There’s A Beauty

Chapter 134: time


Lin Dehai struggled to get up, but he couldn't get out of this lightning magnetic field anyway. It not only had the ability to attack, but also trapped the prey. The strength of the power user is determined by two aspects, one is the potential, and the other is the control of the power. In order to hide his clumsiness, An Youshu has disguised himself as an ordinary person since he was a child. He has never systematically trained his abilities, but he can use all the magnetic fields around him for his own use and change their properties at will. That is to say, he is a A self-taught genius.

Two hours ago, Lin Dehai's perception of him was "lucky waste", but two hours later, he became "a super smart and powerful monster". Even if his physique is only F-rank, he can control SS and even SSS-rank powerhouses in the palm of his hand.

Lin Dehai's sense of superiority was not affected at all, only deep fear and jealousy remained. He stared at the porcelain bottle in the boy's hand and asked in a trembling voice, "Is that my hair and blood?"

Youshu refined it into a soul guide, and his tone was so flat that he seemed to be talking about the weather, "Yes, it's your hair and blood. Two strangers suddenly moved into the dormitory, and I always have to be on guard." What, took out an explosive spirit talisman from the space button and threw it over the factory building with a height of tens of meters.

The talisman burned to the ground, causing a powerful burst of energy from the lightning electromagnetic field again, which made Lin Dehai's life worse than death, and the flight monitor that had been with Shu for more than a month was finally scrapped.

General, I'm sorry, it's not that the subordinates are incompetent, but the opponent is too strong! Thinking like this, Lin Dehai felt another setback in his heart. But Ji Changye, who had completely lost his youthful figure, laughed a few times after whispering a few curses. His king was so smart, and he was countless times better than he imagined.

In fact, You Shu didn't find the exact thing, but a strange intuition suddenly appeared - someone was staring at him, so he tried to ignite the explosive charm. The flight monitor is a military device with powerful functions and small size. After being scrapped, it directly turns into a speck of dust without leaving any evidence. He looked around, then continued to choke.

Lin Dehai recovered from another wave of electric shocks, unable to ponder: this person actually interprets the behavior of controlling other people's lives as "prevention", is it an understatement? Maybe in his heart, these are all ordinary things and don't care at all. To be his enemy, no, even just a little bit closer to him, is extremely dangerous.

He deeply felt that he had been trapped by the general. What does it mean to protect An Youshu well? What needs to be protected most now is all the comrades lurking around him! He didn't dare to ask, but he had to ask, "When did you take my blood?" Not to mention the hair, which would always fall out in the shower and be picked up by him. In this way, his level of danger has skyrocketed to the highest level in the history of the empire - SSSS level! Worse than the Zerg invasion!

Think about it, is there anyone in the world who doesn't lose their hair? No! So he can create countless puppets for himself when people are unable to guard against it!

"Take it while you were sleeping." Youshu's tone was flat. Maybe it's hard for ordinary people to get close to special people, but for him it's just a trivial matter of spending a few sleepy charms and earth escape charms.

Lin Dehai gritted his teeth, feeling a little more fear in his heart. He used "you" instead of "you", which meant that he didn't even spare his frail brother. This monster, beast, beast! The grief has not yet calmed down, and the other end asked leisurely, "What is your birthday?"

Lin Dehai didn't answer, just glared at the other party with red bloodshot eyes. He was numb because of fear, but he was prepared to die in the line of duty.

You Shu was not angry, she took out another hair and said, "How about I ask your brother?"

Lin Dehai, who was still at home just now, did not hesitate, "At 16:55 on August 22, 3476 in the interstellar era. You can ask me to do anything, don't touch my brother. He has no supernatural powers or mental power, and his physique is also F grade. It has no effect on you. I am different. I am the next head of the Lin family. My physique is SS, my mental strength is S, my abilities are SS, and my strength ranks among the top three in the academy. I can help you. Do a lot of things."

While guiding the soul into the paper man, Youshu wrote down the date of birth, and praised, "You two brothers have such a good relationship. Don't worry, I won't touch Lin Dexuan. Although he is very noisy, he is very nice. He also invited me. I've eaten high-end cuisine a few times." Speaking of this, he narrowed his eyes as if he was aftertaste, the tip of his pink tongue couldn't help sticking out and licked his lips.

Lin Dehai had to admit that the boy's skin was very beautiful and innocent, but his heart... It was really hard to describe. He closed his eyes, opened them again, and said, "An Youshu, you should be able to cure my brother's illness, right? If you are willing to cure him, I will give you this life!"

You Shu thinks she's not a good person, but she's definitely not bad. Apart from despising him, Lin Dehai didn't show any malice, and Lin Dexuan was even more inquisitive, taking care of him everywhere. Even if this enthusiasm comes from that super mecha, but for the sake of them never thinking of murdering him, he will not kill, let alone making puppets.

He can raise a few ghost slaves at most, or cultivate a few Gu worms, and keep a few strangers by his side, and he will be replaced by him when he is uncomfortable. Putting the puppet into the space button, he said slowly, "I have to check to see if I can save your brother, but I don't need your life. You will be responsible for preparing my three meals in the future. You must use natural ingredients, big fish and big meat!" Deliberately accentuating the pronunciation of the last eight characters, he kicked a pebble and continued, "If the empire doesn't have the person I'm looking for, I'll set you free when I leave."

Lin Dehai had doubts about his last sentence, but there was no other way but to listen to it temporarily. Realizing that the lightning magnetic field had disappeared, he quickly got up and tried to take out the trauma spray from the space button, but found that this thing was also broken by the thunder.

"An Youshu, did you bring trauma spray? I don't want Dexuan to see me like this." He was neither humble nor arrogant on the surface, calm and calm, but in fact his heart was trembling. He had never been afraid of anyone, but it was really hard not to be afraid of this one. Killing and resuscitating people, repeatedly and endlessly, is definitely the cruelest torture in the world. What is life better than death, until today he has not realized the deep meaning of these four words.

Youshu shook his head, "I don't have a trauma spray, you can take this, it works well." He took out a bright red pill from the space button.

General, for the First Corps, my sacrifice is too great. I hope you can help me win a special military medal after my death. While thinking wildly, Lin Dehai took the pill handed over by the young man, swallowed it in fear, and then was shocked to find that his charred skin began to heal quickly, scabbed, fell off, and returned to its original appearance. This effect is much better than the trauma spray. It can only heal wounds, and internal injuries need to be slowly adjusted, but the juvenile pills treat both internal and external injuries, and the effect of the drug is particularly fast.

"An Youshu, if you can cure my brother, I'll invite you to eat at Yu Haitang. You can eat every day." Seeing the young man walking away, he hurriedly followed, with an unprecedented humbleness and hope in his tone. .

Royal Begonia is the most famous restaurant in the empire. Every cooking uses natural ingredients, plus the superb craftsmanship of the super chef. Once you have eaten it, you can remember it for several years. Lin Dexuan once packed him a kebab of Yu Haitang, and the taste is still fresh in his memory. Youshu quickly secreted saliva, secretly sucked and slipped back before saying, "Then what are you waiting for, go find Lin Dexuan."

Finally found the weakness of the little monster, Lin Dehai was very fortunate, and was ready to report this important news to the general when he returned. The two found the hover car parked in a hidden place, which had been integrated into the surrounding environment with paint discoloration technology, and headed home.

Lin Dexuan knew that his brother had been exposed, and he always felt embarrassed when he met the teenager these days. The young man was simple-minded and straightforward. He really wanted to make this friend, so he called him to Yu Haitang for dinner as an apology.

Simple-minded and straightforward? Lin Dehai was speechless when he heard his brother's description. What kind of simple-minded teenager have you seen take away their roommates' hair and blood on the first day they move in, ready to make them into puppets? An Youshu is actually a little monster who eats people and doesn't spit out bones, brother, wake up! But he didn't dare to say anything. He held the menu in both hands and presented it to the boy respectfully.

If you can't finish eating, you can put it in the space button and take it away. After ordering 18 dishes in a row, he asked casually, "Have you completed the upgrade of your brain? I want to see General Ji."

"General Ji was ambushed by unknown forces at the CM98 star port, and he has lost contact with the empire. If you want to see him, I am afraid you will have to wait a few days." Lin Dehai immediately added, "But don't worry, the general has sent a message before he disappeared. , let me take care of you and Anjia on his behalf. He promises to protect you and never rob you of everything you have, so please trust us and the First Army."

Brother, did you take the wrong medicine? Why is "you" a hundred times more respectful than treating General Ji? Lin Dexuan complained silently, but also guessed that there must be a reason behind this. Since that day, my brother's attitude towards Youshu has obviously changed. He used to be contemptuous and contemptuous, but now even sitting next to him would break out two drops of cold sweat from time to time, as if he was under a huge threat. He wanted to know what happened that day, but he couldn't ask.

Some Shu was not sure whether General Ji was the master, but he felt a sigh in his heart and asked, "Have you sent someone to rescue?"

Lin Dehai waved his hand in disapproval, "No need to rescue, the general carries the Emperor God with him. Once in danger, the Emperor God connected with his spiritual power will automatically pop up to protect the Lord. No matter how powerful the empire's starship is, it is impossible to match the Emperor God. Than, as long as it is there, the general will be safe and sound."

"Then what if someone cut off the connection between him and the Emperor God?" When you asked this sentence, You Shu found that the Lin brothers were looking at him with weird eyes. Lin Dexuan was surprised, and Lin Dehai was shocked.

Unless the owner dies unexpectedly, the spiritual connection between the super mecha and the owner cannot be destroyed at all, which is a common sense known to everyone in the entire interstellar space. Lin Dexuan was surprised here. However, Lin Dehai, who knew the true strength of the young man, noticed the understatement in his words. Since he asked, it means he can do it, that's why he has this association.

General, if your flight monitor was still alive and captured this scene, would you dare to cooperate with An Youshu? I was wrong, I thought his level of danger was SSSS, but he was actually SSSSS! Because of the appearance of this monster, the national security law of the empire needs to be improved!

"No one can cut off the spiritual connection between the general and the emperor unless his strength is higher than the combined energy of the general and the emperor, but there is no such god in the world, so your worries are unnecessary." Lin Dehai Staring at the young man, trying to deduce his inner thoughts from the slightest expression on his face.

This kind of god-man does not exist, but it can be easily done using the talisman. Youshu realized that she was probably the only person in the world who could cut off the soul silk, so she let go of her high-hanging heart.

He can do it! He can really do it! Because of his determination and fear, Lin Dehai's powers were uncontrollably activated, forming a layer of almost flesh-colored metal on the surface of his body. Lin Dexuan didn't notice anything, but there was a little girl who glanced at the past, making him startled, and barely regained his composure.

The box was so quiet that you could hear needles falling. Shu felt bored, so she took out a small human-shaped piece of paper and put it to her ear to listen. In order to warm up, Lin Dexuan asked with a smile, "What are you doing, can the little paper man still talk?"

"He's talking to others, let me listen to what they're saying." Youshu didn't hide it at all, but made Lin Dexuan laugh, "Youshu, you really have a childlike innocence!"

Brother, please stop talking to him, okay? Lin Dehai held his forehead, as if he was enduring great pain. Can you imagine his inner worry and fear when he saw his younger brother playing with an interstellar beast that could eat people at any time without any psychological burden? childlike innocence? That's not childlike at all, it's a fact! The Paper Man is not a toy, but a puppet incarnation of the hapless An Sung Jun! As long as An Youshu exerts a little force with his fingertips, he will be shattered to pieces!

Lin Dehai couldn't tell his younger brother such a terrible fact, because he was too entangled, causing the body surface to turn metal for a while, and then return to its original state, which was very funny. At least in You Shu's eyes, it's funny, not tragic.

When the dishes were finally served, You Shu hurriedly put away the puppet doll and went to get the bowls and chopsticks. After eating a piece of meat, she said with satisfaction, "It's delicious! Lin Dexuan, in return for inviting me to dinner, I'll help you heal. "The bright black eyes glanced at Lin Dehai.

Lin Dehai immediately said, "As long as you can cure Dexuan, I will book Yu Haitang's meals for you every day in the future."

Youshu nodded, showing two shallow pear eddies on her cheeks, making her look more and more innocent. Lin Dexuan liked it very much when he saw it, but his tone was a little helpless, "You Shu, thank you for your kindness, but don't bother. Even Dr. Allen can't cure my disease, let alone you."

"I checked your physical condition with mental power a few days ago. It's true that other people can't cure this disease, only I can cure it." You Shu instantly possessed a ghost doctor, "This deity never lies, if you don't believe me, then Never mind."

What the hell is this deity? Lin Dexuan wanted to laugh, but he tried his best to hold it back. Lin Dehai slapped his brother on the shoulder quickly, implying that he agreed to come down. If there is anyone in the world who can cure the gene breakdown disorder, except for An Youshu, he will not think about it. Seeing that his brother's eyes were firm and his expression cautious, Lin Dexuan couldn't help but restrain his smile and nodded his thanks.

"No thanks, I'll help you heal. Your brother invites me to dinner. This is an exchange of equal value. But you are not allowed to disclose the news that I can cure Gene Collapse." Youshu still has a lot of troubles to deal with. I don't want to get into more trouble.

The two brothers of the Lin family quickly swore an oath, ordered a lot of dishes after the meal, and asked the teenager to take them away. On the way back, Shu asked Lin Dehai to release the news of the "White Walkers" through the official website of the First Legion. The most dangerous actions can sometimes have extraordinary effects. The An family will be afraid when the waters of this pool are muddy and the eyes of the entire empire and even the entire interstellar are focused on him. According to imperial law, murders committed for the sake of inheritance, the court has the right to deprive the suspect, and even the family's inheritance. In other words, if An Youshu is killed by the An family, other forces can legitimately fight for the "White Walkers". In this way, the situation has been completely adjusted. If the An family wants to keep the "White Walkers", they must ensure the safety of Shu Shu's life.

Youshu brought the previous lawyer to court on charges of malfeasance, fraud, and accepting bribes, and then hired a new lawyer and made a will, declaring that if she died, she would give the "White Walkers" to Lin Dehai. This is to prevent other forces from killing him and then blaming him, so as to win the "White Walkers" by means of twists and turns. Lin Dehai once proposed to let him sue An Jia for murder. The evidence was found by the First Army, but he rejected it, saying that it was not yet time.

The lives of the two brothers in the Lin family were entirely in the hands of Youshu, so he was not at all worried about the two going against the water. As for Lin Dexuan's illness, he had to wait for the storm to pass. The successive measures were posted on the Internet at the same time, which immediately caused an uproar. Everyone knew that Lin Dehai was the direct descendant of General Ji. If An Youshu were killed, it would directly send the First Army to the top, thus breaking the balance between the five major forces of the empire. Instead, it's better to wait and see.

The external forces ceased, and the An family was helpless. An Youshu's move ruined all their plans. Now they not only can't kill him, but they have to treat him like an ancestor, especially An Chengjie. The Ji family, who has drawn An Youshu over, will definitely keep an eye on An Chengjie. If he uses the "White Ghost" without An Youshu's consent, after obtaining An Youshu's authorization, the military will "White Walkers" can be sealed directly. If An Chengjie couldn't help summoning it with his spiritual power, the military would sentence him to death for the crime of "stealing military weapons".

Of course, An Chengjie can escape the Empire with the "White Walkers" and join the Federation or other forces that can compete with the Empire, but the An family members who are left behind by him will be sentenced to death by the military for "treason".

The reason why the An family deliberately murdered An Youshu and her parents was because of the prosperity and brilliance of the family? Then you Shu will design a future for them that has nothing but darkness and despair. An Chengjie is probably on the military blacklist now, and will be monitored by agents around the clock. Destiny is in the hands of others, especially the person you once looked down on the most, which is definitely not a good experience.

Youshu took out the puppet doll, listening to An Chengjie's hysterical roar and the helpless dissuasion of the rest of the An family, and squeezed out two small dimples at the corners of her mouth.

Lin Dehai stared at the will, his expression constantly changing. Before that, he would never have imagined that the young man's handling would be so bold and daring effective. God is so unfair that he not only gave him divine powers, but also created an extremely smart mind for him. No matter how many means the outside world resorts to, he can handle it with ease, as if others are just clowns in his eyes.

Now, the First Army and the Lin family can send an elite team to protect him, while the other four families can only keep silent.

As the so-called "unpredictable people", in order to balance the forces of all parties, there must be someone who deliberately divides the Lin family and the Ji family, not to mention the possibility that the Lin family and the Ji family will kill You Shu and blame the other party in order to win the "White Ghost". . But You Shu has already prepared a retreat, so she is not afraid at all. He is now completely famous, and is hailed as "super lucky" by the outside world, and his attention has always been at the top of the star network.

On the 16th birthday of An Youshu, he took Lin Dehai to Luxing and posted a message on his newly established personal website: Today, he will officially receive the inheritance. Seeing that someone said that I occupied the kennel and didn't poop, and that I wasted "White Walkers", I decided to challenge An Chengjie. If I can't unbind his mental power from the "White Walkers" and let the "Wall Walkers" turn to me as master, I will voluntarily give up the inheritance rights, and then cancel the last will and give the "Wall Walkers" to he.

Lin Dehai watched him type these lines, and couldn't help but imagine the ecstatic expressions of the An family. In the eyes of them, and even all interstellar people, the teenager is equivalent to giving up the "White Walkers" in disguise, because everyone knows that a super mecha can only be bound to one master at a time, unless the other party dies.

But Lin Dehai understood that An Youshu would never aim for nothing. He dared to say it because he could do it.

This information instantly added hundreds of millions of followers to You Shu's personal website. They all scold him for being an idiot, their brains flooded, and some people gloat over the misfortune and wait for the day when he is full of ugliness and fled in embarrassment, the scene must be very exciting. An Jia immediately responded, saying that he would invite a notary to supervise, so that An Youshu would not regret it, and repeatedly forced him to ask if he was afraid? If you are afraid, take back your previous rant.

This kind of aggressive method may be very effective for middle school teens, but Youshu is by no means an ordinary middle school second.

Lin Dehai shook his head and mourned An Chengjie silently. How surprised he is now, how much pain he will be in the future, this is a trap that the teenager deliberately set for him. It's a pity, a good genius, I'm afraid it will be destroyed by a little monster.