There’s A Beauty

Chapter 126: Medicine


After rectifying Emperor Sheng Yuan, You Shu immediately urged Prince Gong to lead him to see the ghost-faced fish. When the group reached the backyard, they saw a huge porcelain jar placed under the eaves, and several servants were throwing small fish, shrimp and other objects into it.

"In order to keep this ghost-faced fish well, every three days I send people to go to the beach to fetch water, and feed them with fish and shrimp. At first it was only two feet long, but now it's more than three feet long. Your lord, please take a look." King Gong Reach out as a gift.

You Shu looked inside, and saw a three-foot-long fish crawling on the bottom of the water, with a huge head, sharp teeth, and a fishing rod-like tentacle growing on the top of the head, which could glow at night, attracting nearby fish and shrimp to come. foraging. Because of its ugly appearance, the people of Wei called it ghost-faced fish, but in the era of Youshu, this fish had a very auspicious name, Angler.

King Yu and the others looked closely and sighed, "It really looks like a ghost."

"My lord, is there something strange about this fish?" Lord Ghost Doctor pointed out what he wanted, but Prince Gong had no idea in his heart, for fear that the fish would turn into a human like it did twenty years ago.

"It's really weird." Shu was lying on the edge of the tank, secretly sucking in saliva, "The most strange thing about it is... the meat is very delicious!"

Frightened by the pause among the adults, everyone left the vat as if they were running away, but staggered in the next instant. Co-authored you to travel thousands of miles to the capital, and promised to bring two big troubles back to Liangjiang, just because this fish is so delicious? Your heart is too big, right? King Jing and King Li were unable to hold their foreheads, but King Yu hugged the young man and laughed loudly.

Some Shu saw that everyone was very disgusted, and couldn't help but justify the name of the anglerfish, "This fish is a deep-water fish, and it is difficult to catch. You don't think it looks ugly, but the meat is as tight as a lobster. It is firm and not loose, and it is full of elasticity. Its deliciousness is far better than that of ordinary sea fish. Its skin has the reputation of 'sea cucumber' after cooking, and there are two parallel cylindrical tendons at the connection between the head and the spine, called 'Dan cinnamon meat', dried and dried. Later, it has the reputation of 'Sai Gan Scallop'. Both the liver and the stomach can be eaten, and the internal organs can also be used as medicine, which has the effect of aphrodisiac. Therefore, this fish is a treasure, but you don't know the goods."

King Jing and others suddenly realized, but they also became a little more clear about this trip to the capital. The ghost doctor really came here to eat fish. If you have mana, you will be self-willed, and you will dare to break into the dragon pond and tiger den.

King Yu was naturally obedient to his lover, so he waved at King Gong, "Fish is delicious only when you kill it and eat it. We haven't been together for a long time, how about a table full of fish feast? Someone invited the fourth brother along with him. Bar."

King Su has been imprisoned, but King Yu wants to invite people, who dares to stop him? Moreover, it is now an important period of power change, and no one will put their minds on a prince who has been abolished. King Su quickly came with his little grandson, and when he saw the still young Lao Qi and the ghost doctor, tears came out immediately, and he cupped his hands and said, "Sir, will you be well after the years?" Thinking of the little grandson beside him, he hurriedly Pressing him and kowtow, "Hurry up and salute the adults!"

The little boy just turned six years old this year, and he called out to the grown-up in a milky voice. He didn't have the arrogance of Tianhuang, but he was a little more cowardly.

You Shu touched his head and gave him a talisman folded into a triangle. If King Su had found a treasure, he quickly opened the little grandson's purse, put it in for him, and ordered him not to take it off at any time, let alone lose it, except to take a bath. The little boy didn't know what to do, but he obeyed obediently.

Because of the great reputation of the national teacher, it is a great honor to get the peace talisman made by him, so the elites in Beijing tried their best to get one, but those old-fashioned families did not buy it. I mean, especially a few royal uncles, they never have to look at the national teacher with the right eyes. The sixth prince had seen with his own eyes the power of the national teacher to call the wind and call the rain, and he did not understand the attitude of several uncles to belittle him, but now he gradually understands it.

Could it be that this young man who seems to be the favorite of the Seventh Emperor's uncle is deeper than the national teacher? Looking at the ecstatic appearance of the Fourth Emperor Uncle, he seemed to have acquired some priceless treasure. But a talisman with an unknown purpose, can it be more effective than the national teacher's peace talisman

When the sixth prince was thinking wildly, Prince Gong said with a face, "Although Xiao Liu'er is an adopted son, in my heart he is no different from my own son. My lord, how can you, an elder, favor one over the other?"

Youshu glanced at the sixth prince, waved his hand and said, "Even if you give him a hundred peace talismans, it will be useless. I will help him diagnose and treat after dinner, otherwise even if you take him to the horizon, that person will kill him. It's easy."

"You mean that Xiao Liu'er has been recruited long ago?" Prince Gong's expression changed greatly, and the sixth prince was also surprised.

Shu was still hungry, and was too lazy to explain too much, so the servants of Prince Gong's mansion hurried to the dining room to urge him. During the banquet, King Yu frequently served him vegetables and scooped soup, so he almost fed the rice directly into his mouth. The two of you came and went with each other and were so affectionate that King Gong and the others couldn't bear to look directly, while the sixth prince was absent-minded. Food does not taste.

After finally making it to dinner, King Gong immediately asked, "Sir, is it possible that Xiao Liu'er was cursed by someone?"

"It's not a curse, it's a kind of gu." Some Shu ordered someone to take an egg, cut a small hole at the top, pour out the egg white and yolk, chop a small piece of pork into pieces, and mix it with a red powder , stuffed it in bit by bit, and continued, "This is a life-killing Gu, one mother and one child, no matter how far the person who has been planted with the seed Gu runs, as long as the person who has the mother Gu can motivate it, it can be wiped out. Killed, and when he died, his intestines were pierced and his stomach was rotten, and his appearance was very miserable."

Prince Gong said with a gloomy expression, "Sir, can you find out who is betraying?"

"Who else could be, it must be Ji Donglin." King Su covered his little grandson's ears and sneered.

"It should be at his instigation. These young people are also promising. I don't know where to find these ghosts and ghosts to keep them around, and they have made the capital smoky. I want to tell you that his death was really strange, maybe he was attacked by those around him. ." King Gong sighed.

The sixth prince's face was calm, but his heart was stirring the sky and the huge waves. A pair of sharp black pupils just stared at the young man, wondering what he was doing. Naturally, he had heard of the Gu technique, and he understood how powerful it was. If he wanted to solve the Gu technique, he had to find the person who was under the Gu technique, but the young man repeatedly tossed an egg, and he didn't know what it meant. Besides, he has already been intoxicated, and his life is already in the hands of others, how can Uncle Huang still be able to laugh? Isn't he worried? Look, he also picked up a piece of walnut cake to tease the little grandson of King Su's family, really having a leisurely mood.

The sixth prince turned his head to look at Prince Gong, with grievances hidden in his eyes. Prince Gong said with tears in his eyes, "With an adult here, even if you step into the gate of hell, he can still save you. But a life-killing Gu is nothing."

While speaking, You Shu had already pounded the egg and stuffed the end with a small hole into the mouth of the sixth prince.

The sixth prince desperately wanted to dodge, but was pressed by several uncles on the seat and couldn't move, so he had to ask anxiously, "What kind of powder did you sprinkle on the egg? Do you want me to swallow it raw? The egg is too big, I can't do it. Arrived, and the pork inside is raw, the smell is too strong and not clean…”

A Shu interrupted his endless complaints, "Don't worry, you just need to hold this egg. The medicine powder and pork in it are not for you, but for Gu worms." Block the mouth of the sixth prince.

The sixth prince wanted to vomit, but he couldn't. He wanted to struggle but his hands and feet were pinned down. In the fright, he felt a colicky pain in his heart, as if a hand was wanton kneading and beating in his chest. Gradually, the pain began to transfer, and it climbed from the heart to the throat, and then turned into a ticklish itch and moved out little by little.

No, this feels, this feels like there's a bug in your throat! The sixth prince's eyes were wide open, and he wanted to vomit more and more. Suddenly, his tongue felt numb, and something smooth and slender climbed over it and finally got into the eggshell.

"Okay, let him go." You Shu took out the egg.

As soon as the sixth prince got his freedom, he lay down by the window and vomited, and said intermittently, "Fang, Fangcai, what is that? Is it, did a bug crawled out of my body?" , is simply creepy.

Youshu smashed the eggshell and used chopsticks to pick out an earthworm-like red worm hidden in the minced pork, and said, "Look for yourself. This is a child gu, I will turn it into a mother gu later. , through the induction between the mother and the child, you can find out who is under the gu."

The sixth prince stared at the long worm a few times, and vomited more and more. King Ying felt pity with him, so he could not help but step forward to comfort him. After the uncle and nephew finished exchanging their experiences of spitting worms, You Shu had refined the child Gu into the mother Gu. While taking out the evil mirror to search for the real murderer, she cut the Gu worms into pieces with a dagger.

This kind of practice is nothing to do with Gu worms, but if it were a human being, it would be cruel. Killing is no more than a nod to the ground, not only do you not give a happy, but the knife is slow, who can stand it? But for a moment, the people in the palace were all swept up in the mirror, Xuan Qing and Emperor Sheng Yuan had no abnormality, but the queen was in so much pain that she rolled all over the floor.

This queen is none other than Xuanqing's younger sister. She entered the Prince's Mansion by virtue of her elder brother's prestige. In five years, she climbed the position of concubine from a young concubine, and was named queen after Emperor Shengyuan ascended the throne. Emperor Sheng Yuan was fond of her and was obedient to her, but it turned out to be because she was good at Gu.

This life-killing Gu can also be regarded as a Gu-king level in Miaojiang, and it is specially used to control subordinates. A mother Gu can lay hundreds or thousands of eggs, and when these eggs hatch, they are child Gus. In other words, as long as the mother Gu is implanted into the body, the queen can get hundreds of puppets. Whoever she wants to die will have to die, but it's just to move her heart. Now that the mother Gu has been replaced with this one in Youshu's hand, the one in her body will naturally become the child Gu, and all the damage to the mother Gu can be transferred to the child Gu. What's more, as long as the mother Gu dies, all the child Gu will also perish together.

It is conceivable that when Shu has cut the mother gu with a knife, what kind of damage she is suffering. Her hair was messy, her body was covered in blood, and she shouted hoarsely, "Go to the national teacher, hurry up!" It's a pity that several of her confidants were all planted, and the pain was unstoppable at this time, where can I move half a step .

Not only that, the ministers of the previous dynasty, the concubines of the harem, and even the eunuchs, maids, old maids, and personal guards around Emperor Shengyuan all fell ill and lay on the ground crying in pain. Emperor Sheng Yuan was startled, and immediately went to ask for a national teacher, his face that was already full of black energy became more and more gloomy.

How could Xuanqing dare to let the suspicious Emperor Sheng Yuan know the real situation, only that these people were cursed, and it should be the handwriting of King Yu. When Emperor Zhenghe died, he named a "ghost doctor", and he took advantage of the situation to put the crime on this person's head, and even hit him right. Emperor Sheng Yuan hurriedly asked Xuan Qing to release the curse, but he did not have the ability, so he could only hug his sister who was struggling in vain to comfort him.

Although You Shu is not a good person, she rarely kills innocent people indiscriminately. It is important to get rid of the queen, but she has to take thousands of lives to bury her. He bit his fingertips to feed blood to the broken mother gu, and the broken body of the mother gu slowly grew and healed, but it was more alive than before.

"Pull out the sub-gu for those people first, and then it's not too late to get rid of the queen." He said slowly.

"These people have done a lot of unconscionable things under the drive of the Queen, and even if they die, they are not innocent." King Gong waved his hand.

"But there are always some people who are innocent. When the queen falls, how the minions around her will be liquidated will be liquidated. It has nothing to do with me." Youshu picked up the worm that had gained a lot of weight and sighed, "You only think that I have It's easy to kill a bug, but I don't know that I killed thousands of people, how can I be so rash."

However, the next moment, the little scorpion around his neck smelled the smell of the Gu King, and sneaked up along his sleeve, clamped the mother Gu with lightning speed, and swallowed it in one bite. At the same time, the queen in the evil mirror screamed and her soul flew out of the sky, with a lot of blood oozing from her eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and her death was extremely terrifying. Her minions were also unable to escape, and they vomited blood and died, but after a few breaths, the palace was full of blood, and death was permeating.

Seeing that her sister was no longer struggling, Xuanqing thought she was all right, but in the blink of an eye, she became a dead person. Emperor Shengyuan took a few steps back, his expression horrified. Cursing and killing thousands of people at one time, the sorcerer behind King Yu is probably far better than Xuanqing. After having known each other for so long, he had never seen Xuan Qing so embarrassed.

If that person wanted to kill himself, wouldn't it be easy? Emperor Shengyuan finally knew that he was afraid, and trembled, "National teacher, now is not the time to grieve, it is important to find out the real murderer behind the scenes to avenge the queen." This person will not die for a day, and he will not sleep for a day.

Xuanqing quickly regained his senses, carried his sister to the bed to sort out her body, and said firmly, "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, this seat will find the monster and smash it into ten thousand pieces!" That person must have followed King Yu into Beijing, and he also I don't have the energy to look for them one by one, so I just want to kill Wang Yu and his party. As for the funeral of the younger sister, we have to wait until the emperor ascends the throne.

In the evil mirror, Xuan Qing's grim face slowly faded away, causing King Gong and several others to sneer. The sixth prince couldn't laugh. Today's duel has seriously exceeded his psychological capacity. Now, not to mention the fact that he has an equal relationship with the young man, even looking at him makes him tremble with fear. However, curiosity finally suppressed his fear, which made him raise his eyes and peek at the young man. He saw that the other party was holding the little scorpion and was about to strike. When his fingertips fell, he touched its tail needle intimately, and sighed, "Little Scorpion, you are in trouble again! How many times have I told you that I will feed you the king of Gu, don't pick up these wild ones, they are not clean."

Who did you just say is the most deadly? Who is it that has been forgotten in the blink of an eye now? The sixth prince felt a chill in his heart, and he had a general understanding of the young man's temperament, both righteous and evil, and he was more afraid to provoke each other.

That night, Xuanqing's revenge came as scheduled, and there were many ghosts with green faces and fangs suddenly appearing in Prince Gong's mansion, killing anyone they saw, extremely vicious. But in an instant, the magic circle under Shu cloth radiated golden light, stabbing Li Gui, causing them to scream and roll all over the floor.

When the golden light gradually dissipated, King Yu walked down the corridor with the lantern and said with a smile, "What do I think it is, it turns out to be puppets."

The sixth prince was so used to it that he saw the little wooden figures scattered all over the floor, and he bent down and picked it up to take a closer look. The means of the national teacher are really extraordinary. They can give life to the dead, and they can also drive them to be used for themselves. How shocking it is to say it. But the young man dealt with it very easily, as if he was just a clown.

It turns out that this is the reliance of King Yu, and it turns out that this is the real demeanor of a master. It is no wonder that even the royal uncles call him "sir" respectfully. The sixth prince was stunned and silently stepped aside.

You Shu originally thought it was nothing, but it was just a little trick, but after seeing the master's blood-stained sleeve, he was furious, "Why are you injured? Is it to protect me?"

Even if he knew that he was strong and strong, whenever he encountered danger, the master would still protect him in his arms for the first time, but instead made himself bruised and bruised, making Youshu feel both guilty and distressed. He originally planned to play with Xuanqing Haosheng, but now he has lost all patience. He took his master back to his room to deal with the wound, and swore, "The enthronement ceremony of another day, I want Xuanqing to be hit by five thunders, and I won't die!"

Several vassal kings, look at me, I look at you, and secretly think together with ambition: Wei State is about to change.

The Manchu dignitaries all knew exactly what Emperor Shengyuan's intention of summoning the Kings to the capital was. The new nobles are naturally supportive, but the old families, especially the courtiers who were involved in the blood sacrifice incident, all shook their heads secretly, just waiting to see what happened to Emperor Shengyuan and the national teacher.

After being destroyed by Youshu, the puppet refined by the national teacher was attacked, and it took a few days to recover its semi-successful power. How arrogant he was at the beginning, how embarrassed he is now, but he has been sought after for too long, and he is willing to admit defeat, and he is ready to use the forbidden technique of Mao Shanzong to kill King Xun and his party. The launch of the forbidden technique requires the preparation of a lot of spiritual tools, and he can only suppress the killing intent and plan secretly.

When King Yu arrived in the capital, Zheng Hedi was buried, and half a month later was the enthronement ceremony of Emperor Shengyuan. Xuanqing took a long time to pick a good day, but as soon as Yuzhao arrived at the Temple of Heaven, black clouds were creeping up in the sky. The faces of the new nobles showed worry, but the old ministers walked to King Yu one after another and bowed their hands.

"Cao Mou meets the adults. After years of separation, your appearance is still the same, but Cao Mou is old."

"My lord, this is my eldest son. When you came to the house to check on him, you gave him a peace talisman." Another old minister stepped forward to say hello, and pulled out his son, who was already the minister of military affairs, and urged, " What are you still doing, hurry up and salute the adults."

After the blood sacrifice, Youshu was asked to remove the demon by various aristocratic families, and it was very good for him. He fixed his eyes on the young man, nodded and said, "I remember that he was only two years old, so old, wearing a dark red jacket, like a ball."

The old minister was overwhelmed, and nodded again and again, "Sir, you have a good memory! He has no resemblance to when he was a child now, but you can see it at a glance."

The twenty-two-year-old minister of the Ministry of War was quite surprised, but he did not dare to look directly at the young man. He thought that the peace talisman that his grandfather and father regarded as a family heirloom was originally given by him, I really couldn't tell!

The sixth prince was also horrified. The people who came to say hello just now were all real ministers of Wei State, and they had been operating in the DPRK for decades, and they all held real power in their hands. Some of them are closely related, and some are political enemies of your life and death, but they all bow down and kneel in front of the young man with sincerity and fear. What is the origin of the young man? No, he shouldn't be a teenager, right? Having seen the two-year-old Master Li, he should be at least thirty or forty.

Emperor Sheng Yuan couldn't see the movement on King Yu's side, but because his front teeth collapsed, he didn't dare to speak, so he had to make a gesture to Xuanqing to let him disperse the dark clouds immediately. In the heyday of Xuanqing, he could only summon a small rain cloud, and the black cloud above his head was already beyond his control.

He took a few steps forward and persuaded in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the torrential rain is coming, why don't you do the enthronement ceremony another day?"

Emperor Sheng Yuan waited for more than 20 years before he came to this day. Where could he change? He stepped onto the Temple of Heaven and covered his mouth and said, "Heavy rain is coming, everything will be simplified, and the bells and drums will be sounded immediately to make sacrifices to the heavens!" Priest, have to keep up.

Seeing that the dark clouds in the sky were getting thicker and thicker, and there was a faint sound of thunder rolling in it, the courtiers under the Temple of Heaven were already flustered. Only Wang Wang and his party were still standing, which was particularly eye-catching. The young man who was guarded by King Yu pinched his fingers and deduced, and said loudly, "Ji Donglin, you are the life of the dragon, and there is no time when the fish leaps over the dragon gate. You can't sacrifice to the Temple of Heaven, you can't wear a dragon robe, and you can't sit on the throne. If you take the initiative to take the meditation position, you can save a life, but if you have to go against the sky, you will suffer bad luck!" The words fell to the side, and the tone turned cold, "Xuanqing, you have plotted against the deity, and the deity will give you a pleasure."

The newly promoted dignitaries were all supporters of Emperor Sheng Yuan. Hearing this, they all stood up and rebuked, and the Guards even drew their sabers to behead the young man. But in the next moment, he shook out a few yellow talismans from his wide sleeves, and shot towards the national teacher on the Temple of Heaven, forming a Wuling array on top of his head. The purple light in the magic circle was so prosperous that it actually led down the lightning in the sky and slashed the national teacher again and again.

There was a loud crack, and there was only a black ash where the national teacher was standing, but Emperor Sheng Yuan, who was only a few feet away from him, was unscathed. Fang, what happened just now? The upstarts became more stupid than the other, and the Guards were dumbfounded, unable to even hold the saber in their hands.

"Dead? Killed by lightning?" Emperor Sheng Yuan was so frightened that he stepped back a few steps, and then rolled down the nine hundred and ninety-nine steps, shattering his bones.

Everyone didn't know how to react at all, but they saw the young man with his clothes flipped waving his sleeves, driving away the dark clouds in the sky, causing the orange-yellow sunlight to fall on his face, and finally pointed at the sixth prince and said word by word, "You, go up. Enthroned."

"You go up to the throne", what a simple and powerful five words, but the sixth prince did not dare to answer. But the uncles standing behind the young man smiled and saluted, calling him "Sacred Lord". Immediately after that, the old-fashioned dignitaries who would not give him a second look no matter how they were drawn to him fell down one after another and surrendered willingly. There is no need for a dragon robe to add a body, and there is no need for the father's last edict. As long as that person says a word, he can soar into the sky. What kind of courage is this, and what kind of prestige

The sixth prince walked up to the Temple of Heaven in a daze. Looking back, the man had already led King Yu away, and together with King Gong, King Su, King Jing, and King Li, they all disappeared, as if this was just an absurd dream. But he looked at the scorched black under his feet, and clearly realized that this was not a dream. The boy had come before and left silently. The two rivers are indeed a pure land and a forbidden land...