There’s A Beauty

Chapter 132: time


Youshu found that the new roommate was very difficult to get along with. The elder brother always had a cold face and refused to be thousands of miles away; the younger brother smiled brilliantly and was very clingy. Every time he saw Lin Dehai, he couldn't help but think of his life in the apocalypse. Because of his superpowers and his thin body, he was often bullied by those big men. They looked at him exactly the same as Lin Dehai. Although Lin Dexuan would not look down on him, he was too enthusiastic and often made him feel at a loss.

On this day, he barely finished drinking a nutritional supplement and was about to learn the common language of the Magellan System, but he heard Lin Dexuan knock on the door outside, "You Shu, the goods you purchased have been sent, and the courier asks you to sign for it."

what product? You Shu pushed open the door, and saw the robot courier hand over a small black velvet box, asking him to place a fingerprint on the screen on his chest. Some Shu urged the puppet doll to sign for the goods, and then opened it to check. In the box lies a ring with a flying eagle carved on the face of the ring.

Is it the space button? He was thinking to himself, Lin Dexuan had already called out, "It's a junior mecha! Do you want to learn mecha? I'll teach you!"

By the way, there is an expenditure record in Zhinao. Before An Youshu died, he did buy a mecha and spent a full five million. I can't even eat, and I even spent all my savings on the mecha! Youshu felt very resentful in her heart, thinking of the large and small mecha models that were piled full of bookshelves in the room, guessing that the original owner should be a mecha enthusiast, and she wanted to drive it to fight in space in her dreams. To this end, he also secretly wrote a novel, substituting himself as the male protagonist, and after getting a super mecha that has been passed down for a thousand years, he turned from waste wood to become a god of war, and slapped everyone in the face. But there are countless such novels on the Internet, and because he is not good at writing, he has only published twenty chapters before hitting the street.

Youshu stared at the space button with the mecha, wishing to turn it into a piece of meat and swallow it. Five million, how many natural ingredients can you buy? No, I have to do the math.

Lin Dexuan felt helpless. He originally thought that with his communication skills and family background, it should be very easy to get along with a withdrawn person like An Youshu. But God knows what An Youshu is thinking about. If you say a word to him, he either hums, or doesn't respond at all, or, as he is now, dazed with his fingers. There seems to be an invisible magnetic field around his body, isolating everyone from it.

If you can't get close, the task becomes more difficult. Lin Dexuan can only rack his brains to think about common topics, but he hears the general's order from the wireless earphone he wears, "Show him the video you recently sent to the Internet. Then ask him how he feels about me."

Lin Dexuan was not surprised when he knew that the general had surveillance cameras around the boy. He immediately clicked on the official website of the First Army Corps and pulled up a few videos. The general is famous in the interstellar space, but he has never established a personal website. Except for a few high-level empires, no one can get his private information. Lin Dexuan would not have been allowed to post his battle videos online for worship if it wasn't for the purpose of increasing the recruitment rate of the First Corps.

As the most powerful army in the entire Pegasus galaxy, the public website of the First Legion has tens of billions of fans. Every time a video of a general is released, the people lining up to kneel and lick can circle the galaxy for a week. The more low-key the general acts, the more fanatical the fans are. As soon as the video is opened, the following comments can burst the main brain's central system.

"Ah, the general recently posted six videos in a row, so mighty and domineering!"

"Is the general about to show up? I feel that the frequency of his activities on the website has increased a lot!"

"Appear soon! I want to know what the male god looks like, is he handsome?"

"It's definitely handsome! I've got my knees ready!"

There are so many such messages, Lin Dexuan's mouth twitches. But no matter how crazy others are, none of the words of this kid in front of him will work. As long as he is willing to join the First Legion with a super mecha, even if he is a waste of F-rank physique, the general will give him a Major General Dangdang. Now, the important task of attracting him lies on his shoulders, and the future of the First Army lies on his shoulders, Lin Dexuan, come on!

Lin Thinking Too Much Dexuan slowly moved to the boy who was still pinching his fingers and asked, "You joined General Ji's support club?"

You Shu subconsciously asked, "How do you know?" and then stared at the other party with vigilant eyes.

"I'm the president of the support club. I can see your information in the management background. It seems that you haven't been online very much recently. The official website of the First Army has sent a few videos. Do you want to watch it?" A four-dimensional image, projected on the opposite wall.

The tragic and magnificent interstellar war far exceeded the imagination limit of Youshu's era. In front of the real scene, all sci-fi blockbusters paled in comparison. As a second-year-old boy who still has passion, You Shu was immediately attracted, and his black eyes stared at a pure black mecha standing in the center of the universe and surrounded by dense starships.

"Introduce him to me and my mecha." The two over there were watching the video, but Ji Changye was admiring every subtle expression of the boy. He saw in his eyes wonder, adoration, yearning, and never before had he felt so proud and content.

Lin Dexuan waited for the first wave of attacks to subside before he began to explain, "That's General Ji and his super mecha "Emperor". Isn't it amazing?"

Youshu really wanted to ask General Ji's full name and appearance, but she also knew that this was a highly confidential matter in the First Army, and even in the entire empire. After all, General Ji is the only SSS-level special person in the empire. If he falls, it will mean that the interstellar status of the empire will be greatly reduced, unless a candidate who can replace him is found before that.

As an ordinary roommate, if he rashly inquired about this kind of thing, he would definitely be suspected and targeted by the Lin brothers, wouldn't he be asking for trouble? Thinking of this, You Shu could only suppress his doubts and nodded expressionlessly. Just at this moment, another wave of attacks began. The pure black mecha raised its right arm, and unexpectedly summoned a huge black hole in the vast universe. Inside the black hole, a thick purple electric light was churning, knocking the surrounding enemy ships one by one. Split into powder. This kind of power has surpassed the limit of mortals and reached the category of divine power. It is no wonder that this mecha will be named "Emperor God".

You Shu was stunned and couldn't recover for a long time.

Lin Dexuan said at the right time, "This is the power of the Emperor God. It has been passed down for more than 400 years. The owners of all dynasties are the best of the Ji family, but the general is the best among them. At the age of ten, and before that, the most talented special people also completed their evolution in their eighties, more than seventy years later than the general, you can imagine the gap between the two..."

The roommate praised the legendary General Ji so much, but he was attracted by the super mecha with Shu's mind. The older the mecha, the stronger the strength, this is because they have the power of inheritance. Scientists have not unlocked the secret of the power of inheritance until now, otherwise they can create more and more powerful super mechas.

But in Youshu, he saw through the true appearance of the super mecha at a glance. That is not the so-called "inheritance power", but the previous owner inadvertently input his own soul silk when connecting with the mecha's spiritual power. The lack of a trace of soul will not affect them, but it will make the mecha fit more closely with them, so that they can exert 100% of their strength. The more spiritual threads the mecha has, the higher the intelligence. After a long time, it can possess the abilities of previous supercontrollers, including martial arts and abilities, and in the catalysis of tenth-level energy, these forces can expand infinitely, and then explode. come out.

Therefore, the older the super mecha, the stronger the strength, they can easily destroy an army, an empire, or even a planet. When fighting alone, General Ji's thunder and lightning ability can only flatten a small half of the city, but it can flatten a whole universe when it is displayed by mecha. Even an ordinary person without any supernatural power or mental power, as long as the magnetic field of his soul matches the super mecha, he will become a god of war who kills all directions, and there are many such pioneers in history. I heard that the Zhao family once produced such a super lucky man, and he is also the character prototype of the rubbish counter-attack novel that has been popular for hundreds of years.

The super mecha is not a weapon, but a spiritual weapon, and its grade is against the sky. You Shu was drooling at the Emperor God on the screen, even sticking out the tip of her pink tongue, licking the corner of her mouth back and forth.

Ji Changye was excited by him, took off his military uniform skillfully, and went into the bathroom to relieve himself. He knew that the boy would definitely be attracted by his heroic appearance, and when he returned to the Imperial City, he would find an excuse to visit the brothers of the Lin family, and then get acquainted with the boy as soon as possible. What will he look like when he sees an idol in front of him? If you can ask for a hug or a kiss like an ordinary person, and shout out, "I want to marry you, God, I want to give birth to monkeys for you," then you will agree to it. The more Ji Changye thought about it, the more beautiful he became. He fantasized about the scene where the young man was crushed under him, and climbed to the top...

You Shu watched the video of General Ji's battle, and then turned over the videos of the other four mechas to study, and commented, "The emperor is still the most powerful."

Lin Dexuan nodded silently, his eyes flashing slightly. What would the boy's reaction be if he knew that he had a mecha that was more powerful than the Emperor God? It's no wonder that An Jiatan didn't want to talk to him, so he wanted to kill people directly. No one else could resist the temptation to take one step to the sky. Even if you can't wake up this mecha and let it recognize its master, it's worth having it for a lifetime.

While thinking about it, Lin Dehai came back sweating profusely, saw the mecha space button placed on the table, and a mocking look flashed in his eyes.

Youshu didn't like to get along with these self-regarding supernatural beings, so she immediately stood up and went back to her room, only to see a tall, handsome man following, and said in surprise, "Youshu, it's great that you are still alive. Now!" Seeing the slender figure and beautiful face of the young man, he was stunned for a while, and his tone was a little hesitant, "Do you have Shu? Why have you lost so much weight in a month?" That woman, he almost didn't recognize it.

Youshu didn't say a word, just looked back with calm eyes.

The man bypassed Lin Dehai and walked in. He wanted to pull the boy into the bedroom, but he was stunned again. He finally saw Lin Dehai's front clearly, as well as the figure sitting on the sofa blocked by him, and said in amazement, "Two senior brothers, why do you live here?"

"I just moved in. Do you know the news that I'm sick? I'm now transferred to the idol class of the Performing Arts Department. My brother is worried and will come to take care of him." Lin Dexuan smiled politely, but Lin Dehai said nothing. Just take off your training uniform, and go topless to rummage through the cans in the freezer.

"Put your clothes on!" A deep and cold voice suddenly came out of the wireless earphones, making Lin Dehai stiff. Shouldn't the general be watching here all the time? That's right, after all, it's the number one mecha, why don't you care

The reality is: Ji Changye, who had just finished taking a cold shower and didn't even have time to dry his body, walked out of the bathroom immediately after hearing An Chengjun's voice, but was furious with Lin Dehai's exposed clothes.

"It's not allowed to be naked in the dormitory in the future." He paused for two seconds and then added immediately, "The lower body is even less allowed."

Lin Dehai twitched the word "yes" at the corner of his mouth and clicked send. On the other side, An Chengjun immediately dispelled his suspicions about the two Lin brothers. The news of Lin Dexuan's genetic breakdown has spread throughout the empire, and the outside world unanimously speculated that he would change departments, but he did not expect to be transferred to the performing arts department. But this also makes sense. He looks there and has a huge number of fans on his personal website. Being a star is undoubtedly the best choice.

This guy An Youshu was very lucky. He couldn't die in the plane crash, and he became the roommate of the two brothers of the Lin family after returning. No, we have to deal with him as soon as possible, otherwise it will be troublesome for the Lin brothers to detect the clue. Thinking of this, An Chengjun couldn't help but let out a murderous aura, but he said happily, "I happened to be intern in the Magellanic System when you crashed, so I couldn't come here right away. How are you doing recently? Do you feel any discomfort? "

"I'm fine." You Shu responded calmly.

"You've lost a lot of weight. Let's go. My brother will take you to dinner and bring your luggage. Grandfather misses you very much and will let you live in Lukexing for a few days." An Chengjun pulled the man into the bedroom.

elder brother? grandfather? Youshu never thought that An Youshu still has family members, and there is no record of half a word in his personal file. The original owner couldn't be contacted even after the plane crash, and some Shu didn't dare to recognize the family members who were murderous as soon as they met, but that didn't prevent him from following the man away. He felt that the cause of An Youshu's death might have another inside story. If he didn't investigate clearly and find a solution, it would affect his life and even his life sooner or later.

Outside, Lin Dehai and Lin Dexuan had already received the order from the general, and they followed quietly after they left.

An Sung-jun was going to kill the boy on the way, and then create an accident, so he drove the hover car to a remote place. You Shu was lying on the side of the car window admiring the scenery, and when she noticed someone was following her, she put a hidden sign on the car door.

The vehicle in front suddenly disappeared from sight, much to the surprise of the Lin family brothers. They speeded up and chased for a while, then slowed down to go back, but they still failed to find their target, and cold sweat broke out one after another on their foreheads. Lin Dehai, who has performed many major missions, was the first to encounter such a situation, and said in a muffled voice, "General, the target has disappeared. Please give instructions!"

"Go to the sixth entrance, go to the N912 high-speed channel, the target is 24 kilometers in front of you. Turn on the magnetic field scanner, otherwise you will be lost. Forgot to tell you that An Youshu is not an ordinary person, he is SSS A level psychic power user is very sensitive to changes in the magnetic field. Don't use powers near him, he can perceive your presence through the flow of the magnetic field." Ji Changye's tone was a little anxious. He did not expect that An Chengjun would be so daring to kill him immediately after the plane crash.

"Aren't you very smart? Why did you follow a stranger so stupidly this time? Next time I see you, I must give you a sense of self-protection." He massaged his temples, his expression rather decadent.

Magnetic field scanners are military equipment. Most people have never seen them before, let alone buying them. Lin Dehai has one installed on his hover car, which is constantly scanning the surrounding environment. There was obviously no vehicle ahead, but there were a few dark and light color blocks on the analysis screen, some in the shape of an engine, some in the shape of a human body, and a faintly beating heart in pale pink. Undoubtedly, it was An Chengjun, An Youshu and their hover car.

"Found the target." Lin Dehai reported to the admiral.

"There is a magnetic field surrounding the hover car, blocking our sight. But what is the principle? Does the An family have such advanced technology? It's terrible!" Lin Dexuan looked extremely solemn. This technology uses the impact of magnetic fields on the human body, rather than visual confusion or interference with reconnaissance instruments. It is thousands of times better than the existing shielding technology of the Empire. If it is applied to war, how practical it is ? What are the consequences

The more they thought about it, the more fearful the two brothers of the Lin family felt about the An family.

"That's Shu's ability, not Anjia's technology. Don't worry about it, just keep following." Ji Changye explained flatly.

"What kind of power is this? Invisibility? Shielding? Interfering? Or manipulating magnetic fields?" Speaking of the last one, Lin Dexuan's heart began to beat violently. The magnetic field is the source power of this world. If a person has the ability to control the magnetic field, then he has surpassed mortals and become the ruler of the world or even a god.

No, no, this kind of ability is too heaven-defying, it will never exist. Lin Dexuan tried his best to deny it, and Lin Dehai also clenched the steering wheel, showing a suspicious look. Ji Changye on the other end of the communicator was silent. He didn't want anyone to know this secret unless it was necessary, but the Lin brothers were on a mission to protect the boy. Can't touch it.

The young man is so smart, why did he let his guard down when he saw An Chengjun? What exactly does he want to do? When Ji Changye was so worried, the suspension car stopped in an abandoned factory building. This is the most polluted industrial area of the Imperial City. People come to work during the day and leave in a hurry at night, lest pollutants invade the body and suffer from genetic breakdown. Now that evening is approaching, the place is deserted and a good place to start.

Worrying that his brother would be breathing the air outside, causing his condition to worsen, Lin Dehai asked him to stay in the car and quickly followed.

Under the leadership of An Chengjun, Youshu walked into the overgrown processing room and asked straight to the point, "You want to kill me?"

An Chengjun was stunned for a moment, then sneered. Although he is not as good as his brother An Chengjie, he is also a special person with SS-level physique and S-level ability and mental strength. He ranks sixth in the academy. Even if Lin Dehai comes, he will have the power to fight, not to mention killing him. Kill an ordinary person who is powerless.

"Yeah, I'm going to kill you." He nodded generously, but saw the much thinner boy take out a yellow note from the space button and stick it to himself. His movements are very slow, and can even be described as "leisure", and his eyes are clear and tranquil, as if he is playing a game. Therefore, An Chengjun only avoided the side, without serious precautions, and was finally posted. on.

"What have you done to me?" He was horrified to find that the moment the note was stuck, he couldn't move, let alone supernatural powers, he couldn't even use his mental power.

Some Shu didn't answer, pierced the opponent's chest with Demon Killer, took a drop of blood from his heart, and ripped off a hair from him, wrapped it in yellow talisman paper, and stuffed it into a small bottle.

Because of the repeated reminders by the general, Lin Dehai did not dare to use his abilities, and was now lying on the floor and looking down. In the magnetic field analysis screen, the boy who originally had only a pale pink heart beating has turned black, and the note pasted on An Chengjun's shoulder is also a strong black, forming a thick and dense depth. The red magnetic field wraps him tightly.

The supernatural power and mental power in his body kept filling his abdomen, and finally compressed into a small ball. There is no doubt that he has been subdued by the teenager, just for a short while with a note. It was only at this point that Lin Dehai finally realized that there was no falsehood in the general's words. An Youshu was not only an SSS-level power user, but his power was even the original power that only the God of Creation could possess in the legend - to control the magnetic field.

Such a terrifying monster, if it has a super mecha, what kind of waves will it make? As long as he wants to, he can wipe out the empire without breaking a sweat! For a second, Lin Dehai hoped that An Youshu would die, but was recalled to reality by the general's cold voice, "No one is allowed to touch him, otherwise he will be my enemy and the First Army!"

He closed his eyes, pressing his heart full of delusions and fears, and continued to look down.

"Give me the eight characters of the birthday." You Shu used a secret method to refine the blood and hair in the bottle into liquid, and dripped it onto a piece of yellow talisman paper cut into a human shape. If it is ordinary blood essence, it must be matched with the eight characters of the birth date to make the soul guide, but the blood of the heart is the essence of the human body, and it can still be done without the eight characters of the birth date. But that's not enough. Youshu's purpose is not to kill An Chengjun, but to completely control him, so he must be turned into a puppet.

An Chengjun didn't know what the birth date was, and even if he knew, he was not ready to answer.

Don't say it, I can't wait. Youshu put the paper figure dyed with soul leads on the ground and stepped on it one by one. Every time he stepped on it, An Chengjun's body made a creepy clicking sound. His bones were shattering inch by inch, and it felt really hard, but what was even more terrifying was that he couldn't figure out how it was caused.

Lin Dehai on the floor felt the taste of fear for the first time. What An Chengjun couldn't understand, he could see clearly through the magnetic field analysis screen. A tentacle has been protruded from the crimson magnetic field on An Chengjun's abdomen, which is connected to the paper man. No matter how damaged it is, it will be transferred to the original owner. In other words, he is now a toy that An Youshu holds in the palm of his hand.

This is the sixth-ranked genius in the academy, and the future senior general is like an ant in front of the skinny teenager. Thinking of his contempt for the boy, Lin Dehai was in a cold sweat.