There’s A Beauty

Chapter 148: Time - End


Who is the most influential person in the Empire? A year ago, the names of the four marshals and emperors were still at the top of the list, but now they are suppressed by the words "Song Youshu". Every chip he throws is enough to change the world in a way that not everyone is happy to see.

Today was Lin Dehai's birthday. In order to celebrate and consolidate the status of the Lin family, he held a grand dinner at the old house of the Lin family. The five aristocratic families have all received invitations, but when the banquet started, only a few hundred guests arrived on time.

Seeing the empty hall and the deserted scene, Lin Dehai's face was very ugly. Since I don't want to come, I refuse in advance. Why did I put the pigeons at the last moment when I promised to come? This is to slap the face of the Lin family, and at the same time, to slap the face of the family master. I don't know how the owner will react.

Thinking like this, Lin Dehai looked at the teenager in the dining area. He was surrounded by people, and these people were nicknamed by the people - the Rabid Dog Legion because of their crazy acts of revenge. It doesn't matter if the others come or not, as long as they come. Seeing General Ji, who always wanted to squeeze in and sit beside the owner, but was knocked out every time, Lin Dehai was swept away full of depression.

Clusters of fireworks bloomed in the night sky, and the colorful light spots projected on the walls were extraordinarily beautiful. Everyone moved to the courtyard and looked up to appreciate it, without being disturbed by the guests who missed the appointment. You Shu was surrounded by a group of people, and was about to look for the figure of the master, when he saw a huge ball of light rushing into the sky, bursting with a bang, bursting out with dense green light spots.

"This fireworks is the most magnificent!" A female guest exclaimed with a smile, but she was stunned the next second. I saw that those light spots were not Mars, but living creatures that could fly. They first gathered into a group and then spread out, forming an arc of light in the air, which looked more dazzling than the aurora.

"No, that's the sand devil! Everyone, go back to the house and close the doors and windows!" Ji Changye warned loudly.

"Impossible! How can there be sand devils in the capital star?" The guests couldn't believe it, but when the spots emitting green light flew closer and closer, they had to accept this desperate reality. Sand Demon is one of the smallest insects, but it has the most powerful destructive power. Their bodies are covered with exoskeletons that are harder than superalloys. The solutions in their bodies are highly toxic and can dissolve steel plates. What's even more terrifying is that they eat a lot, and they always appear in groups, leaving red fields wherever they go. .

They have a wide range of diets, metal, plastic, plants, animals, humans, stones, and almost everything. The corrosive gastric juices stronger than aqua regia can digest these things into sand and excrete them out of the body, hence the name of the sand devil. come.

Ji Changye once saw a planet being devoured by sand demons into a desert and then split into asteroids. They reproduced while eating, and they could expand the population four or five times in just two hours. It usually only takes six or seven to capture a planet. God, the hazard is at the top of the list of insects and beasts. No one wants to meet the sand demon swarm in the swarm of insects and beasts, and the ants will kill the elephants. They swarm and can swallow a fleet in an instant.

Due to their small size, shells and mechas can't deal with them at all, only an ore called RH13 can restrain them. But this is also drinking poison to quench thirst, because RH13 is extremely radioactive. Five grams of RH13 is enough to contaminate several huge cities. Humans, animals and plants irradiated by it will collapse and die, and the land will have to undergo two or three hundred years of purification. to restore its original appearance.

In short, once there is a sand devil in an area, that area is destined to become a city of death. It is not difficult for Ji Changye to imagine that in order to prevent the sand demon from spreading, the military will definitely drop RH13 over the Lin family's old house, and everyone here will die.

The Lin family's old house has a radius of thousands of kilometers. It belongs to the heavy industrial area of the Lin family, specializing in the production of artillery shells and mechas. No matter who brought these sand demons, their purpose is to destroy the Lin family, destroy Youshu, and destroy him. followers. No wonder the people from the five great families refused to attend the dinner. You Shu's cards were revealed one by one, and they deepened their evil thoughts little by little, until now they want to let him die without a burial at any cost.

Ji Changye thought about it a lot, but it was only for a moment that he saw a group of sand demons rushing towards the beloved boy, and immediately rushed over. The guests had already screamed and ran back to the hall, closing the doors and windows, knowing that it was all in vain. With just a little bit of concentrated acid saliva, sandworms can turn these buildings into piles of gravel.

The rest of the soldiers returned to their senses, summoned their own mechas, and prepared to take the guests to escape. But the mecha is a weapon after all, and the passenger load rate is very limited. Even a few hundred guests cannot be taken away, not to mention the people in a radius of thousands of kilometers. This time it was really doomed.

In the chaos, You Shu threw off Liu Kunwu's hand and ran towards the master, while sticking an amulet to himself. The bright green light spots that had come to him like a tide suddenly dispersed, forming a blank circle around him, as if separated by an invisible wall. And his followers were not attacked by the sand devil because of the amulet carved on the ring. The people hiding in the house showed expressions of disbelief, and the desire to survive faintly rose in their hearts.

Ji Changye soon discovered that the situation was not as bad as he had imagined. His Excellency the King was unharmed, and even himself was surrounded by an invisible barrier. Thinking of the amulet the king gave him, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Listen to my words, stand at the position of the station." You Shu naturally recognizes the sand devil, and also knows that the military will release RH13 soon, and then everyone will die. Based on special people with different attributes, he quickly arranged an explosive magic circle, and then summoned his own super mecha, sitting cross-legged at the eyes of the formation.

"Another White Walker!" the guests hiding in the room shouted in astonishment.

"What does Patriarch Song want to do? Could it be that he can kill these sand demons?" Not to mention that the guests didn't believe it, even the soldiers who had fought against the hordes of insects and beasts for hundreds of years couldn't believe it. Once the swarm of insects and beasts broke out, the military would always be the first to drop a few RH13s before they approached, lest the sand demons mix in and cause unpredictable casualties. Sand devils can only be driven and restrained, and they are difficult to kill without RH13. Therefore, the top military officials reluctantly called them "unkillable little strongmen".

But now, Song Patriarch has put on such a battle, and it seems that he is really ready to destroy the sand demons. Should he be said to be whimsical or daring? The thin young man sat cross-legged, and the mecha behind him also assumed the exact same posture. They began to pinch their fingers, for a while they pointed to form lotuses, and for a while they pointed together like swords. The movements were indescribably beautiful.

"Why can the White Walkers do the same thing as Patriarch Song without driving? Are there people in its cockpit?" A certain guest was dumbfounded.

"There is no way there are still people, there is no living person hidden in the mecha space button. The Other Ghosts have evolved, and Patriarch Song can control it with just one thought. It is no longer a machine, but a clone of Patriarch Song. This is terrible. The White Walkers are definitely stronger than the Emperor God!" a soldier said firmly.

The more they saw the strength of Song Patriarch, the more eager the guests were to survive, and they gradually recovered from their panic.

On the lawn outside the window, the formation has been completed. Since the White Walkers' energy cabin is filled with five or six hundred years of demon cores, it is far more useful than the tenth-level energy mine. to the limit. The white light that blinded the eyes burst out, illuminating the hideous and ugly sand demons. They exploded with a screeching sound, turned to dust with a humming sound, and finally there was no slag left.

Insects and beasts tend to the light, knowing that the danger ahead is still reckless and rushing into the light group, one after another. Half an hour later, Ji Changye, Liu Kunwu and the others were drained of their mental energy and slumped on the ground, while Youshu slowly pinched down the last magic trick and gathered the light group.

"Dead? All the sand demons are dead?" The guests were still in a stunned state. The officers seemed to think of something and immediately sent the news of the "danger removal" to the military, lest they pretend not to know and still drop the RH13. Why did the Sand Demon appear at Lin Dehai's birthday dinner, and why did the guests of the five great families who were supposed to attend suddenly break their appointments? There are too many conspiracies to find out.

In order to prevent the situation from being suppressed by the upper management, so that it could not be resolved, several people sent the captured battle video to the Internet, mainly thanking the Song family for saving their lives, and then asked the defense department what they were doing, and a sand demon appeared on the capital star. They couldn't find out in time. If there was no Song family, would all the hundreds of millions of people die? Is the capital of a country just gnawed into grains of sand? What face does the empire have to attend the next interstellar summit? It's better to surrender directly to the federation.

All in all, this insect attack is a major dereliction of duty by the defense department, and it must be strictly investigated to the end!

This outrageous article caused a huge response online, and the sacred gesture of the Song family and the White Walkers superimposed in the white light was also admired. It turns out that the mastermind's analysis is correct. He can transform super mechas in batches. Whoever wins his favor is tantamount to ascending to the sky in one step!

"I don't know if you have noticed, these sand demons were shattered by the magnetic field, which means that the power of the Song family is indeed related to the magnetic field. His super mecha is very small, only five meters high, obviously from the primary mecha Remodeled, but stronger than the Emperor God. At least when facing the Sand Devil, the Emperor God can only run for his life, not fight."

"Magnetic field ability? I seem to have seen a similar introduction somewhere before, but I can't remember it for a while."

"In "One Hundred Absurd Conjectures". This is Dr. Su Qianhua's interesting introduction to one hundred kinds of things that can never exist, and guess what effect they will have if they appear in reality. Magnetic field power is the last This kind of conjecture was hailed by Dr. Su Qianhua as a 'divine power'."

"God-type powers? It's going to blow the sky! The person who used to call Patriarch Song a waste now has his face swollen into a pig's head? If you are a god-type power user early in the morning, it doesn't really matter if there are any other ghosts, because the magnetic field can destroy everything, and of course it can destroy the super mecha. A pile of steel that can be scrapped with the touch of a finger should be disliked by the Song family. Eye."

"I don't want so much, I just want to give my knee to the Song family!"

"Kneel and lick!"

When the netizens were making a lot of noise, You Shu ran to the master and hugged him tightly. The two kissed indulgently, and they separated reluctantly when the military came. At the most dangerous moment, they can only think of each other, and they cherish every minute and every second now.

Lu Gaoli, Liu Kunwu, Ji Changye and others are all important existences in the empire, and they all hold real power in their hands. They wanted to investigate the insect attack in depth, and there were angry protests and eager attention from the people of the Empire.

The mastermind who planned this incident had already opened the champagne to celebrate, but he never imagined that someone in the world could easily kill a group of sand demons. Even Lin Dexuan, who has the ability to imprison, can only trap a small group, and the outcome is still difficult to reverse. The sand devil lays eggs while eating, and the eggs hatch after a few minutes, and they can swallow all the foundations of the Lin family in half an hour. This is definitely a dead end that cannot be solved! Afterwards, they put the blame on the federation, which did involve the federation. It is not difficult to produce evidence to win the trust of the people.

The plan is indeed very detailed, but unfortunately they have never heard of an old saying - one power will defeat ten guilds. In the face of absolute power, all intrigues and tricks are in vain.

As soon as the champagne was raised, before the glasses could be clinked, the bigwigs received text messages of "plan failed" one after another. Song Patriarch's website reposted a wonderful video of the battle, with a sentence attached - Come on, come and kill me! I just like the way you can't stand me and can't kill me!

"Pfft!" Master Ji spat out a mouthful of blood. In this way, Song Youshu can't die, and he has no choice. What's even more terrifying is that Liu Kunwu and others are unscathed. They will definitely hold on to this incident and strive for the best interests.

"Go and erase the evidence and release the spies from the Federation!" Zhao Patriarch hurriedly ordered.

These all-powerful bigwigs are in chaos, and the more they try to cover up, the more mistakes they make. They have gone too far this time, and actually ranked the danger level first, enough to destroy hundreds of millions of people in the empire to bring the sand demon into the capital star, which is simply unforgivable. In case a certain sand devil escapes and secretly breeds, the capital star will become a barren desert!

Evidence was quickly found, and the patriarchs had to push out the scapegoats they had prepared in advance. Although prison was avoided, their prestige was greatly reduced. Liu Kunwu proposed the military division system at the right time, dividing the original four major legions into twenty-six to thirty-four military divisions, dispersing power in the hands of more people, and breaking the monopoly of the four marshals at the same time, which is in the interest of the royal family , but also in the interests of Congress and the House of Representatives, and more in the interests of ordinary soldiers. Their promotion path has been broadened a lot, and in the future, only military merit will be used to determine the level of position, rather than blood and origin.

A broken dictatorship means more freedom, more democracy, and more stability. From now on, the cruel cases in which hundreds of millions of people are sacrificed for a little self-interest will be greatly reduced, which is the progress of the society. As soon as the bill was proposed, the Congress passed it as quickly as possible, and the emperor happily signed it. The former four major legions were divided into thirty-four military divisions, and even the direct descendants of the four major families voted in favor of getting more opportunities.

Poor Mr. Ji originally just wanted to destroy an eye-catching thing, but he lost the First Army. Now, it has been divided into three military divisions, with Ji Changye, Lin Dehai, and Lin Dexuan serving as generals respectively, while most of Song Youshu's followers got one of the thirty-four seats and became the final winner. Until this time, his original plan was not completed. It not only broke the existing political pattern, but also replaced the old one with a new balance. While stepping Old Master Ji into the mud, it did not harm the interests of the master.

When the dust settled, Ji Changye sighed at the extraordinary skill of His Excellency the King, opened a station, and saw Lu Mingzhu's article clarifying his relationship with him, he couldn't help but feel amused. This woman is really a typical woman who can bend and stretch. It is no wonder that the eldest prince's family was exiled for treason, and she can be safe.

"No need to explain, I've never had a relationship with you! The whole galaxy knows who the person I love is." He replied with a message.

"Sorry, I didn't know." Liu Kunwu attached a sneering expression.

"Sorry, I don't want to know either." His Highness the Second Prince inserted his knife.

"I have nothing to apologize to you, you are not worthy of the master, I advise you to retreat despite the difficulties!" Zhao Feiyun snorted twice.

"Want to pursue the master of the family? You are not qualified!" Dominic Lendl directly posted a battle post, and there was a line of people below, waiting for General Baiji. Fan Zhao laughed so much that tears came out, not afraid to die and lined up.

Netizens were stunned when they saw the high-rise buildings with nearly 100 floors, each of which belonged to a famous person.

You Shu wrote and deleted, deleted and wrote, and after a long time tossing out three words, "I know."

As long as the king knows, Ji Changye smiled tenderly, deliberately circled all the rivals in love, and provocatively said, "The only one who will spend my life with Youshu is me, and I will fight if I refuse to accept it."

"Time, place." Liu Kunwu replied in seconds.

"Time, place." The second prince and others immediately lined up.

"Military training ground, you all go together." Ji Changye put on a racer vest and low-waisted camouflage trousers, took a muscular and sexy photo, and sent it to His Excellency the King.

You Shu suppressed the little excitement in her heart and replied in a hoarse voice, "Would you like to fight with me first?"

Ji Changye was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, and couldn't wait to board the hover car to start a bed battle with the King. At the same time, Mr. Ji, who has not updated a station for hundreds of years, silently sent an animated expression of kneeling on a nail board, and said in a dejected manner, "I agree to your marriage. I apologize for what I did in the past, please treat Chang Ye well, He loves you very much."

No one responded to him. As one of the head of the family who was forced to retire, his words had already lost their weight, and the future belonged to young people.


Two thousand years later, at the headquarters of Xingwang Entertainment Company, many handsome young people are sitting on the benches outside the corridor waiting.

The young man in the last row seemed a little nervous. He turned his brain to read the script for a while, and then turned his head up and muttered to himself. His agent comforted him, "Relax, and perform in your true colors. The legendary Song Patriarch was originally a simple and pure person, just like you."

"How can I compare to him? I heard that the higher the level of supernatural power and spiritual power, the longer the lifespan and the younger the appearance. General Ji has lived to be 800 years old, and he has been very powerful, but he has always looked like a teenager. Live to be nine hundred years old. What level do you think he is? I really can't figure out his mentality. He is simple and intelligent and approachable. What are the settings? I'm going to lose my mind."

"You just need to think of yourself as a god who has strayed into the mortal world to play wanton games. The Song family leader is known as a demigod, and his mentality is between the bystander and the master. You can think in this direction. ." The agent obviously did a lot of homework.

"Is "The Resurrection of the King" his real experience? Is he really a god awakened from ancient times? Where is he now? The royal family has been searching for many years and has not found the original planet recorded in the book, let alone his. The tomb. He disappeared with General Ji's crystal coffin. Maybe now he is sleeping as if he was found by General Ji, just waiting for someone to wake him up. God, I really want to study archaeology, I want to find Song The owner then hugs his golden thighs." The young man looked longingly.

"It should be true. After all, the manuscript was found from the Fan family. The handwriting belongs to General Fan Zhao, who is a close friend of General Ji and the Song family." Act honestly. As long as you get any role in the first season, you will definitely become popular in the whole galaxy, and if you perform well, you can also fight for the second and third seasons. The original book is so wonderful, as long as the director can shoot the original book One-tenth will not worry about the box office.”

"Yes, yes, the original is so wonderful! Now a lot of fanfiction has come out, and I also wrote one. Look." The young man called out a manuscript.

"General Ji was led to another place by me, and I will never be able to come back in a short time. I walked to the crystal coffin step by step, staring at my king, my god. I want to kiss him to wake him up..." The agent only read a few words. He couldn't take it anymore, rubbed the goosebumps from his arm, and scolded with a smile, "I feel terrified to put your face in the role of domineering attack. Be good, stop spoiling the Song family, he is not something that mortals can covet. ."

While speaking, a tall man walked quickly into the conference room, and his handsome appearance completely inherited the ancestor General Ji. If General Ji hadn't passed away long ago, the two would stand together like twins. The agent covered his mouth and introduced, "He is the eldest son of the Ji family, and his name is also Ji Changye. I heard that he looks too much like General Ji before taking his name. He was irradiated by RH13 when he was a child, and he couldn't awaken his powers, and his physique was also poor. It's very bad, so I chose to do business. Don't look at him smiling all day long, as if he is very gentle, but he is not a person to be provoked. He is now the producer of "The Resurrection of the King". If you are selected, you can't offend anyone. he."

"Okay, I get it. Sister Jia, don't worry, I'm very good." The boy straightened his eyes as he spoke. The manager followed his line of sight and looked back, but saw a boy in a silver-gray suit Walking in slowly, there was a blooming other side flower on his chest, and his dark and bright eyes were full of confusion and curiosity, like a lost child, and like a deity who had strayed into the mortal world. Even if he stood in the hall of the Star Entertainment Company, which was full of beauties, no one could overwhelm his brilliance. The huge poster of Uriel, the first interstellar beauty hanging above his head, was compared to the dust by him.

"It's over, it's over, the first male protagonist doesn't have your share!" The agent sighed while holding his forehead, and Mr. Ji, who felt something in his heart, quickly came out, with a look of obsession in his eyes.

The author has something to say: At this point, this article is over, but there will always be Shu Shu, the old attack will always be reincarnated, and their stories will continue, so I adopted an open ending.

Thank you for your support for so long, we will see you in the next book, romance and change of taste. Not much else to say, I want to sleep well for three days and three nights.

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