There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 84: Mugan in the eyes of the instructor


Unknown Planet Imperial College Military Training Base

Under the arrangement of Instructor Flafetar, the freshmen of Imperial Comprehensive College carried out their military training in an orderly manner. After the shooting project, Instructor Flafetar gave all the freshmen a big surprise!

"Next, each of you will be assigned a mecha." The instructor's first sentence shocked all the freshmen.

Mecha... it's a mecha! Except for those with special conditions at home, few of these freshmen have touched the mecha! Even the freshmen of the mecha department are the same!

"The use of the mecha will be explained automatically by the mecha system after you enter. You will learn how to operate the mecha initially under its leadership. Practice is the best way to learn. In the next ten days, you will drive the mecha. A has completed at least one hundred battles on the system platform, and the final result displayed is the result of your mecha operation project."

The freshmen were surprised again!

If the previous "surprise" was a "surprise", then the "surprise" at this moment is a shock.

Everyone is happy to meet a mecha, but when driving a mecha to fight, many new students were muttering in their hearts on the spot. Then when they saw the mecha assigned to them by the instructor, their inner spit grew even louder—

This, is this really a mecha

All the freshmen are embarrassed.

It's no wonder that the freshmen all have this expression, which is completely different from the handsome mechas I have seen in the pictures. The shape of these mechas is simply a simple splicing of a pile of steel! It looks like an old age robot, the kind that has been discontinued!

I have to say that the simulation system under this military network system is really very expressive. Even in a virtual space, people's eyes are still vivid with their psychological activities. The instructor noticed the disappointment in the eyes of the freshmen at that time.

"Don't underestimate this mecha, this is the initial mecha known as the heart of the mecha." For most of these new students who will not go to the military road (but many will marry soldiers) in the future, the instructors are relative to them. It is very patient: "The mecha is actually from a robot. This is actually the model of the first-generation robot, but the size is enlarged several times. Under the model of the first-generation robot, due to various human requirements, the mecha faces all directions. developing.

For example, the heavy armored mecha that appeared for protection, for example, the sniper mecha that appeared for assassination, just like humans, due to different functions, mechas also have many development directions. The mechas driven by the mecha warriors in your mind are also a type of mecha, and they are just mechas that focus on combat ability. "The instructor said a long paragraph, he saw the confusion in the eyes of the freshmen, and he realized that these children didn't really know what he meant by this paragraph.

For these children, their life has not yet started, the future is an endless road, and they can freely imagine.

He didn't continue talking, but instead introduced the mechas that were about to be assigned to the freshmen in more detail.

"In the system, anyone who uses the system for the first time to learn mechas... will get such a set of initial mechas." Almost said the word "military", the instructor hurriedly changed the word before the words were spoken, so dangerous It didn't make these new students realize that what they were using at the moment was actually a military system: "In the continuous operation of the user, it will continue to improve and deform according to the user's needs, and eventually become the most suitable form of mecha for the user to operate. This The steps are also a key part of customizing the mecha, although not everyone of you will get a custom mecha in the future, but now you have a ready opportunity to know what the most suitable mecha is."

Sure enough, as soon as these words were spoken, all the freshmen were eager to try!

Seeing the excitement of the children, the instructor gave a timely instruction, and the freshmen immediately slaughtered... They lined up and walked towards the mecha group.

"Welcome to the initial mecha, the next is the mecha operation instruction time, if you want to skip, please press the R key." Just climbed into the inner cabin of the mecha with the help of the instructor, the explanation started quickly, and they had to work hard Focus your attention on the console in front of you. Although the appearance of this mecha looks very simple, the console inside is very normal, just like the mecha console that everyone imagined. It is full of complicated buttons. I don’t know what materials are used. The touch is particularly good.

At that time, there was a new student who carefully touched one of the buttons, his strength was a little bigger, and then one of the buttons was accidentally pressed by him.

"Congratulations, you have taken the first step!" With the calm mechanical sound of the mecha system, the freshman was stunned to find that the mecha under him had already strode up, because his fingers had been pressing on the buttons without Leaving, the mecha walked faster and faster, and at the end it was running. When he was about to hit the wall in front of him, the wall suddenly disappeared, and the new student and his mecha disappeared immediately.

"It seems that some students have already mastered the correct running method, and can't wait to start training this afternoon." Looking at his back, the instructor squinted: "The remaining students, please master the preliminary operation of the mecha as soon as possible, into the training ground."

"Once you enter the training ground, your identity is a warrior, and you will face opponents of the same level as you. When the system determines that your level can be promoted, your mecha will be upgraded with you, and the system determines that you When the situation makes it impossible to fight, you will return to this room with the mecha for maintenance."

Just as the instructor said this, a mecha appeared in front of everyone out of thin air. It was the mecha operated by the freshman who just took the lead, but his mecha was completely different from before: snow-white The fuselage turned charred black, and the jet-black bullet holes were actually attacked by someone.

"Like this student, very good, he demonstrated the correct return posture for everyone." Looking at the new student who crawled out of the mecha, the instructor squinted, and then ordered the other students to continue their studies.

Mugan was the last to enter the mech.

Unlike other freshmen who crawled in as soon as they approached the mecha, Mugen stood at the mecha's feet for a long time.

At this time, Mugan thought of his robot father a.

The initial mecha, which uses the shape of the first-generation robot as a template, looks very similar to Robot A in appearance. The appearance of a group of initial mechas lined up together reminded Mugen of the scene buried deep in his memory a long time ago: that distant star with nothing but the place where he was born.

That was an earlier memory before the arrival of the uncle, before he and his father lived together, the days when the robot uncles who were exactly the same as his father were still there.

At that time, Mugan was too young to remember the scene at that time, but he knew that the robots had the same appearance as his father, but due to memory loss, he could no longer recall the scene at that time.

until today.

When he saw these initial state mechas standing neatly in front of him, he suddenly had a feeling of "going back to the past".

The new and clean mecha in front of him reminded him of his father.

Maybe at the beginning, Dad was also one of the selected robots, not knowing his future, waiting for someone to come for him

Morgan rolled over and climbed onto the mech.

"Hello, my name is Mugen." Before the introduction of the system, Mugen said hello first, and then he focused all his attention on the explanation of the system.

No one has compared it for a long time, and Mugan has no idea how terrible his concentration is! That is a kind of concentration that is almost comparable to that of a machine. When the mecha system was explained, and when he was about to ask whether to do it a second time, Mugen nodded heavily: "I have remembered it, let's walk around and have a look. ?"

His questions clearly exceeded the set range of the system's question bank, and the system did not answer Mugan's questions.

The buttons in his hand cooperated with each other, and Mugen operated the mecha and moved.

Under Mugen's operation, the initial mecha raised its left foot like a thief, then gently placed it on the ground, and after standing firm, he raised his right foot.

Mugen's mecha is inconspicuous among a group of mechas. Even compared to some students, this mecha's movements are still clumsy. However, after five minutes, Mugen's mecha can walk very coherently. By deftly bypassing one mecha after another, the movements of the mecha operated by Mugen are already very flexible.

Briskly walking out of the queue, the robot stretched out its right hand and said goodbye to the companions behind it, and then strode towards the unknown front.

"We are leaving, please rest assured, I will try my best to protect you." Mugan said excitedly before stepping out of the room.

"...Yes." Mugen didn't know, but what he heard at this time was a reply that was definitely not within the scope of the system's answer.

Frafetal admits he was wrong.

He saw hope in Mugan, but he always felt that Mugan's performance was too pure.

An idealistic kid who grew up in a greenhouse - that's his initial assessment of Mugan.

This child has a natural charm and is good at discovering the advantages of his companions. Just like the moon, although it is dazzling, it will not overbearingly block the light of others around him. Everyone is willing to be with him and obey his commands.


His background is too white.

There is not a trace of gloom in his eyes, and this child will one day be crushed by the sudden discovery of the dark side at some point.

Therefore, although he recognizes Mugan's ability, Frafetar has never been optimistic about Mugan's ability to become a leader. However, Mugan's next performance overturned his inherent idea again and again: in shooting training, Mugan really let go of the established target because of his soft heart, resulting in the tragic death of the plot characters. But in the next time, he exerted unimaginable action, like the most experienced hunter, he found all the people involved in the incident and shot them one by one.

The mission target death toll on Morgan's report card is bloody red just like its color.

After chasing and killing so many people for ten days, this child's hands were already covered in blood. But until this moment, when Frafetal saw him, his eyes were still pure white at first.

"Is it fake? That's great..." Mugan's smile at that time was deeply engraved in Frafetar's heart.

He doesn't care that the so-called "hunting for thousands of miles" is just a virtual mission. What he cares more about is that the villagers in the story are virtual, and because they are virtual, there is no death at all.

This kid's logic... very strange.

After the shooting training, Mugan officially entered the sight of Instructor Frafetal. For example, at this time, after Mugan was sent to the training ground in the mecha, everything he experienced was in the eyes of Instructor Flaffeta.