There’s A Beauty

Chapter 54: Paint skin


The ninth prince talked with Emperor Zhongkang for a while, and only returned to the East Palace after receiving the imperial decree to transfer Zhao Zhizhou to the Ministry of Housing.

Before going out, Emperor Zhongkang suddenly stopped him, "Huang'er, did you find the person in your dream?"

"I found it." The ninth prince nodded firmly, with an unprecedented peaceful expression on his handsome face. He finally understood that no matter how he resisted, fate was fate.

"There are so many deceased people in the Kyushu and Five Kingdoms, but is he actually Zhao Fusheng's son?" Emperor Zhongkang became interested and asked, "What does he look like? Sure enough, he is absolutely invincible and unparalleled?" , He has been curious about the boy who loves the Overlord so much. Naturally, he also had a credit for the portrait that was stroked until it faded.

The ninth prince smiled and said frankly, "If it is said that the country will be destroyed, but in the heart of the son, it is naturally unparalleled."

There is Xishi in the eyes of the lover, Emperor Zhongkang understands it, waved his hand and said, "Take him into the palace another day and let me see it."

"I'll see you tomorrow, my son has withdrawn Zhao Yusong and replaced him with my son's companion. The royal father treats him a little better, he is a little timid." The ninth prince explained cautiously.

Emperor Zhongkang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, saying that his son had forgotten his father when he had a daughter-in-law, and drove him away angrily. For his son to fall in love with the same sex, he was mentally prepared a long time ago, and he had secretly searched for a young man named Youshu in the folk so that he could bring him into the palace to raise him. In this way, the son does not have to suffer from nightmares every day, so that his temper becomes more and more strange.

Seeing that his son is seventeen or eighteen years old, Youshu has not yet gone. He thought that his son would die alone again in this life. Fortunately, God has eyes and brought people who disappeared for more than 600 years to him.

"Zhao Youshu? I have to meet this legendary big man tomorrow." Emperor Zhongkang smiled while holding his forehead.

The ninth prince returned to the East Palace, and immediately spread out the picture scroll that Youshu gave him on the table, looked down and admired it, and after a while ordered, "Pen and ink will serve you."

The palace maids and eunuchs standing on both sides immediately prepared pen, ink, paper and inkstone. This time, the ninth prince did not smear the painting, but replaced it with a piece of pure white rice paper to restore the charming dream scene from last night frame by frame. He has a solid foundation, and he has a vivid understanding of all the scenes. It took only half an hour to draw seven or eight lifelike line drawings, and he mixed some colored inks to paint the young man with black hair, jade white body, and red spots. The scars, the corners of the powdered eyes and the lips of the blood-dropping diamond are outlined one by one.

With the emotional flow in his heart, he looked at the pictures that covered the desk, and suddenly his cheeks flushed, the top of his head smoked, and his lower body reacted violently. He immediately stroked the hem of his clothes, trying to calm it down, but suddenly found that the painting under his eyes was dripping with many red dots.

He was still in a daze, when the maid on the side screamed, "Your Highness is not good, you have a nosebleed! This servant will go to the imperial doctor!" After she left in a hurry, several eunuchs stepped forward to clean up for His Royal Highness. nosebleed.

The ninth prince hurriedly covered the painting with blank rice paper, pinching his nose tightly, and said in a loud voice, "What are you panicking about, it's just that the internal fire is heavy, so drinking herbal tea for a few nights will be fine. Go, call the palace maid back. Don't make the palace uneasy in the middle of the night."

Don't you like to make a mess in the palace? On weekdays, if there is nothing to do, I have to deal with it in three parts, so that I can vent my irritability. How did I change it today? Although he had doubts in his heart, the eunuch did not dare to disobey, and hurriedly chased after him.

The ninth prince twisted a wet handkerchief himself, cleaned his nose, took a quick shower, and was ready to go to bed. He rolled up the paintings one by one, tucked them into the curtain, and then found many clips and hung them on the top, so that they could be seen as soon as they lay down.

Last night, he still slept very unsteadily, not because of disturbing nightmares, but because of the surging waves of love. For the first time in his life, he hoped to stay immersed in a dream forever and not wake up, and it was also the first time that when he woke up, what he felt was not fear and hesitation, but unfulfilled and nostalgic feelings.

If one day this dream can become a reality, let alone make him unable to sleep peacefully every night, it is also a kind of enjoyment to die in... Die in Youshu's body. Thinking of this, the ninth prince covered his flushed cheeks and smiled foolishly. Now, he is still a high-ranking nobleman, but he is a young man who is troubled by love. The life that was originally like a withered life is now full of light, heat and sweetness.

Tonight, instead of dawdling and refusing to go to bed, he hid in the tent before the time came, preparing to create another beautiful dream. However, the more he stared at the painting, the hotter his body became, and the energy in that place couldn't be relieved, so he had to cover his face and think wildly, accidentally remembering the kiss that You Shu stole, and he was instantly emotional and couldn't calm down.

At the same time, You Shu was catching fireflies in the yard with a few servants. A glass bottle was tied around his waist, and it was glowing little by little, looking like a strange lantern. As a son, Mrs. Wang was a playful son, so she didn't stop her. She also stood under the corridor to give her son directions, "Shu'er, look at the osmanthus tree, there are many there."

Shu nodded, walked over and tapped lightly between the treetops with a bamboo pole. Sure enough, many green fireflies flew away, clearly extinguishing, glimmering in the shadows, very beautiful.

Wang Shi and the servants were stunned, but You Shu suddenly became vigilant. He felt that a dozen strange auras suddenly appeared in the yard, guarding all the important passages one by one. This feeling was very similar to those secret guards who followed the master in the previous life.

Is it sent by the master? He guessed secretly, and went to catch fireflies again. The kid who was captured by him also immediately reported the news of a stranger's invasion, and added, "Sir, there is a woman named Youshu in the East Courtyard. She is a little weird, you must be careful."

Could the woman named You Shu be the "zombie" during the day? You Shu suddenly became nervous. He knew that there should be no zombies in this world, and that woman was probably a monster. Monsters are thousands of times harder to deal with than ghosts, and even if Shu has never encountered them before, they have little experience.

It's shallow on paper. Although he had read many books on catching monsters and ghosts, he really didn't have much confidence in doing it. The important thing is that he hasn't figured out the woman's original shape until now, and he doesn't know her weaknesses.

"Do you know what's her background?" He used his mental power to communicate with the kid.

"I don't know. She is extremely hostile and can see ghosts. Even if she is several meters away, she can feel a great threat, so she does not dare to approach." The little ghost looked ashamed. He has been in Taoism for nearly a hundred years, but he is still afraid of a woman, which shows that women are not simple.

Youshu waved his hand silently, indicating that he knew. The apocalypse is full of zombies, mutated plants, and mutated insects and beasts. He has long been accustomed to seeing them, but an unknown monster really can't scare him. Come on, he just keeps on going.

Thinking of this, he continued to hunt fireflies leisurely, collected two large jars before taking them back to the house, and waved at the beam, "Come down."

There was no movement on the beam for a long time. He took out a piece of rice paper, wrote a few words slowly, and said, "Come down, I have something I want to give to your master overnight." These people are very familiar with the way of concealment. It seems that it came from six hundred years ago, and I don't know how the master kept these forces.

A little dust fell on the beam, and a man in black appeared in the room in the blink of an eye, half-kneeling and salute, but did not speak.

Sure enough, it was the master's hand. Six hundred years ago he thought it was surveillance, but now he understands that it is actually a form of protection. Youshu thought that no one would love him, but when he looked back, he realized that he had been loved so deeply and deeply. There was a small tingling in his heart, he rubbed his chest, rubbed his sore nose, and muttered, "Tell you masters and let him sleep well."

The man in black responded quickly, took the jar and the note and fled into the night. You Shu stood by the window and looked at it for a long time, then went out, and placed a few protective circles at the door of Wang's and Zhao Zhizhou's house, and placed a warning circle at the door of his own room, and then sat by the candlelight. wait.

In the East Palace, the ninth prince was still staring at a few paintings tossing and turning, when he heard light footsteps outside, he immediately opened the curtain and sat up halfway.

"Why are you back?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Master Qi, the young master has ordered his subordinates to deliver something for you." The man in black respectfully handed over the things in his hand, and was about to raise his head when he heard a lazy whisper from above, "You shouldn't look at it the most. Don't look at it."

The man in black froze in his heart, and hurriedly lowered his head lower, not realizing that there were many scrolls of tangled necks posted on the master's tent.

The Ninth Prince was still a little suspicious and displeased. After seeing the contents of the jar and the contents of the note, he was full of joy. He held the jar like a child and refused to let go.

"My ability is limited, I can't pick the stars in the sky, I can only give you the fireflies on the ground, I hope you will sleep peacefully and be healthy in the future. In addition, fireflies only have a five-day lifespan, so just watch them for a day or two and put them away. Well, there will be more beautiful scenery in the coming year-youshu."

There were only three or two sentences written on the note, and the wording was very ordinary, but it made the Ninth Prince's eyes warm and his heart warm. He folded the note thinly and stuffed it into his purse, pressing it under the pillow, his voice softer unconsciously, "Just these two things? No more?"

The man in black thought for a while, and then reported, "Little Young Master, let you sleep well."

"Okay, this king is going to sleep. When you go back, tell him that this king has already laid down, and let him go to bed earlier." The ninth prince immediately turned to the couch, but he had never been so obedient even in front of Emperor Zhongkang. When he was about to leave, he said, "How did he find you? Has he ever expressed his dissatisfaction?"

The man in black handed over his hands, "I don't know how the young master found us, and I don't see any dissatisfaction."

Never dissatisfied, that's fine. Only then did the Ninth Prince feel completely relieved, and waved his hand to send people back. As for how Shu found the secret guard, it didn't matter. He carefully covered the curtain, opened the jar, and let out the fireflies. Yingying green and green, with spots, fluttered and hovered in the bright yellow curtain for a moment, suddenly fell in the hair, and suddenly stopped in the picture, which made the originally sultry night like a fantasy.

The Ninth Prince always thought that last night was the most beautiful scene he had ever experienced, but it was only now that he realized that there were more beautiful things waiting behind him. As You Shu said in the letter - there will be more beautiful scenery in the coming year. As long as he stayed by his side, there would always be more beautiful and grander views.

The restless mood and the surging emotional tide slowly calmed down in the flowing light. He unknowingly closed his eyelids and fell into a deep sleep, with an extremely rare smile hanging on the corner of his mouth.

The man in black returned to Zhao's house and brought the master's words to Yu Shu, who then blew out the candle and went to sleep on the couch. The man in black was still a little hesitant, but when he saw him pointing at the top, he seemed to be asking him why he didn't return to his place, so he jumped on the beam lightly.

In the middle of the night, a dark shadow quickly entered Youshu's room, using its sharp claws to lift the curtain. There were more than a dozen secret guards in and out of the courtyard, but none of them noticed, and even the one on the beam didn't move, as if he didn't see anything.

The crimson curtain was gently lifted to a corner, and the black shadow was about to get in, but saw many bright green light spots rushing towards him, and he was terrified at the same time, but also sideways to avoid. It was too late and then too fast. Immediately after the light spot, a cold light appeared and stabbed towards the black shadow's head. Between the electric light and flint, the dark shadow finally saw clearly. The light spot was originally many fireflies, but the cold light was held in the hands of the young man. dagger.

How did he know that I would come, and he was already ready to fight back? Suspect in his heart, Kankan dodged the knife on the head and dodged behind the boy, but was caught by his tail and slammed against the wall. He was stabbed in the abdomen immediately, followed by another knife in the head, and then one knife after another, as fast as Lightning, never ending.

Hei Ying didn't know that mortal weapons could also pierce his own flesh, and he didn't even know what was wrong with the young man, where he didn't stab him, but he liked to stab his head, and he was so ruthless as if he wanted to dig out its brain. It was in excruciating pain, evaded frantically, and finally broke free when the young man raised his hand, slammed open the window and quickly escaped.

Youshu is not a mutant of strength and speed, and when she is naturally exhausted, stabbing hundreds of knives continuously is the limit, and she can no longer hold on. He rubbed his sore wrist and slowly paced the room. The walls, floor tiles, curtains, and desks were all covered with black and red blood, and there was a foul stench. There was an invisible aura floating in the air, very similar to the way ghosts hide their eyes.

No wonder the dark guards were silent, thinking they were confused. He lit the candle, carefully wiped the blood from the dagger with a silk cloth, and tied it back to his calf. This is not an ordinary dagger, but a life-saving weapon given to him by the old man when he went down the mountain.

The demon just now was shaped like a fox and rat, like a calf, but its body was not covered with fur, but a layer of rotten flesh that had long since festered, and it looked very scary. You Shu tried hard to recall the contents of "Yao Xie Zhi" in her mind, but she couldn't find a species similar to it.

What exactly is it? Where are the weaknesses? The brain was stabbed all over the floor by himself, and he still had the energy to escape! Youshu stepped on the red and white puddle of flesh on the ground, with a very solemn expression, and thought again that it escaped or escaped, and that it might die in the middle of the road, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly drew a few cleaning talismans and posted them all over the room. The dots of purple fire burned away the blood, rotten flesh, and stench one by one, as if nothing had happened.

When he woke up the next day, Shu and his son were called by Mrs. Zhao to the main hall for questioning. Mrs. Zhao's face was very gloomy, and Mrs. Zhao and the second-bedroom family were sitting next to him. Zhao Yusong's eyes were red, and he was haggard, as if he had not slept all night.

"Come and sit down." After the father and son finished salute, Mrs. Zhao said slowly, "Are you doing some reassignment recently?"

Zhao Zhizhou cupped his hands, and was just about to say that he didn't need to bother his father, so he listened to his instructions, "You don't have to jump up and down to attract people's attention, because your father has already found an errand in Yunzhou Zhizhou for you, and you can leave in a few days. You can rest assured these days. Stay at home and teach your son well."

The prefecture of Yunzhou is the second most difficult task after the prefecture of Shuzhou! The old man can't wait to distribute the big house to the whole family! Zhao Zhizhou looked at the smug old lady, and at the second brother with an indifferent expression, and shivered with anger.

He was about to refute a few words, but a few officials came from outside, saying that Zhao Zhizhou's transfer document had come down, and the emperor ordered him to go to the household department immediately. Mrs. Zhao took the official document in surprise, but saw four big characters written on it - Shi Lang of the Ministry of Housing.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he was transferred from the Zhizhou of the fifth rank to the minister of the household of the third rank. Due to the frequent urging of officials, Mrs. Zhao was so full of words that he couldn't vomit out, so he could only watch the boss walk out with his head held high. Immediately afterward, a few more eunuchs came outside, saying that His Highness the Ninth Highness sent them to invite Young Master Zhao. From now on, Young Master Zhao will be the companion of His Highness the Ninth Highness and must enter the palace every day.

This time, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao were even more speechless. They can't defy His Majesty and His Highness' will, can they? These two are the masters of Xia Qiguo.

Youshu didn't care how ugly everyone in the hall looked, she picked up the box that had been prepared and walked out, but was stopped by the excited Zhao Yusong, and cursed in a low voice, "Your Highness is not a good master, Zhao Youshu, I'll wait. See what happens to you."

Youshu glanced at him lightly, and continued to walk forward. He never paid attention to this kind of cat and dog who bit people indiscriminately.

If the young man scolded him, Zhao Yusong might feel a little better, but the young man turned a blind eye to him, which made him go mad, and hurried after him, "Do you think you are me and Xue Wangjing? Are you okay? Tell you, Xue Wangjing owed His Highness a life-saving grace when he was young. I am the future husband-in-law of Princess Mingzhu, so we can sit firmly in the reading position. Princess Mingzhu, do you know? My sister-in-law, as long as she is here, His Highness will not hate me!"

The more he talked, the more he felt that this was the case, and his anxious face could not help but ease.

Youshu has already walked outside the second door, and pointed out without looking back, "Strange, aren't you already detested now?"

Zhao Yusong jumped with anger, but he couldn't shout in front of the servants of the East Palace, so he could only turn around. Over the years, he has relied on his outstanding appearance, a little talent, and the dual status of the ninth highness's companion and the princess consort of the Pearl Princess. Not the slightest setback.

Once such a person falls, it may be difficult to get up again. Therefore, Youshu didn't take him seriously at all.

The group walked around the corridor and through the garden, and saw a lot of servants and maids in front of them, making a lot of noise and confusion. Zhao Zhizhou glanced at it from a distance, and found that his second nephew was fighting with his daughter-in-law, so he wanted to avoid it. Although Zhao Yulin was the second child, he was married earlier than Zhao Yusong, because Zhao Yusong was already favored by Princess Mingzhu, and she had to wait for her and her to get married.

Seeing that the second nephew's daughter-in-law had finished pulling the husband's ear and then pulling the hair of a beautiful woman, her scolding was very fierce, Zhao Zhizhou already understood what was going on, and hurriedly took his son to walk a few steps quickly, so as not to get involved. You Shu looked back while walking, with a very solemn expression.

Based on the smell, he already knew that the monster last night was the woman named Youshu. He thought that she would definitely die from a head injury, but he didn't expect that today, she was not only alive and well, but also unscathed. , full of energy. What terrifying resilience is this? What a profound way of doing it

You Shu's eyes flickered and the corners of her lips slightly raised, not only did she not feel scared, but she was rather excited to try. The first time I met a monster is this kind of special species, and I will definitely be able to practice my hands through this. At the moment, the monster doesn't know that he can distinguish its human form, but it can be said that the enemy is dark and the enemy is dark, which makes it a little more interesting.

Today's court meeting is very unusual. His Royal Highness Jiu Jiu was standing in the line of the princes and listening intently, with a very peaceful demeanor. He never satirized or teased a courtier, never got angry out of nowhere, and never left halfway. At the end of the court meeting, he even stood at the door of the hall, chatted with Xue Shizi for a while, and laughed twice.

Seeing his gentle smile, the courtiers swayed as if they had seen a ghost.

"What elixir did His Highness Ninth take today? He actually stood for an hour at the court meeting?" Someone asked secretly.

"How do I know? Master Zhu and Master Li are choking in the hall, and he doesn't think they are noisy, and he helped to say a few words. It's strange, it's really strange."

"If it's like this every day, Xia Qiguozuo will be saved!"

"Yes, yes." This sentence was immediately recognized by many people.

Xue Wangjing followed His Royal Highness Ninth Highness towards the study, feeling quite complicated. He thought that His Highness falling in love with Youshu was a disaster. In order to please the beauty, he might do something stupid, but now that he looked at it, he suddenly realized that this was a great blessing. With You Shu, His Highness can sleep peacefully at night and be happy during the day, and his mind will calm down unconsciously. Now he is calm and restrained, modest and moderate, and he really has the shadow of some sect emperors.

While thinking about it, he tripped over the steps, looked up, and saw that His Highness Ninth Highness had already walked away, his footsteps seemed fast and messy. Today, Shu will come to accompany you to study, no wonder he can't wait. If he hadn't wanted Shu to get a good night's sleep, maybe he would have sent his attendants to the Zhao residence to pick him up before the meeting began.

In the study room, the seventh prince and the eighth prince were already sitting in their seats to endorse their letters. Hearing the footsteps and looking back, they almost jumped up in fright. Why did the Nine Emperor Brothers come? Over the years, he could count the number of times he went to the study with a single slap. The main task of Zhao Yusong and Xue Wangjing was to just watch him and not let him hurt themselves, but they would never accompany him in class seriously.

Is the sun coming out in the west today