There’s A Beauty

Chapter 140: time


Youshu got bored after turning her fingertips for a while, and secretly summoned the little scorpion, and handed the ball of light wrapped around spiritual silk to it. It is said that "things are like their masters", and Xiao Scorpion is naturally a foodie, swallowing the ball of light quickly, then clipping the spiritual silk with its chelating limbs, and sucking it numbly.

But the victim didn't know anything. After putting on the skydiving suit, he said nervously, "An Youshu, you haven't been exposed to high-altitude performances, have you? Although I have some experience, to be honest, how much does it cost to maintain my life? On a rope and a piece of cloth, I really have no idea. I heard that people died every year because of skydiving in the Middle Ages, it was still at an altitude of 5,000 meters, but we are 15,000 meters, not to mention hypoxia and severe cold, strenuous activity Air flow is a big problem."

Some Shu knew that what Mary said was just to increase her fear, because later she would activate her mental silk and make herself brain-dead or cardiac arrest. Being frightened to death by skydiving, this name is not good, and the picture is broadcast, and I don't know how many people will laugh at An Youshu for being timid as a mouse.

It's not easy to die. This kind of method can be called vicious. Youshu didn't want to make excuses with her, so she raised her chin slightly and replied, "I will dance with the general, he will protect me. Miss Rendall, take care of yourself. "

Yes, their partner is the Imperial God of War, what could go wrong? Mary laughed at herself and walked away slowly. Modern man has conquered the universe, and the fear of heights seems to be a thing of the past, but that is with the possession of high-tech flying gear. When they returned to the Middle Ages and landed with the most primitive tools, the bitter hurricane still caused many people to break into a cold sweat.

"Are you sure the parachute is really safe? But it looks too rudimentary!" Ruth kept asking her partner, which annoyed the other party. She fastened the straps and pulled her off. A series of high-pitched screams came from the air, making everyone's faces change suddenly.

Youshu is actually not afraid at all, but he doesn't want to be too strong, because it doesn't do him any good. Being too strong means that you don't need someone to take care of you, and not needing someone to take care of you means that the contact time with the master is greatly reduced, which is simply worth the loss. He tried his best to pretend to be shy, hid in his master's arms, and whispered, "It's scary!"

"Don't be afraid, I'll be fine with me. The height of 15,000 meters is not my limit." Even if he was exiled into outer space, Ji Changye could survive in an oxygen-deficient environment for several months, but only fell from a height of 10,000 meters. For him it was like jumping from one step to another. This is the gap between ordinary people and special people, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the difference between heaven and earth.

Of course, he also understands the true strength of the king. He had seen him fly over the forest more than once, climb up from the abyss, swim like a fish to the bottom. He used the power of the magnetic field to the extreme, transforming this new world with tough and domineering methods, rather than forcing himself to adapt. Even if he jumped down by the hurricane, he must be happy in his heart, where would he be afraid

So, is the dear king trying to disguise himself as a weak boy in order to get close to himself? This thought caused Ji Changye to laugh lowly, and while hugging the boy whose expression was not very expressive, he patted it in his arms, while tying the bandage between the two. Youshu burrowed into her master's arms and silently praised her witty behavior.

The superstars were dragged down by their partners one after another, some calmly, some excitedly, but most of them turned into a small black dot in the scream. When it was Shu's turn, he stuffed his hands into his master's big palms, made a flying motion, and then jumped down neatly.

What about fear? How about timid? Your Majesty the King, you should also do a full set of dramas! Fan Zhao supported his forehead, showing a funny expression. Unexpectedly, the powerful king like a god is actually a living treasure with a lack of roots in reality. This is probably the contrasting cuteness mentioned on the Internet. But I seem to have forgotten one thing, what is it

"Lieutenant General, do you still remember the circle of spiritual silk wrapped around Lord King's fingertips? The speed of the circle is very slow, and the threat is not very big, but the altitude below is 15,000 meters, this jump, the spiritual silk It will definitely be drawn frantically, I don’t know what the mental power level of that person is, can you hold on.” A general said gloatingly.

"Yes, that's it! Get the medical team ready, I'm afraid there will be accidents next." Fan Zhao hurriedly ran towards the airship that was ready to go.

In midair, Shu Shu's hands were tightly clasped with his master, overlooking the mountains and rivers ten thousand meters below. He and his master have experienced misunderstandings and separations, as well as shared joys and sorrows, but they have never been bound together to fly across the sky. This invigorating feeling is like adding wings, wanting to fly to a farther and wider place to have a look.

"Ow! Ow!" He was so excited, but he didn't know how to express it, so he could only quickly shake the arms that were entwined with his master, making a bird flapping motion.

Ji Changye couldn't help laughing, and jokingly said, "You Shu, why do you bark like a puppy. Didn't you say you were afraid before you jumped down? Now you're not afraid anymore?"

Youshu froze all over, and immediately remedied, "I jumped down and found out that it's not that scary."

"Liar! Pretend to be innocent, pitiful, and weak to win the general's sympathy. An Youshu is a white lotus, green tea bitch, General, please expose his true colors!" The audience protested indignantly. However, Ji Changye loved the king's clumsy acting skills, especially when he pretended to be weak and approached him. He is willing to cooperate with him, and even enjoy it, unable to extricate himself.

He laughed lowly for a while, then touched the boy's slightly baby-fat cheek, and said with concern, "I'm about to open the umbrella, so hurry up."

Youshu turned around and agreed, but her lips brushed against the master's firm chin, and the short stubble caused some pain and itchiness. His cheeks flushed instantly, and he wanted to turn his head immediately, but the colorful parachute suddenly pulled open, pulling the two of them up. Inertia and momentum brought them closer. As a general who knew how to seize opportunities, Ji Changye opened his mouth and grabbed the young pink lips.

Youshu only hesitated for half a second and then responded enthusiastically. He misses this moment and is waiting for this moment. Since he has already shown his love, why do he still drag and hide? This is his master, they should be together, even if the whole world is against it

At this moment, the audience of was wailing. After confessing to each other, the two quickly entered the stage of abusing dogs, and the speed of development was maddening! In any case, they couldn't figure out what point General Ji was interested in An Youshu. Could it be that the more powerful people are, the more they like to protect weak animals

"Hahaha, weak animal? Hahahaha..." Fan Zhao, who was sitting in the airship and writing messages, was almost breathless with laughter.

The superstars who have landed on the ground are looking up at the people who are kissing and kissing together. Although they try their best to cover it up, they can't help but show a little bit of unwillingness and jealousy. Mary Lendl took a few steps with her forehead, and then slowly fell down. Not only did her face become extremely pale, her breathing was weak. Fortunately, the medical team arrived in time and gave her first aid measures, otherwise it would be fatal.

"What happened to her? Why did she suddenly faint?"

Fan Zhao took the trouble to answer, "The specific situation can only be understood after the inspection. It is probably the first time to participate in skydiving, and I am a little scared." However, on the magnetic field analysis screen, Mary Lendl's body has become without the slightest energy fluctuations. Gray spots, only a pale pink heart beating slowly. She has changed from an SS-level psychic power user to a useless useless person, and this is the end of provoking the king.

Youshu pressed her lips to the front, covering her swollen lips, and said vaguely, "Let me see."

"What's the use of it? You know medicine?" Jessica smiled sarcastically.

"You seem to have forgotten that my mother came from a family of strange doctors." There was a sentence by Shu that made everyone fall into silence, and also made the audience standing in front of the player realize: An Youshu's family background is not bad, on the contrary, even if the An family Without being able to put it on the table, the Song family is absolutely famous. If it hadn't learned the way of kneeling doctors, it would have been cursed, resulting in five disadvantages and three deficiencies. This super-giant family that once surpassed the heads of the five aristocratic families would not disappear for no reason. If you really want to trace the origin, An Youshu is actually the queen of the famous family.

When everyone was silent, Youshu had already walked to the stretcher, raised Mary's eyelids and looked at it with a pretentious look, opened her mouth again, and stuck a gag sign on her tongue with a blindfold. Fan Zhao, who had been staring at the analysis screen, couldn't help but drop a drop of cold sweat. His lord the king was too cruel. This black light spot was beating slowly, and it looked very much like a poison. Could it be a means of controlling people? Bar

He guessed right. Although the silence talisman is not as deadly as the puppet talisman, it is enough to ensure that Mary Rendall will never want to say anything about her in her life. As soon as the talisman and the tongue grew together, she woke up leisurely, and saw the boy who smiled strangely at her, her heart froze for a while, and she became hysterical when she got on the medical boat and learned from the test report that she was a cripple. scream.

An Youshu, it must be An Youshu! She wanted to curse, and wanted to find General Ji to do justice to her. As soon as she opened her mouth, her tongue began to fester, and only a piece of cartilage remained in just a few tens of seconds. The disease was unheard of, unheard of, and startled the unsuspecting medics. Fan Zhao and the others were also stunned when they saw His Excellency the King's methods in reality for the first time. They were about to contact the general to discuss the aftermath, but found a shocking news. An Chengjun, who was on trial in court, died suddenly due to a heart burst. Forensics have yet to find out the cause.

Example after example: There is absolutely no good end to fighting the king. It was the general who had foresight and courage, and dared to accept this evildoer. However, this was a great blessing for the First Army and the Ji family. If the king fell in love with the heirs of the other four families, Fan Zhao could hardly imagine the bloody future.