There’s A Beauty

Chapter 50: Paint skin


You Shu used the cake residue to lead the little turtle lying in the lotus pond to the shore, and then lifted the hem of his clothes, trying to fish it up. "Hey, fifth brother, what are you doing?" Zhao Yulin quickly stepped forward to stop him.

"I want to take the turtle back to raise it. Why, can't I? I'll buy it." He took out a fifty-two silver note from his purse as he spoke, with a very bold attitude. No matter his past or present life, he has no concept of money, and he often spends a lot of money and people are stupid and have a lot of money.

Zhao Yulin stared at his bulging purse with jealousy and envy in his heart. No wonder Zhao Yusong wanted to rectify this kid. I was afraid that he couldn't stand the way he was spending a lot of money. The current Zhao family is really not as good as before. Although it is invisible on the surface, it is quite shabby in the finer points. Let’s not mention how the fourth and fifth rooms are in financial trouble, but it is said that the direct descendants of the two rooms have not been able to pay wages for three consecutive months, and the servants below are about to make trouble.

Looking at the big room again, Zhao Zhizhou was doing things up and down outside, and the money was useless. Every day, Wang called the shopkeeper of Jinyi Pavilion to the house to buy clothes. Looking at Shu, all the clothes on her body were exquisite and expensive. The sun was shining brightly, it was really dazzling.

The hateful thing is that the big house doesn't have to bear the family finances, and even if he has money, he can't return to the public center. It's a comfortable life!

The more Zhao Yulin thought about it, the more resentful he became, and the guilt just now disappeared. He was afraid that Shu Guo would really jump off the lotus pond and get himself covered in mud, so he coaxed him to say that he would ask the shopkeeper to help him after dinner, without any money.

When Youshu heard that she didn't need the money, she took the bank note back, making her eyes glare from the greed of the bustard who just arrived. This young master Zhao really has enough wealth to spend fifty taels of silver on a tortoise. What if it was my girl... She was secretly delighted, and she was busy and diligently introducing the boy to the octagonal pavilion for dinner. Give your daughters a wink and tell them not to miss the chance.

A group of women with heavy make-up came in with trays in their hands, teasing with words while placing dishes, and occasionally bumping Young Master Zhao with their elbows or buttocks. You Shu is a bit of an incomprehensible person. His eyes are only fixed on the food, and the tip of his nose is also sniffing the fragrance.

Zhao Yulin supported his forehead, thinking that the fifth brother has not grown up yet. If he wants to cultivate him into a slut who is full of sensuality and sensuality, he does not know how much effort it will take! After thinking about it again, it is easy to learn badly, but it is difficult to learn well, I just need to lead him into the industry, maybe he can't hold back himself.

Thinking of this, his mood was relieved, and he remembered the stunning beauty mentioned by the prostitute before, and hurriedly asked, "Didn't you say that you have a new daughter, bring it to the master, if it is really not exaggerated, the master will immediately Take her!"

The old bustard looked embarrassed, "Second son, the slave family just went to see it and found out that my daughter has rubella today, so it's not easy to come out to see guests. Why don't you come back another day? You know, rubella can't be exposed to the sun or the sun is blowing. If there is no wind, and you will pass your sickness to others, if something happens to you and Young Master Zhao, the slave family can't afford it!"

Hearing this, Zhao Yulin also rested his mind and ordered the girls around him to take good care of Youshu.

The old bustard breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the second son of the Zhao family was easy to fool. I don't know if her luck is good or bad, such a great beauty with such a peerless appearance, she took the initiative to cast it on her door. But there is also a dissonance, that is, her temper is particularly stubborn, and she only entertains the guests who have seen it, and refuses to even show her face to the unseen.

Moreover, the conditions for her selection of guests are very strict. She has to be a high-ranking person, an extraordinary family, and a beautiful appearance. Even if she looks at Quan Xia Qi, she can't count ten such noble people. The prostitute was also very worried, and wanted to force her to force her, but she was afraid of damaging her priceless face, so she had to slowly persuade her to make peace.

Although today's young master Zhao is not considered a high-ranking and powerful person, but he has an extraordinary background and a handsome appearance, so he should be worthy of her, right? However, she glanced at it a little, and actually laughed at him for being a half-sized boy who didn't even grow his hair, so she just shied away.

The old bustard was angry, and he thought that he must teach this dead girl a good lesson tonight!

When Shu was eating in the backyard, the ninth prince had arrived at Yanliu Lane and was looking for someone from family to family. When the people who were knocked open saw a group of vicious officials, they were startled at first, and when they saw them pulling out steel knives, they wanted to kill them, and immediately knelt down and begged for mercy, tears and snot covering their faces.

The ninth prince's eyes were red, and he searched this yard and went to that yard again and again, but it was God who blocked and killed God, and Buddha who blocked and killed Buddha. When I found a few of them, I unfortunately ran into a few high-ranking officials of the imperial court, which made them lose their minds and their hearts were broken.

Xue Wangjing wanted to persuade but didn't dare, so he had to follow behind him to clean up the mess.

The group searched for five or six brothels in a row, and just happened to bump into Zhao Yusong who hurried there when they were going out. I don't know what Zhao Yusong was thinking. After being rejected by the ninth prince, he didn't hide away, but he took the initiative to move towards him. This time, old and new hatred surged together, the ninth prince strode over, grabbed his throat and asked in a cold voice, "Where is Shu? Since you know that he is in Yanliu Lane, you must have arranged his whereabouts? "Do you really think he's a fool, so fooled? If you have just arrived in Beijing, how can you know such a place that hides dirt and filth, deep in the streets and alleys? Someone must have deliberately lured it.

He continued to fold his five fingers together, and he had the stance of strangling people to death if he didn't say anything. Zhao Yusong's face turned purple, his eyes were bulging, his tongue was exposed, and he was about to die. He never imagined that the ninth prince could actually kill him. Could it be that their relationship with each other for more than ten years is not as good as Zhao Youshu, who has only known each other for less than a day

However, no matter how unwilling he was in his heart, he still had to save his life. With his last breath, he shouted in a hoarse voice, "Your Highness, spare your life, the fifth brother is here, in Luwaxiaozhu, just turn a corner ahead!"

The ninth prince still grabbed his neck and dragged him forward. If he couldn't find anyone today, he would directly take Zhao Yusong back to the East Palace to be skinned! Xue Wangjing looked at the old friend who was dragged to the ground, with messy hair, torn clothes, and a circle of scars on his neck. He sighed repeatedly in his heart: They are all from the same clan, why bother to make such a fuss, harming others as well as themselves . Today, if Young Master Zhao is really dirty, the Ninth Highness is afraid that Yanliuxiang will be washed with blood.

Thinking of this, he reluctantly held his forehead and sighed silently, while a group of Gyeonggi guards had already guarded the passages of Yanliu Lane and strictly prohibited entry and exit.

The Ninth Prince walked with a long stalk and quickly reached the green wax building. He was about to kick the door open, but hesitated. He threw away Zhao Yusong, carefully smoothed out the folds at the placket, hem, cuffs, etc., and trimmed the crown of his hair, before he restrained himself and knocked on the door.

Knock knock, knock knock, the rhythm is slow and light, and the previous rage can't be seen at all. Even if he was so angry that he wanted to kill someone, he only needed to think that there was his most beloved teenager hidden here, and he was so timid, he didn't dare to show the slightest dissatisfaction and anger, and only threatened him.

"Is this king looking okay?" While waiting for the doorman to answer, he took the time to ask, and seeing Zhao Yusong sneaking back, he ordered the guards to catch him and gag.

Xue Wangjing looked at His Royal Highness Ninth Highness, who was violent in the last moment, but calm in the next moment, and nodded twitchingly at the corner of his mouth. His Royal Highness's attitude is somewhat abnormal, and it is even more violent than before. Where can there be a half-point reincarnated wise and divine martial arts? If he ascends the throne, he will not be a tyrant, will he

Thinking about it like this, there is an 80-90% possibility, which makes Xue Wangjing more and more frightened.

While thinking about it, the door opened, and a dwarf who was less than three feet tall came to greet him, "Every guest, please come in." With just one glance, he could see that these people were either rich or expensive, and he didn't ask them what they came for.

"Can Young Master Zhao be in there?" Because of the anxiety in his heart, the voice of the ninth prince was particularly low and rough. Seeing that the guards were escorting Zhao Yusong to follow him, he waved his hands to let them stay. Xue Wangjing and the commander of the guards are both strong in martial arts, and it is enough for the two of them to follow.

"There are indeed two young masters from the Zhao family. They are having dinner in the backyard. Let's go this way." The dwarf thought that these people were old acquaintances and automatically led them over.

The closer he got to the backyard, the quicker the Ninth Prince's footsteps became, and his eyes loomed with fire. Xue Wangjing shrank his shoulders and clutched his chest, really afraid of seeing the next scene. What should I do if Young Master Zhao, like the previous officials, has already been in the house

Does this person want it or not? To kill or not to kill? Will he go mad if he kills the Ninth Highness? Will you get angry? Will you regret it? Can you and Lord Ao (the commander of the guards) be able to hold on? Xue Wangjing's brain was throbbing, and he didn't dare to think about it anymore.

At the same time, the ninth prince was also guessing what Shu was doing in his mind, and his eyes gradually became bloodshot.

There were the sweet voices of the girls in front, and the dwarf did not dare to go inside, for fear of sweeping away the noble man Yaxing, so he pointed to the path surrounded by flowers and said, "Masters, bypassing the rockery is the lotus pond, and the two Zhao masters are in the lotus pond. Eat in the octagonal pavilion on the side, you can go by yourself, the little one has retired."

The ninth prince snorted lightly as a response, did not speed up his pace, but stopped, rubbing his stern face hard, so that he didn't look so scary, and then continued forward.

When Xue Wangjing saw that even if he was on the verge of being violent, he couldn't bear to use the harshest side to see Young Master Zhao, and he had to be amazed. It seems that as long as Young Master Zhao is there today, Yanliuxiang will not bleed into a river. Thinking about it this way, he is not entirely optimistic. Young Master Zhao will probably not die, and others may not be able to see what the situation will be.

The group walked slowly around the lotus pond, and saw the two sons of the Zhao family sitting cross-legged in the pavilion, surrounded by many beautiful women with heavy makeup and light clothes. This scene was already expected by them, and if they looked at it carefully, the nervousness and anxiety that had just disappeared instantly disappeared.

This young master Zhao is really a baby! How can there be such a person in the world? Xue Wangjing and the commander of the bodyguards were dumbfounded.

I saw that Young Master Zhao, surrounded by Yingying Yanyan, not only did not see a trace of joy, but instead was full of anger. He held the chopsticks tightly with one hand and the dishes with the other, and used his left and right shoulders to knock away the woman who came up to him. He just stuffed vegetables and rice into his mouth.

In fact, Youshu wasn't so impatient. Because in the last life, he always encountered robbers and looters when he was eating, and he hated being surrounded by a group of people when he was eating. If he hadn't realized that it was no longer the end of the world, and that there was plenty of food, there was no need for these women to snatch the food. Perhaps he was entertaining himself, and he would definitely take out the dagger hidden in his boots and stab them all.

But even if he resisted the churning killing intent in his heart, he couldn't resist their entanglement. He just wanted to quickly eat up the food and leave. This restaurant is too strange, it has found so many waiters, and the marketing methods are really avant-garde. How could he have thought that this green wax building is not a private restaurant, but a brothel selling dog meat with sheep's heads.

Youshu quickly finished the bowl of rice and wanted to add another bowl, but a woman squeezed over next to her and said softly, "Young Master, don't just focus on eating, let's have a few drinks with our sisters?"

Liquor spicy throat, unpalatable, don't! Youshu pushed her away mercilessly, taking care of herself.

Another woman snatched his bowl and chopsticks and said angrily, "Master, why are you here? If you really want to eat it, the slave family can feed you." As she spoke, she twisted a piece of carrot cake and put it between her lips , and then leaned slightly towards his cheek, wanting to have a mouth-to-mouth meal with him.

Just now, he was just touching himself, pushing himself, and pestering himself. As long as he didn't hinder himself from eating, it was still bearable. Well, now it has developed into stealing food from his own bowl. When Shu's bottom line is touched, his temper immediately explodes. He pushes all the women around him three or two times, and draws all the cups and dishes on the table to himself. Between the outstretched arms, the whole person hangs above the dishes, and his face is full of anger, "What are you going to do? Don't let people eat well? If you steal other people's food, you will be slaughtered!"

Having said that, he stepped on the stool, pulled out a sharp dagger from the boot, and thrust it into the wooden table to show that he was not lying. His anger and grinning look like an angry little leopard. .

The girls screamed in surprise, their faces turned pale, and regardless of whether they would step on Zhao Yulin who was drinking beside him, they ran out of the pavilion.

The Ninth Prince and his party, who approached slowly, happened to see this scene from the beginning to the end, their expressions distorted and their faces flushed red, but they were furious and horrified just now, but now they are trying their best to hold back their laughter. How can there be such a person in the world? He didn't come to Yanliuxiang to seek pleasure, but he came to eat seriously, and he protected his food so tightly, but he was robbed of a piece of carrot cake, and he promised to slaughter the beautiful girl's house.

Nope, I have to find a place to laugh for a while! Xue Wangjing and the commander of the guards thought to themselves in unison, then silently walked behind a rockery, shaking their shoulders violently.

The ninth prince's cold complexion has completely softened, the bloodshot in his eyes has quietly receded, and the corner of his mouth is slightly raised, revealing a gentle smile. He unknowingly straightened his sideburns and the placket of his clothes, then walked over and called out "You Shu" briskly.

You Shu in the frying hair heard the familiar call, like a well-trained puppy, immediately put down her feet, put the dagger back into the boot, and looked at the visitor, her wet and bright eyes set off the small dimples on her cheeks. , looks well-behaved and cute, how can there be a little bit of violence before.

Xue Wangjing, who came out from behind the rockery, both sighed in their hearts: This is also a master at changing faces, no wonder they can meet the Ninth Prince at first sight, because the aura matches.

"Master!" He ran over, habitually grabbing a corner of the other's clothes.

The ninth prince loved the way he was reliant on himself, and liked his undisguised temperament, so he took him into his arms and kissed him on the top of his head. The movements were very smooth and natural.

Because the height difference between the two was too great, the kiss was too gentle and excessive, as if afraid of disturbing the young man, so Youshu didn't notice it. He dragged the person into the pavilion and advised seriously, "The master is also coming to eat? The food here is very ordinary, and the second shopkeeper also has too much food. It is really annoying."

"Pfft!" A burst of laughter came, but it was Xue Wangjing and the commander of the guards who followed behind. It's too funny to call Mi Fentou, who accompanies the wine, as the shop assistant. Has there ever been such a fireworks place before

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Xue Wangjing covered his mouth with a fan, and then nodded to Zhao Yulin who was stunned, "Second son Zhao, long time no see."

"Okay, long time no see. Caomin has seen His Highness Ninth, but he was unable to meet him far away. Please forgive me!" Zhao Yulin knelt down on his forehead in awe, and looked at his fifth cousin, who was already seated, with a very expressive expression. The ninth prince who is gentle and pampered.

The fifth brother and the ninth prince actually knew each other? And looking at this intimate appearance, the friendship is definitely not shallow. Did he come here in a hurry for the fifth brother? After going back and forth in his head, Zhao Yulin realized that he was probably, as if, being tricked by Zhao Yusong

His back was instantly wet with cold sweat. He raised his head slightly and winked at Youshu, hoping that he would not sell himself. He has been through the storm for a long time, how can he not see the eagerness and desire contained in the deep eyes of the Ninth Prince. If it was said that the ninth prince only admired Youshu and had no affection, he would not believe it if he was killed.

Good you Zhao Yusong, let me bring Shu to act as a prostitute, you want me to be stripped alive by the ninth prince! Thinking of this, he was both remorseful and annoyed.

The ninth prince didn't have the heart to pay attention to others. He was stroking the boy's rosy cheeks because of his anger, and asked with a smile, "Are you full? Order a few more dishes when you're not full?"

"If you're not full, you can add two more bowls." Youshu, who had already eaten a bowl of rice, spontaneously handed the empty bowl to the master, and he didn't see anything out of the way.

The ninth prince smiled more and more deeply, helped him fill a bowl, and picked up the chopsticks to spread the dishes. The old bustard hurried over to hear the news, and was about to kneel and kowtow, but was sent by Xue Wangjing to the kitchen to urge meals, and repeatedly told her to let the chef be careful.

"Master Shizi, do you want to call a few girls..." The old bustard smirked.

"Call if you want to die." Xue Wangjing waved his hand casually.

The old lady's face turned green, she immediately lifted her skirt and left, and the girls who were scared away by You Shu didn't dare to approach.

"Why did you come to Yanliuxiang? Who came up with the idea?" After all the idle people were sent back, the ninth prince began to settle accounts after the autumn. How could he come to such a place to hide his filth and hide his filth? Must have been bewitched! And on the way, he had already figured out that even if Shuzhen was abducted to the couch, he did something like a cloud and rain, and he emptied the entire Yanliuxiang and was reluctant to touch a single hair of his. If there is a Shu, it will not be dirty. The dirty ones are those who touch him, just wipe it off.

In short, no matter what went wrong with Shu, in the eyes of the Ninth Prince, it was caused by others being misled. No matter how angry or resentful he was, Shu would not be implicated. Fortunately, Shu was more well-behaved, sensible, pure and simple than he expected, and even his gluttony and food protection became a rare quality in the eyes of the Ninth Prince.

Zhao Yulin's body trembled even more. He wanted to wink at his cousin, but he didn't dare to raise his head in front of His Highness the Ninth Highness.

Youshu has always been sincere, and said vaguely while eating, "Second cousin brought me here. He said that this is the most famous private restaurant in Shanghai, and the dishes it cooks are truly unparalleled. However, despite the reputation, it is actually difficult to match, and the taste is also not good. Just normal."

Zhao Zhizhou and Mrs. Wang love their son like their lives, and they eat expensive food all day long, just to make their son grow more meat. Therefore, Shu Shu's tongue has been raised a lot recently, and it doesn't feel like anything he eats in the past. .

The Ninth Prince's eyes became colder, but it was not easy for him to have a seizure in front of the young man. He waved at Zhao Yulin, "Get up and stay on the side."

You Shu has no relationship with several cousins, so she doesn't think there is anything wrong with the contemptuous attitude of the master. In his heart, the master is the person closest to him, and now Zhao Zhizhou and the Wang family have to be added, and the others are outsiders, and they don't need to worry about their lives.

Zhao Yulin breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly shrank his shoulders, hooked his back, and hid behind Xue Wangjing.

When he was in a good mood, the ninth prince began to tease the young man, "If someone robs you of a piece of carrot cake, you are going to slaughter them. How can you protect food so tightly? What if I want to eat a piece of carrot cake from you?"

You Shu put the whole plate of carrot cake into the master's arms without thinking, "I'll give it to you, it's all for you, what I have is yours." He was both remorseful and guilty when he learned that the master died because of himself in the past life. , I wish I could give my life back, so why would I be stingy with food

The ninth prince was overjoyed, and pressed the boy into his arms, rubbing it for a while. What's yours is mine, and what's yours is also mine, that's it!

Xue Wangjing had no choice but to give a thumbs up for Young Master Zhao in his heart. Such a clumsy flattery was actually made clear and loud. Sure enough, people couldn't compare with others. He is rich in the whole of Xia Qi, how can he look at other people's things, that is, Zhao Xiaogong is qualified to say such words.

While thinking about it, the old lady came hurriedly, followed by a young woman whose face was covered in tulle and was carrying a food box. The woman curtseyed and took out the dishes one by one from the food box. Her ten fingers are slender, her wrists are white, and there is an intoxicating fragrance flowing from her delicate skin.

Xue Wangjing looked at her frequently, but for some reason, he tore off her veil and felt inexplicable when he took it in his hand. What kind of beauty he has never seen before, but a woman with a more graceful figure will definitely not make him lose his mind.

Weird! He was vigilant, and when he saw the woman's face, he was stunned on the spot. The commander of the guards who was drinking also threw the glass, showing obsession.

I saw this woman with crescent eyebrows and white teeth, almond eyes and peach cheeks, her hair on the temples seemed to be piled with clouds, the corners of her lips seemed to be dyed with red clouds, and her cuffs were like a breeze. When she raises her hand, she has infinite amorous feelings. She purses her lips and is charming, and her every move, every frown and smile are all confusing.

Not to mention that all the people present were ordinary men, even if the saints came into the world, they could not resist. Xue Wangjing and the commander of the guards were already dazed and confused, and Zhao Yulin, who was hiding in the corner, couldn't help but lean over.

"The little girl has Shu, and I have seen all the nobles." After the woman placed the dishes, she slowly bent over, and her voice was melodious.