There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 91: Military meeting 2


"Oh! This bun is very delicious~" The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and Dean Argos took off his gloves and reached out to take a bun, but when he was about to get in front of him, his hand slanted, and the bun accidentally fell off. onto the teacup tray below.

"Crack" - with a sound, the tray cracked.

All the senior military officials turned their heads in unison, and everyone's attention was focused on... Bao Zijun, who had accidentally hit the table.

Bao Zijun: (づ ̄ 3 ̄)づ

Several officers who were holding out their claws towards Bao Zijun immediately withdrew their hands as if nothing had happened.

With a slight smile, Argos picked up the bun without hesitation, pinched it with two fingers, and bit it down.

"click" "click"

Hearing the sound from his mouth, the eyes of several officers became even more bizarre.

"Thank you." Just when everyone was secretly paying attention to the teeth of Dean Argos who was chewing buns, Dean Aude's secretary had already done his duty to distribute the buns to His Excellency the Marshal.

After thanking the secretary, His Excellency the Marshal reached out and took a bun. Without waiting for others to gently advise him not to eat the suspicious food in his hands, His Excellency the Marshal has already taken a big bite.

"Crack" was accompanied by a suspicious cracking sound, and everyone was sweating for the teeth of His Excellency the Marshal... .

The marshal's chewing action stopped for a moment, and a moist light flashed in his eyes.

Everyone (except Dean Ode & Dean Argos who is eating buns  ̄▽ ̄) turned pale: it's over! This weapon called the bun hurts His Excellency the Marshal!

Who knows—

"After eating steamed buns for so long, today I finally ate delicious meatballs in the buns, which is really touching!" He closed his eyes and felt the deliciousness between his lips and teeth. His Excellency the Marshal's voice was full of satisfaction.

One bun in the left hand and one in the right. His Excellency the Marshal opened his bows left and right. The buns brought by the secretary for all the officials here to taste all went into the pocket of His Excellency the Marshal within a minute. No, he still had three buns left.

"My family likes to eat meatballs in buns the most, but he can't eat the buns, so every time he eats the meatballs, I eat the buns, God knows how long I want to eat the meatballs inside..." Staring at the meat buns on the plate with emotion, His Excellency the Marshal obviously didn't eat enough, but he didn't take the buns in his hands: "The remaining three will be left to Sage."

Sargay is the name of the Marshal's mate, and their bond has been good over the centuries.

"Please enjoy the delicious buns by yourself. I have already sent another secretary to deliver the buns from the ladies. Please rest assured, the buns from the ladies were sent with broken shells." Your Excellency the Marshal of the Central Committee, Dean Aude nodded slightly and explained.

"You are the most thoughtful person." He nodded with satisfaction, "Whoosh" and "Whoosh" three times, His Excellency the Marshal quickly put the remaining three buns into his mouth~(≧▽≦)/~

General Condon, who was sitting at the bottom right of His Excellency the Marshal, thought he could be assigned one of the three buns this time, but when he saw His Excellency the Marshal's move, he was dumbfounded.

He swallowed secretly, thinking of the buns on Argos' side, he hurriedly turned his head, but it was too late: the plate containing the buns was clean, and the mouths of the generals closest to the plate were bulging, and all of them had faces. It's a very psychedelic expression.

"This, this thing called buns is really delicious!" Brigadier General Woody was the closest to the buns, and he was very lucky to grab a bun.

"The taste of the meatballs inside is incredible... I have never eaten such delicious meat, it makes me want to chew my tongue and swallow it together." Another lieutenant general who grabbed the bun was a gourmet with his eyes closed. , he began to express the emotion brought by the buns he had just eaten: "The hard shell is also very good. If you taste it carefully, it has a unique flavor and a very strange taste..."

"Of course it's unbelievable." The corners of his mouth curved slightly, but Dean Ao De's pale face still showed no expression, he said calmly: "The meatballs are made of the meat fibers of the crescent moon Dilong, and Bailuxing has already Successfully bred a crescent moon emperor dragon."

This news hit everyone here like a bombshell.

Crescent Moon Emperor Dragon! This term is only a symbol of top ingredients in the eyes of most people, but it is a top ingredient in the military!

Immediately, many generals stood up and stared at Oder. However, no matter how they stared, Dean Aud's expression did not change at all.

"The anti-reconnaissance function of the bun's shell is very powerful, and the military's most advanced monitoring equipment can't identify the contents under the bun's skin."

Another bomb!

"Dean Oder!" If it wasn't for the presence of the Marshal, everyone would have rushed to Oder now.

Picking up a cup of tea, Dean Aud quietly took a sip of tea. His long eyelashes covered his eyes, and his expression was obscured by a teacup, and only half of his pale face could be seen.

"Hehe, Hengtianxing just happened to have successfully bred a crescent moon dragon~" Just when everyone looked at Dean Aude anxiously, Dean Argos said a word with a smile.

The conference room is about to boil!

"Quiet. Now is the time for the freshman league. Please contact after the league." He placed the teacup heavily on the table, and everyone fell silent wherever His Excellency the Marshal glanced.


The freshmen stood there for three full hours. During the waiting process, many freshmen became obviously anxious. The two teams, one head, one tail, one black and one white, were particularly eye-catching at this time.

The imperial military academy students in black uniforms remained silent, no matter what the surrounding teams were, they always stood motionless.

Just as quiet as them was the white team at the other end of the Imperial College.

Looking closely, there are many students with sweat on their foreheads, but even so, their backs are still straight, and other students can see that they are different: their eyes are straight ahead, and their chins are slightly raised about 5 The shoulders are relaxed, the arms stand naturally with the hands behind the back, the hips and legs are straight and tense, the heels are close together, the toes are opened fifty degrees and in the same straight line, their movements are uniform and completely consistent!

As expected of the Bridal Academy! They started etiquette training as soon as they entered the school - standing next to them, sneaking a glance this way, other college students can only come to this conclusion.

When the late-arriving His Excellency Marshal led other senior military officials to the reviewing stand, what he saw was a scene of tension at both ends and a little mess in the middle.

"Which is the military training camp of the Imperial College this year?" Recognizing the identity of the freshman of the Imperial College through the uniform at a glance, His Excellency the Marshal turned to his guard and asked.

"It's the No. 173 four-star military base." The guard replied calmly after doing his homework and making sure he could answer any questions from his boss.

Marshal Chu narrowed his eyes and tilted his head again: "The instructor in charge of their military training over there..."

"It's Lieutenant General Frafetal." The guard replied again.

"Oh...I remembered, it's the little guy who insisted on practicing the ancient method. He is still there..." With a sudden realization, His Excellency Marshal's face immediately revealed a little nostalgia: "This way of standing looks very strange. It's beautiful, but it's very hard work. When I first joined the army, I also received this kind of training. But now this kind of training method is no longer used."

Today's military training pays more attention to tactics and the actual use of weapons. Standing and walking training that spends a lot of time is considered too fancy and wastes resources. It is listed as part of military etiquette, and only elective courses will be taught. And very few students take this course every year.

The stance shown by the students of the Imperial College in front of him looked simple, but when he called up their training records and took a look, Chu found that their stance training actually took a month!

His Excellency the Marshal frowned slightly.


It seems that trivial training is a waste of time, but when it is really shown in front of them, why does it look so... pleasing to the eye

"Imperial Military Academy... The two teams of Imperial Comprehensive Academy look the most like active duty soldiers." His Excellency the Marshal made an attribution for what he saw.

In fact, the team closest to the active military should be the Imperial College - this is the remaining half of the sentence that the Marshal did not finish and put into his stomach.

"Submission" and "stoicism", this kind of temperament that obviously takes many years of real military career to show in the active military, and now, he actually saw it on the faces of the freshmen of the Imperial College.

Without continuing to comment, His Excellency the Marshal began to teach the freshmen before the league: "Hello, all new recruits, I am Rothsay Tanggula Chu." As soon as the name came out, due to the well-trained, freshmen off the field did not They fell into chaos, but how shocked they were in their hearts, just look at their expressions!

It's such a great name! Since their fathers, this is the name of the supreme leader of the Imperial Army! How many people have never been able to see a big man in their entire lives, and now the person standing on the review platform in front of them is actually this excellency! This is simply unimaginable glory!

At this moment, these young people are full of pride and pride!

"There are seven participating academies, and this number is exactly the number of legions the imperial army had at the beginning of its formation. The commanders of these legions are no longer there, but the legions still exist, to commemorate their establishment and to inspire young people. People's fighting spirit in peacetime, the military will hold this league every year.

Last year due to the merger of the colleges, this year we have a new participating college, and the overall number of participating colleges is still seven. "

His Excellency Marshal briefly explained a little about the background of the league. Students from other colleges have already heard this background many times, so he explained it to the freshmen of Imperial College who participated in the competition for the first time.

"I announce that the 320th Inter-academic Military Training League will start now!" Without too many fancy words, His Excellency the Marshal immediately pressed the start bell for the start of the league!

"Yes—" The louder than the start-up bell was a roar that suddenly erupted from the audience! As soon as the roar came out, both the military officials on the stage and the freshmen of other colleges off the stage were startled.

This astonishing roar that shook the audience came from the (relatively) weak looking angels in white from the Imperial College.

Those who are familiar with the ancient method of training will know that this is a signal that the next action command can be carried out at any time.

The whole process of changing movements is very fast, whether it's a roar or a backhand movement, the freshmen of Imperial College behave exactly the same when they do these movements, neatly like a person!

All words and deeds are measured, and personal behavior is minimized to the maximum extent, and the military appearance and discipline are fully standardized. This is the essence of the ancient method of training.

"These children almost startled me." He said lightly, His Excellency the Marshal's eyes stared straight at the white team below, and his eyes were full of interest.