There’s A Beauty

Chapter 43: Paint skin


Some prisoners were lying bored in the straw-covered cell, and several prison guards gathered in the outer hall to drink and have fun, and they frequently ridiculed him, saying "a phoenix with hair is not as good as a chicken." generation", "pull out and beheaded, no one is wronged" and so on.

Another one of them was very extreme, saying that the body had been found and the evidence was conclusive, and the person would definitely be sentenced to caning and exile. It would be better for them to beat the person first and experience the taste of humiliating the children of the official family. As soon as these words came out, everyone was eager to try, and it was obvious that their mentality was already twisted, and they were still discussing with each other where to hit the hardest, but they couldn't see the wound.

Seeing a group of people approaching their cell with a jug, and the prisoners in the cells next to them also instigated them, trying to get pleasure from the pain of others, Yushu changed his face. His brows were tightly wrinkled, his mouth twitched, and the two small dimples were uncontrollably exposed again. He didn't seem to have any deterrence, but was pitiful.

The guards became more and more excited, and their swearing was very unclean.

"Heaven has eyes, so it's better to do less things that are against your conscience." Youshu didn't get angry, she pointed at the staggering jailer at the head and said, "Do you ever know why your legs and feet are always in unbearable pain?"

The jailer usually walks without any abnormality, but his calf is always in severe pain, which is only relieved after drinking alcohol. Youshu and he have never met each other before, and there is no intersection in the circle of contacts, so it is impossible to hear about it from other people.

In other words, he saw it himself. The jailer's heart was agitated, and he wanted to ask questions but couldn't put his face down.

Youshu originally intended to intimidate everyone, and without waiting for them to respond, he continued, "You have a hobby of killing cats and dogs, beating cats and dogs to the death and smashing their heads with one foot to get pleasure. However, you Forget, cats and dogs also have souls, and they also know resentment. They turn into tiny black gas like ants, burrowing in and out of your legs and feet, slowly gnawing at your essence, how can you not feel pain? Get rid of that old problem, do good deeds and accumulate virtue, and you will die of a sudden illness within three or five years."

The jailer's forehead dripped with cold sweat. Because of his hobbies, not to mention his colleagues, he didn't even know about his wife and wife. In other words, this kid can really see ghosts.

The temperature in the cell dropped suddenly, and there were gusts of overcast wind blowing across the hem of the clothes and the skin, making it horrifying. Even the young man's voice could not erase the growing sense of fear. The leading jailer squatted down unconsciously, shivering while hugging his painful legs.

"Bah! Nonsense, alarmist!" Someone said with courage.

"Oh, just take me as an alarmist. I wanted to tell you why you always feel bloated in your belly recently." Youshu plucked the straws from her hair one by one, her attitude very casual.

The man quickly covered his stomach, sweating like a waterfall. He has been really uncomfortable recently. In order to earn monthly money, he didn't take time off to keep up with him, thinking that after a while, it would be fine. But listening to the young man's tone, this lesion seems to be very complicated. It will be troublesome if it is related to ghosts and ghosts, and the longer it drags on, the more unthinkable it will be.

A few guards next to him saw the dramatic changes in the expressions of the two of them, and they already understood that the young man was not talking nonsense. They looked at the calf of the boss and the abdomen of the colleague at one time. The prisoners in the other cells were also silent, and a few were timid and even clucked with their teeth chattering, which looked very strange under the rendering of the empty corridor.

"Quiet the hell for me! Tell me why my belly is swollen! If I can't say anything right now, I will kill you!"

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, seven vaginal fetuses in the belly. If you don't bulge, who will bulge? If you don't hurry up and accumulate some virtue, the appearance of death will be very ugly." Youshu gestured with a big round belly, with a slight tone. Taunted, "When you die, you will look like a pregnant woman in eight or nine months. It's spectacular!"

The jailer was instantly terrified. Others don't know it, but he himself knows most clearly that the five daughters brought by his step-wife have become his bans, and they are kept in the cellar every day for his pleasure. Once a daughter was pregnant, he ordered his step-wife to pour down Luozi soup. And recently, his belly has really grown bigger day by day, and the pants that were half a month ago can no longer be worn.

The more he thought about it, the more fear he felt in his heart. He went into the hem of his clothes, and actually touched a small baby's face across his belly. Suddenly, the crotch was hot and the stench filled the air.

"God help! I beg you to show Xiao a clear way!" He didn't care about his shame, he rushed to the prison door and banged his head. Going up is extremely embarrassing.

There is naturally a way to save him, but why? He shook his head and said sloppily, "You can't live by doing your own sins, just suffer."

"No, you must have a way to save the young man. The young man will let you go, don't worry." The jailer took off the key as he spoke, intending to release the young man from prison.

A few people next to him finally recovered and quickly grabbed him, but they didn't dare to touch his stomach, so they had to tie him with a belt and walk away with their hands and feet, never mentioning the torture of the boy again. The leading jailer still had severe pain in his legs and feet, and gave the boy a deep look when he went out.

The cell finally quieted down. The prisoners who had been scolding You Shu all hid in the corner furthest away from him, shrugging their necks and hanging their heads, like quails in fright. You Shu was about to lie back to the grass nest to sleep when a gust of wind blew in from the corridor, blowing out the candles one by one along the way, leaving only the one outside Shu's cell door.

"Anyone found?" You Shu immediately rolled over and sat up, her eyes like torches. He usually does not use mental power when communicating with the kid, so he forgot to cover it up for a while. The prisoners were frightened to death by the sudden vision. Seeing him talking to himself, it was as if he was communicating with ghosts.

Mother, are you always finished? What kind of prison is a god like you going to go to? People will save you if you fool around a few words! Please stop for a while! Several prisoners got up and kowtowed at him.

The little ghost led two new ghosts, a man and a woman, into the cell, and reported, "The man has been found, and the little one has cast a blind eye to help your servants bring them to court. These two are the ones the government found. The owner of the two corpses, listen to them in detail."

The two ghosts were extremely resentful, but because of their new mourning, they had nothing to do, so they had to pin their hopes on the eldest brother they just recognized. The eldest brother was only six years old when he died. He seemed young, but he had practiced Taoism for nearly a hundred years and knew such a miraculous person. Before they got close, they already felt the coercion emanating from Shu, as if a group of dragons were soaring, the sky was full of qi, and if they were not careful, they would be killed by his aura.

"Sit down and talk." You Shu pointed to the grass nest beside him.

The two ghosts sat down with sincerity and fear, and explained in detail why they were killed and how the body was ruined. When they talked about the sadness, they couldn't help but feel sad and weep. As soon as the two ghosts cried, the cold air in the cell overflowed, the wind danced wildly, and the candle above Shu's head swayed frantically, lighting up the entire cell suddenly bright, suddenly dark, like a reappearance of hell.

Not to mention that the prisoners have been frightened and fainted, even the jailer who heard the wind and came to check, also fled with shit, and never dared to enter. If you shut down such a god, you will really lose several years of life, and I don't know if the prefect knows the magic of the other party. You must not know, right? Otherwise, how dare you arrest someone!

Youshu's face was always calm, and after listening to the words of the two ghosts, she nodded and said, "Killing people to pay for their lives is the law of heaven. If you want to take revenge, I can help you, but after taking revenge, you must not stay in the Yang World, and you need to hurry to the underworld to be reborn. Resentment blinds the mind and commits rash killings, and I can find you in heaven and earth and destroy you." These words used mental power, and no one else heard a word.

The two ghosts nodded frequently and thanked them for their kindness.

After they left, Mrs Wang came. The candlesticks installed on the wall spontaneously ignited without fire, illuminating the original ghostly cell, and the shrieking wind stopped abruptly. Infiltrate, completely drive away the cold. The prisoner was completely subdued, and the jailer had nothing to say, so he invited Mrs. Wang in with all respect and sincerity.

"Mother, what good things did you bring me?" Youshu rushed to the cell door, her eyes sparkling. We only knew each other for a day, but he seemed to have been together for half a lifetime. He didn't feel reluctant to call him "mother" at all. People's feelings are all mutual. Because of the guilt in her heart, the Song family did not dare to get close to her son. On weekdays, she was polite and trembling when she spoke. Wang Shi was very different. He wished that You Shu could be rolled into his arms as dough, and he didn't know how to feel the pain.

She hugged her son, screaming heartily, then opened the huge seven-storey food box, put out her son's favorite foods one by one, and fed them one by one with chopsticks and spoons, while feeding While crying, he said, "My son is thin, and my son's life is miserable" and so on.

You Shu hugged her knees and sat across from her, feeling warm in her heart, she couldn't help comforting, "Don't worry, mother, I'll be able to go out soon."

Wang Shi nodded heavily, but his eyes dimmed for a moment. She had just received an urgent letter from the old man, saying that she would not protect her husband, let alone her son, and let their big house fend for itself. The words were extremely heartless. Now Xiangjing is ready to change the relationship between the seller and the property so as to save his son, but I don't know if he can do it.

Youshu thought for a while, and then reminded, "Go back and tell Dad, so that he doesn't need to plan for me, lest people get caught and fall into the crime of 'being imprisoned'."

"What we sold was our own property, not what we got from looting the people." Wang Shi opened his mouth to retort, but his son was caught off guard.

You Shu thought that this was the case, so he took the trouble to instruct the Wang family not to sell the property, let alone pay bribes. The two have been found and will soon be brought to court. The Wang family didn't get any news from the servants, and when they were still wandering in Yaoling, seeing that their son was so sure, they had to nod their heads suspiciously.

Before she returned home, Zhao Zhizhou had already received the exact news that the two of them had indeed been found, and they were still alive.

The next day, the prefect personally presided over the trial of the suspect, and ordered the arrest to open the official ya, so that the people could listen in.

Youshu was carefully brought to court by two jailers. When the two saw the deceased's parents kneeling on the ground, their faces turned pale. They didn't dare to kneel down this evil spirit, so they forgot about it and went straight down.

When the prefect saw Youshu standing upright, he raised the gavel and slammed it hard, "Zhao Youshu, you haven't achieved fame, why didn't you kneel when you saw your official? Come on, teach Young Master Zhao the rules!"

The chief arresting officer of Lin'an Prefecture, who was a close confidant of the prefect, immediately came out of the crowd and pressed the young boy who was still wandering on the ground with force. The crunch of the knees hitting the bluestone bricks caused a toothache, and Shu closed her eyes, wrinkled her nose, and almost burst into tears. He hadn't been so embarrassed in a long time.

Zhao Zhizhou sat on the sidelines under the prefect, seeing his son's pain, and he felt the same way. He quickly took out the cushion under his buttocks and placed it under his son's knees, softly speaking for a while to comfort him. If the prefect hadn't scolded him sharply, he would have kneeled with his son.

The people also booed frequently, apparently disliking the Zhao family's abusive behavior. The prefect did not stop drinking, and let them scold them for more than a quarter of an hour, raising the atmosphere to the level of arrogance before ordering the family of the deceased to present confessions and physical evidence.

There must be seventeen or eighteen family members of both men and women together. You cry, I cry silently, and some people beat their chests and feet, looking for life and death, looking very pitiful. Not only did the onlookers get wet eyes, but the prefect also showed sympathy. At the same time, their resentment towards the murderer also peaked.

The prefect banged the jingtang wood and shouted angrily, "Zhao Youshu, can you plead guilty?"

Youshu was expressionless from beginning to end, and said flatly, "I don't plead guilty."

"I can't cry without seeing the coffin! This man's heart is too cruel!"

"Sentence of exile is not enough for the anger of the common people, it needs to be sentenced to beheading!"

"His father committed the murder, and he has to be dismissed and investigated!"

The people clamored, and several women threw the eggs and vegetables in their baskets at the court. The prisoners on both sides and the prefect on the seat were in a good mood, but the jailer waiting by the door covered his face and couldn't bear to look directly. Don't smash it, beware of this evil spirit!

Youshu avoided the eggs and vegetable leaves and said slowly, "There is insufficient evidence, so I do not plead guilty."

The prefect laid out the evidence one by one and asked him what it meant to be the evidence.

"I will not plead guilty unless I see the body with my own eyes. These testimony written by Zuzuo may also be false." You Shu waved her hand.

Zhao Zhizhou immediately stepped forward and said, "If we can't prove that the corpses are Sun Xique and Fang Sheng, we will not plead guilty. This official can report to the court and send another person for inspection."

"It's the same after checking several times! Come on, bring the body up!" The prefect signaled that the Zhao family father and son must be nailed to death today. With a slight flick of his sleeves, several arresting officers hurried to carry the corpse. The people liked to join in the fun, not only were they not frightened away, but they were more and more surrounded by the past. Only the two jailers ran away, as if there were ghosts chasing them.

The corpse covered with white cloth was brought to the court. Due to the hot weather, there was a slight stench. Shu is proficient in all eighteen martial arts, and naturally also understands autopsy. Without changing his face, he lifted the white cloth to examine it carefully, and asked, "What evidence is there to prove that they are Sun Xia Que and Fang Sheng?"

The mother of the deceased immediately stepped forward to testify. Sun Xie Que has a cinnabar mole behind his ear, and Fang Sheng has black moles arranged in a triangle on the bottom of his feet, all of which are extremely obvious features.

Some Shu looked at them one by one and couldn't help sneering. He picked up the testimony he had made, and asked for a writing brush from his father, and crossed the paper as he spoke, "First, the mark to prove the identity of the two was stabbed after death, not born; second, The time of death was not eight days, but one day. The reason why the corpse was so swollen was that it was soaked in hot water for a day and a night. One of the corpses was eighteen and one was twenty; fourth, the occupations were not the same. Fang Sheng was a scholar and had never worked. This man's hands and feet were covered with thick calluses, and he was a coolie. Fifth, the cause of death Nope. Both were suffocated by stuffing their mouths and noses with soft objects and then thrown into the river, not drowning."

When the words fell, he threw his testimony on the ground. The people stood on tiptoe and saw that the paper was full of forks and colorful. Some shook their heads in disbelief, while others lowered their eyes in deep thought.

Whether the two corpses are Sun Fang or not, not only their family members clearly understand, but also the prefect and his subordinates. After listening to the young man's words, some people were sweating coldly and drumming in their hearts. Doesn't it mean that Zhao Youshu is incompetent? How can the autopsy be more accurate than the oldest work

Judging the age, identity, cause of death and time of death with just one glance is brilliant, really brilliant! The prefect had to compliment him secretly, but he made up his mind to kill him, picked up the jingle and wanted to knock, but then he heard the boy in the hall say, "It's strange to say, last night the grass-minders had a man and a woman in their dreams. , saying that they died extremely wrongly, and ask me to avenge them. The woman's name is Miao Ling, and the man's name is Guo Da, from Jiaxing, who fled from Lin'an Prefecture, and was caught by several arresters as soon as they entered the city. He was suffocated, and stabbed a few moles on the back of his ears and the soles of his feet. He threw it into a wooden bucket full of hot water for a day and a night, and took it out in the early morning. shore."

Such a miraculous thing, the people have been stunned, they all pricked up their ears and tiptoes, eagerly waiting for the follow-up.

The prefect's eyes flickered, and the commander-in-chief standing in the hall was already sweating like a waterfall. Zhao Youshu was imprisoned in a cell for a day and a night, he could never know about these things! Besides, they are very secretive. Could it be that it really is a ghost dreaming

If there is Shu, there is more to say, the prefect has already picked up the gavel, ready to interrupt him. Unexpectedly, the gavel slapped on the table like it was slapped on cotton, and there was no sound at all. He didn't believe in evil, and after taking several pictures in a row, he showed a look of horror, and shouted in a dry voice, "Shut up, shut up, shut up! Don't confuse people in court!"

"Why don't you let him say it? This is a trial, and you have to reveal what's inside!" The people refused to obey and expressed their support. At this time, most of the people believed in ghosts and gods. They didn't think that the young man was fooling the public. On the contrary, their impressions changed greatly, and they sympathized with him.

If there is a Shu who blindly asks the prefect to replace him for the post-mortem examination, and relying on the Zhao family's connections, he can also ensure that he will make a fair judgment, but the people will still believe their own speculation: that is, the Zhao family has only covered the sky and bought the official. No amount of dirty water can wash it off. But the sacrifice of ghosts and gods is very different. No one's testimony is more powerful than the wrongful deceased himself.

Amidst the clamor of the prefect and the people, You Shu slowly said, "The chief inspector threw the body away and stood up and sighed: 'Don't blame us for being cruel, just blame your own bad luck. The prefect is looking for If there is no suitable person, you will hit the muzzle of the gun. I will burn some paper money for you when you go back." The group quickly left, bribed a prodigal son to find the body, and then came out. The chief inspector also and Sun Fang two Signing the agreement, even if the height and posture are wrong, they are also asked to identify the body, and each family will receive 100 taels of silver after the event. It turns out that the two Sun Fang did not die, but were instructed by them to hide in the kiln. I planned to kill these two people directly, to convince me of the crime of murder, but they had no choice but to hide very well, and they couldn't find them for a while, so I found two ghosts."

Youshu paused for a while, and Zhao Zhizhou hurriedly stepped forward with a teacup and gave him a thoughtful feed. Her lips moistened, Youshu continued, "This matter is actually very simple. That day, Sun Xique and Fang Sheng had an affair with a set up, and someone deliberately lured me to watch it, causing the two of them to be in a scuffle with me. Jumped into the river and cheated to death. Then his mother came forward to sue me, and the prefect made false evidence to implement the charges, one for blackmailing money, the other for power and power. You can't hide it from the ghosts and gods. Those people who died wrongly are watching you."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was an unprovoked gust of wind in the courtroom, and the white cloth covering the corpse was lifted by the wind, revealing the festering face of the deceased. The face suddenly turned in the direction of the chief catcher, and the closed eyes suddenly opened, revealing blood-red pupils full of hatred. The head and legs and feet of the general policeman softened, and he knelt down, kowtowing and shouting, "Don't blame me, it's all under the orders of the prefect! If you are wronged, you should seek revenge. He is!"

"Dead, the deceased has manifested! The deceased really was always caught and killed! He admitted it himself!" A certain commoner shouted, and the rest of the people were suddenly in a commotion.

The prefect staggered to his feet and was about to flee when another gust of wind suddenly rushed towards him, blowing off the official hat he had just put on.

The meaning of this is self-evident, there are indeed grievances above the court, and they are vindicating themselves. Not only did the prefect froze on the spot, his soul flew away, but the people outside were also shocked beyond words. Without any evidence, they already believed the teenager's words. He didn't kill anyone, everything was a hoax!

Only then did you Shu Shi Shiran stand up and cup his hands, "The Caomin urges the adults to confront this arresting fast in court, in order to return the Caomin's innocence, and also to prove the innocence of the adults themselves."

Zhao Zhizhou also threw up his sleeves and said angrily, "Everything in the hall, this official will definitely write a memorial to the emperor one by one and present it to the emperor. The grievances are not scattered, and the way of heaven is unfair. This matter needs to be investigated by another official to the end! Everyone! Colleagues, Mr. Zhao asks you to help me as a circumstantial evidence, so that I can give an explanation to the dead soul."

The people who can appear in the hall are all the confidants of the prefect, and naturally they would not pay attention to Zhao Zhizhou before. But there are ghosts circling and crying above their heads. If you don't want to cause resentment, you can't refuse this request, and you know that you can't say anything. They hurriedly stood up and cupped their hands in agreement, their foreheads and backs already wet with sweat.