There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 93: Not a loser


The military parade before the league, no matter from which level, the Imperial College is the most impressive college. Different from the past, the freshmen of this year's Imperial College have something that their predecessors did not show.

It was a kind of aggressiveness that could be described as sharp, and from their eyes, people could see the high-spirited fighting spirit.

The fighting spirit displayed by them not only shocked the freshmen of the military academy who directly confronted them, but even the senior military officials who were used to seeing regular soldiers put away their joking eyes, and they finally began to face this non-military school. College teams.

As if to prove this, the performance of the Imperial College has proven this time and time again in front of everyone!

The first round of physical fitness test is the traditional long-distance obstacle running, which is not terrible. As a traditional military training program, almost all military academies take long-distance running as the most basic training item, and it is also the first test item. As the difficulty of training increases, in the later training, although the distance will not run as long as the test every day, there will still be long-distance running items in the daily physical training. After military training, the physical fitness of all the freshmen has been greatly improved. However, in this case, the long-distance running distance announced by the league referee still surprised many people: 150 kilometers!

Not only the freshmen, to be honest, even the instructors in charge of training them were taken aback by this number.

From the moment of participating in the league, the instructors are not allowed to appear on the field. The freshman completely controls his own game, and the military department sends a special league referee to adjudicate the game. This is the consistent practice of the freshman military training league. During the freshman game, all the instructors were required to stay off the court. They have many years of experience in training freshmen for the league. When they heard this distance, some instructors jumped on the spot: "How could this be! All the previous physical fitness tests were performed. The length is 75 kilometers! The length of the test for recruits will not exceed 100 kilometers!"

What is the concept of 150 kilometers? ! One hundred and fifty kilometers is the distance that an incumbent officer would have to sweat if he wanted to run! Besides, it's noon now. If you want to run the hundred and fifty kilometers, you must run a considerable distance at night. Long-distance running at night will further aggravate the psychological burden of new students!

On the spot, several instructors broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads.

Done! It's a misstep, this time they were all new students in accordance with the 100-kilometer test, and now they have suddenly added 50 kilometers. Can those students do it? Should... can it

One academy sent five instructors, and there were thirty-five instructors in total. Among so many people, only two instructors from the academy didn't seem to panic at all.

Among these indifferent instructors, there are naturally five instructors from the Imperial Military Academy: "Huh... The physical training benchmark for the students we are responsible for is 150 kilometers from the beginning, and later increased to 180 kilometers. , not to mention running at night, training day and night is commonplace for our students."

Standing comfortably in a small corner, the instructors of the Imperial Military Academy exchanged knowing glances with each other.

The number one never falls from the sky. The training intensity of the Imperial Military Academy is always a multiple of that of other academies. The ability to complete the training, the perseverance to persevere, and the freshmen who can now stand in this arena, these two abilities are not the same. lack. As for the freshman who has neither ability...

They couldn't be students at the Imperial Military Academy.

With strong confidence in their students, the five instructors of the Imperial Military Academy looked at the same five people in another corner without a trace: they were the instructors of the Imperial Comprehensive Academy, I don't know which base they were from, they had never seen this. Several people. These people looked calm, could it be that there is something wrong

Not only the five of them thought this way, but the instructors of the other military academies naturally noticed the calmness of the five people over there. Thinking of the strong debut of the freshmen of the Imperial Comprehensive College just now, they were really a little muttered in their hearts.

And actually-

"End, egg, it! The intelligence estimate is wrong, I don't know if I want to come over to participate in the league, our longest test distance is only 75 kilometers!!!!!!!"

Hearing the number of kilometers announced by the referee, the four instructors on the spot went crazy, grabbed and grabbed, and when they saw the calm face of Flafetar next to them, they suddenly became calm.

That's right... Anyway, it's definitely the last place, so what's not to be determined

This kind of egg is directly reflected on the outside, and it becomes an understatement and calmness in the eyes of other instructors.

Halfway through the long night, the freshmen of the Imperial Military Academy ran to the finish line first. The first fifty freshmen who reached the finish line were all freshmen of the Imperial Military Academy, and the freshmen of the Imperial Military Academy were the first to arrive. , After they arrived, they quietly stood aside and stood in the queue again. Although they had gone through a long game, they looked just ordinary tired. Regarding the quality they showed at this time, the officials of the military department They are not surprised at all.

The students of other military academies also came back one after another. The freshmen of Grando Military Academy and Daolan Aofa Military Academy were a little slower, but they were sparsely gathered before the Sunshine Star was about to rise. As the two military academies that have always produced civilian soldiers, everyone also recognizes their performance.

The only student who did not arrive was the Imperial College, where they participated for the first time.

"Your Majesty, the lady said: He will not prepare breakfast for you until the students from the Imperial College arrive." Bowing slightly, the guard relayed the instructions he heard from the next room to his superiors.

His voice was not too small, and the other officials in the room could basically hear them with their sharp ears.

"Hehe..." Everyone had the same helpless expression on their faces.

Similar situations have been playing out in this room since yesterday when the rules of the game were announced.

"This kind of schedule is unfair to the students of the Imperial College! The supper is cancelled!" - In a word, the supper is gone.

"The lady said that she was concentrating on watching the game and didn't want to go to bed." - In a word, the warm bed was gone.

They listened to these kinds of words, but they laughed helplessly, and the adults had to eat the food prepared by the barracks chef. The madam obviously wants to eat nutritious meals from the army after coming here. It's really hard work~

"Is it too strict for the students of Imperial College? I don't know who suggested this question..." A general sighed while eating the unpalatable supplement.

Due to the gathering of high-ranking military officials this year, His Excellency the Marshal had a temporary idea. He asked each officer to write a question for the competition. This question must be within the scope of the league, which can be slightly higher than the original difficulty but not too high. Select the final selected topic.

So, the first physical fitness event was drawn to the 150-kilometer endurance race. Not to mention the one from their family, even the officials present felt that this topic was unfair to the students of Imperial College.

Everyone's eyes fell on Dean Argos: Argos must be the one who made this immoral question and made everyone feel bad! This kind of topic is a piece of cake for the Imperial Military Academy!

However, for the freshmen of Imperial College, it can be...

Thinking of this, everyone pretended to inadvertently looked at Dean Auder who was sitting at the end: the first sunlight had been cast through the window, and the sunlight shone on Auder's body, shrouding his whole person in In the halo, no one could see his expression.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted:

"Come on! The freshmen of Imperial College are back!!!" The person who spoke was General Condon, who was under the marshal. This middle-aged man, who had always been steady, lost his temper. He even put the nutrition he was eating in his hand. The agent was thrown onto Lieutenant General Yoran's plate.

Lieutenant General Yolan, who has always been obsessed with cleanliness, rarely frowned this time, and when he saw the direction of General Condon's hand, he also stood up. For this lieutenant general who has always been very self-sufficient, this is already a very gaffe performance.

Everyone looked at the corner that General Condon pointed to, and then they saw a scene that shocked the two generals: the freshmen of the Imperial Comprehensive Academy came back, not alone, not a few people, but all of them. !

All of them are together, although the team is not as neat as it was when they set off, and although many of them have been carried on their backs by their classmates, they came back together!

Completely different from the image of the always elegant students of Imperial College, at this moment, the iconic white uniforms on these freshmen have been soaked with sweat, they look in a state of embarrassment, and everyone is on the verge of running out of lamp oil.

"1-2-3-4-" The student in charge of shouting the password became hoarse, but he still shouted in a hoarse voice. He had to shout like that because everyone was running as fast as he could.

The stamina has been completely exhausted, and many people are on the verge of fainting. They just instinctively follow Dobby's slogan and run. At this time, even if Dobby takes them off the cliff, it is estimated that many people will end up with one head. Jump down.

For them, Dobby's voice was a light in the darkness at this moment, his shattering voice like a bellows, guiding the direction of the entire team.

What happened on the first day of the military training set the tone for this military training. The shock of the wallflower students running back neatly is still in their minds to this day. At that time, many students secretly imagined how they would feel if they were among that group of people.

Bathed in the shocking gaze of everyone, it must be a very proud and very stinky feeling, right? Be proud and proud of being in the group.

The wallflower series demonstrated the strength of the collective for the freshmen, and then, Flafetar's ancient method of training continued to deepen the importance of the collective sense of honor, intentionally or unintentionally.

Under such circumstances, there is no other academy's military training that can make freshmen so appreciate the weight of the word "collective".

So, when they knew the first exam item, all that came to their minds was the scene they saw during the first day of military training.

"Let's run back neatly like the wallflowers, and startle everyone!" - When the start bell rang, all the freshmen of the Imperial College thought so.

However, the wish is beautiful, but the reality is not so simple.

The long distance of 150 kilometers is beyond the physical reserve for military academy students. For these ordinary academy children, it seems to be an impossible task.

Even if they have good wishes, even if they have worked hard, after 100 kilometers, there are still people who can't hold on anymore.

At this moment, the most powerful students in the team stood up resolutely, carried the fainted students on their backs, and continued to run forward.

No one thought there was anything wrong with that.

"I want everyone to see how handsome we are when we come back together" - it is no longer a wish of one or two people, almost everyone in this team thinks so.

As reserved as Brad, he also carried a girl from the medical department on his back.

As powerful as Dobby, he even carried two people on his back!

If the first 100 kilometers was supported by their physical strength, then the next 50 kilometers was a competition of willpower.

"Qi—" Knowing that he had finally crossed the finish line, Dobby finally breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to use a password to make everyone change from running to walking, but he could no longer speak.

"Let's go!" The two students standing beside him discovered this situation, and they shouted out instead of Dobby at the same time. They have been training together for a long time, and they have formed a considerable degree of tacit understanding.

Even though he was exhausted to the extreme, months of hard training had engraved the actions of various passwords into everyone's bones and blood. Once the password came out, the running team stopped after three seconds.

Then, under the guidance of the password, they walked to the vacant seat next to Daolan Aofa Military Academy.

"Take a break! Stand at attention! Stand with your hands behind your back!" Dobby, who finally recovered, issued three commands immediately. After the body and the clothes swished, they stood up instantly.

Even if the spirit has reached its limit, even if some people have other people on their backs, their postures are still so beautiful.

Faced with this scene, the three referees who were in charge of the ruling of this project were all stunned. You look at me, I look at you, it is a given fact, but they don't know how to rule.

The freshmen of the Imperial College were the last to arrive, but anyone who saw their arrival couldn't think they were losers.

"These children are incredible!" Marshal Rothsay exclaimed, walking out of the room and standing on the reviewing stand again, looking down at the freshmen in white who were obviously exhausted but still standing upright proudly.

"No one gave up the game, no one was left behind, even if they used their backs, they should carry back their unsustainable companions... I admit that they are still proud even if they lose." Lieutenant General Yolan said with a stern face.

"Obviously the last place, but I think they are the winners." General Condon on the side sighed.

"I agree." A lieutenant general echoed General Condon.

"I think so too." Another echoer.

"It's… unconventional, even though these freshmen are amazing, they're still last."

For a time, the senior officials on the review platform fought hard, and they all found the basis for the judgment they supported.

In the end, Marshal Rothsay waved his hand to suppress all the voices.

"We are just guests, the referees of the military league are other people, let's listen to their verdict! In this regard, we have to trust the experts."

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone was silent.


I saw the three referees in the field discussed head-to-head for a while, and finally the lead referee announced the result of the first game: "The first place is the Imperial Military Academy."

No surprise verdict.

"Second place Colton Military Academy."

This time, the Colton Military Academy finally surpassed the Imperial Defence Academy.

"Third place Imperial Defense Academy."

Starting from the first place, the referee announced the rankings of the colleges in turn.

"...and seventh place, Imperial College."

Here, the referee finally made his own judgment. According to the results of the game, no matter how well the Imperial College performed, they were still the last, but they were definitely not losers.

Instead of "last place", the referee used the term "seventh place" here.

It was an unprecedented first time in the Military Academy League.

There was silence in the arena.

Everyone had nothing to say about the referee's verdict.

Yes, Imperial College was the last to arrive, but they were not the last. They have earned the respect of everyone else in their own way!


On the contrary, the freshmen of the Imperial College were stunned when they heard the result of the seventh place. Naturally, they did not know the difference between the seventh and the last place when they participated in the league for the first time. In their opinion, the seventh place is not the last place!

The freshmen finally couldn't hold back. They secretly looked back at Mugan in the last row. Under Mugan's eyes, they looked at the instructor in the distance.

"Salute!" After receiving Mugan's signal, Dobby issued the password again.

There was a hint of surprise on their faces, and the expressions of all the freshmen became serious, their palms stretched out to the side of their heads, and they saluted the instructor from the bottom of their hearts!

The instructors standing aside collectively accepted the salute from the freshmen of Imperial College.

Realizing who these kids really wanted to salute, the other instructors couldn't help but stagger a little bit. The five instructors of the Imperial College then stood in the position where they were being saluted.

Under the brim of the military cap, the eyes of the instructors were also sparkling, and among them, Flafital's eyes were particularly bright.

His efforts were not in vain, these kids really understand what kind of team he wants! Now, through these children, the prototype of the army he wants is displayed in front of people. He saw hope in these children! I'm sure everyone else has seen it!

"Salute." Raising his right hand, the five instructors, led by Frafetar, also showed the same respect to their students in the distance.

"The ceremony is complete." Another password, as if nothing happened just now, the freshmen and instructors of the Imperial Comprehensive Academy stood back to their original positions.

His hands were hanging on both sides of the seam of his trousers first, and Frafetar slowly put his hands into the trouser pockets. His hands shook into fists in the trouser pockets. In this place where no one noticed, his fists trembled slightly.