There Is No Afterlife

Chapter 94: Comello's house


"This year, Colton's grades are also good, surpassing the National Defense Academy." When all the adults looked down, General Conton noticed Lieutenant General Comlo standing behind the crowd.

He also has another identity, that is, the dean of the Colton Military Academy.

The deans of the six military academies participating today are all military generals, and the students below are competing in the room, how come the deans are not secretly competing

"Yes, these children are working hard this year." Facing General Condon's praise, Lieutenant General Comlo & Dean just nodded reservedly.

"Speaking of which, the son of Lieutenant General Komlow's family is now at the age of entry. The first student in Colton to reach the finish line is named Colton. Could it be that he is..." At that moment, another person took up the conversation, Looking at his epaulettes, this is also a lieutenant general.

"It's my second son." Dean Comlo replied immediately.

"Hey? Second son? What about your eldest son, Dean Komlow? Is he also in Colton?" Someone asked immediately.

Hearing this question, Dean Comlo's shoulders froze slightly, he turned around with a smile, and tried to change the subject: "I asked about the fragrance of the cookies, could it be that the ladies are finally willing to give us some food. ?"

He said it very stiffly. As a military officer known for his self-discipline, Lieutenant General Comlo has always been dismissive of enjoyment-like pastimes. How could he ever hear that he was interested in these

But now everyone knew that he didn't want to answer the question just now, so the person who asked the question just now followed the steps just given by Lieutenant General Comlo.

Everyone went to the table, and only Lieutenant General Comro remained at the reviewing table.

He first glanced at his younger son standing in the front row of Colton's team with satisfaction, and then...

His eyes fell to the last row of the Imperial College, and when he saw a certain figure inside, his face instantly filled with anger that could not be ignored.

"Unsatisfactory thing!" He scolded softly, took one last look at the figure, and Lieutenant General Comlo finally walked away.


Not all students who enter the six major military academies can finally set foot on the arena of the league. Military training is the first hurdle, and all those who do not meet the requirements will be brushed off. Those who can represent the college to participate in external competitions must first be recognized by the college.

Therefore, the qualities of the freshmen of the six military academies are naturally very good.

The Imperial College is different.

Before departure, an instructor euphemistically hinted that Mugen could brush off some students. In order to achieve better grades, some sacrifices are worthwhile.

However, Mugan did not understand his hints.

I don't know if he really didn't understand, the instructor finally didn't continue to persuade him. For the Imperial College, where the vast majority of students are not going to join the army, military training results may not mean anything.

Just a pity for Mugan.

He's so good-

That's how Avery got the right to join the others.

Avery, whose full name is Avery Comlow, is the eldest son of Dean Comlow of Colton Military Academy. He has a twin brother who entered the school at the same time as him this year, but unlike Avery, his younger brother entered Kerr. Dayton Military Academy.

Almost every generation of the Comro family has graduated from the Colton Military Academy. For Avery, whose grades and physical fitness are not up to the requirements of the Colton Military Academy, he is destined to disappoint his father.

The younger brother, like his father, is a carcharodontosaur, which is a very ferocious dinosaur family, and Avery is a raptor following his mother. Although Avery is much bigger than his mother, he is famous for his dexterity. The raptor, which became his weakness.

Avery's father was very unhappy when he was born. According to the genetic theory, Avery's birth proved that his father's gene of Carcharodontosaurus was not as strong as that of Raptor, which was impossible, so it was Avery's fault.

The strength of the younger brother further confirmed his father's argument.

Avery grew up in the shadow of his younger brother. He never heard a word of praise from his father since he was a child. In the end, it was his mother who comforted him.

"The cake you make is delicious, dear, you can go to Imperial College, where your mother graduated. There are many good teachers and classmates there, and you won't be bullied there."

Just because of the last sentence, Avery finally fought his life, studied hard every day, and exhausted his life's luck to be admitted to the Imperial College.

He finally left the shadow of his younger brother and father.

However, even away from home, he is still a piece of shit.

Everyone in the Imperial College, which is not known for its military force, is strong, but Avery found himself the weakest here. until-

He met Mugan.

At the expense of his positioning game, Chairman Mugan told him the secret combo, and in addition, Chairman Mugan praised him.

"Your defensive style is the most correct!"

Avery secretly remembered this sentence in his heart and in his diary, as the first praise he received in his life.

After that day, he worked even harder and gave up all training subjects. He wanted to practice that trick. Avery doesn't understand why he does this, but... His physical strength is not good and his body is weak. He has no hope of winning other subjects that rely on his own physical fitness. If it is a mecha... Everyone's mecha The parameters are the same at the beginning. As long as you are skilled in the operation, there may still be hope for a training session.

Perhaps there is another important reason: both my father and my brother are mecha geniuses. I looked up to Eli, who grew up with my father, and may still hope to be closer to my father and younger brother. Of course, this is because he himself is not aware of it. A little reason to arrive.

Avery, who had a very simple idea, practiced repeatedly day after day, and then he came to the league scene, and then saw his brother again.

Yesterday, when he "looked to the right", Eli saw a little shock in his younger brother's eyes. Although there was only one point, even though it was for the entire Imperial College, not for himself, Eli was still a little happy.


Just today.

Although he practiced hard every day, Ellie still fell down at a distance of about 120 kilometers. It was Chairman Kerry who ran back with him on his back.

The little self-confidence that had just increased yesterday was instantly erased, and today's Avery fell into depression again.

After the long-distance running test, all the freshmen were placed in a dormant cabin for a good night's rest, followed by intensive testing of various items.

According to the rules, if not all members participate in subjects, each person is only allowed to participate in four items at most, so in the next test, Chairman Muggan began to assign items according to each person's strengths, previous grades and wishes.

For example, in shooting events, each academy sends 30 students to compete, and the final score is averaged. In this project, Chairman Mugan took 30 students with good grades to participate, and Chairman Mugan is really amazing! His final grades stunned everyone in the other academies, including his younger brother, who were far worse than Chairman Mugan.

Avery was a little proud of his chairman, and then thinking of himself, he couldn't help but feel inferior.

In the end, the Imperial College won the first place in the shooting project. If people in this era like to wear glasses, then this result can break the glasses!

In the internal test, Chairman Morgan's reconnaissance was the first in his grade, but since each person could only participate in four non-entire projects, he did not participate in this competition, so the Imperial Military Academy won the first place in this project.

Their chairman... No, the chief is also very good, and his grades are much higher than his younger brother.

The younger brother was not that powerful, he was not invincible. After watching a few games, Allie suddenly had such an idea in his heart.

The younger brother has participated in three non-entire competitions, and he can only participate in one more competition of this type. Avery knows that he will definitely participate in the mecha fighting project. My heart is very clear.

Dad was the dean of Colton College, and he must have been watching the game, and Avery knew that too.

So, before the selection of the mecha fighting project, Avery finally found Mugan. Slowly but firmly, he seriously expressed his desire to participate in the competition to Mugan.

"Chairman Mugan, I only participate in this one project, please let me participate in the competition."

"Okay." The same serious stare into Avery's eyes, Mogan agreed to his request after a moment.

So, after the list of contestants for the mecha fighting project was handed in, the senior officials of the entire military saw two students surnamed Komlo on the list with great interest.

One is Irvin Comlow of the Colton Military Academy, while the other is Avery Comrow of the Imperial College.

Looking at Dean Komlow sitting in his seat with a livid face, their relationship is almost self-evident.

"So it turns out that the eldest son of Dean Comlo actually entered the Imperial College? This... is too strange? Speaking of which, I rarely hear Dean Comlu mention the eldest son~" Laura Institute of the Imperial Defense Academy Chang is the nemesis of Dean Comlo, and she will naturally not miss this opportunity to ridicule Comlo.

Dean Comro's face became even more livid.

"Looking at your face, it doesn't look like a dragon family, it looks more like a plant family!" Dean Laura laughed.

In the end, Dean Aude, who has always been alone, helped Dean Comluo: "The instructor said that the commander-in-chief of our academy this year is very good and has a very insightful vision. It can be seen that I believe in the vision of the instructor, and at the same time I believe in the vision of the commander-in-chief, any freshman representing Imperial College on this list must be the most suitable candidate for this project."


He spoke very slowly. After entering this room, it was the first time that Dean Aude said such a long speech. His words were reasonable and well-founded. Dean Laura could not refute him for a while, and finally let him go. Dean Comlow.

The always rigorous and polite Dean Comlo did not immediately thank Dean Aude for the ending. His eyes remained on the list on the screen, and the corners of his mouth pursed down, carving two deep marks.

In this strange atmosphere, the Mecha Fighting Tournament kicked off—

Mechas have always been a key training program for major military academies. Therefore, the mecha fighting competition representing this project is particularly concerned. The results of this competition are said to have a very large weight in the final score. The candidates for this competition have been carefully selected for several rounds.

The rules of this competition are also different from others: the mecha fighting competition adopts the system of guarding.

The seven academies send their own players in turn, and their opponents are determined by lottery. After the two sides fight, the winner can continue to draw the next opponent until he is defeated. If he wins, he can stay until someone beats him. .

The college represented by the final victor is the final victor.

Very cruel rules, but the mecha was originally only the first and no second item.

If you want to become a mecha warrior, the most basic character trait is an unparalleled competitive spirit, and it is not an exaggeration to describe this kind of competition as funny.

This competition was held on a special fighting platform dedicated to mecha. All the freshmen of the students were seated in seven directions. The central viewing platform belonged to senior military officials. The two wings below them were closer to the fighting platform. The position is the position of each college instructor.

Frafetal was actually puzzled by Mugan's final decision.

Only ten players from each college are allowed to participate in the Mecha Fighting Tournament. The students who can participate in this competition are basically the top ten students in the virtual mecha test of each college. The other nine players selected by Morgan, Fra Fetal had no opinion, except for the last player Muggan chose, Avery, he was very puzzled.

There is no reason for Avery to take the place of any of the other nine. Mugen gave up his place, and the student with the best mecha in Imperial College gave the place to the worst student. This is simply—

This is simply a willful and irresponsible choice.

If any of the other students had done this, Frafetar would have thought so, but now that it was Mugan who made the choice, Frafetar remained silent. It wasn't just him, Frafetal noted: Four other colleagues didn't oppose Mugan's choice either.

Sure enough, Mugan's recent performance has not only conquered himself, he has also conquered other people. Muggan may not be a reasonable person to play cards, but he is definitely not a reckless person.

Enthusiasm and calmness, rationality and sensibility, luck and strength, this child is full of contradictions. At first glance, Mugan seems to be the most simple and innocent boy, but sometimes what he says or does has a lot of experience. It is this contradiction that adults can only choose after going through many trials and tribulations, which makes this young man possess an incredible charm.

Yes, it's a charm.

He is still young, adults, and classmates around him. He is just instinctively willing to approach him. However, when he is a little older and mature, people will sigh and call this ability "charm".

Since he was unable to participate, Muggan made extra careful adjustments in the order of the competition.

Except for himself, Domra, who had the best mech grades in all grades, was placed in the last place by him.

"Sorry, because of my willfulness, you have to bear the burden in the end." Before leaving, Mugen said apologetically to Domura.

"It's a great honor." Domra accepted the task very excitedly. After getting along for this period of time, as the first person to be impressed by Mugan's ability, he was very proud of the task that Mugan trusted.

There is no doubt that Mugen is a strong man and can take responsibility for him, which shows that he has been recognized by the strong man!

Mugan said a word to each of the participating students, and when it was finally Avery's turn, Mugan just showed him a gesture: Avery was very familiar with it, a defensive posture.

Nodding solemnly, Avery bowed slightly to Mugen.

Then, amid the cheers of all the freshmen, the ten freshmen who participated in the Mecha Fighting Tournament on behalf of the Imperial College walked straight on to the slender passage leading to the fighting platform!

As the winning team of the previous year, the Imperial Military Academy did not need to participate in the first round of competition. The first round was drawn by the representatives of the other six academies. The two academies competed against each other as a group. The Military Academy entered the second round, and the two competed by drawing lots again. In the end, the two academies were wiped out, and the remaining two academies competed for the first place.

This kind of competition is destined that each college will send the strongest students to the competition, because no one can afford to lose. Once the student in front loses, the student behind him will bear the pressure exponentially!

Under the tense gaze of the audience, the six academies each sent representatives to draw lots. The referee randomly announced the names of the two sides of the battle, namely: Imperial Defense Academy vs Daolan·Aofa Military Academy!

Horsey Military Academy vs Grandor Military Academy!

Colton Military Academy vs Imperial College!

When the last group of academies was announced, on the stand where the bigwigs were, everyone's eyes were directed at Dean Comlo.

The twins of the Komlow family are listed on the contestant lists of the two academies, and the infighting of the Komlow family is like a duel arranged by fate!