There’s A Beauty

Chapter 76: King


"Zhao Youshu" has no idea how much property the big house of the Zhao family has. That's right, the management of the mid-feeder is generally the responsibility of the master of the house. The son only needs to read a good book. When he grows up and gets married, there is still a daughter-in-law to take care of it. There is absolutely no need to know. That's why, now that Zhao Youcai asked Youshu to take away the property, he didn't have a clue for a while.

"Why would my cousin suddenly want to return the property? You and your second uncle have no such kindness." He tentatively asked.

"If you want to take it, take it away. What nonsense are you doing? Dad, take out the money." Zhao Youcai lay on the table with blue veins on his forehead, as if his shoulders were pressing several mountains, and he was about to collapse.

He would never tell his cousin that half a month before the other party returned to Beijing, their family of three had a dream at the same time. In the dream, they were arrested and put on trial in Yama Hall, on the charge of forcibly occupying family property. After King Yama put shackles and shackles on them, he put them back and ordered them to return their property immediately and get a reconciliation letter from the original owner, otherwise the shackles and shackles would become heavier and heavier until they were crushed to death.

At first they didn't quite believe it, but as time went on, the shoulders and limbs seemed to be filled with lead, and the slightest movement would cause excruciating pain. Among them, Zhao Youcai was the most serious. Not to mention normal walking, even lying on the bed became a torture. The weight of his shoulders almost crushed his spine.

Last night, another ghost came to urge them, saying that the original owner would arrive at noon tomorrow, and asked them to quickly return the property, and then burn the reconciliation letter written by the other party, so that the torture instruments on the shoulders and limbs could be removed. This time, they had to believe it. Before dawn, they ran to the gate of the city to guard. When they saw You Shu from a distance, they immediately ran to recognize each other.

Some Shu saw that the second room and the family had a bad attitude, obviously not sincerely regretting it, and frowned. Although he has a much gentler personality, he is not a Virgin who retaliates with virtue. It is so easy to get rid of him with a few taels of silver. Anyway, the torture tool is not worn on oneself, so there is no need to worry.

The second master was instructed by his son, and immediately took out fifty silver notes from his sleeve pocket and pushed them with difficulty, "Nephew, this is your property, and it will be collected soon."

"Yeah, don't think it's too small. When we came here, your parents were not good at managing the family's fields and shops, selling them, losing money, and owed a lot of debt. We should help you pay it back. Otherwise, how could you stay in the country and study in peace and quiet, and won the champion at the age of eighteen." Speaking of the last sentence, the second aunt's tone was sour, it can be seen that "Zhao Youshu" became an official by his own abilities, and has always been A thorn in her heart.

You Shu raised her eyebrows and said nothing. This family is so shameless, they clearly took advantage of it, and in turn said they owed them. Five thousand taels, co-authored and dismissed as a beggar

He checked his memory briefly and said, "Second Uncle, Second Aunt, don't think I'm a fool when I'm young. When my parents died, you moved in and said you wanted to take care of me. Although I don't know how much money the big house has. Son, but I know how much you brought back then, but it was just a few boxes of clothes and a few tons of copper coins. My housekeeper paid for you even hiring a carriage and a porter. Without my property, what kind of delicacies did you eat and live in? What kind of carved beams and painted buildings did you wear, what silk and satin did you wear, and what kind of court official did you serve? Whether you owe me or I owe you, the king of Yama will decide. We should wait until the day of death to discuss this matter. Be clear."

Because the second house family had dismissed the loyal servant of the big house early, even Shu could not find any witnesses to find out the right and wrong of the year. Of course, even if he could find it, he wouldn't bother to bother. If these family properties are reluctant to bear, even if they keep them, he is not in a hurry.

Thinking of this, he stood up and bowed his hands, ready to leave.

The second room and the family were in a hurry, and hurried to block the door. What does it mean to wait until the day you die? If the shackles on their bodies are not removed, they will be crushed to death within half a month. Zhao Youshu, this little bastard, didn't know if he was hitting the wrong way, but he actually took Yama King as an example, and it really hit their dead end.

"You think five thousand taels are too few, so I will give you another five thousand taels. Zhao Youshu, don't be too greedy!" Zhao Youcai resisted his anger. Because he was an official in the Ministry of Officials, he made a lot of money by selling officials and titles over the years. Listening to Zhao Youshu's tone, he actually told their family how to come and how to go back, he has such a big face!

Youshu shook his head, his tone was rather helpless, "Five thousand, ten thousand, to me there is no difference, it's just a number. I've figured it out for a long time over the years, you can take this family as you like, I rely on my own. I can still stand up to the lintel. Second uncle, second aunt, cousin, you can live in peace, I'm leaving." The words went off with great strides.

The second room and the family couldn't run, so they had to let the servants stop them. Unexpectedly, the man seemed to be walking slowly, but in fact he stepped out in two or three steps, and went around the ceremonial gate to search again.

"What do I do now? He doesn't want this property! How can he not?" The second wife slumped on the chair, beating her chest and wailing.

"I said that five thousand liang is too little, but you said enough! What should we do now? Without the reconciliation letter, do the shackles on our bodies really have to be unfastened until the day we die?" The flesh that has long been pressed into purple red, feels more and more fear and despair. After a day, the shackles and shackles gained a pound, and soon they would be crushed to pieces.

Zhao Youcai spent a long time in the Ministry of Personnel, and he had never seen a storm before. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment before saying with certainty, "Didn't he come to the capital to report on his work? Just wait, I naturally have a way for him to take the initiative to ask us for money."

"Son, what do you want to do?" The second master always felt uneasy.

"You don't understand the things in the yamen." Zhao Youcai now has a burden to even speak. After breathing for a while, he picked up his pen and wrote a post. The commander sent it to the official department.

You Shu hired an ox cart to wander around the capital slowly, looking for a temporary residence while observing the customs. The customs of Dayong Kingdom are very similar to that of Xia Qi, and the style of clothing is similar, but more gorgeous. This is also the reason why the first emperor was so extravagant that it was effective from the top to bottom. Looking up at the sky, there were occasional black clouds and ghosts drifting by, showing that the new emperor's various measures had not yet paid off, and the people's resentment was not small.

"Master, what kind of yard are you looking for? Is it more expensive or cheaper?" The handlebar asked loudly.

Youshu retracted her gaze and said earnestly, "Is there a haunted house?"

"A haunted house? You're not kidding, are you?" The handlebar style digs his ears, suspecting that he's hallucinating.

"I don't have much money in my hand, I can only afford to rent a cheap house."

"I see. I've heard of a haunted house. The rent is only seven or eight years, and the space is spacious, but it's really evil. The people who live in it are either dead or crazy, and none of them will end well. . Younger son, I think you are young and handsome, why would you joke about your own life in order to save a few dollars?" The handlebar style persuaded me bitterly.

You Shu sincerely thanked him, but he just didn't listen and insisted on going to the haunted house. In desperation, the handlebar style had to lead him to a deep alley, pointed to a large mansion with three entrances and said, "This is it, there lives Yalang across the street, I will ask you a question."

The handlebar-style knocked on the opposite door, explaining the purpose. Yalang was worrying about the vacancy of the house, and when he heard that someone wanted to rent it, he agreed without a word. You Shutong paid a total of 12 taels of silver, of which 7 taels were a year's rent and 5 taels as a deposit, and finally moved the luggage and book boxes in.

Yalang and Cheshiji hid outside the door and poked their heads around, seeing him beckoning and hurriedly turning around and running away. This place is very evil. There is a cold wind in the summer, weeping in the middle of the night, and ghosts. There are seventeen or eight people who are scared to death and crazy. This little post-born is too daring to listen to advice.

The two ran out for a mile before they slumped on the ground, terrified.

This mansion was built very splendidly, with rocky hills, lush vegetation, and clouds. You Shu turned on his mental power to look around, and sure enough, he found that many ghosts were coming and going in the house, and he obviously regarded this place as an ideal place to live.

Because of the Taoist inheritance, Youshu also understands the art of empathy. After turning around the house twice, he realized that the problem lies in the water source that runs through the courtyards. Water can accumulate wealth, but if it is not properly drained, it will destroy wealth and bring disaster. I don’t know if the host’s family has been calculated or if they really don’t understand. They actually built a pool at the east and west ends, and dug a ditch to connect them, forming a mirror image of the blood basin. No wonder the host’s children and grandchildren died early. Ding withered, and turned the yang house into a yin house, which became a place of ecstasy and death.

Youshu's body-protecting dragon energy has long been exhausted, so he usually makes a lot of exorcism charms and hides them in the package. If the ghosts don't come to provoke him, he can live in harmony. If he wants to kill, he just follows. Thinking of this, he became more and more calm, Shi Shiran walked into the main courtyard and picked up the most spacious room to live in.

After cleaning the inside and outside corners with a cleaning talisman, and putting the luggage in place, he immediately put on his official robe, took the official seal, and went to the official department to report. He desperately wanted to know if the new emperor was his master.

"You are Zhao Youshu, the magistrate of Suichang County?" The official in charge of receiving him looked up and down with scrutiny, and there was a hint of malice in his eyes.

"It's right here. Thanks to the emperor's call, I came to Beijing to report on my duties." You Shu surrendered.

"Okay, let's pay for the writing fee, the delivery fee, the number arrangement fee, the reminder fee...the total is 12,000 taels of silver."

You Shu knew that Liubu, like Liufang in the yamen, set up various names to accept bribes, but when he really encountered such a thing, he was still quite indignant. He resisted his anger and asked, "If the emperor fails to see Zhao's work report in time, what should he do?"

"Hey, who do you think you are?" The official squinted his eyes and looked contemptuous, "Tell you, if you don't pay these fees, you can honestly wait in the capital, maybe after a hundred or eighty years, the emperor will be able to Thinking of you. Back then when King Pingxi went to Beijing to report for work, he didn't take me seriously because he was a relative of the royal family, and he refused to pay anything. Guess what? No one wrote his report for him. I waited in the capital for two years before the emperor summoned me. You first look at others, and then weigh yourself, do you have the weight of King Pingxi?"

"That was the time of the emperor, right?" You Shu revealed it in one sentence.

The official choked his breath and quickly returned to normal, sneering, "The same is true for the new emperor's enthronement. He has moved the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Punishment. Let's see if he dares to move the Ministry of Household and Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Personnel. The Ministry of Household and the Ministry of Personnel are the backbone of the country, and a slight movement will hurt the bones. Does the emperor dare? Don’t ask these old officials in the court if they agree.”

Yushu felt a chill in her heart, but she insisted, "Can't I write the debriefing report myself?"

The official documents submitted to various ministries for review, especially the official documents handed to the imperial front, have specific formats and wordings, and officials who have entered the office with the imperial examinations have never had access to this knowledge. , that is dismissal. Seeing that he was so stingy, the officials would not even pay for the money, so they let him jump into the pit.

"Okay, you can write it yourself. But this official has agreed in advance that you will not pay the manuscript fee, numbering fee, and collection fee. When the official document you have written can be seen by the Shang Shu, it is unknown. The King of Pingxi has waited for two days. Nian, you, seventeen or eighteen years should be almost the same. This official is waiting here, when you figure it out and hand in the money, it will be handed in to you whenever you want." He said confidently.

Youshu was full of anger in her heart, but she didn't show it at all. She picked up the pen and wrote a debriefing report of tens of thousands of words, introducing her political achievements from various aspects, and summarizing her shortcomings. Similar official documents, he can write the best template with just a glance, and in Suichang and Lishui, in order to prevent the dictatorship of subordinate officials, all official affairs are handled by him personally. In terms of business level, he is better than any official in the six departments. Are all high, how can they be stumped by a mere report on work.

After writing it, he checked it twice to make sure that there were no mistakes, and then he stamped the official seal and submitted it. The official didn't even look at it, just tossed it into the file pile and it was over, with an extremely contemptuous attitude.

"Finally, I advise you to gather the money quickly, otherwise this report will be lost."

"Thank you for reminding me." You Shu slightly bowed her hands and strode away.

The corruption of Dayong's administration has far exceeded his imagination. The Ministry of Personnel buys and sells officials, the Ministry of Punishment is unjust, false and wrong, the Ministry of Households empties the treasury, the Ministry of Rites reverses the rules, the Ministry of War is cowardly and incompetent, and the Ministry of Industry is idle. What kind of country is this? What kind of world? Thinking of this, he was not so interested in the identity of the new emperor. Even the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household can't rectify, their methods are too inferior to the master.

Because he was in a bad mood, he bought a lot of cakes to take home. When he put down the box, he remembered that there was still an important thing to do. He hurried to the woodshed, picked up a flat wooden board, and cut it into a tablet with a dagger. The words "Lord of the Netherworld" are engraved on it.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace and escort. I bought a lot of delicious food, I hope you like it." He put the tablet on the incense table, bowed earnestly, and then ate the food he bought. They are neatly stacked in bowls and offered as offerings.

In Dayong Kingdom, he has no master, no parents, and is always attacked by a deep loneliness in the dead of night. Had it not been for King Yama to accompany him, take care of him, stand together through thick and thin, and guard him silently, he would never have survived today. He likes this friend, so he digs his heart out and has no reservations. He always wants to share with him any good things he has obtained.

The candle flame on the incense table suddenly jumped half an inch high and then went out quickly, leaving the room in darkness.

In the imperial city, in the Palace of Heavenly Purity, a tall man was sitting at a desk to review memorials, with a white-faced, beardless, feminine eunuch standing beside him.

The man put down his imperial pen and said solemnly, "What have you been doing today?"

"Reporting to the emperor, the magistrate of Xiao Zhao went to Zhao's house first, and Zhao Youcai planned to settle with 10,000 taels of silver, but he refused. After that, he rented a haunted house in the alley in the east suburbs, and after a short rest, he went to the bureau to report. Due to the inability to collect the expenses, the debriefing report is still under the piles of official documents, and I don’t know when it will be delivered to the office of the Minister of Officials.” After the words were finished, the eunuch said hesitantly, “Otherwise, the servant will go to the Ministry of Officials for a run in person. Come, do you want the debriefing report?"

"I'm not busy, let it go for a while, otherwise how can I have a seizure?" The man looked out the window, revealing a half handsome face that was as cold as ice sculptures.

The eunuch bowed as he should.

After a while, the man asked again, "The officials deliberately made things difficult for Youshu, is Zhao Youcai making trouble?"

"Exactly. He wants to force the magistrate of Xiao Zhao to go to Zhao's house to ask for money."

"Idiot. With a stubborn temper like Shu, the more you push him, the tougher you get. You have to deal with him in a smooth way." The man laughed in a low voice, his words were affectionate, obviously he knew the temperament of Xiao Zhao county magistrate well. .

The eunuch didn't find it strange either, and chuckled lightly. At this moment, a white light suddenly appeared on the table. After the light dissipated, three plates were placed on the imperial case full of files for no reason. One was filled with sweet-scented osmanthus cakes, one was filled with walnut cakes, and the other was filled with A bright red candied haws.

"Yo, who is this stupid and bold, who dares to worship King Yama? Do you think your life is too long?" The eunuch looked surprised.

"It's really a fool!" The man was slightly stunned, picked up the candied haws and looked at it, he couldn't help but laugh. Apart from the silly and daring magistrate of Xiaozhao and a foodie, who else would enshrine King Yama on the incense case? Even if he is not by his side, he can always think of himself, think of himself, and hurriedly take out any good things to share with himself, which is really intentional.

The man bit off a candied gourd, chewed two bites, and praised with satisfaction, "Well, it's very sweet."

The eunuch caught a glimpse of his stretched eyebrows and the gentle smile in his eyes, and finally guessed who the sacrifice was enshrined, and could not help but secretly admire the magistrate of Xiao Zhao. After seeing King Yama, he can still maintain his composure, and he is accompanied by him all the way.

After taking only one bite, the man was reluctant to move, and used magic to seal the sacrifice and put it in the king's seal.

"Just stare at me, I'll come when I go." He stood up and disappeared as a phantom, but behind the imperial case was a man who was the same height and appearance as him, and was slowly picking up his pen. Review memorials.

The eunuch bowed to take orders, brushed the dust, and placed another blindfold in the hall. The guards and palace servants who were guarding the door had their eyes blurred, but now they seem more and more obscure.

When King Yama arrived, Shu was having dinner. Because I don’t have much money left, and I don’t know when the report will be approved, I don’t dare to spend any money. I bought a bag of cabbage and a piece of tofu, and boiled it in water. Rice is the cheapest brown rice. , a large bag of five copper plates, the color is yellow with black, very ugly. The boxes of cakes he bought earlier are now placed on the incense table, leaving the best things for others and the humble ones for himself.

How can you be so stupid and so painful? King Yama walked to the table and sat down, and Symphony rewarded him with two bursts of chestnuts, but he held back.

It was the first time for You Shu to eat alone in such a long time. In the past, King Yama was with him. Although he didn't eat, he would stare at him with gentle eyes, which made him very reassured. Suddenly, I was alone, and I felt that I didn't know the taste of the food. I was absent-mindedly planning the rice, but I was surprised and happy to see the other party coming. His eyes flashed brightly, and he quickly slapped the other person twice, then raised his bowl to cover his mouth, and smiled foolishly.

However, he did not know that the two small dimples on the side of his cheeks had betrayed his joyous mood, causing King Yama to chuckle. The more you look, the more silly, but also the more cute you look. But after a few hours away, I miss it so much. He sighed in his heart, his eyes soft as water.

When someone accompanies him to eat, the brown rice that was hard to swallow has become fragrant now. You Shu took a few pieces of tofu and stuffed it into her mouth with the rice, her cheeks were bulging, her eyebrows were handsome, and she looked extremely pleasing. The man held his cheek with one hand, stared silently, and his heart was also filled with infinite joy.

At this moment, there was a wailing and wolf howling outside the door. A certain female ghost said sharply, "Old Ancestor, our house has been occupied, he is a young scholar."

"Wait until the ancestor sucks his flesh and blood and crushes his soul tonight." A rough voice came.

Some Shu heard it clearly, but with a little friend there, she was not panic at all. King Yama was also unmoved, just flicked his fingers and waved a black light.

"Ah! It's actually hell karma! Everyone, run away, the people inside are either the King of Hell or the prisoner!"

King Yama didn't intend to embarrass them, but after a second thought, he changed his mind and said, "Bring back to this king!"

How many gods are there in the world who can drive the fire of hell and also call themselves "the king"? The ghosts never expected that King Yama would come, and even though they were so frightened that their souls were about to fly, they still crawled out from the ground and stood neatly in two rows, waiting for the dispatch.

King Yama pointed to his ancestor, "You, from now on, you will be the housekeeper of Zhao's house, helping Youshu with housework. What are your subordinates good at?" Knowing that Xiao Zhao county magistrate could see and hear, he still made arrangements with great fanfare Appropriately, the picture is the gratitude and love of the other party. One day, he will let the magistrate of Xiao Zhao be inseparable from him for a moment.

You Shu pretended not to know, but the little dimple on the cheek was sweeter. It is worth a lifetime to make such a loyal friend.