my family!"

"My heifer is so beautiful!"

When it comes to things in his hometown, Dobby, who has always been shy and talkative, has become very talkative.

"I know, but, Dobby, did you put the cow down first? It looks uncomfortable." Finally, Mugan reminded him, and Dobby noticed that he had put the whole cow down at some point. The cow was raised, and at this moment, the cow stared at him with wide eyes, as if he was about to die.

Dobby hurriedly put the cow back on the grass.

In the following time, Muggan and Dobby tidy up the office very diligently: they carefully used the trimmer to shave the overgrown grass from the beginning to the end, and the shaved grass was hoarded aside, leaving the only one in the office. The cows were used as fodder. Then, they carefully treated the two trees in the office with insecticides. In addition to raising cows, Dobby also raised fruit trees at home. It was a pity to see the two fruit trees that were blooming without fruit. At his suggestion, Mugan and Sigma joined him to hand-pollinate two trees.

"Professors can still eat fruit in the office in the future!" Dobby smiled gratified after wiping away his sweat.

Armed with grass clippings, Morgan, Sigma, and Dobby close the door to their office and go home happily.

What they didn't know was that just one minute after they left, the originally quiet office exploded in an instant!

"Take a bath! Hurry up and take a bath! I don't want to have your child!" Instantly changed from a tree to a human shape, and the second professor of the Department of Cooking, Levy, who was bare buttocks, turned blue!

"I don't want to have your child either!" The big tree opposite him quickly turned into a human form, but it was another second-chair professor of the Department of Cooking, Brut.

In this universe, there are people who have become humans from any race, and naturally, humans who have become plants are also indispensable. The two second professors of the cuisine department are two vegetative people.

In the vegetative world, flowers = reproductive organs.

In this era when it is illegal for vegetative people to bloom in public, it is rare to be able to bask in the sun in one's own office.

In the end, he even smeared his own pollen on the flowers of his colleagues next door!

Can you still be a good colleague happily? !

Professor Levi and Professor Brutt stared at each other for a moment, and the two of them went to the hospital as if their butts were on fire.

Levi and Brut left, and the office was silent again. All that was left was the clack of cows grazing.

Muggan and Dobby put all the shaved forage aside, and the cow was eating the forage they shaved at the moment.

Eating and eating, the cow suddenly said:

"Moo-" Chief, you are delicious.

Oops! You say god horse? ! Is it—

"Thank you." Accompanied by the sound of each other, the absent-minded Master Chief touched his head and got up from the ground: "Sailun, how do you think my hairstyle looks?"

With the palm removed, Your Excellency Department Chief's head was completely exposed - a brand-new small flat head, the stubble was still new, and it looked like it had just been cut.

Niu - that is, the second professor of Sairon continued to chew and chew, and after a while, he made a "moo".

"Looks quite young." Professor Sai Lun praised His Excellency's new hairstyle.

"That's good, that student named Mugen has a good craftsmanship, and I'm about to get a haircut recently..." Touching his stubble, His Excellency the department head finally showed a relieved look.

"Moo?" Do you think what the little Thunder Dragon said is true? Are their heifers really beautiful

"Uh... You can turn around and smack this."

"Moo!" Good.

So, when Chief Professor Kurno returned to the office again, everything changed drastically.

"Ah!!!! Oh my god! The little darlings I raised carefully on Levi and Brook, why are you all leaving me!" Holding a handful of worms in the trash can of the corpse, Professor Kurno's The three heads cried out at the same time.

Well, the worms that Mugen and Dobby worked so hard to get rid of are actually Professor Kurno's beloved pet ^_^

For the office sorted out by Mugan, His Excellency the Dean of the Department and Second Professor Sailun gave full marks, Professor Kurno gave zero points, two second professors abstained, the minority obeyed the majority, and Mugan won the award to continue to serve the professors in the future. Opportunity.

The next day, Professor Levy and Professor Brook were on maternity leave, and Professor Kurno had to try his best to make up for the shortage of professors. At the same time, Professor Mulanza had a big box on his desk.

There was a large white egg in the box, and there was a note next to it, with a big line written on it: "To Professor Mulansha:

Delicious eggs (with a recipe). "

Professor Mulanza couldn't help trembling.


All academies with the word "Empire" in their names are all directly under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Ministry of Education or the Military Department. According to regulations, freshmen of such academies must undergo a period of military training after the school starts.

Imperial College is no exception.

The reason why the chairperson is chosen is actually to prepare for military training, and the reason why military training is not started as soon as the school starts is to leave time for students to get to know each other. Once military training began.

Before the military training began, the plenary meeting of the first chairman of the freshmen chaired by Dean Aude was first held in the school.

There are a total of thirty-nine departments in the Imperial College, and each department sends its own chairperson to attend the meeting. The thirty-nine chairpersons sit at two rows of long tables with the dean at the center, which is particularly imposing!

As the chairman of the cooking department, Mugen naturally also assigned a position. Sitting next to him was a boy with a particularly serious expression. Mugen ignored him when he greeted him. The other party only asked which department he was from, and learned that After Mugen was in the cooking department, he never looked at Mugen again.

It is completely different from the cuisine department, which is as small as thirteen students. The mecha department and the warship command department of the Imperial College are super large departments, and the number of freshmen in the mecha department exceeds 600! The chairman who was killed out of 600 outstanding freshmen from all over the universe was completely different from the chairman who was elected without pressure like Muggan.

"That's the chairman of the mecha department. You don't look down on people like us from the marginal department." Seeing the scene just now, a boy on Mugen's left took the initiative to speak to Mugen: "Hello, you Is your name Mugan? My name is Kerry, and I'm the chairman of the music department. This year, there are very few freshmen in our two departments. During military training, 80% of them will be together. Please take care of me! I like to eat meat. "

"Uh... Please take care of me." After being stunned by Kerry's last sentence, Mugen smiled and shook hands with the other party.

"I'm Godot from the Fine Arts Department." While Kerry was talking to Mugan, another teenager took the initiative to come over behind him.

The chairpersons of the three departments, whose military training achievements in the history of Imperial College have always ranked first, second, and third from the bottom, finally got together.