There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 89: The third home letter


For the freshmen of the Imperial College, the first days of military training were like years every day. However, as the training continued to deepen, they gradually became accustomed to this kind of life. After the virtual training of strategic subjects, they were reluctant to part. It turns out that there are only eleven days left.

Looking forward to the end of the military training life is still a bit reluctant. In this complicated mood, the instructor slammed a notice: "Next, you will represent the Imperial College to participate in the college-level military training league."

"Ah?" The freshmen were stunned: league? This... never heard of it at all

"Imperial Comprehensive College is the first year to participate in this year. In previous years, this league was only held within the major military academies. It is known as one of the three major military academies. How about it? Can I participate in this level of competition? Excited?" After three months, seeing the hard work of the freshmen, these rigid-faced instructors can now occasionally joke with the students.

The freshmen were embarrassed: complete, complete, no, excited, excited! How do you look at it, you have been the bottom for others in the past!

"After the notification is over, we will leave you an hour to prepare, and gather at the playground in an hour." The corner of his mouth pursed, the smile just now seemed to have never appeared, and the instructors left.

Leaving a stunned freshman.

So, no matter how shocked they were, the freshmen still ran back to their respective dormitories at the fastest speed, but when they arrived at their respective dormitories, they found out that their luggage was all ready, and they were neatly carried on their backs. On the robot, they were notified one step earlier than they were, and the robots were already ready to go. Their training during this time has not been in vain, and these once entertaining robots now look decent.

There is also a set of uniforms prepared with the luggage. At this moment, the set of white uniforms with good texture is properly lying on the bed of each new student.

"It's the uniform of the Imperial College!" Someone immediately recognized the identity of this uniform.

The uniforms of Imperial College are notoriously good-looking. Designers from this college have tailored a series of uniforms for the college. They are divided into two types according to gender. The boys’ uniforms are trousers and the girls’ uniforms are A. word skirt. The main tone of the uniform is white, and the accessories are matte gold. The overall design is elegant and generous, without losing the liveliness of young people.

The above is the official evaluation of the uniforms of the Imperial College.

The actual evaluation is

Emma! The student uniforms of Imperial College are so outrageous and criminal!

As a student of Imperial Comprehensive College, xx brand anti-wolf spray, you! Must have!

Strictly speaking, the uniforms of the Imperial College are as conservative and strict as the uniforms of other colleges, but they cannot bear the designer's special attention to the design. now! People who are not in good shape can immediately show some lines when they wear this suit. The students in the lower grades look innocent and cute, and the students in the upper grades have all the advantages of wearing them. It is said that there are related clubs in the folk!

Cough! The author has digressed.

Freshmen did not receive this uniform when they entered the school, but they were not given uniforms when they became freshmen. At that time, there were still many people who were very disappointed. Now the dream uniform is in sight. After everyone cheered, they couldn't wait to run to the bedside. .

Mugan also put on a full uniform with the help of his uncle.

Although they are the most powerful robots in the world, the Alphabet robots are only as powerful as the military. They don't have any civilian skills, they don't know how to weave, they don't know how to cut, and Muggan, who only wears animal skins every day, is like a savage.

Alpha doesn't care about this. Nakedness is the norm for robots. Those soft and fancy clothes have no other function except to conform to the rules of human society. However, at this moment, looking at Mu in a snow-white uniform standing in front of him. Root, Alpha suddenly doesn't think so.

Taking a step back, he took a picture of Mugen's current appearance without any dead ends, and a strange feeling suddenly surged in his "heart".

There is no calculation and no regularity. After copying this emotion, Alpha applauded for Mugan.

"It's very intimidating." The uncle drew a personal conclusion for Mugan's uniform.  ̄▽ ̄ "Ah ⊙▽⊙? I think this white is too eye-catching and easy to get dirty."

"Everyone wears this color, and you look stealthy. Plus, the uniform material has been tested and it's very dirt-resistant, so you can wear it with confidence."

"This uniform is really good." Mugan breathed a sigh of relief.

Next to Godot + Kerry: "Deterrent", what kind of ghost is this to describe that normal people shouldn't feel that it's beautifully designed? And - Chairman Morgan, you don't think the uniform is good because it's dirt-resistant enough? This... this focus is simply too crooked!

Without the uniform, Sigma put on the small vest, and he also brought over his brother's spare tie. Looking at the robots all around with bare buttocks, he slapped the tie around his neck. tucked the end of the tie into the vest.

As the chairman of the robot, Alpha brought a group of robots to the designated place to assemble, and the human student's assembly task, Instructor Flaffital, gave it to Mugan in front of the freshmen.

"Student Mugan, starting today and ending the league, you will be the commander-in-chief of the Imperial College's participating team this time, and all the students here will be your subordinates.

Discover their abilities, unleash their abilities, integrate everyone, and fight for a common goal. As the commander-in-chief, you are responsible for every student here. Regardless of success or failure, you will be responsible for this league. responsible for the results.

Can you do it?"

Looking directly at Muggan, Instructor Frafetar's eyes were threateningly severe. At that moment, he released all the momentum!

Several students standing beside Mugen froze on the spot, but Mugen didn't move. He supported the classmate next to him who almost fell, and looked at the faces of the others behind him. Full of doubts.

Others were also looking at him. There was excitement, encouragement, yearning, and anticipation in those eyes. After receiving countless eyes, Mugen's originally puzzling heart became firm.

He raised his head again:

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The eyes are shining, and the young man in front of him has high fighting spirit!

There was no retreat in his eyes, and there was no concealment. He accepted the task assigned to him by his superiors, and he was confident to complete it - the above is all the information that Frafetar read from Mugan's eyes.

Not for the sake of being appointed, but for the mission itself.

"Very well, then, Commander Muggan, let's start now and call on everyone to gather and board the ship."

"Yes, sir!" Legs side by side in a perfect salute, Muggan gave his first command of his appointment—

"Take a rest, stand at attention, Ye's array gathers!"

Lined up neatly, the freshmen of Imperial College embarked on their journey to participate in the league.

And three hours later, on the stellar star on the other side of the same galaxy, the spacecraft of the Imperial Military Academy also set sail.

"Chief Olivia, when I look forward to meeting again, here... there are two more medals." Finally, he told Olivia, who was appointed as the commander-in-chief of this league of the Imperial Military Academy, and the instructor pointed to his Left chest: There, is the position where the soldier wears the medal.

Competition has existed from the very beginning, the military league held by the military, the outstanding performers in the league can receive the corresponding medal according to their performance, and that medal is allowed to be worn on the school uniform as a symbol of honor.

There was a muffled knock on the leather boots, Olivia saluted the instructor, and then he turned and left, accompanied by Todd and Jopson who were waiting, his figure finally melted into the darkness behind him army of cadets.

The first thing to do after logging in to the spaceship is to hold a meeting. After giving them the news of participating in the league, the instructors provided them with the information about the Imperial Military Academy’s participation in the competition over the years. They should hurry up and study it within half a day of going to the league site. These materials are summarized, and the scope of this league game is estimated, and then the tasks are allocated reasonably.

"Mengmeng has sent the information to everyone's brains, and in three hours, hand in a report on time." After a simple and rude task, Olivia then walked slowly to the farthest corner and opened a The book, he quietly read the book.

Muggan's third letter to the family has arrived:


Now call me Chairman Morgan~(≧▽≦)/~

I, when, choose, it!

This time, the uncles and the others really didn't help, but I was elected normally. Although there are very few people in the cooking department, but... It was the first time I was a cadre at this age. My father and uncle were very happy. Beta uncle bought a cake from Rolanda Cake Shop and came back. He said that he wanted to eat a cake to celebrate. The cake was easy It can't be mailed, so I have an extra piece for you!

(Hey! That's my cake. Even if you eat it for me, describe the taste and color of the cake!)

Did Ollie run for class cadre? The uncle told you to work hard as a student, and it will be easier to find a good job in the future. But my father said it doesn't matter if I can't find a good job, the family bun shop still needs someone to inherit~

(Don't worry, I'm already the chief. It is said that as long as I don't die, I will definitely find a good position for a good job)

By the way, I went to help the professor clean the room. Do you remember Professor Mulansha? Although she looks serious, she is a very kind lady. Not only did she give Sigma a very beautiful little vest, but she also often invited us to drink tea. We talked about Mengmeng together, and she said that she would have the opportunity to meet Mengmeng in the future. Moe, you can make an apron for him.

(Her kindness is only for robots, right? By the way, Mugan, are you being treated as non-human by her? That’s why she is so nice to you.)”

In the middle of each paragraph, Olivia added her own rant.

During his days at the Imperial Military Academy, reading letters from Mugan was the only time he could relax, inserting his own words between the lines, as if Mugan was answering a question with himself.

In this place, if you stand too low and humble, no one will talk to you; however, when you stand high and proud, no one will talk to you.

Not not, but dare not.

When those people surrendered to themselves because of their own means and chose to stand behind them, Olivia knew that she was destined to make no friends here.

"Oli, have you made any good friends?"

Looking at the familiar handwriting with a slight edge in the circle on the paper, Olivia seemed to see Mugen's round black eyes through the paper, looked at herself attentively, and asked him seriously: "Oli, have you made a good deal? friend?"

No, I only have you as a good friend.

However, you must have made more and better friends, right

Thinking of this, Olivia's face darkened.

The pen in his hand didn't stop. Slowly, he added a small line after the question: "I have many good friends now, the two best people are named Todd and Jope. Sen, like Dobby, they are two Thunder Dragons~(≧▽≦)/~”

Olivia didn't know how scary his face was with the playful emoji.

No one around dared to approach him, and the two meters around him seemed to be a vacuum layer, separating him from the other students.

However, Olivia read the letter slowly.

"When I received this letter, I should have been in military training. Students in the comprehensive college can also participate in military training, and I just found out.

I don't know what camp we'll be going to, but it would be nice to meet Ollie during military training!


Staring at Muggan's signature at the end, Olivia's face became even colder.

No, Mugan, you don't understand, I really don't want to meet you in military training.

Not at all.