There’s A Beauty

Chapter 129: time


The war is going on at the most critical moment. As long as the MC21 star port is captured, the federal army can be completely choked and forced to surrender. But the Imperial Legion also suffered heavy losses, but they fought hard.

Ji Changye retreated from the tragic front and returned to the mothership to recharge. His first legion is in charge of the next round of charge, and if the situation is not right, he may have to use the Ji family's super mecha. If a super mecha enters a fierce battle state, the energy that needs to be consumed is the output of a tenth-level ore vein for three years. The cost is huge, but it is also worth it. Compared to motherships as large as asteroids, they are often the leaders of a war.

"General, the tenth-level energy mine has been delivered, and it will arrive in about twelve hours." The deputy captain hurried up to meet him.

"Got it, let the mecha troops get ready." Ji Changye nodded, returned to his bedroom and locked the door. Once on the battlefield, it is not uncommon for them to lose their eyesight for ten days and a half. Soldiers with physique A or B can rest in shifts, but special personnel above S rank must persevere to the end, otherwise they will be investigated for military responsibility.

There are not many special people whose physique and mental power reach S rank, but there are not many. Like Ji Changye, whether it is physique, mental power, or supernatural power, he is the only one who has reached SSS. Therefore, the burden of the entire empire is almost on his shoulders, and even the royal family has to bow down before him, so polite. There is no doubt that after Mr. Ji's death, he will be able to take the position of the Marshal of the First Legion and become the next actual ruler of the empire.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ji Changye is an invincible god of war and an example of uprightness and selflessness. He never seems to know how to write the word "tired". But now, he took off his military uniform and lay down on the bed in a large font. His handsome and sharp eyebrows and eyes, like carvings, were completely softened, revealing a rare state of depression.

But his decadence is not due to the tragic war, but a kind of despair and inextricable addiction. He opened his mind just like every day in the past, staring at the boy from one angle to another, over and over again. He projected a four-dimensional image right above the mattress, so that as soon as he lay down, he could face the teenager rippling in the amber water.

The young man sleeps peacefully and has a serene demeanor. Just by staring at him, he can help Ji Changye drive away all his fatigue, but there are also deep regrets that follow. He could only try not to think about the fact that the boy had died, and pretended that he just slept lightly, pretending that maybe one day he would be able to open his beautiful eyes.

Today's teenagers are more alive than yesterday, but the bubbles on the eyelashes seem to be a little less... When Ji Changye was thinking about it, the energy liquid in the crystal coffin was slightly turbulent due to the self-operation of the magnetic field, making the flowers blooming on the other side. Float with the current.

The flowers that Ji Changye used his mental strength to pluck from the sensitive parts of the year finally spread out, revealing a looming beauty. The two pink dots and the grassy lower abdomen made his dark and deep eyes no longer. Can't hide any emotions. His body began to stiffen, his blood slowly boiled, and his eyes fixed on the part where the boy should not be violated by others for a long time.

After only half a minute, General Ji, known as the most cold-blooded and ruthless in the empire, almost soiled his crotch. He hurriedly turned off the surveillance screen, ran into the bathroom to wash, and walked out an hour later, becoming the invincible God of War again, but his eyeballs were bloodshot, as if he was very tired.

The next day, the war continued. In order to win the MC21 Star Port, the First Army paid an unimaginable price, but the result was worth it. A month later, the fierce battle ended. After exploration, it was said that the undeveloped constellation contained only two tenth-level ore veins, but another three tenth-level veins were discovered, and the output was very rich. Ji Changye concealed it and made it his private property.

At the same time, on the distant home planet, the boy in the crystal coffin was slowly opening his eyes.

You Shu half sat up and wiped the water droplets off her face. The first thing she thought of was the little scorpion on the back of her neck, and then the magic circle around the altar. His body is made of energy condensed, immortal and immortal, but Xiao Scorpion is not. It has just been born and has no ability to protect itself. Once the owner falls into a deep sleep, it will slowly starve to death without energy supply. Even if it is turned into a tattoo and attached to the owner's skin, the color will gradually fade until it disappears.

Xiao Scorpion is equal to another life of his own. Where can you be willing to, and go to the underworld by the method of separating the soul from the body, and get a lot of yellow spring water and other flowers to make offerings. Yellow spring water contains the power of time, which can make time go backwards, move forward, and solidify it. Anyone or anything soaked in it can stay fresh forever, but it will slowly evaporate and dissipate. In order to confine the water vapor, You Shu set up a magic circle, so that the yellow spring water will not decrease day by day until the little scorpion is starved to death. Every few years, the little scorpion will wake up spontaneously, drink the yellow spring water, and eat the flowers of the other side.

Youshu held it in the palm of his hand and kissed it a few times. Then he dug out the crystal coffin, jumped off the altar, and went to the treasure room to find clean clothes to wear. In order to make him worry-free, the master will scavenge a lot of treasures for burial every time. He stripped off his soaked robes and rummaged through a pile of boxes. He was dissatisfied with this one, and the other was not pleasing to the eye, and his mouth pouted involuntarily.

I don't know what the master thinks. He knows that he likes to wear simple and elegant robes, but he prefers to prepare Chinese clothes for him. Either the colors are too bright or the embroidery is too much, and it looks colorful. After the water vapor evaporated, it took away part of his body temperature, which made him shiver, and then he stopped picking and choosing, and just found a golden silk robe with a hundred butterflies and flowers and put it on.

The underground palace was as usual, but it seemed that something was not right. Shu patrolled back and forth a few times, and found an exit that should not exist in a secret passage. The rocks around the exit turned into gray-black glass, very smooth to the touch. If Shu was a simple ancient, he would never have guessed what happened here, but he came from the end of the world, and his IQ was extremely high, how could he not understand

The stones turned into glass by melting at high temperatures, and behaved in exactly the same way as the formations left behind after an explosive blast. That is to say, the ancient tomb had been visited by outsiders, who could not find a way out and blasted the vent with some kind of weapon with power comparable to dynamite.

Youshu's expression was stern, and he couldn't help but wonder how long he had been asleep this time, and how did he sleep directly from ancient times to modern times? No, the level of technological development that can transform such a powerful weapon into something that can be carried around is probably far beyond his original world.

I slept into the future, right? You Shu immediately returned to the palace and counted the items inside. But there are too many boxes, and they are all prepared by the master, and he can't tell which ones are lost and which ones are not. With such powerful weapons and equipment, it should be easy to evacuate the underground palace, right? However, not only is his physical body intact, but his gold and silver jewelry doesn't seem to move much. What are those people trying to do

There were doubts in his heart, some Shu stomped his feet and tried to call Lu Ding out to inquire, but fell into even greater panic. The underground palace and the underworld were only separated by a thin barrier, and through this, the existence of many small worlds could be sensed, but at the moment, even if he forced all his spiritual power into his eyes, he could not detect any fluctuations in spiritual power. Hades disappeared, and Xiaoqian World also disappeared, and it became an independent world, or a lost world is more appropriate.

Youshu panicked for a while, and hurriedly took out her belongings and put them in the shack, and hurried out of the underground palace by secret. The huge rock that he once regarded as the eye of the formation has been weathered into a pile of fragments, no wonder the magic formation will lose its effectiveness, allowing outsiders to discover the entrance to the underground palace.

He picked a new rock to be the eye of the formation, set up the illusion again, but made a new discovery. Ordinary people only live in their own small world, and most of their cognition of the world comes from the media or different information channels. But after thousands of years, Youshu, whose spiritual power and soul power are constantly increasing, uses his own perception to understand the world, so he soon realized that the energy structure in the air has undergone an essential change, and those floating souls Completely disappeared, replaced by a swirling magnetic field, strong and weak, of different sizes.

You Shu tried to touch a magnetic field. As soon as her fingertips penetrated into the center of the vortex, it collapsed instantly, and the escaping energy was quickly absorbed by the surrounding magnetic field. Others can't see such pictures, and it is difficult to imagine the dazzling and dazzling when those dazzling light spots burst into fireworks. However, the more beautiful they are, the more frightened you are. It is not difficult for him to imagine what kind of doom the human soul will suffer if the surrounding air is full of this kind of magnetic field.

Maybe they have all been swallowed by the vortex, so the underworld will disappear. But what about reincarnation? Could these vortexes still breed new souls? Youshu didn't know that his conjecture was infinitely close to the truth. The world he was in now was a world that used all kinds of power to the extreme, naturally including soul power.

The magnetic field swallows the soul, and the large magnetic field swallows the small magnetic field. If all the surrounding magnetic fields are swallowed by a giant magnetic field, will it cause a magnetic field storm? Youshu walked all the way and thought about it, even in the farther future, his overdeveloped mind was enough to make him the smartest kind of person.

But the wonderful thing about the world is that, even if you expect it, there will always be unexpected surprises. You Shu just walked out of Panlong Mountain, where the landscape has changed drastically, when he saw a dinosaur standing a few hundred meters ahead. Yes, it is indeed a dinosaur, which completely overturned his speculation about "wake up in the future".

Ancient? Has time gone backwards? No, then the yellow spring water is only enough to support the little scorpion, how could it cause the time to go backwards! Unless the yellow spring water drowns the whole world. Yu Shu felt a little messy in the wind, and immediately took out the invisibility talisman and stuck it on her body.

But when dinosaurs hunted, they relied not only on sight, but also on smell. The yellow spring water still left in the wet hair of Shu Shu has a fatal attraction for these cold-blooded animals with extremely high energy consumption. Its red eyes locked on the target almost instantly, and then it opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards it.

You Shu quickly took out a body talisman and ran away. Although his soul power and spiritual power are strong, his body has become weaker and weaker because he has been immersed in water for thousands of years. If the cloth is slightly rough, it can wear red marks on the skin, not to mention launching attacks.

There was a lot of cold sweat on his forehead, and he quickly took out the Yin-Yang Pointing Pen that was integrated into his dantian, and drew runes on the blank talisman paper. The talismans that were made are good for little ghosts and demons, but they are not enough to deal with this dinosaur. It is not an ordinary beast. The energy escaping from its body is comparable to that of a thousand-year-old monster. Even if you have Shu, you cannot completely control it. You can only delay it.

He thought he was doomed, but there will always be a ray of life left behind in the fifty days of the Great Dao. Those mild or violent magnetic fields have created powerful creatures, but they have also enabled Talisman to exert a thousand times more power than before.

The talisman is actually a medium. It not only absorbs Shu's spiritual power and soul power, but also absorbs the spiritual power in the air, and releases all the power at the moment of catalysis. Now, although the spiritual power has disappeared, it has generated an extremely violent magnetic field. After the catalytic collision of these free atoms, it is equivalent to an atomic bomb, and the destructive power is amazing. The extent of it, not to mention the yellow spring water that is purified over and over again.

He just tentatively threw out a Gale Talisman, and the moment it touched the dinosaur's skin and burned to ashes, it turned into countless wind blades and twisted it into pieces. The blood poured down like a torrential rain, dyeing the radius of 100 meters into crimson. There was Shu standing in the rain with a stunned expression, but her brilliant mind quickly analyzed all the details and key points of the battle.

magnetic field! What his talisman absorbs is no longer aura, but magnetic fields. The more it absorbs, the more amazing the effect. In other words, if he wants to survive in this dangerous world, he must improve the power of the talisman, no, it should be called the power of magnetism now. But both are a kind of energy body that is free in the air, and there is not much difference in essence.

You Shu was worried that the smell of blood would attract more beasts, so she hurried to the nearest creek to clean it up. He drew a protective magic circle to prevent the beasts around him or in the stream from attacking him. Then he took off the new clothes he just put on, scrubbed his skin and hair bit by bit, and slowly recalled the ways to improve the power of the talisman.

Whether a talisman is strong or weak is mainly determined by three factors: first, the grade of the talisman paper; second, the combination of runes; and third, the amount of power absorbed. In the last two points, he has cultivated to the extreme, but he can focus on improving the grade of the talisman paper. At first, he went to the incense candle shop to buy ordinary yellow talisman paper. Later, after getting the yellow spring water and the other side flower, he tried to make it himself. Now that these two things are not available, can he use something else instead

He took out a robe embroidered with peonies of various colors from his robe, draped it over his shoulders at will, and then poured out his collection to count them one by one. A few jars of Gu King are the food of the little scorpion, a demon dagger, a few wooden puppets, a few bags of other side pollen, a few bottles of yellow spring water, a few demon cores, a stack of talisman paper, a stack of talismans, a bag of golden leaves, Two night pearls, such a little thing, it is barely self-defense, let alone going out? God knows if there are any beasts stronger than dinosaurs in this jungle.

Yushu became more uneasy the more she thought about it, and decided not to leave the underground palace for the time being, but to make the more powerful talisman first. He returned to the Tiankeng and found that the plants here had also mutated. The elixir that he couldn't find no matter how he looked for it had grown full of pits and valleys, and brought it back to make many life-saving elixir. For more than 20 days after that, he has been wandering around the Tiankeng, exploring the environment during the day, going back to the underground palace to sleep at night, killing, bleeding, and skinning dinosaurs when he meets them, and then throwing a few demon cores into the blood pool and refining them with the blood sacrifice method. .

Occasionally one day, he found a hot spring in a deep pit caused by a ground fissure. The energy contained in the spring water is no less than that of the yellow spring water, which can be used to refine the top-level yellow talisman paper. So he threw the blood-sucking demon core and the five-element elixir into it one by one, and then peeled the most powerful dinosaur that could kill, and then made it into a paper as thin as a cicada's wings, and immersed it in the changed color. Refining in spring water.

He killed more than a dozen dinosaurs in a row, and refined countless pieces of yellow talisman paper. He felt that it would take three or five years before he was satisfied to stop. However, he didn't know that his shocking behavior had been recorded by a tiny flight monitor, not much bigger than a pollen particle.

A planetary impact event completely changed the magnetic field of the parent star, and also caused the surrounding creatures to evolve to varying degrees. Due to proper environmental protection, the mutant beasts on the parent planet completely follow the survival law of survival of the fittest. They may not pose a threat to special people, but it is not difficult to kill a few A-level or even S-level power users. What's more, what Shu is aiming at are all "big monsters with a cultivation base of more than a thousand years", that is, the A-level and S-level wild beasts in the eyes of interstellar humans.

One person almost slaughtered the wild beasts in a radius of 100 miles. What is the concept? It is also difficult to compete with Ji Changye. Although Youshu is frail, she has detached herself from the hard-working battle and found a unique way to protect herself. And this self-protection method became more and more ferocious under the blessing of the violent magnetic field, but he knew nothing about it, and was preparing to find the master who might have been reincarnated as the leader of a primitive tribe.

On this day, he put the important items into the shackles, and strode out of the underground palace. He just activated the magic formation that was thousands of times stronger than before, and hid the secret passage, and saw a black smoke plummeting in the sky. That's right, it was indeed a spaceship, and it was confirmed that You Shu Sanguan, who had come to the ancient times, exploded again.

With a loud bang, the spacecraft smashed a mountain not far away, scraping for a few kilometers in the virgin forest before it stopped. You Shu affixed an invisibility amulet to herself, used the technique of shrinking the ground into an inch, and ran to check, and saw that the ground was covered with metal parts, and there were many corpses lying in the riddled cabin, some beyond recognition, and some with limbs. Incomplete, there are still no bones left.

You Shu searched for a long time and couldn't find a living person, so she had to sit down and rest. Probably because he slept for too long, his already delicate body became more and more unbearable, and after walking back and forth for a few laps, he was so tired that he was panting and sweating. But his mind never stopped for a moment. While thinking about the various doubts he had after waking up, he tried to open the "watch" that was removed from a relatively well-preserved corpse.

He found that everyone on the ship was wearing a watch, different styles and colors, but the same function keys. That is to say, a "watch" in this world is equivalent to the existence of a mobile phone. What You Shu has to do now is to unlock the password and figure out what kind of background setting this is.

The violent impact seems to have destroyed the internal structure of the "watch". It is automatically turned on without entering a password or fingerprint. The displayed text is not of any kind known to Shu, but the voice prompt is still in Chinese, which is fortunate. Some Shu couldn't understand the prompt, so they could only click randomly, and inadvertently called up a few photos and a form.

The photo is a group photo of a middle-aged couple and a little boy. The further back the time, the fewer the group photos. In the end, it all turned into a single photo of a fat teenager. The shadow of the little boy could be vaguely seen in the eyebrows. The photo of the middle-aged couple is posted on the form. The text below is incomprehensible, but it is magically mixed with two Arabic numerals, 233 and 227.

Youshu clicked again randomly, and actually called out a large inner monologue recorded by the owner of the "watch". He was a sixteen-year-old boy, his parents were soldiers of the Empire, and he belonged to the First Army Corps. The teenager was bullied on campus because he had no supernatural powers and his physique was the weakest F-rank. After listening to Shu for more than an hour, he complained for more than an hour without leaving any useful information, but it was enough for Shu to analyze his situation.

This is not the ancient era he envisioned, but the interstellar era. Human settlements have been transferred to outer space, so Panlong Mountain will be deserted. If he wants to return to civilization, he must take a spaceship to the universe, and this air crash is his chance. He could disguise himself as a survivor and wait quietly for the rescue team to arrive. Thinking of this, You Shu immediately put on the boy's "watch", put on the boy's clothes, and refined his corpse into a palm-sized puppet by a secret method, stuffed it into his pocket, and finally cut off the whole body without hesitation. long hair.

Both parents have died, the family background is simple, and there is no better substitute than the teenager. As for the appearance, it can be put on the weight loss head. Anyway, the people in the rescue team do not know the teenager, let alone what he looks like when he loses weight, even if they To detect genes, Shu can also use the puppets made by the original owner to fool around.

He forced his mental power into his eyes and looked at the disaster scene. He saw that many souls were swallowed up by the surrounding magnetic vortex, and some were stronger. Since humans still have souls, there is room for Shu's spells, witchcraft, and puppet arts, but only if his enemies' souls are weaker than him.

Thinking of the supernatural beings and special people mentioned by the young man in the audio diary, You Shu began to feel uneasy, thinking that maybe he was not strong enough and had to act carefully. And the universe is so vast, when will the master be found? This time, I'm afraid it's going to be a bad future.