There’s A Beauty

Chapter 130: time


You Shu created some wounds for herself, and then lay in the tattered cabin waiting for rescue. Most of the day passed and no aircraft landed in the air, so he had to stand up and move his hands and feet, but accidentally stepped on a ring. I don't know what mechanism was triggered, the ring beeped, and then released a lot of items, including clothes, food, jewelry, all kinds of strange instruments... scattered all over the ground like a goddess scattered flowers.

You Shu has an active mind, and immediately realizes that this ring is a portable space just like his own jacket. Since humans can migrate to outer space, space folding technology must have been developed. Otherwise, how can distances of millions or even hundreds of millions of light-years be navigated

He picked up the ring, input a trace of mental power, and sensed that there was a ten-square-meter space inside, which was much more useful than his own robe, and immediately searched the cabin. Since some people wear space rings, it can be seen that space folding technology has become popular in this era, so will there be rings with larger capacity? Sure enough, he found a few more space items, but they couldn't be used because they were bound to the master's mental power or genes. Only the earlier ones that were restored to the factory settings could accommodate foreign objects.

You Shu inputs his mental power into it, and the ring is automatically bound to him. Because the space after folding is vacuum, it can only store dead objects, not living objects. He immediately ran back to the underground palace and took away all the things that he couldn't fit in the shackles and he was very reluctant to bear.

After waiting for a long time, seeing that the sun was about to go down, a few spaceships finally appeared on the horizon. After landing in an open space not far away, a rescue team was dispatched and rushed over. They have professional life detectors, and before they landed, they found that there was only a little sign of life at the disaster site, and it was very weak. Because of this, they barely overturned the tattered cabin, and immediately took out Youshu, who was pretending to be dizzy, and sent it to the spacecraft for treatment.

"He was very lucky and only suffered a little skin trauma. The reason why the energy response is weak is related to his constitution. He has an F-level constitution." The doctor said after a simple examination.

"F-rank physique? This is really rare!" The nurse couldn't hide her surprise and contempt. "All the people in the boat have died. How could he be the only one with an F physique who survived? This is incredible!"

The doctor took out a tester and said, "There are many lucky people who survived major disasters. Maybe God is protecting them. His brain is also well preserved. You can analyze it, and I will collect his genes. The information is compared, and if there is no discrepancy between the two, we can contact his family to claim it."

"Good doctor." The nurse sighed as she unfastened the intellectual brain tied to the boy's wrist, "Although his physique is poor, he is really beautiful. Look, his skin doesn't look like a star gem produced by Amidia. ?"

The doctor said without looking up, "Come on, helping the survivors find their families is the most important thing. They are now waiting for news in the capital star."

The nurse shrugged and immediately walked towards the analysis room. Although the two of them were foreigners with high noses and deep eyes, they both spoke Chinese. Although their accents were a little weird, it did not prevent You Shu from listening. Knowing that the doctor was going to collect his genetic information, he immediately clenched the puppet in his pocket. The surrounding magnetic field distorted and returned to normal in an instant, but the doctor didn't notice it, and used the detector to scrape the dander in the teenager's mouth for analysis.

"An Youshu, sixteen, a pure-blooded human, with no mental power, no supernatural powers, and an F-level physique. Both parents died. Now he is studying in the comedian class of the Performing Arts Department of the Imperial College. This child is so pitiful, he is already so weak. There are no parents yet." The doctor shook his head as he read out the text on the analyzer.

At the same time, the nurse also came with Zhinao in a helpless tone, "Doctor, this Zhinao belongs to An Youshu, he has no father or mother, and the column for guardian is also blank, so I can only contact his tutor to pick him up. He. There said that it would take a few days to arrive. Now the school is on summer vacation, and he takes students to practice outside. "

"Okay, put the brain on him. We still have a lot of corpses to confirm their identities. I'll do the notification to the family. You may not be able to cope with their grief." The doctor with a gentle voice drifted away.

After confirming that no one was around, You Shu opened her eyes and slowly sat on the head of the bed. In order to make the camouflage more realistic, he made a few deep wounds on his body, but the doctor just took out a bottle of spray and sprayed them, and they healed quickly, and now he can see even the slightest scar not see. Has medicine in the future advanced to this point? A surprised expression finally appeared on his usually calm and indifferent face, and the corners of his mouth twitched when he thought of the profession of a young man.

Performing arts department comedian class, what the hell is that

Ji Changye had just come down from the battlefield when You Shu was brought back to the school by his late mentor to settle down. The war lasted for thirty-eight days, and he hadn't slept for thirty-eight consecutive days. Even if he was extremely tired, he could only meditate for ten minutes as a rest. Taking the planets where the tenth-level ore veins were discovered as his own, and completing the legal procedures as quickly as possible, he ordered the fleet to return to the capital star immediately.

"General, it's time for you to rest. The energy fluid is ready for you, it's in the bathroom." A hot female adjutant took the general's hat, hung it on a hanger beside him, and tried to take off his coat.

"I don't need you here, please leave." Ji Changye put his hand on the doorknob with a cold expression.

Although the female adjutant was very disappointed, she didn't dare to show it on her face, gave a respectful salute, and then left. Ji Changye locked the door, instead of soaking in the energy liquid, he couldn't wait to open the monitor. No, the monitor from any angle or any direction could not find the boy's figure, and the crystal coffin was empty, leaving only a few withered flowers of the other side, and even the amber-colored energy liquid disappeared.

Has anyone come and took the juvenile? He thought of this first, but immediately denied it. Because before leaving, he left many alarm devices around the entrance of the ancient tomb. Once someone broke in, his brain would immediately receive the message. But now, the alarm has not been triggered, which means that no outsiders have broken in during this period, unless the teenager wakes up and leaves.

This conjecture made Ji Changye's breathing suddenly stop. Even if a special person could survive for several years without oxygen, he was extremely uncomfortable at this moment, and his high-speed mind was about to burst due to the sudden emergence of extravagant hopes.

He used his trembling fingertips to call up all the surveillance images in the ancient tomb, but couldn't find the boy's figure, so he pressed the playback button again. The screen began to reverse, because the speed was too fast, the people who suddenly came to life turned into afterimages, but it was enough to make Ji Changye's breathing worse and blood transpiration.

right here! Seeing the afterimage lying back in the crystal coffin, sleeping as before, Ji Changye immediately stopped rewinding and clicked to play. The young man was still sleeping peacefully like the one he saw last time, and his demeanor was serene, but his mood was completely different, just because he knew that in the next moment, the young man would open his eyes and wake up.

The time after rewinding was so long that after waiting for ten minutes, the boy was still floating in the crystal coffin. Ji Changye's eyes slowly crawled with bloodshot eyes, and the eye sockets were also dry and painful, but he did not dare to look away from him for even a second. After another ten minutes, he gradually became a little restless, desperate to fast-forward, and worried that he would miss the moment when the young man woke up, so he could only barely hold back his restless emotions.

For a well-trained and capable soldier, such agitation obviously shouldn't exist, but he didn't want to control it. He just wanted the boy to come back to life quickly and prove that what he saw just now was not an illusion caused by too much yearning.

When his fingertips were already on the fast-forward button, the thick eyelashes of the young man suddenly trembled, and the bubbles on it shook down, and then they rose to the water surface one by one, bursting into water droplets. This scene is very subtle and very quiet, and if it is not for the extraordinary eyesight of special people, it will never be noticed. However, in Ji Changye's eyes, this scene is even more gorgeous than the falling of the galaxy, and more breathtaking than the most gorgeous scenery captured by the most superb photographers. His already boiling blood also seemed to have countless small bubbles, and then burst one by one.

He immediately retracted his fingertips, projected the image on the opposite wall, and zoomed in again and again. His king was about to wake up, and he didn't want to miss a single detail, but he had already missed it. In the midst of anxiety, anticipation and deep regret, the king finally opened his eyes, revealing clear black and white eyes.

He broke out of the water, and a blood-red other side flower bloomed on his shoulders, which made his fair skin more and more transparent. He touched the fossa of his neck, and he didn't know when there was a small dark purple scorpion in his palm, slowly crawling with the tail needle. Ji Changye took a breath, for fear that the scorpion would hurt the boy, but he saw the other party pursed his pink lips and kissed it a few times. Obviously, this is his pet, not a poisonous insect that accidentally burrowed into the crystal coffin.

Ji Changye, who was tense all over, sat back and saw the young man crawling out of the crystal coffin, taking off his soaked robe all the way, revealing his slender and flexible body, and the boiling blood rushed to his lower abdomen immediately, causing the place to be full of pain. Immediately afterwards, he was shocked again, all lust and ecstasy, all of which were left behind. While staring at the picture on his brain, he ordered a few of the most loyal subordinates and rushed to the home planet in secret.

He almost forgot that the current parent star was not the one from the ancient times. It was covered with mutated plants, and there were many wild beasts with a danger rating above A rank. Once the boy leaves the underground palace, there will be endless dangers waiting for him. When the fleet set off, the boy on the video had already taken care of himself and left through a secret passage. No wonder the alarms around the stone gate were never activated.

Ji Changye almost didn't dare to look at the next picture, and his normally calm and stern eyebrows showed a rare color of fear. Fan Zhao noticed his abnormality and pointed out, "General, didn't you leave a flight monitor last time? If you find that the target is alive, it should follow the camera in real time. You can directly connect to its signal. I can see the boy's current condition."

As the so-called concern is chaos, Ji Changye did not expect this, and immediately called up the picture taken by the machine. Although Fan Zhao and the others were amazed at the youth's resurrection, they didn't think he could last long. The wild beasts on the mother planet can even shred the ability user, let alone an ancient person with an F-rank physique? If he is lucky, he may still be alive now, but he will be injured more or less.

But they didn't dare to say it in front of the general, and could only look at the screen in silence. Contrary to everyone's expectations, there is no bloody scene in the picture. On the contrary, the teenager is lying in a clean and tidy room, carefully reading the words on the brain.

"Wait, how can he have a brain? How can his hairstyle and clothes match our style? And this room, the furnishings, the scenery outside the window, this is definitely not the mother star! How did he leave?" Fan Zhao and others Dumbfounded, Ji Changye let out a big breath, zoomed in and out, and carefully observed all the details in the bedroom.

"This is Imperial College. The building outside the window is the iconic building of Imperial College, and the cup on the desk is printed with Imperial College's totem." He analyzed calmly.

"Wait, is this person the king? How could he have a way to go to the Capital Star? One step faster than us!" Fan Zhao's three views had already burst, and he could not think of an ancient ancient who did not understand anything. How did people quickly integrate into the interstellar era.

"He's learning our writing. You see, what appears in his brain is elementary school textbooks. My God, an ancient man would find a way to leave his home planet, enter the school, and learn our culture. He's a god!" The few people on the battleship were the same people who discovered the ancient tomb last time. They were amazed and confused by the unbelievable behavior of the young man. If they are placed in the position of teenagers, they will not survive for a day. Everyone knows this well.

Ji Changye turned the surveillance screen backwards, trying to get an answer, and ordered the warship to return to the capital city with the main force. He was once again grateful that he had left a flight monitor, otherwise where would he go to find his dear king now

Rewinding the picture to the moment when the young man first woke up, Ji Changye's face darkened when he saw his naked body. He wanted to go back to his cabin to watch it alone, but was entangled by Fan Zhao. They were very curious about how the boy survived and how he got to the capital star. If the general did not let them know the answer, they would suffocate themselves to death out of curiosity.

Ji Changye couldn't, so he had to press fast forward, and after going back, he would edit frame by frame and make a separate video file. Thinking about it this way, the blood that had just cooled down began to boil again, making him a little restless, so he had to fold his long legs and change his posture.

Wearing a long robe embroidered with beautiful patterns, the young man walked out of the secret passage and fiddled around for a while, drawing a few lines with a branch here, placing a stone or wood there, and then left unhurriedly. As soon as he walked out a few meters away, the secret passage behind him disappeared, and this scene was faithfully recorded by the monitor.

"Have you seen it? Ah? The secret passage has disappeared! I'm afraid his actions just now were for this purpose, right? But what's the reason? It's incredible!" Fan Zhao was stunned.

Ji Changye turned on the magnetic field scanner and replayed the scene just now. All the sights and colors disappeared, turning into clusters of magnetic fields of different shades of color, and the boy was undoubtedly the weakest being. Only the part of his heart was pale pink, and the rest of the body was black and gray with no magnetic field response. But when he placed all the things, the surrounding magnetic field was pulled by these objects, forming a huge magnetic vortex, which twisted and shielded the surrounding space.

"Although he is very weak, he can directly manipulate the magnetic field to create hallucinations, but I still don't understand the principle. Can anyone here help me explain?" Fan Zhao felt that he was suffocated to death. Everyone was like him. They are also scratching their lungs and being curious.

Ji Changye didn't study this video too much, and then looked down, but the magnetic field analysis map was always open in the upper right corner. Shortly after the boy left the underground palace, he ran into a mad beast that was foraging for food. He posted a note to himself, and he disappeared from the monitor. This was undoubtedly a perfect use of the magnetic field. It's a miracle that he has done something that even the evolutionary people of thousands of years later can't do.

But the wild beast seemed to be able to smell his scent and swooped in one direction. A note appeared out of nowhere and hit the wild beast on the forehead like a bullet, causing it to pause for a moment. At this moment, Ji Changye was already breaking out a lot of cold sweat, he could really feel the fear of the young man, and wished he could immediately appear by his side to resist all dangers for him.

The boy didn't know what he was doing. After about three seconds, another note hit the wild beast and burned to ashes. If it wasn't for the magnetic field analysis map in the upper right corner, Ji Changye would never have imagined that it was a young man's attack method. Although the monitor could not capture the boy's figure, he could see his faintly beating heart in the analysis image. At the moment when the note was shot, his body also burst into a dazzling light. It was a deep red that was almost black. It is a color that can only be possessed by special people whose spiritual power reaches the SSS level.

After living for more than 100 years, Ji Changye has only seen such a powerful energy magnetic field in himself. The young man is not as fragile as he imagined. On the contrary, his strength even exceeds that of a modern human after genetic optimization. Perhaps he is not a king, but a god from ancient times. This idea appeared in everyone's mind at the same time, which made them awestruck.

On the magnetic field analysis diagram, after the black-colored strip of paper burned out, it really exploded with terrifying energy, but it did not explode like a particle cannon, but formed wind blades that cut a ten-ton wild beast. into pieces. When the blood rained down, the boy finally tore off the note from his body, revealing his figure. He looked a little stunned, but quickly regained his composure. When he came to the stream, he also arranged a powerful magnetic field to protect himself, and then began to undress.

The following video was ruthlessly fast-forwarded by the general. Fan Zhao and the others couldn't help but glared at him, but they dared not to speak out. They watched the boy wandering in the valley, watching him slaughter the wild beasts around him, and create many strange things, but these things without exception contain terrifying energy, and this energy It seems that only he knows how to use it. What is even more frightening is that he can actually see the magnetic field distributed in the air with the naked eye, which is impossible for any modern person to do. They can only rely on the analysis of magnetic field scanners as they are now, but such instruments are not omnipotent, they will also be disturbed by magnetic fields and thus lose their effectiveness.

In other words, the young man can see the origin of the world, which explains why his body is so weak, but his strength is so strong.

"General, we seem to have released a little monster. Are you sure you can control him?" Fan Zhao began to sweat.

Knowing that the young man is strong, Ji Changye finally let go of his high-hanging heart, took a deep look at the lieutenant general, and warned, "I never wanted to control him, and you are not allowed to act rashly." He really did not want to control the young man, He just wants to get the boy.

How do we move? When the real fight starts, can this god-man smash us into pieces in minutes! Fan Zhao thought to himself with lingering fears.

The surveillance footage continued, a civilian spacecraft crashed on the home planet, and the teenager found a brain from the wreckage and got some information. He doesn't seem to understand modern words, but he can understand Chinese. Since China is the most populous country on the original home planet, most of the survivors in the era of extinction are Chinese, so Chinese has gradually become a global language, and logically it has become one of the interstellar languages. Judging from the boy's appearance, he is Chinese, and it is not surprising that he knows Chinese.

He used a mysterious method to make a corpse into a half-foot-long doll, and then replace it.

Fan Zhao shook his head and whispered, "He seems to want to take the opportunity to leave the home planet, but it is very risky. His genes are completely different from that of the deceased, and the rescue team will reveal it as soon as they arrive."

"If he breaks it down, he will be taken away. After all, he is a big living person. Could it be that he was imprisoned in the highest laboratory of Imperial College for research? The identity of the ancients will not be exposed, right?" A soldier looked nervously at the general. .

Ji Changye quickly browsed the major news in recent months, and said with certainty, "My authority is SSS level, and I am qualified to view all secrets. The highest laboratory of Imperial College has not released such news, and his identity should not have been exposed. "

While speaking, the boy had found a space button, and immediately realized its purpose, ran back to the underground palace to pack up his belongings, and then lay back at the scene of the plane crash. He pretended to faint and was carried on the medical spaceship by the ambulance personnel. Even the genetic testing instrument could not reveal his identity, but instead let him learn a lot of important information. He pretended to be stimulated, kept silent, and avoided the possibility of saying the wrong thing, and was brought back to the school by his tutor in silence all the way.

In just a few days, he figured out how to use the brain, and while learning modern characters and various interstellar languages, he slowly integrated into the academy life. It's still summer vacation, and he's the only one in the dormitory, so no one will bother or break it down. At his speed, when the school starts a month later, he must have fully understood the surrounding situation and showed no flaws.

"God, this little monster is not only powerful, but also so smart! His life experience this month is enough to make an epic and legendary blockbuster! It must be very exciting!" Fan Zhao gave a thumbs up and said Convinced orally. The real-time follow-up video can make him feel stunned. After artistic processing, is it still magnificent? No wonder the people of his time were willing to build such a magnificent underground palace for him.

Ji Changye let out a long sigh of relief, and finally put his heart back into his stomach. However, at his current speed, it would take 12 days to rush back to the Capital Star. On the way, he would have to inspect several star ports with extremely important geographical locations, and it would take another ten days and a total of 20 days. After all, he could not rest assured and had to find It is good to be alone with the young man.

Thinking like this, he dialed a number and sent the boy's current identity to the subordinate at the other end.