There’s A Beauty

Chapter 59: Paint skin


When a man and a widow stay in the house for three quarters of an hour, normal people will think of sloppy things. Therefore, the second wife and several other concubines will think that the two of them have done something, and wait to see the big room joke.

The ninth prince came quietly, and they didn't know about it. Later, because of the ghost hitting the wall incident, a group of people walked around in the yard for a long time, burning paper money to ask the Bodhisattva, and banging on the door and wall with sticks. There was a lot of noise. It's hard not to know. I thought that the news of Zhao Youshu's taking over the room would be passed on to His Highness the Ninth Highness tomorrow, so that I could see the joke of the big room, but I didn't expect the Highness to come down in such a timely manner.

The fun is even bigger!

Not to mention that each room sent people to inquire about the situation. Even the old man and the old lady in the main courtyard paid close attention to this matter, and then received the shocking news one after another.

The second wife jumped up and asked, "What did you just say? I don't seem to hear clearly?"

Zhao Yusong also frowned, with a puzzled expression. They clearly heard it, but they couldn't believe it.

The maid knelt down with a thud, "Five sons, cut the peach red alive, ripped open her belly, and the flesh and blood flew! The servant saw it with her own eyes!" Recalling the bloody scene just now, she still felt weak in her hands and feet and could not stand, otherwise There is no need to bow down just to reply to the second wife.

"Cut alive? How could he cut someone alive? How did Taohong provoke him to provoke him?" The second wife still couldn't believe her ears. A stunning beauty like Taohong, the old and young men in each room are all staring at it, if you don't want to renovate the big room, Zhao Youshu will not be cheap.

But now, the old woman said that Zhao Youshu did not enjoy her, but tore her open. Is there something wrong with his brain? Is he still human? Only now did she remember what the housekeeper secretly told her yesterday, saying that the fifth son entered Fanghua Garden, checked Zou's body, and then cut off his tongue.

At that time, the housekeeper told her to be careful with the fifth son, and he also asserted that this son was an extraordinary person. What an extraordinary human law, she finally understands now.

"What's the response of the ninth highness?" The second wife barely stabilized her mind and asked in a low voice. I also know that His Highness Ninth Highness is also a murderer. As long as Zhao Youshu doesn't betray him physically, no matter how much harm the other party does, he won't care, right

The maid replied, "His Royal Highness has a normal attitude. He just walked in and locked the door. He didn't hear any reprimands or noises."

"Go, ask again!" The second wife waved her sleeves.

The servant girl was very frightened, but she didn't dare to disobey her order and went slowly. Knowing that Fifth Young Master is such an evil god, she would never come to the big room as an errand if she said anything. He is willing to kill even a beauty like Taohong, isn't it more dangerous for others? Never would he have expected such a vicious beast to be wrapped under Fifth Young Master's well-behaved and docile skin.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and she planned to finish this time and not send news to other rooms in the future. Otherwise, if the Wang family can spare him, the fifth son can't bear it either.

Not only was the second room horrified, but the other rooms were also tumbling and confused. The old man was particularly angry, and wished he could bring his grandson to the trial immediately. The Zhao family takes "loyalty, righteousness, benevolence and filial piety" as the family motto throughout the ages, and there is no reason to wantonly kill servants.

But because His Royal Highness was still there, he had to restrain himself, thinking that when His Highness left, he would be sent to the ancestral hall and dealt with in secret.

Zhao Shilang couldn't guess the old man's thoughts, he kept sighing beside his unconscious wife. Now he is not in the mood to investigate why his son killed Taohong, and he only thinks about how to make his son avoid the family law. A hundred sticks go down, how can the son's small body withstand it

Just at this moment, Mrs Wang woke up leisurely, looked at the top of the tent and then at her husband, and said with fear, "I had a nightmare just now!"

"It's not a nightmare, it's real." Zhao Shilang helped her up and brutally broke the reality.

Wang Shi froze, and then began to cry in a low voice, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't force my son to take over the room, otherwise this kind of thing wouldn't happen. If he doesn't like it, he can just say it straight, what to do to make people, put people away. People..." The words fell and suddenly woke up, and said anxiously, "Xiang Gong, how many people have seen this? Hurry up, hurry up, go to seal the courtyard, no one is allowed to come in and out! This matter must not be spread out, wait for a few days. , let's say that Tao Hong died of a sudden illness!"

In the end, the instinct to protect her son prevailed, and she began to consider more practical issues.

"It's too late, I saw you fainted, and I was very anxious. I was worried about my son and the ninth highness, so I forgot to control the servants. Now, I already know what I should know, and I also know what I shouldn't know. Who shall we seal? Mouth?" Zhao Shilang pointed to the main courtyard, and said worriedly, "Our son is not the princess' concubine, and the old man will not protect him. For the sake of the Zhao family's reputation, and to show his fairness, benevolence, and righteousness, I am afraid that our son will be shot."

"What happened to the princess' concubine? The princess' concubine can be exempted from the crime, and will not be held accountable for harming people's lives. What kind of justice and righteousness? Oh, a bunch of sage and worthy of fame! Our son is still a prince concubine!" In order to save his son's life, Wang Shi couldn't care about anything, and opened his mouth to admit his relationship with His Highness Ninth.

Zhao Shilang is not as big-hearted as his wife, but he is also secretly relieved. As long as the Ninth Highness is there, even if the son pierces a hole in the sky, he will be safe and sound. If the old man wants to apply the family law to his son, he has to see if His Highness Ninth agrees.

Inside the room, Youshu, who was dazed by the kiss, was slowly waking up, realizing that it would be impossible to dispose of this corpse without knowing it. He originally planned very carefully, first slaughtered the monster, then burned it to ashes, and then used the talisman to make a puppet. After a few days, he let it walk out of the Zhao residence by himself, and he said that he disappeared for no reason. In addition, a magic talisman was prepared to change the memory of the dark guard on the beam.

But now, inside and outside the hospital, there are many people who have seen the tragic state of the corpse. Perhaps it has already been publicized, and it will be extremely difficult to deal with it. He scratched the back of his head and touched the fire talisman in his sleeve pocket, he was really confused.

The ninth prince also thought of this, soothed, "Don't be afraid, I'll take care of this corpse for you. But you have to remember, in the future, be more careful and calm, don't care about the head and tail, and make such a big flaw. ."

If you hadn't suddenly barged in, it wouldn't have disrupted my plans. Of course, he didn't dare to say these words, so he nodded obediently, and finally asked, "What do you want to do with it?"

"Of course it is to be burned." The ninth prince rubbed the boy's messy hair before opening the window and calling in a few secret guards.

Being able to remain as the Anbu of Zongsheng Emperor for more than 600 years, these dark guards are naturally well-trained and their hearts are as strong as iron, but even so, they were shocked by the scene in the house. They gasped indistinctly, and then cleaned up blood, internal organs, corpses and other objects under the master's instructions.

As soon as the window was opened, a breeze carried the stench out of the hospital, attracting many cats and dogs. They screamed around the house, and a few tried to get in through the cracks in the windows and were kicked out. Zhao Shilang and Wang Shi heard the news and ran to the door of the room. They wanted to push but didn't dare. After a few hesitations, they heard a creaking sound. The door opened from the inside, and the Ninth Prince walked out slowly with his son in his arms.

"Father, mother, I..." Youshu felt uneasy, her eyes were red, and she lowered her head as soon as she said a word, as if she didn't dare to meet anyone.

Wang shi pulled him over, slapped him twice, and scolded, "You son of a bitch, how can you rashly act at home and let people see you? Are you stupid, you say you are stupid? Not stupid?"

What does this mean? Co-authoring is not allowed at home, but can be done outside? Co-authoring works without being seen, but not for being seen? Do you teach children this way? No wonder he raised such an evil god! The servants who were placed in each room slandered at the same time, but they also feared the big family.

Zhao Zhizhou wanted to say something, and was about to open his mouth when he heard His Highness Ninth say slowly, "Mrs. Zhao, you have to train your servants well in the future. Some people are very unruly. If you are alarmist in front of you, you can either give others a whistle-blowing message against the Lord for profit. There are even some maidservants with a higher heart than the sky, who even put their minds on this king and tried to murder this king. No, this king has already dealt with one for you, It's killing chickens to warn monkeys."

He pointed behind him, and only then did Wang Shi and Zhao Shilang realize that four guards appeared in the house at an unknown time, carrying a corpse covered with a black cloth.

The two immediately reacted, and His Highness Ninth took the murder on his own head. He said that the maid intended to murder him, how would anyone else dare to refute it even if they knew the truth? Could it be that he offends the high-ranking prince for a trivial servant? Not even the old man could say anything.

The two were overjoyed and thanked His Highness Ninth again and again, saying that what he taught was that he would strictly control his servants in the future.

At this moment, the old man came to see him with the help of his sons. Since the Ninth Highness appeared with such great fanfare, they couldn't pretend not to know, seeing or not being the matter of the Ninth Highness, coming or not being their attitude. In the past few times, His Royal Highness had directly expelled people, and this time it was the same.

Several people originally planned to kneel, meaning, they would go back and wait for His Highness to return to the palace later, and then called Youshu to interrogate and deal with it, but His Highness actually sent someone to call them inside, pointing to the body covered with black cloth and saying this. The famous maid intended to murder him, but he was beheaded by the guards, and ordered them to clean up the family style, so as not to cause more trouble.

This is to clean up the big house and put the dung pots on the heads of other houses. The old man dared to be angry and did not dare to speak, but the second master was very angry. He was about to open his mouth to explain, but he saw a housekeeper running in and crawling, shouting, "The old man is not good, a peeler was found in the dry well in Nanyuan. A corpse with a skin and a heart dug up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, several black cats suddenly came out and rushed towards the four dark guards. The dark guard dodged reflexively, but accidentally knocked off the corpse, and the black cloth covering it also lifted half of it.

"What, what is this?" The old man almost fainted after just one glance, not to mention a few masters. In horror, several black cats rushed to the corpse and feasted. One of them picked up half of the broken heart and quickly burrowed into the bushes.

You Shu had a bad intuition, and when she was about to go after the black cat, there was no sign of the black cat. After a little thought, she had to push the matter down. He pinched a corner of his master's clothes and said in a low voice, "Go to Nanyuan to have a look."

The Ninth Prince had exactly this intention. Recently, strange things have happened frequently in Zhao's house. First, the Zou family exploded inexplicably, then the ghost hit the wall, and then this skinned corpse. Could it be that Shu killed Taohong and these things were related? But what would be the connection? He guessed secretly, and then led the boy to Nanyuan first.

The few people who turned their backs and didn't dare to look at Taohong's corpse recovered and quickly followed. It is said that family shame cannot be made public, but today is really a coincidence, and they can't hide it if they want to.

Nanyuan is an abandoned courtyard with overgrown weeds and dilapidated eaves, and few people come here on weekdays. Today, for some reason, a lot of cats and dogs suddenly ran into the yard, whining around a dry well, as if they were very coveted, and this attracted a servant to check, and then was so frightened that he lost control on the spot.

At the moment, the cats and dogs have been driven away, and the corpses have also been carried out. The housekeeper led a few more courageous servants to guard not far away, and when the Ninth Highness came down, he hurriedly knelt down to greet him.

The ninth prince ignored them, and went straight to lift the black cloth to look at the body, not to mention his astonished expression, he didn't even frown. Youshu's expression was also flat. She picked up a branch to pick on the corpse, and said slowly, "The female corpse is fifteen years old and five feet three inches tall. She was still alive when she was skinned and digging out her heart. The time of death did not exceed two hours." Judging from this, this corpse is the pink that was harmed by the monster.

"How do you know she was still alive when she was skinned and poached?" The Ninth Prince asked curiously.

Youshu pointed to the blood hole in his chest and explained, "If a person is still alive, the skin will be elastic. If the heart is taken out, the flesh around the wound will naturally roll over, like this." He touched the bloody wound with a branch. As for the true identity of the corpse, he knew it in his heart but couldn't say it, because no one would believe that there are two pinks in the world, and the latter killed the former, took her skin and ate her heart. .

The ninth prince nodded and praised, "My family has Shu Haosheng who is well-informed and knowledgeable."

It's because he killed a lot of people, that's why he has such knowledge, right? Afterwards, the old man and others who followed were slandering in their hearts and minds. They only glanced at the corpse and turned their backs, pantothenic acid in their stomachs.

The ninth prince pulled Youshu to his feet and said, "Do you want to investigate this murder case yourself or report it to the officials? If you investigate by yourself, this king will not interfere. Of course, he attaches great importance to this matter, saying that it is non-interference, but in fact, it has changed from a clear investigation to a secret investigation, and it is cheaper to act. It has been two hours since he died, and he was still skinning his skin and digging his heart before his death. The movement must be very loud, but no one of the dark guards he sent noticed it. This is unusual. The people from the Zhao family couldn't find any results.

The old man also had his own thoughts, and quickly turned his hands and refused. Recently, there have been frequent fatalities in the mansion, and there was an adultery between Zhao Yusong and the Zou family before. If the ninth prince, who is very close to everything, is really looking at the fire, he will not pull out the radish and bring out the mud, and turn out all those scandals? Fortunately, in the face of You Shu, His Royal Highness Ninth did not intend to intervene forcibly, and it can be remedied! Therefore, he could not report anything to the officials.

Seeing that the second and third masters always looked at their sweethearts with suspicious eyes, and their faces were extremely bad, the ninth prince added, "If you are not at ease, this king will send a spy for an autopsy. He is very strict and won't do this. Let's spread the word." Before the old man refused, he sent a guard beside him away.

The dark guard who came with him immediately fled into the night, and turned around after a while, holding a middle-aged man in sloppy clothes and trousers with messy hair. When everyone looked closely, it was actually Dali Siqing himself. Everyone in the world knows that he is unselfish and discerning. He can tell the cause of death at a glance at an ordinary corpse, and he will never disregard justice in order to please the powerful. He also pointed at the ninth prince's nose and cursed several times, saying that he was tyrannical and unworthy of being the prince.

When he came for an autopsy, even the old man did not dare to question the truth of his words.

The Dali Siqing was quite agitated after hearing what happened, but the national law said: In a case like this, unless someone reports to the official, the yamen should not intervene without authorization, which is respect for the patriarchal law. Although the national law is higher than the patriarchal law, it cannot be suppressed uniformly. During his autopsy, the dark guard had left Zhao's house with another broken body, found a barren land, burned it to ashes, and then buried it.

"This is a female corpse, between fifteen and eighteen years old, five feet three inches tall, and died within two hours. The cause of death was live stripping and heart digging." His judgment was the same as that of Youshu.

Stripping alive, digging hearts, how can a cruel and ruthless person make such a ruthless hand? Everyone looked at Youshu in unison.

Before You Shu could defend herself, the ninth prince said, "You Shu was on duty in the palace today, and only returned three o'clock when she arrived. After dinner, she went straight into the house and didn't come out again. And this woman died two hours ago. And he still died in the Nanyuan of Zhao Mansion, so there is no time to kill him. This suspect should be eliminated first, and then searched in Zhao Mansion. And before that, should you check it out? The identity of the deceased?"

Dali Siqing nodded again and again and said, "His Royal Highness is very right. Otherwise, I will leave this matter to you?"

The old man immediately dispelled his doubts about his grandson and categorically refused. Dali Siqing wanted to persuade him again, but was forcibly carried away by the dark guard. The ninth prince squeezed his sweetheart's soft palm, and said, "I know the temperament of Shu, not to mention murder, even dare not step on an ant, and his heart is very soft. You can check it out, but you can't frame it , otherwise this king will not give the Zhao family face. Don't think that this king is blind when he stays in the palace every day, and what scandal Zhao Yusong did last night, you all know that this king is also clear. It's just too lazy to care about it."

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in fear. The second master was even more frightened, and hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to apologize.

Youshu thinks she is not a good person. When the master said this, her face was flushed, and she felt very uncomfortable, but also inexplicably sweet. Is the master protecting me unconditionally and trusting me without any reason? Thinking like this, he held his master's fingertips and shook it gently.

The two left together, you sent me to the gate of the palace, I sent you back again, and after an hour, they turned around. At this time, the old man had sent someone to conduct a secret inventory in the mansion, and no one was found missing, and no one heard the suspicious noise.

Being skinned alive and poached for hearts, who wouldn't resist? Who can not cry? It makes no sense that the Zhao residence is so big that no one has seen it, and no one has heard of it, right? The more the old man thought about it, the more strange it became, and when he recalled the sudden death of Mr. Zou, his hair stood on end. Could the Zhao residence be contaminated with some kind of evil

Thinking of this, he rushed to Zhenguo Temple overnight to invite the eminent monks to come back, but he forgot about the fact that he was alive and cut off Taohong, and those in the know were even more afraid of his ruthless methods, so he kept his mouth shut and stayed away.

Youshu was worried all night, and when she woke up the next day, she found that her parents treated her as before, and she was happy.

As the days passed, the murderer was never caught, and the identity of the female corpse was also found to be nowhere to be found. Fortunately, nothing strange happened in the Zhao family again, and the ninth prince did not tell Princess Pearl that Zhao Yusong had committed adultery with his sister-in-law. Their marriage was finally saved.

When the Zhao family was busy preparing for the wedding, an earth-shattering event also happened in the courtroom. I don't know when the other four countries joined forces to gather troops on the northwest frontier, saying that the ninth prince of Xia Qiguo was a demon star who came to the world and would bring chaos to life, and asked Emperor Zhongkang to kill him and establish another prince, otherwise he would send troops to crusade.

The total number of coalition forces is less than one million, while the northwest frontier garrison is only 300,000. If war is serious, the major frontier towns will be penetrated by iron cavalry one by one, thus hitting the city gate of Shangjing. The danger of subjugation is imminent.

Before Emperor Zhongkang made a statement, many courtiers stood up and begged him to hand over the Ninth Prince for the sake of the people of Limin, but there were also courtiers who bluntly stated that the Ninth Prince was not involved in the national aspirations, and even if he died, the coalition would still send troops, so it is better to do everything A battle!

Emperor Zhongkang seemed to be thinking about it, but in fact he had already made a conclusion in his heart. Jiu'er can't be handed over. If he wants to fight, he will fight, and he will not surrender. But what made him feel chills was that the princes and the queen actually stood up to show their affection and reason, and persuaded him to kill the ninth prince immediately.

Emperor Zhongkang was so angry that his fingertips were trembling, he nodded at the sixth prince, and then at Princess Mingzhu. Finally, he looked at the empress and asked sternly, "It's okay for others, one of you is his own brother, one is his own sister, and the other is Does his biological mother even care about his life?"

"Then have you ever cared about the people of Li and the people? Cared for the common people in the world?" the queen asked back.

When the emperor and the queen were quarreling endlessly, the ninth prince and Youshu were practicing calligraphy in the study. The dark guards came over frequently, and they responded to the movement of the court and the people one by one.

The ninth prince wrote the word "Minzhi" and said with a smile, "Youshu, this is my name, you remember it." Fu wrote the word "Longye" and sighed, "This is my name, because My father believed that I was the reincarnation of Emperor Zongsheng, and he was afraid of colliding with his name, so he took this word for me. Only you and your father know about the entire Xia Qiguo."

These words meant goodbye, which made Youshu's heart tremble, and hurriedly clenched the master's arm to persuade, "Master, don't listen to their nonsense, they will not truce when you die, but they will go straight ahead and divide Xia Qi. There is no absolute Interests, the four countries will not abandon their former hatreds and cooperate closely, and this interest is undoubtedly Xia Qi's great rivers and mountains, rich land. Let's go to the northwest and go to war, and I will help you kill the one million army. I said I can do anything for you, and sooner or later, even the stars in the sky will be plucked for you."

The Ninth Prince didn't intend to kill him. What he wanted was the promise of the young man's perseverance, and his sadness disappeared immediately, and he laughed loudly, "Okay, go to the northwest and fight. Emperor Zongsheng can travel all over Kyushu, and I can be all-powerful." The mountains of swords and the sea of fire, with you by my side, I am not afraid.