There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 86: Passed by


Under the fiery gaze of Flafital, Muggan and his fifth-place opponent stood on opposite ends of the ring at the same time.

Exactly the same mecha, but the records of the two sides are completely different: one is Mugan, who has experienced four games and has a 100% win rate. Among the freshmen with the same number of games, he is well-deserved first; and the freshman at the other end. He lost all four games, and he didn't even have a way to fully operate his mecha.

Several instructors immediately made a difference in the candidate's information, and then not surprisingly found that the candidate's grades were basically not good. The current comprehensive score seems to be the tail end of all the current freshmen.

The showdown between the freshest student with the best grades and the worst freshman so far is also a deliberate system.

The system's primary principle for arranging the two sides is to hide the closest score. However, occasionally, the system will arrange the highest scorer and the lowest scorer in a range together. For the highest scorer, this will allow him to finish the game as soon as possible. To upgrade to a range more suitable for his level, for the person with the lowest score, this is his last and only chance to achieve a counterattack.

I'm used to the other side attacking me first. Once the other side doesn't move, Mugen doesn't move at all. The two mechas stood there in a daze, and the atmosphere was weird for a while.

"Players please start the competition as soon as possible." Suddenly there was a cold voice from the system: they had been standing still for too long, and the system began to urge them.

So both sides started to move.

Like a hunter, Mugan moved toward his "prey." Even though he didn't seem to be strong, Mugan was still cautious. The only time when I was young was that my father's arm was bitten off by a unicorn to save him. Although I repaired it repeatedly, my father's arm was not as flexible as before. Thanks to meeting Ms. Duolai, my father got a new The arm, a new arm that is more flexible than ever, but the arm made of materials left over from the robotic uncles who are no longer is always broken.

One's own recklessness sometimes requires sacrifice from others—something Mugan knew from an early age.

So he was never reckless.

He approached the "prey" carefully in a circle, and on the way, he had already looked at the opponent from start to finish.

Mugen's approaching opponents were all in sight. When Mugen got closer and closer to him, the mecha finally moved: he moved his body very cautiously, the mechanical arm stretched out violently, and his body went down. While squatting, he immediately wrapped his hands around his head—

Facing Mugen, the mecha squatted down with its head in both hands.

Then, I don't know if he was holding it too hard, or it was not too strong in the first place. Under Mugen's gaze, the head of the mecha actually fell off.

Gululu, rolled directly to Mugen's feet.

Mugan was instantly embarrassed.

Not only Mugen was embarrassed, but several instructors who were watching were embarrassed.

Mugen picked up the head hesitantly, looked at the big bald head in his hand, and handed it to the hostile mecha who was still stupidly squatting on the ground.

The other party was stunned, took his head, and then very clumsily pressed it back to his neck, but since it was held upside down at the beginning, its head was also upside down after it was installed, and the mecha had to be reset. Removed the head and reinstalled it again.

Maintaining a squatting position, after he settled down, he silently hugged his head again.

"Is this freshman here to be funny?" Looking at the situation on the console screen, the instructor, who was expecting to see Mugen continue to show off his skills, sighed in disappointment.


After losing four games in a row, being beaten by his opponents with no strength, and still unable to adapt to the operation of the mecha, the new student who drives this mecha is about to collapse mentally, and he is destined not to be Mugan's opponent.

"I don't know which school this kid is from. He has been unable to adapt to mecha operation for so long. He should belong to the few people who do not have the ability to operate mecha." Another instructor also sighed: "For so long, he only Did you learn a defensive move?"

At this moment, what this mecha is displaying is the first move of the first set of standard fighting techniques, and it is also the only defensive posture.

In this pose from the beginning, he doesn't do anything else after that.

It's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't. Due to his lack of talent, he is clumsy with any moves, and is often beaten by opponents. After that, in order to protect himself as much as possible, he can only choose to use a defensive posture.

The instructor recalled the records of his previous four games, and as expected: due to the complete inability to control the mecha, the freshman used only one defensive style from beginning to end, and used this move to resist all blows until the opponent was defeated by the system. until victory is declared.

In the first game, he was not even proficient with this move. The head of the mecha was broken at that time. The head of the mecha is an important part of the placement of the imaging system and the radar system. The damaged head will not be judged immediately by the system. Out, however, for the freshman, he continued to fight despite being short-sighted or even blind. In this case, it seems that all he can do is defense. After four games in a row, his defensive style is quite decent.

Looking at a "giant mushroom" blooming on the ground, the instructors all hoped that Mugan would end the game that was too different and enter a stage that was more suitable for him as soon as possible. However, Mugan was not as they expected. willing.

Mugen suddenly crouched to the opposite side of the mecha, and under the watchful eyes of all the instructors, he posed exactly the same defensive pose as the opposite robot.

He was stunned for a while, then began to adjust his posture constantly. When he stopped making any adjustments, the two mechas looked exactly the same.

Exactly the same appearance, exactly the same pose!


Under the inexplicable gaze of the instructors, Mugen released his hand holding his head and stretched out a mechanical arm to knock on the robot's arm. He gave the opposite mecha a "like"

"This is the most perfect defensive style I've ever seen, it's amazing~(≧▽≦)/~"

In the fighting arena, the two sides are not allowed to communicate, and no words can be heard by the other party. In order to let the other party understand what he means, Mugen gestured out the words he wanted to say in the void.

The same is the action of making a fist. When the thumb clasps the other four fingers, it is a heavy punch that symbolizes pain and injury! But just changed the angle and released a thumb, but it immediately became a gesture of praise.

The mecha holding his head raised his head blankly, looking at the thumbs up from his companion in front of him, he was stunned—

"Thank you for demonstrating the most correct defensive style for me. In exchange, I will also tell you the tricks I have mastered!" Mugen said to the other party, dancing and gesturing.

"...after a defensive pose, it's just an elbow. It's like this - as long as the angle, strength and position are right, everyone can't escape the blow and they'll fly out with a piu!"

While "speaking", Mugen gestured for him the gesture he said.

The instructors had never seen Mugan perform this combination. When he showed this combination, all the instructors were stunned.

"That, that, that is..." Pointing out a finger to the position on the screen, the instructor's voice trembled.

"Aquimota Hangman!" he finally called out that name!

Akimota Gauntlet, this action combination was pioneered by a mecha named Akimota. It was originally called Akimota's Gauntlet. Later, in a certain battle, Akimota used This action successfully hangs the head of the enemy's mecha and drives the opponent to complete defeat, so it is officially renamed the Aquimota Head Hanging Style.

A very simple, neat and efficient action, but it cannot be widely promoted. There is no other reason: the difficulty combination of this action combination is too, high, too!

Its initial movements are copied from the first form of the most basic first set of standard fighting techniques. Basically, everyone can do this. It's no big deal. However, it is rare to see the subtle changes in the next movements. It has been fifty years, and for such a long time, except for the founder Akimota, only a few people can perform it, and it can only become a legendary stunt in the army in the end.

Everyone knows it, but everyone doesn't.

On the contrary, with the continuous efforts of scientists, a group of high-end military robots have mastered this move.

Under the stunned gaze of the instructors, Mugan demonstrated this action once again in an understatement. Then he began to signal the opposite mecha to follow.

Under the situation that the second monk was confused, the mecha actually followed him. With each movement, his fist kept falling on Mugen's body. Because it was a split movement, it didn't hurt, and it didn't even hurt. , their movements look very graceful, from a distance, they look a bit like dance steps.

"I also learned it after practicing for a long time. As long as I practice hard, I can definitely master it." After gesturing, he also made a sign language to encourage the opponent who was originally his opponent!

The so-called "sign language" is actually writing in the air. If the new students on the opposite side can see it, the instructors will naturally see it, and the instructors are stunned when they hear it—

"How is it possible! How could this be something that can be mastered by hard practice!" Finally, one of the instructors could not hold back any longer and stood up, pointing at Muggan on the field with great excitement: "Flafetar , this freshman he, he…”

In the extreme shock and excitement, he was incoherent. However, no one laughed at him, because the surging hearts of the other two instructors who had witnessed the situation just now were not inferior to him at all!

"(My uncle said,) The first set of standard martial arts is the most basic and best martial arts. As long as you practice hard, you will definitely gain something."

Mugan shares his experience with him.

The enemy mecha, who failed to hit the wrong position again and his fist landed on Mugen's shoulder, was stunned. During this short pause, the system tone sounded again—

"Victor: Knight, Battles: 5, Win Rate: 20%."

Not long after the results are announced, both sides of the competition will be teleported out of the arena.

Before being forcibly sent out, the mecha again clumsily compared the combo that Mugen had taught him just now.

Of course it still doesn't connect.

"Come on, come on!" Not minding his failure at all, Mugan wrote words of encouragement in the air with his fingers in the final moments.

He waved his hand, and he also waved goodbye to the other party.

Then the two figures disappeared from the stage at the same time.

Eli Comro, the "Knight" in the system, pursed his lips.

In the days that followed, he really worked hard to practice this combination of movements every day.

Taking what Muggan told him that it was just a trick, Comlo had no idea that the move he was learning was one of the legendary stunts impossible for humans to do.

Whenever he couldn't hold on, he would remember what the person in the system said to him: "As long as you practice hard, you can definitely master it."

Take a peek at fellow Muggan in the crowd, and he'll keep practicing.

Although he didn't know who that person was, Avery still knew that it was Mugan for no other reason: when he got up early and passed the playground, Avery saw Mugan, who was practicing his first set of standard martial arts. The first action you made was exactly the same as yourself!

In the process of being beaten, Avery quietly changed a little bit of this trick, knowing that only the person who played against him in the system that day was the only one who knew this small change.

Chairman Mugan is that man—Avery knew right away!

Such an excellent classmate Mugan is still so hard every day, stupid like himself, what reason is there to be lazy

So Avery joined the ranks of the morning exercise the next day.

This is a little later.


Coincidentally, as with Morgan: Olivia won the first four of the five placement matches and lost the last one.

The reason is very inexplicable.

"...The mecha slipped for no reason and was ruled out. This is a malfunction! It's a malfunction! Olivia should have passed the positioning match with a 100% win rate!" After reading it over and over with the record data, the instructor who pursued perfection still Indignant.

Well, in the third positioning match of Muggan, the foot slipped for no reason, fell a mouth and gnawed mud and was finally eliminated. It was our Ollie who tweeted.

The two little guys who kept thinking about each other and counting down the day to meet didn't know that they had actually met at this time.

pass by.