There’s A Beauty

Chapter 142: time


The size of the ant beast is not large on the planet MH9980. A worker ant is only one inch long, but its crawling speed is very fast, especially its ability to track smells is unbelievable. As long as you have a little bit of worm eggs on your body, even if you take a shower ten times, they can still find them.

It is also strange that An Youshu is cruel and ruthless, and actually blew up the eggs and poured the juice from the faces of the nine superstars, and the taste is enough to keep for several months. When he walked back with the ant king beast that weighed more than ten kilograms, the superstars were still in a crisis of life and death in the jungle. They couldn't climb trees, they couldn't escape, and there was no other way except flying into the sky and entering the water. Fortunately, a lake appeared in front of them, and everyone jumped into it one after another, but it alerted the dragon-necked beasts, piranhas, water manglings, etc. hidden under the water.

"It's so cruel! This is something An Youshu can do? I suspect that I'm dazzled." The plot was completely different from what was imagined, and the audience was dumbfounded. They thought that An Youshu would become a rat that everyone shouted and beat, lost the fruit of victory under the joint attack of the nine superstars, and finally cried like a bitch. But now, the one who cried like a bitch was their most admired idol. Even Kung Fu superstar Carotel couldn't hold back the character of a tough guy and asked an officer not far away for help.

"Help! We signed an agreement with the First Army before we came, and you must keep our lives safe."

"Save us! Ah, something's biting my ass!"

"Woooooo, I'm going home, it's horrible here!"

The glamorous superstars are half-squatting in the water, the wild beasts are staring at the back, and the worker ants are densely packed in front, to the point of nowhere. In front of the camera, the officers naturally did not show contempt or disdain in their hearts, and they took out insect repellent to drive away the worker ants after watching the show for a long time. When everyone returned to the camp in embarrassment, You Shu was cutting open the belly of the ant king beast and pouring a grass juice on the eggs. General Ji squatted beside him and watched with interest.

"How did you cut its stomach open? The worker ants will come to the camp, you idiot!" Fang Xiaoting roared hysterically.

"The smell of this grass juice dissolves the pheromone and converts it into a unique fresh fragrance. That's how Yu Haitang's freshly brewed ant king beast is cooked, don't you know?" Youshu blinked a pair of crystals. Bright eyes looked back.

The superstars were skeptical, and after waiting for a long time, they didn't see the worker ants swarming over, and then they slumped on the ground exhausted. They lost this game so badly, presumably the picture has been seen by the people of, and they felt shame and shame for a while, and then they were angry and angry.

"I remember that General Ji promulgated the rules of the game, not allowing you to bring any high-tech products or tools. An Youshu, did you enter the ant colony successfully after spraying insect repellent?" Carotel asked sharply.

"I just smeared the juice of Zikuicao. This kind of plant is all over the planet 9980." You Shu squeezed an insect egg and stuffed it into the master's mouth, and he licked his fingertips very vaguely. flushed.

The superstars became more and more jealous and said aggressively, "How do you know that this kind of grass can drive away the ants, is there someone cheating for you?" They pointed the finger at the general.

"Before I came, the program team sent us a copy of "The Panorama of 9980". There are relevant records on it. Don't you all read it? You don't read books, but blame others for being too hardworking. What kind of mentality is this?" It is difficult to understand the brain circuits of this group of mortals.

Everyone's cheeks flushed, and they hurriedly found "9980 Panorama" to read. In the interstellar era where e-books are prevalent, paper books have completely withdrawn from the stage of history, and have little use other than decoration or collection. This thousand-page large-format book is a souvenir given to the superstars by the program team. After getting it, no one bothered to read it, but at this time, there was a lot of noise.