There’s A Beauty

Chapter 97: animal making


After finally finding the baby bump, the seventh prince's heartstrings were tense for more than a month before he could relax. Hearing him talk about making animals, he immediately repaired a book and sent it to Jiangxian County, Huaizhou, and ordered the county magistrate of Jiangxian County to conduct a strict investigation. Inside, be sure to find all the victims.

Seeing the dark guard rushing away with the letter in his arms, You Shu's gaze towards the master became more and more adoring. He knows that the master is omnipotent, and if there is any difficulty, it is right to leave it to the master. The seventh prince was already in a good mood, but when he saw him, he felt a little fluttering, but when he saw his sharp chin, his eyes darkened, "Have you had a good meal in the past month or so? I see you like this, it seems that you have lost a lot of weight. "

"You suddenly swelled to such a large size, he can see that you are thin? What kind of eyes are you looking at?" The old ghost expressed his surprise.

Youshu also opened her eyes and asked, "How do you know I'm thin?" Then she pulled at the front of her empty clothes, revealing half-pulled shoulders and a beautifully shaped collarbone. He had indeed lost weight. This dress was transformed from the Ziwei Emperor Qi that the master gave him back then. Originally it fit very well, but now it is a little too big.

The Seventh Prince immediately tidied up his clothes, untied the slightly loose belt, and fastened it again. The tip of his ear was slightly red, and he said, "Let's feel it. Your face should have been rounder, but now there is no meat." He While talking, he grabbed the tender meat on the side of the boy's cheek and pinched it lightly.

Speaking of this, You Shu was full of grievances, and recounted the sufferings she had suffered along the way, which made the seventh prince's eyes red, and immediately asked the cook to set up a table of banquets, the richer the better.

"Wait a minute, the taste of food has to change. I'm a human being, I can eat whatever you want, Master, and don't make me boiled chicken with white water." Youshu hurriedly pulled the sleeve of the master's sleeve and said seriously, "I It's been a long time since I've eaten a heavy-tasting meal, I want big fish and big meat, big meat, big fishy, big oily and greasy!" Then he quietly sucked the saliva from his lips.

The Seventh Prince couldn't help laughing, while rubbing his head with blue silk, he raised the order, "Little Shunzi, let the cook in the pantry only cook the dishes with strong flavors, whether salty, spicy, or sour, and serve them all."

Xiao Shunzi, who was standing in the distance, then stepped forward, nodding her head in agreement, and secretly looking at the young man with out of the corner of her eyes, only to see that the other side tilted his head, and he was looking at him with his black eyes, his eyes were clear and agile. Xiao Shunzi was startled and cried out in her heart, "Oh my mother! These eyes are similar to the little master Youshu! Could it be that the prince could not find a puppy and planned to raise a person as a substitute? This looks so pretty too!

While thinking wildly, he hurried to the dining room, and vaguely heard the prince call you Shu in a gentle tone, and he couldn't help staggering.

The food came soon, and the seventh prince was used to eating in the same bowl with Youshu. If he came across a large piece of meat that he couldn't bite, he would tear it into pieces and feed it into his mouth. Now, even if Shu has become a human being, he can't change this habit for a moment. Seeing that the maid has filled a bowl of rice for Shu, she waved her hand and said, "Remove this set of tableware."

You Shu, who couldn't wait to serve the meal, was a little dumbfounded, "Master, how can I eat without bowls and chopsticks?"

"You didn't have bowls and chopsticks before, why didn't you eat well?" The seventh prince took a piece of braised pork and fed it to his lips, his eyes full of interest, "Come, open your mouth."

In order to meet the master as soon as possible, Youshu can be said to be sleeping in the open and starving. At this time, she has no intention to care about the issue of human rights. Besides, he had been a puppy for two years, and some things had already become a habit, so he hurried over and took the meat away in one bite.

Feeding puppies and feeding people are two completely different concepts. After the puppy takes away the shredded meat, it will chew it a few times, then swallow it whole, and then lick the soup from its mouth with its tongue, with a very charming and cute look. But after becoming a human, what he licked was the red lips stained with meat juice, the lips were slightly opened, and a row of snow-white teeth was inadvertently exposed. This scene has nothing to do with cuteness, and can only use "temptation" Two words to describe.

In the past, when eating with Youshu, the seventh prince would have a big appetite, but now, even if he quickly dipped a small bowl of rice, he still felt hungry and thirsty in his belly, as if there was some kind of deep, secret desire that could never be obtained. Satisfy.

Seeing that the master had only fed him two pieces of meat, he picked up the bowl, and shaved the rice for himself. Some Shu caressed his empty belly and begged, "Master, give me a bite." The words grabbed the master's arm and forced him to lower it. bowl, and plunge into it.

The seventh prince almost stabbed him in the face with a chopstick, and he was dumbfounded. He hurriedly pointed the edge of the bowl to his lips and slowly shoveled the rice into it. Youshu was really hungry. She devoured her food for a while, and ate three bowls of rice in a row to be able to fill her seven points. Then she lay in the chair without bones, and pressed her hands on her belly. .

This look is simply a copy of the puppy, but the style of painting has changed from cute to lazy, causing the seventh prince to look at him frequently, and then shake his head and laugh. When you have eaten, your reaction is a little slow, and it takes a quarter of an hour to realize that she has recovered. Does it seem indecent to rub her stomach like this? He hurriedly sat upright and tilted his head to look at the master who had put down the bowl and was rinsing his mouth with tea.

"I can't sit for a long time when I'm full, master, are you still practicing walking recently? I'll help you go around the yard for two laps?"

"Since you disappeared, I wondered if you were hungry for a while, whether you would be taken away by wild cats and dogs, and then worried about those beggars who don't have long eyes roasting you. I worry so much every day. If you can’t swallow, you can’t sleep at night, how can you have the mind to practice walking? Finally, you still have some conscience, and you know to come back.” The seventh prince habitually held one of his paws and branded a fiery kiss on the palm of his hand and the back of his hand.

The blush on Youshu's face disappeared instantly, she lowered her head slightly, and said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I couldn't speak, so I couldn't explain the reason, so I thought I'd come back to you when I recovered. If you are my master, you will always be my master, and I will never leave you unless you drive me away."

"Fool, why am I willing to drive you away? Just come back." With Yushu's promise, the seventh prince put down the big stone in his heart, ruffled his jet-black hair, and said with a low smile, "Let's go, help me walk around. ."

In order to erase the guilt of disappearing for a month for no reason, Youshu actively hugged the master's thin waist and took him to the back garden. Xiao Shunzi followed closely behind, with a tangled face: Wang Ye is clearly able to walk like a fly, why is he pretending to be disabled now? Look, even walking on flat ground, he had to put his entire weight on the thin boy's shoulders, and from behind, it looked like a mountain was covering him.

Youshu was really struggling. She finally helped her master to sit firmly in the pavilion. She was out of breath and sweating profusely. But he didn't care about himself at all. He took out a handkerchief and carefully wiped the sweat for the master, and asked repeatedly, "Are you tired, master? Do your legs hurt? Can I rub it for you?"

"Don't be tired, don't hurt, don't be busy, you also sit and rest for a while." The seventh prince pulled the man to his side and wiped the sweat from his forehead with his fingertips, his eyes full of pity.

The two sat for a while and then went back to the room to wash and rest. When Shu was a puppy, she would be carried into the tub by her master for a bath, but now she naturally undresses and steps in. The seventh prince quickly glanced at his long white legs and upturned buttocks, then covered his slightly swollen lower abdomen with a bath towel, and coughed extremely embarrassingly. People and dogs are really completely different. The scenes that once only felt warm and happy are now full of endless temptations, making him use strong self-control every moment.

Youshu couldn't feel her master's pain at all, she tapped the water with both hands, and sighed, "The tub has gotten bigger, so I can't swim anymore."

The seventh prince smiled, reached out and took off the wooden duckling on the stool, and asked, "Do you remember this? You can only play with it now, you can't lie down."

The wood-carved duckling is exquisite in workmanship, and a part of the interior is hollowed out so that it can float stably on the water. When you get into the water, you like to flop around, and when you are tired, you lie on the back of the duckling and float. If the duckling can't float, she will bark at the master and ask him to help him pat the water.

That's when you really know how to enjoy it! Yushu's face flushed with embarrassment for a moment, and he hurriedly plunged his head into the water, purring bubbles. This appearance was not much more stable than when he was a dog, which made the Seventh Prince laugh. Wei Dao's puppy is so cute. It turns out that he himself has this temperament and is not controlled by the demon law.

"Okay, come out quickly, be careful to hold back. I won't laugh at you, okay?" Seeing that the young man's ears were all red, the seventh prince dragged him out of the water and whispered softly, " If you dislike the tub being too small, another day I will have someone build a big pond for you to swim in. I will also carve a life-size duck for you and put it on the water for you to float." He picked up the scoop and slowly moved towards The teenager poured water on top of his head, and then rubbed his black hair.

Youshu pinched the duckling and said in an inaudible low voice, "No need, the tub is fine, but I suddenly got bigger, and I'm just not used to it."

He said no, but he held the toy in both hands, and his eyes were full of hope, and he really didn't know how to hide his emotions at all. The more the seventh prince looked, the more he liked it, he couldn't help but hug him into his arms and kiss him well. Youshu lied down, squinted her eyes and hummed. After humming for a while, she remembered that she was no longer a dog. She quickly covered her mouth, thinking that the old ghost was right. I am a dog. After two years of recovery, I'm afraid it will be like a dog.

The seventh prince was burned by his disturbing humming, but was amused by his extremely ashamed expression. He took a deep breath without a trace, and when his lower body was weak, he pulled the person up and rubbed it up and down, not even letting go of the crevices of his fingers and feet. It was no different from taking care of a puppy. You Shu, on the other hand, was embarrassed by him for a while, numb for a while, emotional and cranky for a while, and by the time the water came out, it was red from head to toe, like boiled shrimp.

He once again missed the benefits of being a puppy. Even if he was ashamed to death, others couldn't see his expression clearly through the thick fluff, unlike now, he was naked at a glance. He covered his lower body, stood on the low stool and winked at the master, as if he was about to burn in the next instant.

The seventh prince pretended not to notice his slightly responsive body, picked him up, strode into the inner room, and threw it into the bed.

Youshu was immediately distracted and said incredulously, "You, can you walk on your legs? Then why did you lie to me before?"

The seventh prince put a towel over his head, wiped his hair lightly, and said with a low smile, "What? You are only allowed to leave without saying goodbye, and I am not allowed to make a joke?"

"Xu." You Shu confessed and waited until her hair was no longer dripping before she began to wear slanderous clothes and trousers. After sleeping enough on the grass nest and the hard slate, he finally returned to Duanwang's mansion. Lying in the soft bedding, he couldn't help rolling a few times, and then wiggled his nose and sniffed the smell on the pillow. That's right, it's the ambergris used by the master, and I miss it so much.

Seeing his giggling gesture and intoxicated expression, the seventh prince sneered, "Tell me the truth, are you a human or a dog?"

Youshu stiffened for a moment, and hurriedly said, "I'm really human, my lord. I'm like this, you believe me."

The Seventh Prince's heart had already collapsed with laughter, but his face was dubious, "Okay, I believe in you. I just want you to know that whether you are a human or a dog, I will not despise you."

Youshu nodded vigorously, her heart was warm, but she didn't dare to rejoice. She lay beside her master and looked at her with bright eyes, "Tell a few stories before going to bed?"

The seventh prince habitually took people into his arms, raised one eyebrow, and once again sighed in his heart the difference between humans and dogs. When Shu was still a dog, Shu was lying on his back in a small ball in his arms, which could be supported with one palm, with four paws facing the sky, revealing a pink plum blossom cushion, which looked very cute. But now, his body has elongated, becoming flexible and extremely elastic. Looking down, in addition to his beautiful face, he also has a slender neck and a graceful collarbone, revealing half of his rounded shoulders.

This appearance has nothing to do with cuteness, and it simply makes the seventh prince's eyes not know where to put it. He held his forehead and groaned, knowing that every moment in the future, his lower body would not feel better. I don't know if there will be an illness if I hold on to it from time to time, I have to find a chance to ask Mr. Deng.

He thought a lot in his heart, but his face was calm and indifferent, and he bent his legs, so that Shu would not touch the place that should not be touched, and then took his body into his arms, and then took out a book of Mountains and Seas from under the pillow, dumbfounded. He asked, "Where did I say that last time?"

"Speaking of "Thor", there is Thor in Lei Ze, the body of a dragon and the head of a man." You Shu arched his head and drilled into the arms of his master. This was his signature move when he turned into a dog.

The Seventh Prince sighed again, but he still opened the pages and told stories slowly. He hurriedly settled down after coaxing people to sleep, and turned to the screen to keep busy.

Emperor Jing heard that someone brought a dog to the door to receive the reward. He thought that Lao Qi would go to court soon, but he didn't expect that the dog was fake, and the person who sent the dog was also arrested by him. Dead is alive. Deng Chaoshan visited the palace several times, and expressed concern that Prince Duan did not eat or drink, and was too worried. He also said that he was old and his energy was limited, so he asked his younger apprentice to go to Duan Wangfu to guard him.

Emperor Jing summoned Deng Chaoshan's closed disciple, seeing that the other was a handsome and unparalleled young man, not only good in medical skills, but also very clear in his eyes, so he agreed. He originally wanted to call him sick and force Lao Qi to enter the court to assist him, but he was worried about the princes who were eyeing him, so he had to give up his mind.

However, others are not as reliable as Lao Qi. He just let his personal servant read a memorial for a few days, and the rumor that "the emperor suffers from eye disease" spread, which made all the princes eager to move. Eye diseases are not like other diseases, you can take care of them slowly, and at the same time you can hold on to the imperial power. Once you suffer from eye disease, no matter how strong you are, you have to fall from a height.

Emperor Jing was very anxious, but fortunately Deng Chaoshan performed another golden needle-pulling technique to restore his vision to normal. But this is only temporary. If the white barrier in the eyes cannot be completely removed, it will grow back after a while. In other words, Emperor Jing's time is running out.

An ambitious emperor turned into a beast in a cage in the blink of an eye, and his sons, concubines, courtiers, all surrounded by the cage, peeping with blood-red eyes full of aggressive intent, it felt terrible, and also Emperor Jing was mad with hatred. Every day he went through, he deeply missed the days when Lao Qi was by his side. The seventh is loyal, reliable, and filial, and is tight-lipped about his condition. He didn't expect anything in return, he just wanted to live peacefully with his puppy, but even this little wish would be broken by others. Emperor Jing's grievances against Cheng'en's government continued to deepen, and he was also full of vigilance and disgust at the princes who were pressing step by step.

After thinking about it for a few days, he finally released the news that he was going to test the princes of the school, and then found the best successor. The princes were all excited, and they were all obedient to their father and emperor on the surface, but they fought to the death behind their backs. Without waiting for Emperor Jing to act, the eldest prince, third prince, and fifth prince were successively dismissed, or demoted to commoners, or imprisoned for life; the fourth prince saw the signs and asked himself to go to the fief; the sixth prince put all forces into the nine Under the prince's command, he did his best to help him win the heirloom.

After several contests, in March of the following year, Emperor Jing issued an imperial decree to formally establish the ninth prince as the heir. The Prince's Mansion of the Ninth Prince changed its plaque and became the Prince's Mansion. People came and went for a while, and it was very lively. The Duanwang Mansion just across the street was completely silent.

Of course, this so-called silence is only in the eyes of outsiders, but the patriarchs never dared to ignore King Duan, and from time to time they would go to seek advice on government affairs. To be honest, they were extremely dissatisfied with the performance of the prince. The other party was able to defeat the brothers, and naturally he had the ability, but to say something disrespectful: his ability can be used to rule a small country at most, not like King Duan, but to bring peace to the world Unearthly material. It is not enough to describe the gap between the two with "Pearl in the front", and it is appropriate to replace it with "Firefly Fire Angan and the Sun and Moon Fight for Glory".

When King Duan was there, no matter how controversial the government was, it would be resolved within a day. He first asked the elders to express their opinions, divided those with different opinions into several factions, and refuted each other. If his own ideas are at odds with most people, he will stand up and refute it in person. His tongue is as sharp as a sword and halberd, and he can make everyone obey his orders without any second thoughts.

Not only does he possess extraordinary charisma, but he is also well versed in the way of checks and balances. Every time a decree is promulgated, he will make the domestic situation an arm and a commander. On the other hand, the Ninth Prince's actions after entering the pavilion can only be described as "a complete mess". Whenever the elders disagreed, he would hesitate and make it difficult to make a decision, then pretended to have a headache and dismissed everyone, and after returning, he would invite his staff to discuss.

However, those aides are not well-informed, and it is the limit to win the crown for him, and they are dizzy when they come to adjudicate on state affairs. That's all, in order to consolidate the status of the prince, they excluded dissidents, mutilated Zhongliang, replaced the two elders with disgraceful means, and put their own people on top.

Emperor Jing was still watching from the sidelines, until now Fang was completely cold to the ninth prince. Before the establishment of the heir, the ninth prince had done a good job of filial piety to his son. However, as soon as he entered the court, he began to remove Emperor Jing's confidants. Where would Lao Qi do this when he was there!

In contrast to the two, Emperor Jing realized that Lao Qi was better. If Lao Qi had healthy legs, he would be the crown prince!

It was only now that the Seventh Prince felt that the time had come and was ready to come out again. These days, the dismissed elders have come to complain one after another, and there are many temptations in their words. They are fed up with the dictatorship and exclusion of dissidents from the ninth prince. Although the seventh prince has extraordinary abilities, he is extremely opposed to the centralization of the monarchy. must not be deleted.

On the other hand, the ninth prince planned to replace all the cabinet ministers with his henchmen, so as to achieve the purpose of the monarchy. Once the power is delegated, it will be difficult to take it back. The patriarchs have been operating in the DPRK for a lifetime. Even if they are sacked, their power is deeply ingrained. Where can the Ninth Prince move? Even if the Seventh Prince is disabled in his legs, they are willing to support him to come to power, but only if the Seventh Prince himself has the will.

As soon as the two sides approached each other for a while, they were already aware of their respective plans, but the Ninth Prince and Emperor Jing were the only ones who kept it in the dark.

This day is the annual horse racing festival. The seventh prince got up early in the morning and prepared to take Shu into the palace to watch the horse racing. Some Shu people got into the master's arms before waking up, sticking out their tongues and licking, licking the rough stubble before grunting twice and opening their confused eyes.

The Seventh Prince's legs had already recovered, so he pressed him under his body and rubbed him for a while, and then he took out the smug clothes and trousers to put on for him, and explained in a low voice, "Follow me after entering the palace, don't walk around."

"Did you do anything today?"

The Seventh Prince did not answer the question, "I think the government of Dayan is very sound, with all the ministers present, the monarch only needs to make a ruling at a critical moment, he has the power in his hand, and he is not subject to control, and he wants to go to court. Just go to the court, if you want to quit the court, then the court minister will naturally handle the government affairs properly, how good do you think it is?"

Youshu understood everything and said seriously, "Master, you just go forward, I will follow you behind."