There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 87: Terrible child


Morgan finally completed five placement matches.

When most of the freshmen would stay in the boot camp and only a small number of people could successfully enter the one-star division, he successfully positioned himself in the three-star division... Tail~

Although it is the tail of the crane, this achievement has broken the highest positioning record ever held by the four-star military base where he is located, and it is also the top of all the students of the Imperial Comprehensive College!

Unlike shooting training, the training and assessment of the mecha project is also ten days. However, these ten days allow freshmen to return to reality and rest, provided that they must complete ten games every day.

This is to prevent autism. During the time period of the mecha assessment, candidates are completely unable to communicate with the outside world. In this case, a considerable number of people will induce autism symptoms: irritability, self-destruction or The tendency to destroy others.

In this case, every time a student finishes ten games, the system will automatically prompt the student whether they need to leave the system to rest, and most of the students will choose to leave impatiently.

Of course, if you don't want to come out, you can, the system will continue to arrange the battle situation for you. The interval between the two battles will not exceed ten minutes, and the students’ spirits are almost always under tension. They can persist in one day, two days, and after three or four days, most people will choose to quit, only those who are born with a love for fighting. The fighting maniac can survive.

Since he met Mugan, Flaffetal found that all his previous experiences were invalid, and almost none of them were accurate.

He thought that Mugan was too soft-hearted, but Mugan shot and killed 931 people with his own hands in the shooting training, showing no mercy; he thought that Mugan was principled, matter-of-fact, and extremely stubborn in the mission, but Mugan was positioned in the fifth game. Sai nonsensically lost to weak opponents; a natural pacifist, usually harmless, but can become very scary when encountering a violation of his own code of justice - Frafetal's notes to Muggan increasingly longer.

The previous shooting was because the actions of those people undermined the "justice" in Mugan's eyes. Mugan did not like fighting - Frafetal thought that Mugan would take regular breaks every day as usual, and A teenager who lacks self-control at this age is completely different. Under Flaffetal's observation, Mugan is a child with very strong self-control.


This child seems to be specially sent to him by God to test Flaffetal's ability to distinguish people, and Mugan's next move goes against Flaffetal's expectations again!

Ten full days! Mugen stayed in the virtual system for ten days, battle after battle, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter!

This, this kid is actually a natural fighting maniac - Mugan didn't rest for a few days, and Flafetal, who was sitting in front of the console closely watching him, didn't rest for a few days. Mugan's stay in the system was too long. It shocked him, and the constantly refreshed time record had already wiped out his astonishment.

"Victor: Olivia, number of battles: 352, winning rate: 90.9%, congratulations, you have successfully advanced to the five-star arena!"

That's Muggan's final test score—a pretty amazing one!

When the average student only fought more than 100 games at most, Mugan's battles were three times that of others! Too frequent games did not affect his performance, Mugan's winning rate is very high!

"What a terrible guy..." During Mugan's competition, the remaining two instructors began to rest as usual after watching it for five days. When Mugan's results were announced, they could only let out a long exclamation: " I can't tell, this little guy is actually a fighting maniac!"

And Frafetar just quietly looked at the console screen with the logo of the military department, without making a sound.

At the end of the ten-day test period, whether it was the students who were in the game or the students who were waiting to participate in the next game, they were all teleported out. When the egg-shaped cabin was opened, many people were stunned and noticed the surrounding The faces of their classmates, they realized that the ten-day mecha training was over.

"Where's the chairman? Where's the chairman?" The first thing Dobby did when he woke up was to look for Mugan. Their cabins were next to each other. Every time they came out to rest, the eggs next door were locked up. Dobby had already I haven't seen Mugan in ten days. However, he thought that Mugan just staggered the rest time from him, and did not expect that Mugan would not rest for ten days.

"I haven't seen him for ten days." Kerry's "egg" was right next to Morgan, and while he jumped out in a dashing manner, he also pulled a hand of Dobby who hadn't climbed out for a long time.

"Me too, I haven't seen Mugan for ten days." Godot's voice suddenly came from the side, and Dobby was startled.

The three big heads looked into the "egg" containing Muggan in unison—

Inside the egg, Muggan was sound asleep.

"He won't... slept during the game, right?" A voice came over from the side, but it was a student from another department, and he didn't know what was going on, so he also came to join in the fun.

However, their voices were not loud, and intentionally or unintentionally, they used their bodies to block the sight of the instructor next to them. To wake Mugan before the instructor notices—everyone thought. However, Mugan, who always got up on time, stayed in bed this time. No matter how much Dobby pushed, he couldn't wake up. There was no way, and Dobby finally carried him on his back.

Everyone lined up to go out. Unlike the practice of the Military Academy, which announced the results in real time, the Imperial College will only announce the total score after the end of the score.

Morgan's name is very eye-catching in the first place: even if he has a high win rate of more than 90%, he has as many as 352 games! Not to mention, the far right side of the score shows that the arena he was in turned out to be a five-star arena!

Oh my god! Most of the people here are spinning around in the one-star arena!

Domura was in second place, his win rate was 78.9%, and he finally entered the Samsung arena. He thought he must be the first place, but he didn't expect—

"352 games, has he been playing all the time?" Finally, a student didn't hold his surprise and said aloud.

"That's right, for ten days, he has been playing in the system without a moment's rest." Unexpectedly, the instructor on the side not only didn't talk about him, but also answered his question.

"I'm done." Domra turned to look in admiration.

"The chairman is amazing!"

"That's it! The previous shooting competition was so good!"

The instructor's tolerance just now restored a little bit of their original liveliness to these children. Coupled with Mugan's amazing achievements, the announcement hall was filled with the admiration of these freshmen for a while.

Although he has always paid the most attention to Mugan, he has not lost his attention to other freshmen. All the performances of these freshmen after waking up are seen in Frafetar's eyes, and their words all fall into his ears: "Chairman "—Flafetar noticed that, whether it is a freshman in Mugan's department or not, more and more people call Mugan this way, and even some chairman of the committee will call Mugan this way.

Not only that, when they just woke up, many people would consciously or unintentionally lean in the direction where Mugen was. When it was discovered that Mugan didn't wake up on time, everyone was covering for him intentionally or unintentionally. In the end, when there was nothing they could do, some people took the risk of being sat on their backs and carried him out.

How long does it take? The innate affinity makes everyone willing to approach him, and the absolute strength makes it impossible to raise the idea of confrontation with him.

It was terrifying, and this child was really terrifying—looking at Muggan in the middle of the crowd, who was carried on his back by a big classmate, Frafetal fell silent.