There’s A Beauty

Chapter 62: painted skin


How could Zhao Shilang not understand his own son? Youshu has been dead on since she was a child, and she believes that even eight cows can't be pulled back. Since he has a deep-rooted love for the ninth prince, it must be accompanied by life and death. If the ninth prince dies on the battlefield, it is very unlikely that he will live alone.

In order to keep his son, Zhao Shilang even had the idea of ​​tying people to hide, but he couldn't prevent the ninth prince's bastard from blatantly robbing people. God knows how many times he cursed the ninth prince after they left, but he had to pray for each other under the orders of his wife. Because he lives, the son can live, they are two lives now.

Whenever he could not sleep in the dead of night, he could only tell himself over and over again, and also told his wife: the ninth prince will not die, he is the prince, and even if the army of 300,000 people is wiped out, someone will always think of a way to send him back. . Our son should be safe with him.

However, he also knew in his heart that it was still unknown whether the 300,000 army would obey the orders of the Ninth Prince. These old officials in the court, princes, and even queens, who do not expect the ninth prince to die soon, they can make a stumbling block in secret and tell him to go and never return. Even the houses of the Zhao family who were firmly on the side of the ninth prince before turned to the sixth prince, and in turn pushed and crushed the big house.

Zhao Shilang's hatred, whenever someone in the court stood up to urge the emperor to decree the northwest and order the ninth prince to commit suicide, he angrily grabbed this person and abused him. just give up. It was because of his strong fighting power that Emperor Zhongkang felt more comfortable a few months after the prince left, and he was more indulgent. Otherwise, if another person was so rude at the court meeting, he would immediately let the guards fork him out and blame fifty.

The grief-stricken Zhao Shilang took the battle report, choked after reading it, and then froze. After a few breaths, he took the battle report and read it again, and then got up with a grunt, holding up his hands and laughing and dancing like a madman. It turned out that this battle report was written by the ninth prince. It not only reported the good news of the great victory, but also said that he and Youshu were very safe, which reassured the father, Lord Zhao, and Mrs. Zhao. He also said that he would never break his original promise, even if he died in battle, he would send You Shu back to Beijing safely.

He didn't die, he didn't die, and he used 300,000 troops to wipe out a million coalition troops. What kind of miracle is this? Although the battle report did not explain in detail how the battle was won, Zhao Shilang was convinced of it. He laughed frantically for a quarter of an hour before he calmed down from Zhong Kangdi's cough, wiped away his tears with a handkerchief, blew his nose, and straightened his crooked official hat, as if nothing had happened before.

Emperor Zhongkang waved his hands in disbelief, "Pass the battle report to all the Aiqings to see."

Seeing Zhao Shilang's reaction, everyone in the hall was already scratching their hearts and lungs with curiosity. Crying and laughing for a while, could it be a good news? But it's impossible! How can the 300,000-strong army compete with the millions of coalition forces? And these 300,000 troops are not of one mind and have their own plans, so how can they die for the Ninth Prince? Could it be that reinforcements arrived in time to save him? It's impossible, all the princes have already said hello, and the surrounding garrison is not allowed to move without authorization, unless there is news of the death of the ninth prince.

With all kinds of arrangements, the Ninth Prince could not survive the war even if he had nine lives! Thinking like this, many people regained their composure, circulated the battle reports one by one, and then showed disbelief. In particular, several princes accidentally distorted their faces, looking like crying instead of crying, laughing but not laughing, very strange.

After the battle report was circulated, Emperor Zhongkang knocked on the imperial case and said slowly, "In this battle, the crown prince has restored my Xia Qi, and promoted the prestige of our country, and it also made the four countries collapsed and terrified. Dear gentlemen, don't you think this is such great news? Are you happy?" As he stroked his beard, he smiled with a cheerful expression.

He has never worried about his son. If he can't find You Shu, he may not be able to overcome this disaster, but with Shu by his side, he will not let himself lose no matter what.

"Kai Huai, when you go back, you must drink a few jars of good wine, and get drunk for three days and three nights!" Zhao Shilang twisted his chubby body and came forward to flatter. Immediately afterward, several old officials of the Jagged faction clapped their hands and laughed, saying that they would drink with him.

Looking at the rest of the crowd, there was a little silence and embarrassment. A moment later, an official came out and questioned, "Your Majesty, in the thirty-five million battles, this battle must be tragic, but His Royal Highness mentioned in the battle report that our side only suffered tens of thousands of casualties, which is unbelievable. In order to prevent some people from falsely spreading good news, greedy for merits and false claims, please ask Your Majesty to send people to the northwest to investigate."

Emperor Zhongkang smiled without saying a word. He communicated with his son every few days, how could he not know the real situation in the northwest? The 30,000 casualties reported in this good news report are indeed false numbers, but they are not underreported, but overreported. If you tell these people the truth, they are afraid they will drop their jaws. In the near future, the legend of the "Battle of Divine Retribution" will be known to everyone, and they can't help but believe it. However, he had to warn his son to protect Shu Shu so that no other country would know that he was the Immortal Master.

Thinking of this, Emperor Zhongkang waved his hand and left the court, but he actually ignored Yanguan's questioning. Zhao Shilang bent down to send the emperor away, and then hit the man with a chubby body, his expression was very bad.

"Do you have any brains? If the good news is false, the coalition forces must have broken through the Longkou Pass and arrived at Yumen Pass. Once Yumen Pass is lost, millions of iron cavalry can break into the Central Plains unimpeded and take half of Xia Qi. Such serious consequences. , who dares to hide it indiscriminately? Do you really think that His Royal Highness is a villain like you, who can take care of the country and the country for your own selfish interests?" It doesn't count as knocking people down, and he even pointed at Sang and scolded Huai in front of the princes, which made everyone very angry. embarrassing.

The sixth prince clenched his fists, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Ji Minzhi should not be able to do such a stupid thing as false news. But 300,000 fights a million, and still wins a big victory, how is this possible? And wait, in a few months, we will see if this is true or not.

This wait is two years. Almost every few months, there will be good news from the border. The nine princes set off from Longkou to the east, taking Zheng and Qin all the way, and now they have reached the border of Jin. The most remote and weakest state of Chu has surrendered without a fight, sending many gold and silver jewels and peerless beauties to Shangjing in exchange for an agreement to avoid war.

When the ambassador who delivered the consignment book entered the city with hundreds of carts of property, many people stopped and watched, and they all praised the deeds of the ninth prince, such as the return of the emperor, the unification of Kyushu, the destiny of the people, and the help of gods and men, and the battle without war. Invincible, invincible. In short, the ninth prince, who was originally called a demon star, is now of the blood of a true dragon, and anyone who disobeys will be punished by heaven.

He was fighting outside, but the people of Xia Qi had long regarded him as the next emperor for granted, and other princes were wishful thinking about taking the throne.

All kinds of deeds were introduced to Shangjing one by one, and then spread all over the Kyushu, and the princes no longer had any luck. They knew that unless Ji Minzhi suddenly died suddenly outside, there would never be a second prince of Xia Qi. But there are too many people in the world who want his life, who can really hurt him? You know, there are immortals around him to help.

Several princes desperately wanted to draw the immortals over, so they sent spies to the army to make unannounced visits but received no news. It's okay if they can't find it, and what caught them off guard was that the father emperor, who had been watching the battle for succession, and even secretly pushing the hand, began to liquidate their crimes. The first was the eldest prince, who was sentenced to life imprisonment for the crime of treason, followed by the second prince and the third prince... and the sixth prince, the brother of the ninth prince and a compatriot, was also accused of murdering the prince, embezzling money from the Mexican army, and forming a party for profit. He was demoted to a commoner and expelled from the palace forever.

Although the freedom is still there, it has lost its high status and authority, and the feeling of embarrassment and despair can be imagined. The sixth prince became hysterical because of this, and suddenly laughed, then cried, and then said that he was the emperor of destiny.

Princess Mingzhu took pity on her brother and took him into the care of Zhao's house, and finally went to the palace to ask the queen for help. Three palaces, six courtyards, and seventy-two concubines, who did not know that the queen had fallen out of favor, but she knelt in front of the Hall of Mental Cultivation and kowtowed in tears. , Banned for half a year. The queen couldn't, so she had to secretly send some property to Zhao's house, and let her daughter take care of the sixth prince on her behalf.

Following the fall of the princes, many ministers were implicated, those who stood in the wrong team were all dismissed, and even the whole family was convicted, implicated in the nine clans. The Zhao family is also one of them, but because the big house is a close relative, and because Princess Pearl married into the second house, they were able to get off lightly. However, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped. The second master, the third master, and the fourth master, who had been promoted by suppressing the crown prince and pursuing the sixth prince, were successively deprived of their fame and never reused, and the fifth master was exiled by the whole family for greed with ink.

On the other hand, in the big room, Zhao Shilang has now been promoted to the Minister of Household Affairs, and I heard that he will become a cabinet scholar in the near future. And the fifth son who followed the ninth prince has been appointed to the third rank general. The third-rank general may not be anything, but he is only seventeen or eighteen years old this year, and he is deeply loved by the ninth prince. When the ninth prince becomes emperor, it is not difficult to imagine how glorious the big house will be.

I thought it was a big house that could not be supported by the mud, but now it has become the pillar of the entire Zhao family, not to mention the old lady Zhao, even the Pearl Princess must see their faces live.

In the past two years, apart from the ups and downs in the court, a strange thing has also happened among the people of Shangjing. Almost every two days, a person is found dead in his home, not only with his skin peeled, but also with a large hole in his chest and no trace of his heart. After several consecutive months, the identity of the deceased gradually changed from a common man to a dignitary, and the status became higher and higher, which caused the government to pay enough attention.

Under the urging of Emperor Zhongkang, Dali Temple continued to investigate for several months, and ordered the guards to patrol continuously at twelve o'clock, but still could not catch the murderer.

After another year, the state of Jin was destroyed, and the ninth prince finally decided to return to the dynasty. When the army arrived in Shangjing, it was welcomed by the common people. Several generals were named marquis, and the bounty was 10,000 taels.

Some officials expressed dissatisfaction with this, but they were blocked by Emperor Zhongkang. There were also people who fought for the generals and bluntly said that their blood was wasted in vain, and the result was not as good as a pamperer. No one knows now that this Fifth Young Master has never been on the battlefield, and he has never killed the enemy, and his only role is to stay in the tent and sleep. I heard that he and the ninth prince had to be stubborn even on the march, and they really had no shame.

If it wasn't for the rising prestige of the ninth prince and his strong support, he would have been suppressed by his colleagues long ago.

Now that he has served the ninth prince well, he has surpassed all the heroes to get a super-rank title. What do others think? Wouldn't the soldiers be chilled by this? The minister in the court was very thoughtful, and he was also considering the reputation of the ninth prince, but he never expected that he would be reprimanded by several generals just after he opened his mouth to fight the injustice.

What is this? Fox fake tiger power? Several courtiers were even more indignant and had to argue again, but they were directly forked out by Emperor Zhongkang. The court fell silent for a moment, and then the generals sighed in relief one after another. Even the Immortal Master dared to scold and belittle it, and it is indeed fearless for those who do not know. If they knew that this master was a god who killed a million coalition forces, built a city defense of ten feet overnight, and instantly froze a thousand miles of Mijiang, what kind of expression would he have? However, the position of a super-grade An Guogong is still wronged by Immortal Master.

Zhao Shilang, no, it's Zhao Shangshu now, he vaguely guessed something, but didn't ask much. As long as the son comes home safely, it doesn't matter where he learns his skills. After finally waiting for the next court, he immediately grabbed his son and dragged him outside the hall.

The ninth prince hurried to chase, but was stopped by Emperor Zhongkang, "Xiao Jiu, what are you doing? If you haven't seen your father for three years, you have the heart to leave immediately? As the saying goes, if you have a daughter-in-law and forget your parents, this is indeed true. "The words fell with a sigh, with a disappointed expression.

The ninth prince could not laugh or cry, so he had to turn back to support his father. After the father and son slowly exited the main hall, the courtiers looked at each other with horror. The emperor said that "the daughter-in-law has forgotten her parents", which is equivalent to recognizing the identity of the fifth son of Zhao. In other words, he is a prince on the surface, but he is actually a princess?

"Hey, strange things happen every year, especially this year. Men can also be crown princesses?" a minister said to himself.

He happened to have a colleague who was well versed in criminal law by his side, and said firmly, "Of course it can. We Xia Qin are the orthodox Ji clan, and all the laws follow the "Da Ming Law" promulgated by the Overlord. One of them states that a man can marry a man. "

"You mean that it is very likely that His Royal Highness will marry the fifth son of Zhao? What about the emperor's heir?"

"The question of the emperor's heir is also based on the "Da Ming Law", and is selected from the clan. If you come to the clan, you will welcome this male crown princess." The minister waved his hands and left, leaving his colleagues standing in the hallway.

When Youshu and Zhao Shangshu returned home, the old man and the old lady had led everyone to wait at the front door for a long time. They had learned from the servant who reported the letter back home that Youshu was now Duke Ang, and could open another Duke's mansion to take Zhao Shangshu and Mrs Wang out for a job.

How is this possible? Today's Zhao family is all supported by the big house. Once they leave, the former hairpin and ying family will immediately be reduced to a small family. What if you marry a princess? Princess Mingzhu has been demoted by the emperor to the county lord because of unauthorized appropriation of military salaries to make up for herself. She is no longer the backer of the Zhao family, but a star of the mourning family. If she hadn't induced the second room to stand in line, the other rooms would not have also stood on the wrong side, thus causing a big disaster.

The few concubines who used to be magnificent, have now become Wang's foils. When they saw the carriage coming, they hurriedly hugged her and kept talking about pleasing words.

Youshu jumped out of the car first, then went to support Zhao Shangshu, and then ran up to Mrs. Wang and hugged her hard, but she was indifferent to several uncles, aunts, grandparents, cousins, but it was fine with a slight nod. . When his eyes touched the bloated, sallow-skinned woman, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, feeling a little familiar.

"This is your cousin, the princess of Mingzhu." Wang's tone was light. When the sixth prince was in power, she was not less angry with the county master, and she was once brought into the palace to be reprimanded by the queen, which really suffered a lot.

It turned out to be Mingzhu, the younger sister of the master. You Shu suddenly realized that she couldn't put the woman in front of her who was swollen three or four times and her complexion several degrees darker together with the bright and arrogant princess at the time. He nodded slightly and said perfunctorily, "It turned out to be the owner of Mingzhu County. I haven't seen it for many years, and I can't recognize it."

"Five sons, long time no see." Mingzhu gritted her teeth and forced a smile.

Zhao Yusong glared at her, then quickly stepped forward and said a lot of good things, with a completely opposite attitude from three years ago. After switching to the Sixth Prince, he did have a glorious life for a period of time, but now it is extremely miserable. The original "no imperial examinations for five years" has been changed to "no imperial examinations for life", and all the fame he obtained before has also been deprived. In other words, he is completely out of the limelight now, unless he encounters a noble person.

The ninth prince swept the four kingdoms and unified the nine states. Although he was only the prince of Xia Qi, he was already the real ruler of the four kingdoms. When he comes back this time, he will definitely select a group of officials to go to Shikoku to deal with the post-war affairs. He also knows that this is a great opportunity to make progress. In order to get this opportunity, the nobles who went to Beijing have long been red-eyed, but they have no way to curry favor. Youshu is the pillow beside the ninth prince. No one's words are more useful than him. Starting from him, you should be sure of everything.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yusong became more enthusiastic, pulling him to keep reminiscing about the past, as if his feelings were very deep.

Seeing his son showing signs of fatigue, Mrs Wang said euphemistically, "If you have something to talk about, we will wait for the evening banquet. Shu'er is tired, so let him go back to rest first. Besides, the county master is pregnant for six months and can't bear it for long. I just waited for a quarter of an hour, now I'm afraid I can't bear it anymore."

The Pearl Princess then frowned, showing a look of grievance. Her arrogant and domineering temper has changed a lot. Zhao Yusong accepted it as soon as he saw it, and after saying goodbye, he helped the county master to return to the room, and the rest of the people also said a few words of condolences and dispersed. Before leaving, Mrs. Zhao repeatedly told You Shu to live at home and not move to the Guogong Mansion, otherwise it would be difficult to take care of him. Youshu didn't nod or shake her head, just tugged at the corners of her lips like a smile.

When he wanted to express sarcasm, he would imitate his master without realizing it. At first glance, his expression was eight or nine points similar to that of the other party, which made Zhao Shangshu and Wang Shi stunned for a moment. It is said that those who are close to the ink are black, and the son was really damaged by the ninth prince.

You Shu lay down for half an hour and couldn't fall asleep again. Over the years, he was used to sleeping with his master on the same bed, but suddenly a body temperature was missing around him. It was difficult for him to get used to it for a while.

"You came back half a month before me, is there anything new in Beijing?" He used his mental power to ask the kid who was squatting on the shoulder of the dark guard.

The kid went to the battlefield with him, sucked enough yin, and now he has been practicing for two hundred years, but he can travel thousands of miles away in an instant, so it is very convenient to inquire about news. He thought for a while and then reported, "There is indeed a major event, as if it has some connection with the adults."

"Oh? It's about me?" You Shu was surprised, but there was no expression on her face.

"Small guess that this matter has something to do with the adults. Do you remember the monster you killed three times? It likes to skin people and dig people's hearts. Half a year after you left, there were repeated murders in Shangjing, but they were all skinned. Hundreds of corpses with their hearts dug up have been accumulated so far, and at first civilians suffered, and later they only killed women from aristocratic families, those who had left the cabinet, and those who had not.”

"Only kill noble women?" You Shu confirmed, "Is there a list?" He had a vague hunch that this matter was indeed related to the monster. There's a good chance it's not dead. But the heart has been cut in half, and the body has been burned to ashes. How on earth did it survive?

He pondered for a moment, and suddenly a light flashed across his mind, and he asked, "When I killed it for the second time, were you in its room?"

"Yes." The little ghost engraved the list of the deceased into a blank talisman with Yin Qi.

"Did the stench emitted when its body exploded attract many cats and dogs? Did one of them take away a heart?" You Shu stretched out her hand to cover the talisman and read it with her mind.

The little ghost recalled for a while, then hesitantly said, "There were indeed a lot of cats and dogs at the time, but I was terrified and didn't pay attention to what they took away. The corpse was blown up and the flesh was blurred, and I thought that a lot of internal organs would be taken away."

Youshu put down the talisman with a solemn expression. His intuition told him that the matter was not over yet. The monster was killed by him three times that year, and he would definitely come back to take revenge, and it was even more likely to bring harm to the innocent. His heart tightened, and he quickly took out the tools and started making defensive charms. Not only his parents, masters, and secret guards, but even Emperor Zhongkang had one.

When it was dusk, I heard the maid report outside, saying that the family banquet was about to start, and the lady ordered her to come and invite someone. Youshu walked out, staring at each other with bright black eyes, and then sniffed indistinctly to make sure that she was not pretending to be a monster. From now on, anyone who appears in front of him, whether they know each other or not, will become the object of his suspicion.

The maid's smell was normal, so he relaxed his tense nerves and walked towards the main hall. As soon as he arrived at the Chuihuamen, he saw the master standing under the porch beckoning with a very earnest expression. Mrs. Zhao and the others stood aside with sincerity and fear, with a faint look of fear in their eyes.

Compared with the ninth prince three years ago, although he often smiles and has a gentle attitude, he is even more awe-inspiring. Like the previous Overlord, he is already a veritable lord of Kyushu. There was Shu, but he couldn't feel the pressure at all, so he ran over and circled around him a few times, sniffing like a puppy.

"What's this for? Don't know me anymore?" The ninth prince laughed loudly, pulled him into his arms and patted his butt gently.

It is the taste of the master. After confirming, Shu Shu immediately hugged the master back and arched his head back and forth in his arms.

Zhao Shangshu couldn't take it any longer, he quickly pulled his son away and reprimanded, "You Shu, what are you doing, why are you rude when you see His Royal Highness?"

"Yeah, the ruler is the ruler, and the minister is the minister, how can the ruler and the minister be separated and mess up the rules." Being able to say this big truth shows that the Wang family really put a lot of thought into the issue of alienating the son and the prince.

The ninth prince wanted to demolish their stage, and bowed his hands respectfully, "Father-in-law and mother-in-law, Shu'er and I have long since separated from each other, and we don't need to abide by these rules."

The Zhao couple asked in shock, "What do you call us?"

Mrs. Zhao, with a pestle and a cane: "His Royal Highness, what do you mean?"

The Pearl County Lord stepped forward and pulled: "Brother Huang, what are you doing?"

The rest of the people did not dare to speak when they were not qualified to speak, and they all showed shock and unspeakable expressions. On the other hand, Youshu became more and more heartless. She had already left her master's side and wandered in the crowd, sniffing here and there, trying to find the traces of the existence of monsters.

The ninth prince ignored him, went straight to support Zhao Shangshu, and reiterated, "Gu and Shu'er are about to get married soon, and it makes sense to call your father-in-law and mother-in-law. Come in, let's sit down and talk slowly. Today Gu came, one is to fulfill the promise of the year, so that you can see if Gu has taken good care of You Shu; the other is to propose a marriage. Gu has brought a dowry gift, so let's put it outside at this time. "

With a slight wave of his hand, several guards hurried out, showing that the dowry was indeed outside the door.

Zhao Shangshu and Mrs. Wang were already stunned, but they didn't know where they were. They checked everyone without a trace, and determined that the monster was not here, so they ran to the master's side and took his tea cup to drink. The ninth prince immediately held his chin with his left hand, lest the tea from the corner of his lips wet his shirt, and his expression was full of affection.

This look is obviously not a joke. The old man and the Pearl County Master took the lead to wake up and asked together, "His Royal Highness (Brother Emperor), you have come to propose a marriage, has the Emperor agreed?"

"The royal father naturally agrees. Don't you know that there is a saying in the "Da Ming Law" that a man can marry a man."

"But do you still need the orders of your parents? Your Royal Highness, we don't agree!" Zhao Shangshu and Mrs. Wang were able to return to their senses and hurriedly expressed their position.

Before the ninth prince could speak, Yushu became reluctant and asked, "Why don't you agree? I want to be with the master." As he spoke, he hugged the master's thin waist and shook it twice. He has left a lifetime of regrets, and he wants a lifetime of consummation.

Zhao Shangshu and Wang Shi winked, and frequently hinted that the Ninth Prince laughed instead, wishing he could pick him up and turn around a few times. It turns out that when people are extremely happy, people really want to spin in circles, because when they spin in circles, they feel like they can float to the sky.

Zhao Shangshu and Wang's beloved son are like fate, how can they be willing to see their son sad, but it is not easy to explain to him in front of the whole family that he is married to the prince, so he has to be submissive, so he reluctantly holds back, thinking that he will perfunctory first Say it again. But the prince didn't give them a chance to relax at all, stuffed the betrothal gifts into the warehouse, and had to take Shu's birthday, saying that he would take it back to Qintian for monitoring.

"There are so many mistakes for the Qintian Superintendent. I don't know how many days I have to wait, and there are often mistakes. I can calculate it myself. Give it to me."

He was so shy and impatient, and couldn't wait, which made the Zhao family look embarrassed, but also made the ninth prince laugh again and again, with a captain in his heart. The table is full of dishes, but no one is in the mood to eat them, all staring at the young man in the conversion.

"How is it, have you figured it out?" After waiting for a while, the Ninth Prince asked softly.

Youshu suddenly blushed and whispered, "Husband and wife and wood are born a pair of children, the children and grandchildren are filial, the family is prosperous, the six animals are rich in money and food, and the whole life is rich and prosperous. The auspicious time will be on the eighth day of the first lunar month in the coming year."

Where are you two men from? Where are the descendants from? What the hell is this? Zhao Shangshu and Wang Shi wished they could stand up against the table, but the ninth prince suddenly took the young man into his arms and kissed him a few times, with a look of ecstasy between his brows and eyes. It is now the end of the year, and in two months it will be the eighth day of the first lunar month. Youshu has chosen the most recent auspicious day, which shows that he is also looking forward to this marriage. His use of husband and wife as a metaphor for their relationship shows that he is fully aware of and willing to face everything he is about to face.

He is willing to share his life with himself, what could be more enjoyable than this? The ninth prince held back repeatedly to prevent himself from crying with joy. He squeezed Yushu's palm and said in a hoarse voice, "Okay, the marriage will be set on the eighth day of the first lunar month of the next year." When the words fell, he couldn't bear it any longer, and cupped his hands, "Everyone, lonely. Take You Shu away first, the royal father really wants to see him."

Emperor Zhongkang wants to see his daughter-in-law, who would dare to stop him? He could only watch helplessly as the Ninth Prince robbed people.

On the swaying carriage, the ninth prince ordered in a deep voice, "Don't go back to the palace, go to the outskirts of the city, there is no one who allows you not to stop."

The driver and the guards agreed. Youshu, who was pressed on the mattress, was still ignorant, "What are you doing? Aren't we going back to the palace?"


"If you don't go back, I want to go to the bridal chamber first. You know, just now you calculated that the character of the eight characters is too cute. I wanted to put you on the dining table and slammed into it. I am very happy that you are willing to marry me. , I'm so happy I've never seen before, so I want to fuck you even more." The ninth prince smiled and bit the boy's belt with his teeth, licked the sensitive two points on his chest, put his big hand into the bottom of his trousers, and moved the jade slowly and quickly. stem.

Youshu's eyes were immediately blurred, his cheeks were flushed, and his two long legs were spontaneously wrapped around his waist, shaking his little buttocks gently. He wants more, but the front doesn't seem to be enough, and he also wants the back, Longjing, Longjin, all of them. He held his master's cheek, blocked his lips, sucked in big mouth, licked and kissed, but he fell into a frenzy in just a moment.

"You feel it so soon?" The ninth prince laughed and teased, then backed away a little to observe his chrysanthemum hole that was squirming slightly open and closed. It has been wetted by the transparent liquid flowing from the jade stem, showing a moist pink color, which looks very delicious and attractive. The ninth prince leaned down and used the tip of his tongue to penetrate inch by inch, licking all those fine folds.

The size of the tongue is naturally not comparable to that of the dragon root, but the moist, hot and soft touch and the flexible and changeable movements are even better. There are two squeaks, and it almost leaks out. The ninth prince felt the squeeze earned by the tip of his tongue, and felt the stirring of the layers of charming meat, and Longgen suddenly swelled to the limit.

He simulated the frequency of intercourse, and began to twitch deeply and shallowly, because the tip of the tongue poured a lot of saliva into it, making the chrysanthemum point more sticky and soft.

Youshu was already in tears with her tongue, and she shook her head and shouted, "It's so sour, it's so numb, no more." As she said that, she held her jade stalk and moved it quickly.

"Why don't you touch yourself? Is it numbness or emptiness? Tell me the truth? Otherwise, I'll stop and leave it to you to deal with it yourself." The ninth prince untied his belt, took off his trousers, and turned the iron as hard as iron. The dragon root of the child's arm is released. He knew that the little thing must be duplicitous, and he didn't know who saw the sky pestering him to suck the dragon essence when he was in the northwest.

Sometimes, Youshu is the purest child, but also the most seductive fairy.

"Sour and numb." You Shu thought for a moment with tears in her eyes, then whispered.

"That's right, then don't." The ninth prince used his dragon root to hold the chrysanthemum hole with a half-smile, but he didn't enter. He only rubbed it gently and slowly. When the chrysanthemum hole opened slightly to absorb it, he withdrew a little. , slapped the legs of both sides, and swam back and forth in the buttocks.

Youshu was about to be driven mad by him, and even though he was comforted in the front, he was extremely unbearable in the back. He took the initiative to spread his legs, raised his butt, and shouted with tears in his eyes, "It's emptiness, it's emptiness, come in quickly, I want you to come in."

The ninth prince bowed his head and kissed him, and said in a hoarse voice, "Baby, what I love most is your duplicity and your tears. This way I can punish you severely." As soon as he finished speaking, his huge scorching dragon The roots have burrowed in with saliva, churning in the delicate intestinal wall.

There was a bulge in Shu's belly, and the shape of the penis could be vaguely seen. It penetrated so deeply and violently that it almost pushed into his stomach. He pressed subconsciously, but pressed his cock to the point where he was most sensitive, and twitched uncontrollably.

The layers of charming meat suddenly came to life, constantly sucking, squirming, and tightening, making the ninth prince want to die, unable to stop. While asking if he was here, whether he was happy or not, he kept hitting at that point. He felt that this position was not too deep, so he turned the boy over, raised his butt, and fucked from the back. One hand squeezed the young man's slender waist, and one hand held his bell mouth tightly, preventing him from venting first.

"You Shu, baby, I'm about to be burned to death by you. There's a fire in your heart, a pool of magma, and a small mouth. It's biting me, it's spraying me." The ninth prince described his feelings in detail. , while pushing open and closed, the transparent intestinal juice was beaten into a white foam, slowly seeping out from the folds of the chrysanthemum point.

This scene is so lewd and seductive that the Ninth Prince never tire of seeing it. He fixed his eyes on the place where he had intercourse, and was reluctant to leave. His lips suddenly bit the boy's ear, and then he slapped his shoulder, leaving a string of bright red marks on his back.

Youshu was cut off by his hands, pressed against the mattress, and was about to fly out of the crash, but the pleasure from the depths of Huaxin's heart and those lewd and obscene words mixed into a potent aphrodisiac, which made him just want to indulge. He groaned, moved back and forth, and subconsciously called out to the master.

He arrived three times, but was forcibly pinched at the top and could not be released. Just as he was about to open his mouth to plead, saliva flowed along the corners of his mouth and onto the quilt. It could be seen that the joy of the back hole had taken away his control over his body. The ninth prince whispered in his ear, then let go of his hands, and instead broke his tender white buttocks, increasing the speed and strength of the twitching, and immersed all at once.

Youshu wanted to say enough, but stopped, but her throat interfered so badly, she felt herself being lifted up, turned around, and sat face to face in her master's arms. The master's powerful palm supported his two buttocks, lifted it up, and then let go abruptly, causing the weight of his body to hit the dragon root.

You Shu screamed, and an unprecedented sense of excitement ran around in her lower abdomen repeatedly, as if it was about to explode. How can you penetrate so deeply, so hard, and so powerfully? He thought that this feeling was already the ultimate, but the master quickly lifted him up, put him down, held him up, put him down, making him like a small boat, tossing up and down in the huge waves, but he couldn't escape the hurricane. center.

The ninth prince was also going crazy. The young man would twitch every time he orgasms. If he didn't twitch, he would hoop himself even tighter. He gritted his teeth furiously and quickly thrust for a hundred times before letting out a low growl, and at the same time let go of the boy's bell to relieve him.

You Shu's beautiful face was already wet with tears, and she choked while twitching, looking extremely pitiful. However, his back acupoints shrunk and shrunk, causing the Ninth Prince, who had just weakened, to swell again.

"No." Yushu felt a burning pain in her back acupoint, and hurriedly leaned back. With a puff, the half-hard dragon root slid out, a thread of silver flung out from the top, and a gurgling white turbid slowly oozing out, smudged on the mattress.

The ninth prince blocked the inseparable powder hole with his palm and laughed in a hoarse voice, "You Shu, help me have a child. Didn't you say that I have a couple in two days, my descendants are filial, and my family business is prosperous?"

You Shu tangled, "But I don't have any organs in my body to give birth to children. Why don't you wait, I'll think of a way."

The ninth prince didn't expect him to answer so seriously, he laughed suddenly, scratched his nose and said, "Fool, I'm joking with you."

But I'm not joking. Knowing to tell the truth, the master may be frightened, You Shu silently swallowed this sentence into his stomach.