There’s A Beauty

Chapter 131: time


Knowing that the boy was safe and sound, Ji Changye got rid of his subordinates and returned to his room to check the surveillance footage taken in recent months alone. From the moment the boy opened his eyes to this moment, he was eager to know everything about him. And finally integrated into his life one day.

The young man was more perfect than he imagined. He watched him walk back and forth in a pile of gold and silver jewels with his naked body. Those treasures that were once fervently sought after by the world all became his foil. He didn't know the existence of the monitor, and his every move was full of frankness and temptation. He even bent down, pouted his butt, and rummaged through a large box. Looking from the direction of the monitor, it just happened to be able to see the beauty of his private parts at a glance. His fair and slender fingertips hooked out one after another of brocade clothes, and when they were piled up at his feet, they were like bunches of bouquets surrounding the elves that burrowed out of the deep spring. .

Ji Changye wished he could pick up a strand of his wet hair, put it on his nose and sniff it, and wished he could hug him from behind and hold him tightly into his arms. His always steady heartbeat was like a planet crashing into a black hole, and his blood was hotter than the magma buried in the center of the earth. When the boy finally got dressed and walked out of the underground palace, he finally cursed and walked into the bedroom to wash his pants.

The young man seemed to love cleanliness, and he insisted on taking care of himself every day. At first, Ji Changye would patiently analyze his fighting style and mental strength, but then he simply skipped it quickly and edited those beautiful and charming pictures separately. Make a secret file and keep it in the brain. Before meeting the teenager, he can only rely on these things to chat and masturbate.

In the later stage, the young man became more and more calm, and he was always chased by mad beasts, and he actually provoked mad beasts in a radius of hundreds of miles to flee. Ji Changye has never seen him in a state of embarrassment, and his perception of him has changed from a delicate flower to a star across the universe. The more he understands, the more obsessed he becomes.

In addition to the powerful force value, the young man's mind is also unexpectedly smart, and even An Youshu's mentor was blinded by him. But when he entered An Youshu's dormitory and was alone, he finally showed a rare, surprised and apprehensive expression. It turned out that he wasn't not afraid, but he kept this emotion firmly in his heart and dared not express it.

Yes, he came from a farther past, his relatives, friends, lovers... No no no, he won't have a lover, how old does he look? Fifteen or sixteen, so young, there will never be a lover. Ji Changye vehemently denied this conjecture, and then looked at the young man in the video with pity in his eyes.

In this era, he is a true loner, no one will appease his fears, and no one will guide his confusion, the future can only be explored by him step by step. Putting himself in his shoes, Ji Changye didn't think he could do better than the teenager. He is really an extremely good child, more outstanding than all the heavenly favored sons carefully cultivated by the aristocratic giants he has ever met.

But the next moment, this inexplicable pride was replaced by crying and laughing. Ji Changye found that the boy was standing in the empty bathroom. Touching here and pressing it seemed to be studying what this room was for. When he saw the bathtub, he immediately realized that it was a bathing place, but he couldn't find a source of water, and muttered angrily, "Where is the water? Where is the water? I want water."

The voice-activated shower head suddenly came out from the roof and sprayed him all over his face, startling him and wetting his thin white shirt. He was embarrassed and terrified, but also seemed so attractive, which made Ji Changye smile, and then his blood flowed.

Can't watch it anymore, or I don't want to do anything else all day. He turned off the surveillance screen with the utmost self-control, and then put on his military uniform, straightened his back, and strode out.

Youshu didn't expect that the teenager who was replaced by himself was also called "Youshu", and his appearance in childhood was seven or eight points similar to him, which was really fate. After returning to the capital star, he released An Youshu's soul from the puppet doll and stabilized his magnetic field with the method of transcendence, so as not to be swallowed by the surrounding magnetic field. When he got off the spaceship, he had seen a magnetic field with spiritual wisdom enter a certain lady's belly. He thought it was a successful reincarnation. I hope that An Youshu's magnetic field can also nurture wisdom and reincarnate into a human being.

The soulless puppet doll was naturally left by Youshu to prevent genetic testing in the future. He pretended to be stimulated and didn't speak to his mentor, but fortunately, An Youshu was also a taciturn character, and did not arouse suspicion from the other party.

An Youshu is a fan of books, and the homepage of Zhinao has downloaded many novels. You Shu accidentally clicked on a book. At first, he didn't know what it was. Later, he found that there was a small speaker at the top of the page, which should be able to automatically convert the text into speech, so he immediately clicked on it and identified the words one by one.

The novel has a total of 6 million words. After reading it, You Shu has grown from illiterate illiterate to a normal cultural level. Of course, he did not know many of the allusions in the book, so he had to look at textbooks for children, elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, and universities, and gradually consolidate them.

After learning writing, An Youshu's intellectual brain was naturally played by Youshu. He knew how to surf the Internet, how to shop, and how to contact friends. He also found out about An Youshu's life status from his personal files. . His life was worse than Shu Shu expected. The pension left by his parents after the war had been used up, and the house was sold. Now he can only live in the school dormitory. When he graduates from Imperial College, he will really be displaced and have no fixed place to live.

This summer vacation, he went to the mecha exhibition held by Ji Yaxing, and he didn't know which string in his mind was wrong, so he bought a junior mecha with the last savings and turned himself into a pauper. Fortunately, in the interstellar era, the birth rate of babies is very low. Every child is protected by the interstellar law before reaching adulthood, especially orphans.

But even so, it is impossible for the government to provide the best living environment for children who have lost their parents. It can only ensure that they will not starve to death. An Youshu's tuition can be waived, and three nutrient solutions are distributed every day, but the materials, equipment, and activity fees needed in the study can only be found by himself. To be honest, Youshu doesn't want to study any performing arts at all, but if he doesn't live in school, where can he go

Mix first, then slowly find a way out. Youshu drank the strange-smelling nutrient solution, then winked and made an extremely collapsed expression. There are two things he misses most now, one is the master, and the other is food.

The Interstellar Era is not an era when food is declining. On the contrary, because of the abundance of species, there are more and more delicious things. However, the abuse of energy stones has caused serious pollution of the land, and human beings can only open up a few planets to grow crops or raise livestock. This has led to a huge increase in the cost of natural food. The average working family can only enjoy it a few times a month, and An Youshu, a poor bastard who relies on government aid, can only think about it in his mind.

A penny stumped a hero, the master was right! There is Shudian, and I want to see if I can sell the things I brought into credit points. On the other side, Ji Changye was also using the monitor to find out what he was doing, and hacked into An Youshu's Zhinao account to browse some of the information the boy was currently browsing.

He seemed to want to sell the things he brought out from the ancient tomb, but he soon discovered that the gold and silver jewelry were no longer valuable. Some of the sets of porcelain were considered antiques. If they were placed in the auction house, it was estimated that they could fetch a sky-high price in history. .

"Don't, don't think about it. You are still underage, and all activities on the Internet are monitored by the master mind. Once these antiques leak out, even if they are auctioned anonymously, they will be able to find you. My dear, quickly put this danger away. Take back the thought, or I will spank you." Ji Changye murmured nervously, wishing he could immediately appear beside the boy and close the web page instead of him.

On the other side, You Shu thought about it for a long time, and finally turned off the auction gateway. He doesn't understand the current network technology, and he can't act like a hacker without a trace. In this era, antiques are indeed valuable. If they are auctioned, let alone natural delicacies, even a planet can afford them, but because they are too valuable, he does not dare to rashly sell them, at least not until he learns how to conceal his identity.

Drink nutrients first, then think about ways to make money later. He took out a bottle of yellow spring water, fed it to Xiao Scorpion bit by bit, and stuffed a newly cultivated Gu King into its claws with an envious expression on his face.

Ji Changye's tense nerves finally relaxed, and he said with admiration, "Good boy! I knew that my dear king must be the smartest child in the world." In the end, he contacted his subordinates and urged, "Why haven't you arrived at the Capital Star yet? ?"

"General, I seem to have found something incredible. If you hadn't asked me to investigate An Youshu's family background, I would never have imagined that the An family, which has been in decline for hundreds of years, has hidden such an amazing secret!" A handsome young man appears on the screen.

"What secret?" Knowing that his subordinates are not the ones who make a fuss, Ji Changye couldn't help but be serious.

"An Youshu's mother is a descendant of the Song family who disappeared for more than a hundred years."

"The Song family that relied on the tricks of magic doctors and disappeared because the tricks of magic doctors were lost?" Ji Changye untied the two buttons at the top of the uniform and said solemnly, "Don't tell me about the superpower of the Song family. The mecha is in the hands of An Youshu." The empire has only five super mechas, and they are in the hands of the marshals of the four major legions. That's right, it was the four marshals, not the five, because the most powerful and mysterious one disappeared after the Song family disappeared.

Everyone knows that the older the super mechas are, the stronger they are. They seem to have some kind of inheritance power, which can absorb the spiritual power, martial skills, and even supernatural powers of their previous owners. The Ji family's super mecha has been inherited for more than 400 years, but it only ranks second in the empire.

Everyone in the military wanted to get it, but they didn't expect it to be hidden in the small Anjia. An family is originally from Luke Star, where it can be said to cover the sky with one hand, but in the capital star, it is not even ranked. But if they have a super mecha and find an inheritor, the situation is completely different.

"An family wants to form the Empire's Fifth Army? The ambition is really big." Ji Changye's tone was flat, as if he was not talking about the major event of subverting the empire's political situation, but the weather outside.

"From the current point of view, they do have this idea. An Youshu's mother is the last person in the Song family. It is because of the existence of this super mecha that she was able to marry into the An family when she was wandering in Luxing at that time. But Because of this, both she and Mr. An were murdered. An Youshu inherited this mecha. Before his sixteenth birthday, he did not know its existence, but the An family had already obtained it through his lawyer. , and just yesterday, An Youshu's cousin, An Chengjie, awakened it and recognized him as the master. He is a special person with SS-level mental strength and physique. He is currently studying at the Imperial Military Academy and will graduate in half a year. His ranking in the academy is higher than Lin Dehai, he has been ranked first for four years, and he is the junior who is most likely to surpass you." The young man looked solemn. There is no doubt that Anjia's rise has been unstoppable.

The first-ranked super mecha comes out and finds its owner, this news will definitely cause an uproar in the empire. If the royal family wants to get rid of the Ji family's control, they will naturally support the unfounded An family, and the other major legions also have their own plans. But this mecha belongs to An Youshu legally, even if An Chengjie's soul has been bound to it, according to the laws of the empire, An Chengjie has no right to use it without An Youshu's permission. If the other major legions want to suppress Anjia, they only need to hold this talk. In other words, An Youshu must die.

"I see. Was the plane accident planned by the An family? The purpose was to murder An Youshu?" Ji Changye's expression was stern.

"That's right. It's his sixteenth birthday in a month, and the An family will definitely start again. General, what are you going to do?" The young man finally realized that he had a heavy responsibility. No wonder the general sent him to protect a useless boy, it turned out to be to win over the other party and get the mecha. The general really devised a strategy, wise and martial!

"You and your brother moved to An Youshu's dormitory together. Make sure to keep him safe. I'll be back soon!" Ji Changye rubbed his eyebrows, feeling unprecedentedly nervous. Who would have expected that An Youshu, who seems to have a simple family background, hides such a deadly secret behind his back, causing his king to be involved in danger. If the king has an accident... no no no, he is not as fragile as you think, he will be able to hold on until you rush back.

Ji Changye, who had been comforting himself over and over again, still couldn't put his mind down, and sent many more people to Imperial College, including Anbu, who had never been seen before.

Perhaps because of the approaching start of the semester, the originally empty dormitory building suddenly filled with a lot of people, especially the 122nd floor where You Shu was located. It was full within a few days, and there were always many students who went up and down the elevator. You Shu has the smallest physique and is squeezed inside the elevator, surrounded by burly big men with exuberant muscles, exuding the same breath as those top masters before the apocalypse. This reminded him of many unpleasant memories, like a small beast that strayed into the jungle, the hair all over his body exploded.

The Imperial College is the highest institution of the Feima Empire, divided into a general area and a military area, but the dormitories are all concentrated together. Some Shu guessed that these people were students of the military academy and came to participate in the training in advance. He lowered his head, shrugged his shoulders, passed through these people, walked silently to the front of the 12209 dormitory, and unlocked the door with the puppet doll's fingerprints.

"Are you my new roommate An Youshu? Hello, I'm Lin Dexuan, a second-year student in the idol class of the Performing Arts Department. Let's take care of each other in the future." A handsome young man with a bright smile stood up from the sofa , extend your right hand.

Youshu didn't shake it back, she frowned and said, "My old roommate has moved away?" We learned from Zhinao's address book that An Youshu's roommate was also a student of the comedian class, and he was not named Lin Dexuan.

"Yes, he has already moved." The man pointed to another room and continued, "That is my brother Lin Dehai, a fourth-year mecha control student. Starting today, he will also move in and live with us. Get to know each other."

A tall, imposing man leaned against the door and gave You Shu a cold look. Youshu was keenly aware of Lin Dehai's disdain for him, and judging from his breath, he should be an extremely powerful gold-type ability user. Lin Dexuan seemed to be an ordinary person with a dark wound in his body. But these have nothing to do with Youshu, so he nodded and entered the bedroom.

"This is the waste of getting the Song family's mecha? Except for a face that can be seen, the other is useless." Lin Dehai whispered.

"Brother, do you despise me?" Lin Dexuan pointed at the tip of his nose, "because I'm also a useless waste now except for my face."

Lin Dehai quickly explained, "Xiaoxuan, you are not a waste, you are the most powerful hacker in the empire. It doesn't matter if you have any abilities."

"But I want to go to the battlefield. You don't understand, being a hacker is just my most helpless choice. The life of ordinary people is not easy, brother, you can ignore us, but please don't despise us."

"Xiao Xuan, I'm sorry, I said the wrong thing." Lin Dehai bowed his head and apologized, his eyes full of painful struggles.

Inside the door, You Shu was searching for information about the two brothers of the Lin family. Although there is no plan to make friends with him, but there are two strangers living in the dormitory for no reason, and he must know their identities and backgrounds. A long string of words popped up, and there were bright red headlines one after another, showing that the Lin brothers were quite famous.

In the capital star, there are five top families, namely the Ji family of the first army, the royal Lu family, the Li family of the second army, the Lendell family of the third army, and the Zhao family of the fourth army. There are many families under these five families, and the Lin family is a vassal of the Ji family, which can be regarded as a first-class family.

The two brothers were from the direct line just now, and Lin Dehai was the next head of the family. His physique was SS-level, his mental power was S-level, and his abilities were SS-level. He was definitely ranked among the top three in the Imperial Military Academy. His younger brother's potential is also amazing. His physique and mental strength are both S-level. The outside world cannot know what the power is, and it is said to be mysterious. But unfortunately, due to the abuse of genetic modification technology, although human beings have put an end to many diseases, they have suffered from a terminal disease called gene collapse disorder. The stronger the strength, the higher the possibility of the disease. is one of them.

After the gene collapses, the patient's supernatural abilities and mental power will disappear, and the physique will also decline year by year, and eventually die of exhaustion. Don't look at Lin Dexuan's high spirits now, he should be admitted to the intensive care unit in a few decades. Most of these patients do not live beyond the age of seventy. Compared with his status as a child of heaven, he can only use the word "miserable" to describe them. No wonder he has to switch from the mecha control department to the performing arts department. To put it bluntly, the performing arts department is a waste storage station.

You Shu swiped through these words, but there was no sympathy, pity, sighing and other emotions in his heart. He would never put others in his eyes unless the other party violated his own safety. Of course, he was more curious about the Ji family, and always felt that the master would be born in this prestigious family. But helplessly, the Ji family is very mysterious. This generation of people in power pursues a low-key principle of doing things. They can't even find a photo. Only the heroic appearance of the other party driving a super mecha in a fierce battle in the universe.

You Shu's yin and yang eyes can't penetrate the thick metal plate no matter how powerful they are, so they have to give up.

At the other end, Ji Changye watched the scene where the two Lin brothers met the teenager. Although he was very dissatisfied with Lin Dehai's attitude, he had no intention of telling him Youshu's true identity, and he didn't like them being too close to Youshu. I haven't integrated into the life of a teenager, why let others take the lead? They just need to help him guard the boy, other actions are superfluous. As for Shu's more indifferent response, he can only be relieved. This is what his dear king should have, proud and dignified, no one can make him treat him differently, except himself.

"Is he watching my battle video?" Pointing to the four-dimensional screen projected in the air, Ji Changye asked knowingly, with a rare look of color in his eyes.

Fan Zhao stared at the full-length image that was enlarged by the teenager, and nodded, "Yes." Don't you have eyes to see? Or are you deliberately showing off that you can fascinate an ancient person? Isn't it normal for the ancients to show strong interest since they have never seen a mecha

But Ji Changye didn't think it was normal, he said in a serious tone, "He has been searching for my information and photos on the Internet, and now he is staring at my battle video, and he has joined my support club. He must be addicted to it. I am."

"General, maybe he doesn't even know what the support club is." Fan Zhao complained.

Ji Changye glared at him coldly, and only then contacted Lin Dexuan, and ordered, "Put more videos of my battles on the Internet, the more exciting the better." If possible, he wanted Lin Dexuan to secretly stuff his photos and details Enter the juvenile brain. But the security level of the juvenile's brain is too low, and it is very likely to be invaded by others. There are too many people in Interstellar who want to get rid of him, which will not only cause trouble for him, but also bring death to the boy, so he has to think of a more euphemistic way.

Before approaching a teenager, he must make a strong, reliable, radiant impression to ensure that he is deeply attracted at first sight.