There’s A Beauty

Chapter 96: animal making


Some have short legs, so of course they can't run far on their own, but there are old ghosts who are half dragging and half hugging to help, but they crossed the capital in a short time and came to live temporarily in an abandoned mansion in the suburbs. The old ghost helped him find cinnabar, gecko, mercury, talisman paper, compass, and the four treasures of the study, and then mixed and milled cinnabar, gecko, and mercury according to his instructions to make special ink.

Everything was ready, so Shu took up the brush and wanted to draw a simple locating array, but found that the pen was too long, so he had to tilt his head to draw, and his eyes naturally looked towards the ceiling, not knowing what he was drawing at all. what.

"That won't work, you have to cut off the brush." He sighed helplessly, throwing away the brush.

The old ghost endured it for a long time, and only then did he ask, "What exactly do you want to do? If you don't find someone, why are you writing and painting here?"

"Naturally, it is to draw a tracing formation, so that we can know the exact position of the person!" You Shu rolled the brush to the old ghost with her small paws, nodded her head, "Help me cut off the pen and leave only one The pen, so I can keep it in my mouth."

The old ghost picked up the brush and said incredulously, "You actually know Qimen Dunjia? Aren't you a doctor?"

"I once acquired a Taoist inheritance, and I know a little bit of fur. Otherwise, how do you think I can find someone with just one hair?" Youshu tilted her head to look at him.

As the old ghost chopped off the pen holder with Yin Feng, he laughed, "Don't you have a smart nose? I thought you were going to follow the smell of this hair to find someone. How did you think you would be so mysterious."

Youshu's mouth twitched, "Looking for someone based on the smell? I don't know if you look down on me or look down on me. If that person leaves the capital, when will they be found?" He handed over the brush with only a three-inch barrel left, and he quickly grabbed it, dipped it in a proper amount of cinnabar, and drew a tracing formation on the paper, and then drew a fire talisman. Because the saliva in his mouth always flowed down the pen, he stopped painting for a while, and he was busy for more than an hour before he was done.

"Okay, help me roll my hair into the fire talisman, and then throw it into the center of the formation." After spitting out the pen, he looked up at the old ghost.

The old ghost covered his mouth, turned his back, and shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what he was doing. You Shu walked around in front of him and said it again, he turned his back and continued to shrug his shoulders, causing the second monk You Shu to be confused.

"What's the matter with you?" He scratched the ground with his claws, his expression slightly disturbed.

puff! The old ghost finally burst into laughter, pointed at his mouth with a red beard dyed with cinnabar, and said, "Go out and wash, I want to laugh when I see your bear-like appearance."

Youshu's cheeks flushed, but fortunately, she was not embarrassed by the hair, so she quickly twisted her little butt and ran out, found a standing water, and scratched repeatedly with her claws. When he washed clean and came back, the old ghost threw the flaming talisman with curled hair into the formation, and a mass of flames rose into the air, slowly turning into white soot and floating in the air, and then twisted and twisted like a wandering dragon, forming a shape. A line of big characters - Yunlai Inn in Lijia Village, Jiangxian County, Huaizhou.

"Hey, your formation is so bizarre! I thought it would show the image of the grandparents and grandchildren, but it turned out to be an address. This is probably their hiding place, right?" The old ghost circled around the formation.

"You guessed it right, the original image was indeed the image of the owner of the hair. To find out where she is, you can only rely on the background to infer. I have repeatedly revised and perfected the inscription in the array, and this has become the address." Youshu has a very small chest and a very proud expression.

The old ghost wanted to laugh again, but he had to hold back under the stare of the puppy's clear eyes. Without further ado, the ghost and the dog immediately went to the pier. After several inquiries, they finally quietly boarded a cargo ship bound for Huaizhou, and went to Lijia Village in Dejiang County several times. It's been more than half a month now.

Youshu was hungry and ate wild fruits, thirsty and drank rainwater. Her chubby body, which had been raised by her master, was already emaciated, and her fur was covered in mud. The old ghost was very distressed, so he cast a blindfold on him, and was going to take him to the kitchen of Yunlai Inn to steal food. As soon as they got in, they saw an old woman with gray hair and a kind face throwing various powders into the pot. The powders were colorful and smelled strange. They didn't look like spices, but like poison.

"Xiaohua, remember, the order of these powders must not go wrong, and if one is messed up, it will have no effect." As soon as she opened her mouth, Shu and the old ghost discovered that a little girl was also standing by the stove. But it was blocked by her fat body.

"I know. When I grow up, I will make a lot of beasts. I can make a lot of money by selling them to the rich man's house. With the money, I can wear beautiful clothes, live in luxurious houses, and have servants to serve." Xiaohua nodded with a wanting look on her face.

"My little flower is really promising!" The old woman patted her granddaughter's head with a smile.

You Shu and the old ghost hurriedly hid in the firewood and looked at each other. They thought that the temptress was staying at the Yunlai Inn, but she actually opened the place. So, how many passengers did she assassinate over the years? One person and one ghost were awe-inspiring, curled up in the corner and didn't even dare to breathe, and finally waited for the grandparents and grandchildren to go out before tiptoeing to probe.

"Let's go and have a look in front." You Shu couldn't take care of her hungry stomach for a few days, and immediately ran to the front hall.

Not all old women can do it. Those who live relatively close, those who have a family with a family, and those who have a lot of wealth will be eliminated first, and those who are poor, lonely, and have no fixed place to live are the targets. She took the initiative to deliver the meals one by one to the guests' rooms. The meals were mixed with both poisonous powder and drugs. After taking one bite of the food, she fainted. After the medicine wore off in the middle of the night, she led the beasts to the cowshed. Tie up.

"Today's harvest is pretty good, and I actually made five cows and one horse." The little girl counted with a smile.

"The art of making animals is also traceable. In general, young and middle-aged men will become cows, women will become horses, and children will become sheep. A cow can be sold for two, and a horse can be sold for one. Sheep can be sold for two hundred coins at most."

"Two coin is two thousand copper coins, that's a lot!" The little girl snapped her fingers. "Then I only want young and middle-aged men in the future, and I don't want children. Women are acceptable. If they have good skin, I can make two."

"Hey, my little flowers are really worth it." The old woman laughed hard.

The conversation between the two angered Shu, but they had to hold back. Those bulls and horses apparently also retained their sanity, roaring while stomping their hooves, with sadness and anger in their eyes. The grandparents and grandchildren have long since lost their humanity. They took off the whips hanging on the wall and beat them one by one. When they were tired, they locked the cowshed and went back to sleep.

You Shu climbed out through the gap in the fence of the cowshed. After the two of them were groomed and lay down, the old ghost cast a spell of ecstasy to make them fall asleep, then climbed onto the bed and bit the old woman's wrist. As soon as the blood entered his throat, the hair on his body gradually receded, and his bones elongated inch by inch, becoming the appearance of his first arrival.

The old ghost looked around him, looked left and right, and said in surprise, "No wonder you turned into a Zang-sleeve dog, it turns out that you look exactly like a sleeve dog, look at your round eyes, round face, pink nose, pink mouth, oh , it really looks more and more like it!"

Youshu glared at him fiercely, and then picked up the teapot on the table to catch the blood from the old woman's wrist. The wound was not deep, only half a jug of blood was flowing and it slowly stopped. Youshu quickly ran to the backyard, jumped over the fence, poured the blood into the sink, and said, "This is the antidote, you should drink it quickly, I was also turned into a beast by that temptress before, and I finally found Lijia Village, and only then did I recover."

Everyone saw that his face was dirty and his clothes were tattered, as if he had walked a lot and suffered a lot, and their hearts would rather believe it or not. There is nothing more terrifying than turning into a beast. . As a result, the cows and horses who were still hesitant at first gathered around the water tank to drink blood and water, and then gradually recovered. Naturally, they were grateful to Youshu, so they ran to the old woman's room and took out the grandparents and beat them.

You Shu was worried that if someone died, the victims who were sold would never be found again, so she hurriedly stepped forward to stop them, and asked them to report to the officials. Hearing that there is such a sinister sorcery in the world, the county magistrate was taken aback, interrogated the grandparents and grandchildren overnight, and tried his best to find the victim. You Shu and the old ghost were rewarded with 12 taels of money for saving lives, and they quickly bought a ferry ticket to the capital.

It has been more than a month since I went there. You Shu paid two coins for the city entry fee, and planned to go directly to Duanwangfu to meet the master.

"Hey, there is Shu, wait, come and see this imperial list." The old ghost floated towards the city wall covered with the imperial list. One of them was painted with the dragon totem of Duanwangfu, which was very eye-catching. There were many people around. Pointing around, with a longing expression on his face.

You Shu managed to squeeze in, and saw not only a lot of words written on the emperor list, but also a picture. He recognized at a glance that it was the master's handwriting. He used the line drawing technique to draw a Zang-sleeved dog. From the expression to the hair, it was so lifelike and vivid on the paper, especially the pair of black eyes, no matter where he stood. Watching, it's like staring at you, quite lovable.

"You Shu, have you ever seen yourself turned into a dog? That's it, it's not bad!" The old ghost was amazed.

You Shu didn't have time to read the list carefully, and heard a few passers-by talking, "This dog has been lost for more than a month. If it was still alive, it would have been found long ago."

"Yeah, Prince Duan sent the Imperial Guards to search the imperial city for several days, but it can be said that he scraped the ground three feet, and he didn't even find a single dog hair. If I tell you, I'm afraid it has already entered some beggar's stomach. "

"From the previous 10,000 taels of gold to the current 100,000 taels of gold, if this dog is found by me, not to mention this life, the next life, the next life, there is no need to worry!"

"Do you have that kind of luck? Nowadays, many people don't do anything, they go to the deep alleys every day, just to find this dog, and some people get one that looks like it and send it to Duan Wangfu, where the prince sees through it. , beat him to death. Any beggar roaming on the street will be arrested and taken to the Heavenly Prison for interrogation. Hundreds of people have been arrested in just ten days, and even the poor in rags will be mistakenly arrested. Killing a thousand by mistake can't let one go'. But so what? It's not that I haven't found it yet."

"Is it worth it for a dog?"

"Who can understand the mind of a noble person? In your eyes, it is a dog, but in other people's hearts, it is a baby bump. At first, Prince Duan was still wandering the streets, calling the dog's name and blowing whistle, causing ups and downs. , and later became seriously ill after worrying about it, and then stopped. The person who lost the dog was his fiancee, the first lady of Chengen Gongfu, and now he has forced him to cut his hair and become a nun, Lian Chengengong He was also repeatedly impeached by him, and found out a lot of corruption and perversion of the law, and now he is locked in the sky prison.

"My mother-in-law! A dog has completely destroyed the huge Cheng'en mansion. This is too much of a fuss!"

"More than that! I heard that Prince Shuo and the Empress were also implicated, one was on errands, and the other was banned from the palace..."

Before the man could finish his sentence, someone interrupted him, "You know everything in the palace, are you bragging?"

"Don't believe me, my eldest nephew is working in the palace!"

Youshu had already read the imperial list, and deliberately stood in the crowd for a long time in order to find out the news. Hearing this, he squeezed out slowly and walked quickly to Duanwangfu. However, he forgot that he was no longer the master's precious lump, so he could enter as soon as he said it. As soon as he walked up the steps, he was pushed out by two guards with swords and halberds.

There was no way, so I had to find a nearby inn to settle down. He thought about it for a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he asked the old ghost to help him find a pug with a big slap in the market, dyed it pure white with paint, and trimmed his hair to his original appearance, and asked, "Does it look like it? "

"It's like eight or nine points." The old ghost nodded.

"Let's go, go to Duanwangfu to receive the reward." Youshu put the puppy in her sleeve and ran out in a hurry.

When the guard heard that he was here to deliver the dog, and saw that the puppy in his arms was very similar to the portrait, he immediately sent someone to report it.

The Seventh Prince had not been to the court for a month, and Emperor Jing sent people to urge him every day and was indifferent. The eunuch who passed the decree saw that his face was pale, his eyes were scattered, and he looked like a life without love, but he did not dare to force it, so he had to return to his life. As soon as he left his forefoot, the Seventh Prince got off the bed with his hind foot, and said solemnly, "Bring this king's crutches, this king will continue to exercise."

Xiao Shunzi took the crutches and persuaded in a low voice, "My lord, how can your body endure you exercising endlessly all day long. Mr. Deng has already said that your body is still recovering, so it's too late."

The seventh prince didn't answer, he first walked around the hall with his crutches, then threw the crutches and walked out steadily step by step. He was a little sluggish when going down the steps, but when he got to the lawn, he walked like a fly, which no one could have imagined. A month ago, he was a patient with paralyzed legs.

The palace is full of secret guards inside and out. If anyone wants to reveal the news, there is only a dead end. Suddenly, a dark guard flew down from the top of the tree and said, "My lord, someone in the front yard reported that the puppy was found."

"Bring people in quickly! Go!" The seventh prince's voice was trembling, and his face was even more ecstatic.

The dark guard did not dare to delay, and immediately rushed to the front door to lead someone. He disliked Youshu for walking slowly, so he carried him directly on his shoulders, and climbed over the courtyard walls and went straight into the backyard. You Shu was beaten up and squatted on the ground with the puppy in her arms, unable to catch her breath for a long time.

The seventh prince was full of eyes, only the puppy he was holding in his hands. A white, small, round one, at first glance, it is actually his own. He walked over quickly and took the puppy carefully. He wanted to raise it in front of him to kiss and comfort him, but he met a pair of brown eyes that, although ignorant and clear, lacked a lot of spiritual energy.

"This is not the king's Youshu!" From the extreme joy to the abyss of disappointment, his current mood can only be described as "thumping like thunder". He threw away the puppy without pity, and saw that his palm was covered with white paint, his eyes became more and more cruel, he grabbed the shirt of the person who came, and lifted it forcefully.

He was almost nine feet tall, very tall and arrogant, while Youshu was only seven feet three inches. He was immediately suspended in the air, strangling his neck, his cheeks flushed and he couldn't breathe.

"Cough, cough, it's me, master." He kicked his legs and slapped his master's strong arm.

The young man was squatting and panting just now, and he could only see the top of his jet-black hair. Now he raised his small face, revealing his facial features, making the enraged Seventh Prince feel like he was struck by lightning. The willow-leaf eyebrows of moderate shade; the dark, moist eyes; the small pink mouth with the upturned nose; the two small dimples that appear from the uncomfortable pursing of the lips, which are exactly the same as the portraits in the study.

The seventh prince let go of his hand as if being scalded by the fire, and while he hugged the man's slender waist, he patted his violently heaving chest, and said in a trembling voice, "You, who are you?" Once again, taste the taste of falling from the cloud to hell.

"Master, I am Youshu!" Youshu finally caught her breath, and hurriedly grabbed her master's sleeve, her eyes full of joy while choking with tears.

The Seventh Prince almost hugged him, but only almost. He pushed the person away with difficulty, and with a slight wave of his hand, the guard brought a chair to him. After sitting down, he asked, "How do you prove that you are a concubine?" The surprise came so suddenly that he wanted to believe it, but didn't. dare to believe.

how to prove? Youshu racked her brains to think about it, and began to describe the details of getting along with the master.

"You can know these things from other people's mouths, it doesn't count." The seventh prince crushed the armrest of the chair.

"How does that count? I really have Shu. Master, you even drew a portrait of me and hung it in the study." Shu was anxious and ran to his side and rubbed it around.

The seventh prince was numb from his rubbing, and he said hard, "I don't know how many people saw that painting. Who knows if you are a spy sent to the house by some people."

The master has just rectified Cheng'en's mansion, and has dragged down the eldest prince and the queen, and is on the cusp of a storm. It's always right to be cautious. You Shu's frowned frowned slowly loosened again. She leaned forward to the master with a sullen face, stuck out half of her tongue, and asked vaguely, "Do you think this looks like this?"

Like, very like! He turned into a man and turned into a dog. Even without that portrait, the Seventh Prince could recognize him at first sight. But as long as he thinks that this little bastard has been hiding for a whole month, he gets angry and has to teach him a lesson.

"Not like." The Seventh Prince shook his head and sneered.

Youshu's hopeful expression collapsed. When he saw his master's legs, his eyes suddenly lit up. He immediately squatted down, pressed and kneaded up along his calf, inch by inch, while simultaneously pumping the energy in his body into the acupuncture points. Only the puppy knows this kind of massage technique, so the master should believe it now.

How can a dog's paw be compared with the slender fingers in front of him? Whether it is tactile or visual enjoyment, it has improved several levels. The seventh prince stared at the fingertips that were as white as jade and tender as scallions against the black cloth, and he slowly raised his thoughts.

"Enough, I believe you are Youshu." In order to prevent embarrassment, and to prevent Youshu from impressing Meng Lang, the seventh prince pulled him up, his voice hoarse.

You Shu cheered and threw himself into his master's arms without any hesitation, kissing and licking his face, but after a moment he smeared a layer of shiny saliva. The old ghost is right. I have been a dog for too long, and some habits can no longer be broken. The poor seventh prince wanted to hide the embarrassment of his body, but this time it was even more uncomfortable, and even the blue veins on his forehead burst out. But he was reluctant to let him push him away, so he had to fold his long legs and sit on his knees, enjoying the long-lost kiss while laughing heartily.

Xiao Shunzi and the others stood far away, not knowing what happened just now. They thought that people would die in the house again, but they didn't expect the master and the other party to hug each other in the blink of an eye, and now they are kissing. He hesitated for a moment, then turned around, not daring to look further.

The seventh prince took the lost and found baby into his arms and kissed it again and again, and then began to ask him about his previous movements.

Youshu has already thought about it, if the master has no memory, he will not tell the experience of previous lives. The master is a brand new individual in each life, and he should have the right to choose, not be bound by the past. I will work hard to fight for it, and then follow the destiny, I will be lucky, but I will lose it indifferently, and I will be satisfied if I only guard it not far or near. So he withheld certain fragments and said what he could say.

The seventh prince sighed for a while before saying, "It turns out that you are a human being, but you were only caught in a sorcery. What about your family?"

"I have no family, I have been wandering in the world, and I don't even have a household registration." This is not a lie. Youshu is a wandering soul living in another world.

For some reason, the seventh prince was relieved and said with a low smile, "Then I will be your family in the future, and your household registration will be in Duanwang's mansion, and tomorrow I will send someone to the yamen to handle it."

You Shu nodded, her mouth showing two small dimples. The Seventh Prince immediately stretched out his fingertips and poked it lightly. The touch was soft and tender, so he poked it again, and then burst out laughing. He waited for this day for a long time, and it was almost the same as the scene in his dream. The only fly in the ointment was: Youshu did not transform into a person in his arms, and he was not naked. But that's all, there's always a chance in the future.

He held Youshu's left hand, looked it over and over, and finally put it on his lips as usual and kissed it, teasing, "No wonder your dog's paws are pink, it's just like that." His fingers were soft and boneless, and his palm was delicate and smooth. , There is no calluses at all, and Youshu's life experience is not as miserable as he said. But it doesn't matter, as long as he is willing to come back, as long as he stays by his side forever, even if he is a spy sent by someone else, the seventh prince will recognize him.