There’s A Beauty

Chapter 74: King


Although Youshu's chin didn't go down, the muscles on the side of the cheek tightened for a moment and then relaxed immediately. Such a subtle expression still failed to escape the eyes of King Yama. He smiled secretly in his heart, but did not show it on his face, walked around the room, looked around, and shook his head frequently.

"Integrity and diligence, loving the people like sons" is the foundation of being an official. This person does a good job, but he is really harsh towards himself. When other officials returned to their hometowns or went to Beijing to report their work, there were more than a dozen cars of gold and silver treasures alone, not to mention a row of beautiful family members. However, he only had a small package and two half-old boxes, and all the luggage was worth nothing. It is said that "the prefect of the Qing Dynasty, one hundred thousand snowflake silver", he used all the snowflake silver on the common people, but he couldn't even gather the coils before he left.

I really don’t know if I should praise him or scold him. I didn’t take the money that I shouldn’t take, and I donated the salary that I should take. I don’t even think about what to do if I need to be in an emergency. King Yama let out a long sigh, seeming to be very helpless, but also very sympathetic.

He wanted to touch the soft top of Xiao Zhao County Magistrate's hair, but he retracted his hand in time. Seeing that the other party pretended to be ignorant, he picked up a book and read it absentmindedly. His body was stretched straight, and his expressions and movements were very stiff. , and couldn't help but laugh. That's all, he doesn't plan for himself, there will always be people who will miss him.

Thinking of this, King Yama Quzhi tapped on his empty money box, and then beckoned to call a flower cat wandering on the window sill, causing it to fall onto the table. With a muffled thud, the box fell into two halves, and a golden light shone through the cracks.

You Shu looked like she was burying her head in the book, but she kept staring at King Yama from the corner of her eyes. Seeing this scene, there was nothing she didn't understand. The other party must have seen his predicament and tried to find a way to help him. He was so generous and caring, he must have been a great man when he was alive!

You Shu was very moved, and she accepted this friendship with peace of mind, thinking: I will save enough money in the future to make some exquisite sacrifices and burn them as gifts for the other party. He picked up the money box and dug out a few gold leaves from the interlayer of the box lid. Converted to silver, it was a hundred taels, which was really a windfall.

One hundred taels, is it too much? You Shu quickly summed up the expenses on the road: when you arrive in the capital, Dingtian will spend 15 taels of silver, and another 35 taels to find a place to resettle, and there is a balance of 50 taels. After giving so much at once, he had to suspect that King Yama was testing his integrity again, so he scraped the extra gold leaves aside, bought rice noodles, clothes, cloth, quilts, vegetables and fruits, etc., and sent them to Lishui. Several nurseries in the government.

Seeing him act like this, King Yama was dumbfounded. The extra fifty-two copies were for him to buy something delicious to nourish his body, but he donated it in a blink of an eye. It was really an elm head. However, the more rigid and upright he was, the more King Yama admired the importance of love, so he could only let him go.

After getting ready, You Shu hired a coachman to take him to Beijing. He didn't make a big splash, but disguised himself and left silently. No one would have imagined that the man sitting in this humble bullock cart was actually Zhao Qingtian, who saved tens of thousands of people in Lishui Prefecture.

Vehicles swayed along the official road, surrounded by smoke-filled villages, with cattle and farmers working in the fields, and children playing on the ridges. There is Shu sitting on the carriage, looking at this peaceful and beautiful everything from afar. As if thinking of something, he forced his mental power into his eyes, looked up, and saw that the sky that was full of resentment and ghosts is now covered with yellow flags and purple, and the wind and rain have stopped.

He looked at the pergola with his hands for a long time, then stood up and raised his arms, as if touching the wafting autumn wind, and then smiled foolishly. King Yama, who had already appeared on the other side of the carriage, immediately disappeared, staring at this rare smile for a moment.

He never knew that when the magistrate Xiaozhao laughed sincerely, he would be so handsome and bright. Pink face peach cheeks, double pupils cut water, these words used to describe women, there is nothing against him when they are put on him. A quiet and beautiful scene.

After a long time, he walked over and gently stroked Xiao Zhao County Magistrate's slightly raised lips.

Youshu clearly felt the coldness on her face, but she thought it was caused by the autumn wind, but she didn't care much. He stood on the carriage with his arms raised for a long time, until the driver and the pedestrians on both sides cast strange glances at him before entering angrily. People of this era have never seen the Titanic, and they really don't understand the style.

He froze as soon as his head reached into the carriage, and saw King Yama sitting in the main seat with a golden sword, his eyes were shining brightly, and his expression was very unpredictable. He reflexively took a calm posture, sat down beside the other person, and then took out a book and slowly flipped through it to hide his nervousness.

King Yama didn't know what to do. He sat for two or three quarters of an hour without seeing anyone and left, causing his back pain and calf cramps. At noon, the driver found an open space near the water and asked the owner to come down and rest for a while, and he was relieved.

Some Shu jumped out of the car with amnesty, stretched out her arms, kicked her legs, and walked back and forth by the river for two laps. Because he only had dozens of entanglements on his body, the servants, maids, masters and other handymen could not afford to pay, so he had to go on the road alone, and the driver was hired together when he rented an ox cart, and he did not know his true identity.

But this is also good, at least the journey is very clean, and you don't need to listen to others' words of gratitude or flattery. Although Youshu has a cheerful personality, she is still hilarious in nature. He took out a piece of dry food and sat on a big rock by the river to nibble slowly. King Yama stood beside him and looked into the distance, not knowing what to think.

The driver took out the dry cigarette, lit it, and smoked it, with a very comfortable expression, "Xiao Housheng, are you a scholar who went to Beijing to take the exam?"

"No, I'm going to Beijing to do errands." "Zhao Youshu" is a child prodigy who won the champion at the age of 18. Youshu has taken over the body for half a year, and now he is only under 20 years old, younger than most talents. No wonder the coachman Misunderstand.

"Go to work. Are you a native of Suichang?"

Youshu has never lied, she says what she can say, and hides what she can't say, "I'm not a local, I live in Suichang temporarily."

"Then see what's the difference between us in Suichang and other places?" Hearing that he was a foreigner, the driver was excited and said triumphantly.

"It doesn't seem to be any different?" If Shu has never lived in Dayong country, how can you say one, two or three

The driver was anxious, and pointed to the official road not far away, "You can't see this? Look at our road, is it very flat and wide? Let me tell you, this flood, most of the state capitals in the south were destroyed. It was washed away, and now it is still full of mud and sand. It is a mess. The people have nothing to eat, and nothing to live in. It's a miserable life. Only we Lishui and Suichang have nothing to do. The flood has just passed. The county magistrate of Xiaozhao personally led us to rebuild our homes. The houses were built, the dams were repaired, the roads were filled up, and the good seeds were sown and sprouted. Everywhere was prosperous and full of vitality! If you look at the realm again, it is like purgatory on earth. Not to mention, the official road is full of holes, and the ravines are difficult to smooth. It is very different from Suichang! A good official like Ling, if you want me to say, the county magistrates of the whole Dayong Kingdom can't compare to a single finger of our Xiao Zhao magistrate!"

You Shu was blushed by the coachman's praise, and when he saw King Yama listening with relish and glanced at himself from time to time, he felt even more ashamed, so he had to bury his face in the pie and nibble on it.

The driver is a loyal supporter of the magistrate of Xiaozhao, and he repeated the great achievements of the magistrate of Xiaozhao back and forth countless times, and finally sighed, "I heard that the emperor values our magistrate of Xiaozhao very much, and has ordered him to return to Beijing. He is a good man and deserves good rewards. We naturally hope that he will go further and further, but to be honest, we are reluctant! very scared."

Seeing the driver burst into tears while talking, Youshu quickly put the dry food aside and said with relief, "Don't be afraid, I heard that the new prefect of Lishui Prefecture is also a good official. Life will be better in the future."

"Hey, I know who the new prefect is. He used to be a co-chief in Hedong Prefecture." The driver waved his hand, "He is indeed a good official, upright and honest, but he may not have the ability of our Xiaozhao County magistrate. Our Xiaozhao County magistrate That is to walk one step at a hundred steps. You may find his various arrangements inexplicable today, but tomorrow you will find out that he predicts everything. Not only does he write brilliantly, but he is also proficient in arithmetic, civil engineering, astronomy, and geography. Judging, you can see who is right and wrong at a glance…”

Hearing that the coachman started to talk back and forth about the things he had judged, Yushu's cheeks were flushed and she was embarrassed. If it was just the two of them, it wouldn't be a big deal to brag, but King Yama was still here, and he always felt uncomfortable. In embarrassment, he dropped half of the pie and rolled along the rock into the river, attracting many fish to eat it. His eyes lit up and he suggested, "There are fish in the river, why don't we grab a few and grill them?"

The driver hadn't eaten meat for a long time, and was immediately attracted to it, "Sure, the fish in autumn are plump. I don't have fishing tackle in the car, so I'll just make a net bag with straw and rattan."

If Shu has full survival skills, he will naturally weave fishing nets, so he pulls the grass and vines and cooperates with him, and then it stops. Only King Yama felt unfinished and sighed silently. For some reason, he likes to listen to the magistrate Xiao Zhao being pursued by others, especially when he is embraced by others, his cheeks are rosy, his eyes are bright, and the corners of his lips are smiling. No one knows that the real magistrate of Xiao Zhao is thousands of times better than what they described.

However, when he is serious about something, his posture is also very charming, and it is exactly the moment. King Yama sat next to the magistrate of Xiaozhao, staring at his fingers that shuttled back and forth among the vines for a moment.

Shu and the driver quickly finished weaving the net bag, threw some dry food at the bottom, and put it into the water, waiting for the fish to burrow into it. I don't know if there are more people fishing recently or what, the fish is very alert, just wandering around outside, not getting caught.

Youshu originally just said casually, seeing that the fish is fat and strong, with a round belly, it looks very delicious, and the greedy worms come up, and I go to see it every once in a while. .

"I said little post-natal, don't always run to see it, you will scare the fish away." The driver reluctantly discouraged him.

Shu had to sit down and wait, rubbing her stomach from time to time. Seeing his greedy appearance, King Yama suddenly laughed secretly. He originally planned to use some magic to drive the fish into the net pocket, but then he changed his mind. Mana is easy to use, but it is also silent. How can the county magistrate Xiao Zhao know that he helped him

It is obviously not his style to be a good person without leaving his name. The reason why he escorted the magistrate Xiaozhao to Beijing is because of his gratitude, his love, and his closeness? Thinking of this, he rolled up his trousers and went down to the river to chase the fish.

You Shu Ben still wondered how King Yama jumped down so well, and only when he bent over to drive the fish over did he realize that he was helping himself to have lunch, and his heart was filled with excitement and moved. Because in his opinion, the other party does not know that he can see him, that is to say, he silently helps himself without expecting anything in return.

How can there be such a good person in the world? Youshu pondered stupidly, then rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

The gods do not observe the surroundings with their eyes, but rely on the sense of the gods. Therefore, You Shu thinks that she can show her true emotions by turning her back to King Yama, but in fact, her every move is under the surveillance of the other party. Seeing him happy, King Yama also worked harder, and quickly caught the fattest fish in the river.

A quarter of an hour later, when the coachman went to pull the fishing net, it was too full to be stuffed, and all of them jumped up and down, making a crisp and loud crackling sound when they fell into the grass, which was very gratifying.

"Good guy, those people who specialize in fishing for food don't catch as much as we do!" The driver sighed happily.

"If you can't finish eating, put it in the car, sell it in the next town, and earn some money for the journey back." You Shu picked out a big fish and scratched the scales numbly with a dagger. He was very ashamed that he could not thank the real hero.

The ignorant driver waved his hand quickly, "We caught this fish together, and we have to share the money if we sell it. If the magistrate of Xiaozhao knew that we Suichang people like to take advantage when we travel far, he should feel embarrassed. It's gone."

How can anything get involved with me? You Shu felt helpless and had to nod her head. King Yama also smiled. The two of them grilled fish together, and the atmosphere was very happy.

Just at this moment, a few gorgeous carriages drove by not far away, a middle-aged man with a pot belly led a graceful and charming woman, and staggered to the shore with the help of a maid, ready to rest for a while. . A group of servants followed in a mighty manner, some laying mats, some lighting fires, some holding umbrellas to shade, and some taking out food boxes and placing them one by one, looking full of style.

The coachman looked sideways frequently, obviously criticizing the woman's behavior of not avoiding men and women. Youshu turned a blind eye, and after eating his fish, he picked the fattest fish and slowly roasted it on the fire. His cooking skills were extraordinary, and he carried all kinds of seasonings with him, sprinkled a little cumin, and both sides of the river bank were full of fragrant nostrils.

The middle-aged man craned his neck and looked at it, then cocked his nose to smell it, and shouted loudly, "Hey, when your fish is grilled, I will send it to our staff, and I will give you a tael of silver!"

A tael of silver to buy a fish is undoubtedly an exorbitant price. If it was an ordinary person, he would have agreed early on, but Shu Shu waved his hand and refused, "Don't sell it!"

"Then how much money do you want?" The middle-aged man thought that the other party wanted to blackmail, and he couldn't help showing a contemptuous expression. The woman also rolled her eyes and sneered.

"The reason why I survived the natural disaster is because of King Yama's great kindness and great virtue. I am going to sacrifice this fish to King Yama. You can't eat it. If you want to eat it, you can bake it yourself." Sent a live fish over there. He can't express his gratitude to the invisible friend, can't he find an excuse to send sacrifices to him

Yes, he has unilaterally determined that King Yama is his friend. He has never made friends, and apart from his parents and masters, there is no trace of anyone else in his life. What friendship is like, he has never experienced it, so it is somewhat new and somewhat anticipating.

When the middle-aged man heard that it was burned to the dead, his face turned dark immediately, and he waved his hand, "Bum, don't let the live fish out of the staff! Bad luck!"

The woman sneered, "Master, let's go a little further, it's terrible."

A group of servants hurried forward to pack up and moved to a distance to sit. The surroundings were finally quiet, and the driver raised his thumb and said in a low voice, "Little Housheng, as expected of a scholar, his brain is flexible, and a few words scared the old landlord away!"

You Shu didn't argue, and continued to grill the fish seriously.

King Yama was so happy that he wanted to push the magistrate of Xiao Zhao into his arms and rub it for a while, but he had to hold it down temporarily. He originally wanted to expose the fact that he has Yin and Yang eyes, but now it seems that it is unnecessary. This kind of "you don't know I know you can see me" game is so fresh and interesting that it gradually made him addicted and never tired of it.

There are fish that have been grilled, worshipped according to the ancient method of paying homage, and then thrown into the fire. The flames licked the fish and squeaked, but it was already burned to ashes in half a quarter of an hour.

The driver was stunned, and murmured, "You really dedicated it to Lord Yama? The fire isn't big, how could it be gone in a blink of an eye? Could it be that Lord Yama really received it?"

Whether you have received it or not, you can tell with a glance from the corner of your eye. You Shu pursed her lips, looking leisurely, but she was quite happy in her heart. I saw the tall man holding the grilled fish skewered with wooden sticks, and he didn't know where to put his mouth. He took a bite of the fish belly, chewed and swallowed slowly, then leaned in and whispered, "Thank you."

The thick voice swirled in Youshu's cochlea, and then drilled into every pore, causing his hands and feet to go weak and his heart to tremble. Can't nod, can't agree, can't turn mouth, can't bend eyes! He repeatedly warned himself that he didn't show any flaws, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

King Yama stared straight at him, how could he not notice his crimson ear tips, goose bumps all over his neck, and his more dazzling and wet eyes than usual. This appearance is obviously not because of fear, but because of shyness. It is really interesting to tease the magistrate of Xiao Zhao.

King Yama laughed secretly while eating, and felt more and more that this trip was the right one.

The two groups of people finished resting, and they set off one after another because they had to rush to the next town for the night. Although the landlord's carriage was faster than the ox-cart, it had many boxes and cages and was burdened with a heavy burden, so it gradually fell behind Youshu. Shu was leaning against the wall of the car and was flipping through a travel journal. King Yama leaned beside him, chin on his shoulder, and read together.

He can change from the real to the virtual, and from the virtual to the real, so he has no weight, but it just makes people feel a little cold. But You Shu already regarded him as a close friend, and soon accepted it calmly, feeling quite fresh and interesting in her heart. He deliberately slowed down his reading speed, for fear that the other person could not finish it. When he was about to turn the page, he used his fingertips to pick up the next page. When he saw him looking back, he turned it over, and when he looked forward, he turned back again, and then quietly squeezed. Small dimples.

Where is King Yama reading a book, he is reading the magistrate of Xiaozhao at all. The other party thinks that he is doing it very secretly, but in fact, every move, every frown and smile is under the monitoring of his consciousness. The more he gets along with the magistrate of Xiao Zhao, the more difficult it is for him to control himself. Almost every moment can be taken out and reminisced over and over again, secretly happy.

How can there be such an interesting person in the world? He often thinks this way, and can't help laughing.

When the two thought they didn't know each other, but secretly enjoyed it, the bullock cart drove into a dense forest, and then went out of the Lishui Prefecture boundary. The driver showed a nervous look. The junction of the Gein state capital is often a place where bandits are rampant, and the officials on both sides don't want to care, and if they push it around, they will raise many bandit dens.

Just when the driver wanted to remind the owner to pay attention to safety, there was a sound of footsteps in the woods, followed by a number of burly men with bows, arrows and machetes, shouting, "This tree is mine." Zhai, I'm driving this road. If you want to pass this way, you can leave it to buy road money! Get off the car and get off, the robbery is coming!"

The old land and wealth in the back was also surrounded by a group, and he was sticking his head out to beg for mercy.

Youshu had already hid the excess silver taels in the hollowed-out wheel, and the package contained nothing but a few taels of silver pieces and a few pieces of clothes. When he saw King Yama standing on the carriage, staring at the bandits, with black light looming from his fingertips, he realized that he had followed him all the way to escort him to Beijing.

Thinking about it, although the new emperor began to rectify the administration of officials, the villagers who had fallen into trouble in the past have not recruited security. Nine lives. You Shu was grateful, and her eyes showed a little water, looking quite pitiful.

The bandit leader looked up and down and saw that he was dressed in ordinary clothes and his body was shriveled and thin, so he knew that he was poor and wanted to let him go.

"Boss, let's do a search. Some landlords and gentry like to pretend to be poor in order to avoid robbery." A bandit dressed as a scholar leaned over to remind him.

"Search, let's search together!" The bandit leader thought it was reasonable and ordered everyone to unload everything on the car and inspect it.

The landowner Lao Cai is naturally full of gold, silver, jewelry, silk and satin, and there is nothing but a small package and two boxes of old books. And King Yama was already standing beside him, holding him with one hand and holding a black light in the other to prevent accidents.

The bandit dressed as a scholar thought that Shu had a handsome appearance and an outstanding temperament, not from an ordinary family, so he personally checked his luggage, but found a roll of official documents, a road guide, an official seal, and an official robe. He took a closer look, and his face changed greatly, "Quick, quick, let the person go! We actually arrested the magistrate of Xiaozhao, what a crime!"