There’s A Beauty

Chapter 68: King


The next day, because the villagers of Lijia Village were still on the road, Yu Shu first tried the jailer who was negligent in his duties. Unexpectedly, the yamen, subordinate officials, and arresters who hadn't been on duty for a long time came together, asserting that there was a lot of grievances, and asked the county magistrate to re-investigate. The jailer's wife knelt at the door with snot and tears, and looked very pitiful.

"Zhao Youshu" has a lot of criminal records. Although Shu made some compensation yesterday, it did not benefit the general public, so the people still did not trust him very much, and there was a faint look of doubt in his eyes. But they did not help the woman to open her eyes, because the woman's husband was an official, and he often did evil things to oppress the neighbors. If he was sentenced, it would be considered karma.

Everyone stood on the sidelines, waiting for the two groups of people in the hall to bite the dog's hair. It can be seen that the hatred for the officials has been deeply rooted, and it is difficult to ensure that there is no wrongdoing in the king of hell. If it was a different person, it would definitely be a headache at the moment, but Shu Shu will only try his best to do what he needs to do, and he doesn't think much about it.

He summoned his fellow jailers and asked them to tell the story of the incident. Unexpectedly, he said last night that Li Gui was the one who choked to death by himself. Damn, maybe he has some kind of emergency. Immediately after that, another quack stood up and said that he had just gone to see the body, and he had already noticed that Li Gui died very strangely, and he should have been beaten by someone.

Some of the twenty strong men newly hired by Shu showed a look of fear and guilty conscience, with cold sweat on their foreheads, and their faces as pale as paper.

At this time, You Shuruo has grown such a super brain without realizing it. These people all disappeared at once, and they appeared one after another, no doubt preparing to deal with themselves. His county magistrate suddenly acted so justly, he has already obstructed their eyes and blocked their way, how can he not get rid of it

In today's Dayong Kingdom, the corruption of officials has reached the point where it is difficult to heal. On one side of the officials, corrupt people account for the vast majority, so that the officials and officials protect each other and become more and more degenerate, and those officials who originally had great enthusiasm and wanted to do something real for the people were unable to gain a foothold. They were either crowded and suppressed, or framed, and some were even killed on the way before taking office.

You Shu understands that her current situation is extremely dangerous, but she is not completely helpless. When he saw the starving ghost hurried in, he asked mentally, "How's the investigation going?"

"Sir, what you expected is correct, they are indeed going to join forces to deal with you. As soon as Li Gui died last night, someone reported a letter to Wang Fu's confidant. Before dawn this morning, they ran to the place where the corpse was placed. He beat Li Gui's body back and forth for hundreds of pieces, all the bones were broken, and then spent 100 taels of silver to bribe some of the coolies you hired yesterday, and let them testify in court that you ordered them to abuse Li Gui by lynching them. To death. When Wang Fu returns, they will use this handle to impeach you."

You Shu's fingertips moved slightly and shot a Yin-Yang Primordial Qi Talisman, sending the starving ghost away, and then looked at everyone in the hall with a blank expression. As the saying goes, "Everyone's mouth is full of gold, accumulating and destroying bones", he finally realized the true meaning of this sentence today. So many people agreed, and even his own employees came forward to identify, no matter what he said, it was a sophistry to others.

He quickly thought about the countermeasures, but saw that the four yamen officers carried the corpse to the hall on their own initiative, and let him inspect it in front of everyone. Li Gui and the jailer's wife were crying so hard that they almost fainted.

Youshu got really angry this time, and took out a few ghost talismans made last night to prepare for triggering, thinking that since you all used conspiracy and tricks against me first, don't blame me for being ruthless.

Just at this moment, the air suddenly twisted for a moment, and a tall man wearing a black cloak and a purple mask on his face appeared in the hall and walked two steps slowly. However, both the onlookers and the crying bitter master turned a blind eye to him, only Yu Shu's body was slightly stiff.

Isn't this master, who is in charge of every day, how can he appear here? Is he here to spy on me? Or have I discovered my outsider identity? You Shu didn't even dare to breathe, the ghost talisman that was already in his hand was immediately hidden in his sleeve pocket, and then he picked up the gavel and prepared to slap it a few times.

It's good that he doesn't do this extra action, he almost reveals his stuff when he does. Just because he was too frightened, a lot of fine sweat broke out in his palms unknowingly. As soon as he grasped the smooth gavel, he fell out, and fell to the ground with a clatter. He hurriedly bent over to pick it up, and while he was hiding behind the tablecloth, he immediately wiped the cold sweat from his palms and forehead, and then he straightened up pretending to be calm and continued the interrogation.

He originally wanted to use the ghost talisman to create the illusion of a few dead people appearing, to scare the group, and then make them speak the truth in horror. But now, Lord Yama is in the hall, so it should be better than the ghost talisman, right? Thinking of this, he slapped the gavel, and asked, "Zheng Zuozuo, can you swear to God that there is no lie in what you just said?"

"The villain swears to God that every word he just said is true. Li Gui indeed died of torture."

Youshu looked at the three coolies who were already kneeling below and identified her, "You dare to swear to God? You must know that the sky has eyes, and cause and effect will pay off. If you deliberately frame up and frame this official, you will definitely be beaten to the 18th century. Hell, I pulled my tongue out."

The three coolies hesitated for a moment, then raised their hands to swear. They were also forced to be helpless. If their family members were not controlled by Wang Fu's lackeys, who would have done such an unconscionable thing? It is said that good people don’t live long, and good officials can’t end well. Zhao County magistrate wants to be a good official, and this is his biggest mistake.

You Shu nodded, showing a sad look at the right time. As he expected, King Yama, who had been watching from the sidelines, finally made a move. He first walked to the coolie, grabbed his neck, made him stick out his tongue while suffocating, and then cut it off with his fingers, then walked to the three coolies, and did the same. But since these three were also victims, he struck lightly, only cutting their tongues in half, not breaking them together.

After doing all this, he stared at his blood-stained palm for a long time and didn't know what he was thinking. He was stunned for a while before disappearing.

Youshu let out a long breath and thought to himself: This King Yama really is a person with a strong sense of justice, and he can't tolerate any injustice happening under his nose, so he will open his eyes for me in person. He can even judge the previous lord, and of course he can monitor the successor. There may be a glimmer of hope for the Dayong Kingdom under his control. The reason why he frequently interrogates corrupt officials whose longevity has not yet expired is probably also because of the corruption of Dayong officials, so that there are too many unjust ghosts thrown into hell, which makes the underworld feel more pressure, right? If the ruler of the mortal world is incoherent, the king of Yama in the underworld will also be affected. Yin and yang are closely related to each other, and they are not completely isolated.

When Shu was guessing, the hall had already turned into a pot of porridge. Just imagine, the few people who originally swore that they didn't lie, and the next moment they tilted their necks, stuck their tongues out, and were cut into pieces out of thin air. What kind of terrifying scene was that? Once again, the warning from the magistrate of Lenovo County, well, this is obviously a newspaper of the present, and the tongue has been pulled out by the ghost!

What this means is self-evident. The people of Dayong Kingdom lived a very hard life, and had to find some spiritual sustenance in order to survive. Ninety-nine out of ten people believe in Buddhism, and they also believe in the theory of karma, reincarnation and hell. Showing them the miracle with their own eyes is more effective than explaining a hundred sentences in front of them. Immediately, they boiled over and strongly condemned these people for their disrespect to ghosts and gods.

"The tongue was cut off as soon as I swore. It can be seen that God is watching from above! If you want to survive, hurry up and tell the truth!"

"The county magistrate, there is no need for the trial, they are all falsely accusing you, and immediately pull them out to behead!"

"Evil will be rewarded with evil, and good will be rewarded with good. It's not that the time has not yet come. This time, when the time comes, you will definitely be caught by the ghosts and sent to the tongue-pulling hell!"

Everyone's comments made everyone in the hall scared to the core, especially the four people who were deeply affected. Although the pain was unbearable, they still kowtowed to Youshu, hoping to get his forgiveness.

Youshu slapped the gavel hard and asked, "I'll ask you again, how did Li Gui die?"

Zuo Zuo was speechless, smeared with his own blood on the ground and quickly pulled on the ground: Lord Qi, Li Gui was lying on his back after being drunk and choked to death by what he vomited. The reason why the bones of the corpse were broken was because of the repeated beatings by Mr. Kong and the others this morning, and it has nothing to do with adults!

The three coolies couldn't write, and covered their blood-drenched mouths while speaking vaguely, so that others couldn't tell the difference. But even if they didn't understand half a word, everyone understood that they must be admitting their crimes.

The jailers who had been shouting grievances before were so frightened that their hearts were torn apart, and they poured out beans in a bamboo tube without interrogation by the county magistrate, and explained all the details of how they conspired to frame the adults. The other yamen and subordinate officials couldn't stand the pressure and knelt down to confess their guilt.

Youshu didn't talk nonsense, just threw out a few penalty papers, dragged the person down and beat them fiercely. After dealing with Li Gui's death, the people from Lijiacun also arrived, and he then interrogated several of Li Ergou's little Luoluo. Because of the deterrent dream of being caught in hell and executed last night, several of them confessed and were willing to be punished.

In just an hour, the case was all handled properly, and Shu Shiran left amid the cheers of the people. From this day on, the impression of the people of Suichang County on the county magistrate has changed. Some people highly respect him, some people are grateful to him, and some people quietly wait and see without saying a word.

Youshu took off the official hat and held it in the palm of his hand, and quickly walked towards the dining room. After a busy morning, he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back, but he didn't expect that as soon as he walked around the rockery, he saw a man in a cloak with a mask on his face standing less than ten feet in front of him.

Why are you here again? You Shu's mind was filled with these words, and she was so frightened that she completely forgot to react. No matter how developed his brain is, he can't resist the instinct of survival. After tens of thousands of years of evolution, the human limbic brain will retain the three basic skills of survival from generation to generation: freezing, running away, and resisting.

When frightened, humans first stiffen, known as "freeze," and then flee, and then choose to resist when they can't escape. Even if Shu quickly adjusted, her body stiffened for a moment, and then she walked forward with a calm expression on her face. There was only one path in front of him, which meant that if he kept going, he would bump into the man.

The man stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes were like electricity, and he seemed to be examining himself. Youshu didn't know if he had seen the flaw just now, but he understood that he must not be in a mess at this time. This person is King Yama, and the depth of Taoism may be far beyond his imagination, but if he shows a little strangeness, he may be recognized and become the other party's tonic.

He didn't stop for a moment, and he rammed straight into the opponent, but the opponent avoided at the last moment.

Youshu wanted to let out a sigh of relief, but she barely held it back and continued walking towards the dining room. The man did not leave after the temptation, but followed step by step, as if he was very interested in his life.

Youshu was secretly complaining in his heart, but he didn't reveal it at all on the surface. Fortunately, the ghosts he had gathered had long since hid in the ground because of the pressure released by King Yama, otherwise it would be another flaw. Halfway through the meal, the token attached to King Yama's waist suddenly glowed, he reached out and touched it, and then disappeared in an instant.

Finally gone! Youshu immediately put down the bowls and chopsticks, stuck out her tongue, lay on the table gasping for breath, cold sweat on her forehead, temples, and back rushed out, and her heart almost jumped out of her throat.

"A few more times, I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack." He wiped away the sweat with his sleeves, his cheeks bulged and held back, and he breathed in and out repeatedly, so that his throbbing heart could quickly recover. normal. He didn't know that he looked like a frog that was extremely dehydrated, and he didn't know that the person who had disappeared was just a blindfold, but he was actually standing beside him, staring silently with a pair of unfathomable eyes. .

"Sure enough, I can see this king, so Jingtang was frightened by this king, right?" He said slowly, and there seemed to be a slight smile in his icy voice.

You Shu still didn't know it, and after calming her heart, she picked up the bowl and frantically smashed rice into her mouth. After he was frightened, he had to eat hard and keep eating so that he could find some sense of security, not to mention that this time he was more frightened than every time before. Because he knows that this person is an existence that he cannot resist, and the other party may not need to do anything, just a wisp of spiritual sense can crush himself and disappear completely.

But he must not disappear, because in this world, there may be another person waiting for him. If he dies, what will happen to that person? Will you wait until you are desperate and crazy like the first life, waiting until you can't even close your eyes

You Shu didn't dare to think about it, she puffed out her cheeks and tried to chew, and then she rolled her eyes from the choking.

The man touched the water cup reflexively, but saw that the other party had already picked up the teapot, raised his head and poured it vigorously, swallowing it in a series of loud grunts. The man never expected Zhao Youshu to be so funny in private, especially when he was frightened, he looked like a drowning puppy and a frog without water. His appearance was so funny that it almost made him laugh out loud.

The person who had planned to leave after finding out the result stayed for a few more minutes, admiring You Shu's bold and unrestrained food with relish, and then followed him back to the room. He was not surprised by the few ghost-repelling charms affixed to the curtains and beams. Zhao Youshu's ancestor was Master Xia Qi, who had a lot of research on metaphysics and naturally passed down some secret skills.

He felt that several of them seemed to be different from what he had imagined. He was about to get closer and take a closer look, but the token on his waist glowed again, showing that there was an urgent matter over there. He shook his head regretfully, then walked over to Youshu who was lying on the soft couch eating grapes, watched silently for a while, and then disappeared.

You Shu was unaware of this, so she washed and slept when she was full.

The next day, there was still no one in the yamen to come on duty. Fortunately, he was able to take care of all the internal affairs by himself, so he was not in a hurry. As for the work of arresting criminals, it is enough to hire a few more coolies. Isn't there a difference between regular workers and temporary workers in modern times? Most of the regular workers do not work hard, and the real workers are temporary workers. Apart from Wang Fu's team, his work efficiency is much higher.

After cracking down on street bullies and stabilizing social order, he began to deal with the mountains of unsolved cases. At the same time, the tax silver and tax grains were handed in three times a year, and they were piled up in the warehouse. Taxation is a direct reference for assessing political performance, and it is also an important means for local officials to accumulate wealth.

Just one year after "Zhao Youshu" arrived in Suichang, the amount of tax and silver embezzled reached 200,000 to 300,000 taels. However, this taxation system still has a more corrupt side. Not only can the county magistrate directly extend his hand, but the subordinates who are responsible for tax collection can also deduct layer by layer. In addition to the exploitation of the old wealth of the landlords, the final amount allocated to the common people is enough. Makes a well-off family impoverished in a blink of an eye.

If someone was forced to die because of this, wouldn't the guilt be counted on their own heads? Youshu hated this so much that the ghosts of starvation followed behind the subordinate officials all day long to find out how much they had looted, and then they were arrested and tortured one by one. And ordered the township landlords not to increase the land rent without authorization.

He saved the people from fire and water, and established a high prestige in a short period of time, but also attracted the attention of his colleagues. In their eyes, what the magistrate Zhao did was nothing short of doing the opposite, seeking his own death. Everyone does this, but you have to show yourself, how can you honor the peak if you don't embezzle the silver tael? How to get promoted after breaking the financial road to the top? If you don't get promoted, you will be replaced sooner or later, and there are many ways to replace them. The most common one is to make accusations and frame them.

If you are lucky, you may save your life, if you are unlucky, your head will fall!

When everyone was waiting to see the fate of the magistrate Zhao, Wang Fu came back and brought a handwritten letter from the prefect of Wang. Let him wait patiently for disposal. You Shu tore the letter into pieces on the spot, and then ordered someone to drive the furious Wang Fu out of the yamen, and said slowly, "You are the master hired by this official, but your actions have made this official very dissatisfied. From today onwards, you will not use it. already."

"If you don't come, you won't come. It's rare for you to be a grandfather? Grandpa wants to see what happens to you in the end!"

There is a reason for you to dare to be so hard-hearted. The female ghost who went with Wang Fu has already asked the ghost friends to inquire about the exact news. Today, the saint and the imperial concubine died violently at the same time. He is the fifth son of the first emperor. He has been in the vassal for years and has never shown anything special.

Strange to say, all of his brothers stayed in Shangjing, but he went to the feudal lands at the age of fourteen, and did not come back during the new year, so he had a very low sense of presence in the court. However, on the morning of the sudden death of the late emperor, he reluctantly held a pen and wrote a will, clearly letting the fifth son succeed him. Kneel down and shout long live.

From what I've learned so far, this new emperor should be an extremely powerful character, but he doesn't know his temperament, will he be too cruel and violent? But no matter how powerful he is, he can't beat the master below. If he doesn't like you, he can immediately send your soul to the West, and then try another country lord.

Youshu has no confidence in the new emperor, but highly respects King Yama. Although that man was a little scary, in his mind he was the embodiment of justice. He dared to offend all the subordinate officials in Suichang, and he dared to compete with the prefect. He did not rely on anyone else, but this one. In today's world, ghosts are more honest and reliable than people, and it's ironic to say it.

You Shu listened to the female ghost's report and described the transcendence charm, and her thoughts were full of thoughts.

"My lord, the documents for the new emperor's enthronement have been distributed to the states and counties, and they will be in your hands in a few days. Then the prefect's office will not be able to cure your sins." The female ghost gloated.

"His top priority now is to quickly find a new backer. You know, it's not terrible to go wrong in government affairs. What's terrible is to stand in the wrong team.

Counting all the major factions in the DPRK, none of them stood in the right position. After thinking about it, there will be some shocks in Dayong Kingdom in the near future. Fortunately, "Zhao Youshu" is only a seventh-rank sesame official, and he doesn't even have the qualifications to stand in the team, which is not a hindrance for the current Youshu.

"Take this, brighten your eyes in the next life, and marry a good person." Folding the drawn talisman into a triangle, Shu explained it in a serious manner.

The female ghost was so grateful that she kowtowed three times before she got into the ground and was reincarnated. Youshu spread out another piece of rice paper, densely wrote an official document, and ordered someone to post it.

People like to read the official documents of the magistrate Zhao recently. When they see the officials brushing rice paste on the wall, they all surround them.

"Which bully was punished today?"

"Huh, it's Wang Fu's grandson! The county magistrate has dismissed his position as a master, and he will be just a commoner in the future."

"Really? Read it out for everyone to listen to!"

A scholar immediately recited aloud, and his tone became hesitant as he read, "The county magistrate also said that the 180,000 taels of silver that had been donated by various local wealth and his entire net worth were used to buy food, if the food near Suichang was If you are interested, you can go to the county government for an interview.”

"Ah? Why do you buy so much food?"

"Take out all your net worth, won't you?"

"The county magistrate is crazy? Now that the weather is good, why buy so much food, is there mold growing there?"

The people were full of doubts, and some colleagues had the idea of making the 180,000 taels of silver. In short, as soon as this document came out, Shu has provoked public anger again, and many conspiracies and tricks were waiting behind.