There’s a Beauty [Ancient Wear Modern]

Chapter 111: Shan Qihuan's time travel story 4


Ten months later, a cry resounded throughout the Prince Xian's Mansion. This time, Shan Qihuan was much stronger when he learned that his wife was pregnant. He waited until his wife had safely given birth and the baby was born before he fainted.

After arriving in ancient times, with a wife and children, Shan Qihuan's life goals gradually became clear. He had to create a safe and comfortable living environment for his family. But even if he was far away from the new emperor, he was still on guard, fearing that the new emperor would remember him one day. There were emperors like this in history. They were afraid of rebellions in various places, so they brought their children to the capital, claiming that there were better teachers in the capital, but in fact they were treating them as hostages.

Shan Qihuan doesn't want this to happen to him, so he must make himself strong before the new emperor reacts.

The new emperor is diligent in his work and loves his people. He has also reduced taxes for farmers. These measures show that he is still a wise ruler. However, he has eunuchs and ministers around him, and there will be more and more beauties in his harem. Who knows if he will become confused when he gets old? The most important thing is that Shan Qihuan is determined not to let his family members come to any harm.

He has not been idle during these days in his fiefdom, and has gained a lot of loyal people. The issue of iron ore has also been put on the agenda. He not only wants to make great plans, but also wants to do things that the ancients have never accomplished.

Modern iron ore smelting technology has naturally reached its peak, but it is not so easy in modern times. Fortunately, Shan Qihuan was also the top scorer in the college entrance examination that year, and he did not forget any of the knowledge points he should remember.

Shan Qihuan asked Shen Yuhan if he would support him if he wanted to do something.

Shen Yuhan said that he supported it. He had listened to a lot of Shan Qihuan's ideas and thoughts over the years. He felt that only someone like his husband could become the leader of a country. Now that he was willing to endure hardships, it was not a bad idea.

After Shan Qihuan made up his mind to do this, Shen Yuhan also wrote a letter to the Shen family. The second elder brother of the Shen family secretly came to the south in person, and met his younger brother and nephew who were safe and sound. Knowing that they were living very well, his brothers thought they would never see Shen Yuhan again, but they didn't expect that things would take a turn for the better and she was living so well and even married a good man. This was something they had never expected.

Second Brother Shen was quite satisfied with the virtuous king. He had an extraordinary bearing, was eloquent, strategic, and had a broad vision. He had the appearance of an emperor. More importantly, he was also very good to Shen Yuhan and the children, and his backyard was very clean. He had never seen Han'er's eyes follow anyone, and the admiration in his eyes could not be faked.

After returning to Qi, Brother Shen described to his father and brothers what he had discussed with Shan Qihuan and his impression of this man.

They all knew that Qi might not be able to be saved. The emperor was old and often unconscious. The empress dowager in the harem controlled the political power. It was estimated that after the emperor passed away, she would support the young prince to ascend the throne. At that time, the Chu State would surely take advantage of the situation. They didn't have to do anything now, just to protect the Shen family.

As Shan Qihuan expected, the State of Qi did not survive for long and was soon destroyed.

The land of Qi was incorporated into the territory of Chu, and the small country of Qi no longer existed in the world.

The Shen family had already been reminded by Shan Qihuan and had made sufficient preparations. After the Chu State invaded the Qi State, their family quietly avoided it all without any major losses. With the help of Shan Qihuan, they left the Qi State and went directly to Shan Qihuan's fiefdom, and will serve the wise king in the future.

It doesn't matter who they work with. As long as there is a future, that's the person they can follow.

The happiest person was Shen Yuhan. The family was finally reunited, and at this time he and Shan Qihuan had a second son. It was a double happiness and a good omen.

Shan Qihuan combined historical experience with the help of the Shen family and with their mutual support, his fiefdom grew larger and larger, but all this was done in a low-key manner. The emperor of the time was still immersed in the joy of obtaining the State of Qi. Unfortunately, the emperor did not live long. Due to being too diligent in his work, he suddenly fell headfirst on his desk while reviewing memorials one day and died.

At this time, Shan Qihuan, as the emperor's only remaining brother and the only king with a fiefdom, would definitely return to the capital to attend the funeral. Many court officials were unaware of his threat and no one objected. Shan Qihuan led his troops into the capital. By the time everyone realized what was happening, the kingdom of Chu had already been in Shan Qihuan's pocket. He got everything that others wanted without losing a single soldier.

The emperor did not issue a will, but Shan Qihuan prepared one for him long ago, and none of the prime ministers noticed anything wrong with it.

To put it in a modern way, opportunities come to those who are prepared.

Shan Qihuan just became the new emperor of Chu. The court officials were not familiar with the wise king who had been hidden for many years, and had no idea about his style of doing things. It was useless to flatter him or do anything else. Compared with the diligent previous emperor, this emperor was not fair and diligent, and he also cared about his family. He had no women in the harem, and he didn't need any.

Similarly, Shen Yuhan, who suddenly became the queen, was not at all stage-frightened when she entertained the wives of court officials. She was more dignified and a better mother of the country than the previous queen. She was the first prince queen in the history of the Chu State, and all the princes envied her.

Shan Qihuan spent some time to reorganize his governing team, and with the help of the Shen father and son, he was able to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

After he returned to the harem, he saw his two sons sticking to his wife after school, and he wondered thoughtfully whether he should give them more homework.


The two, one big and one small, politely called out to each other. Shan Qihuan held one in each hand and asked, "What did you learn today?"

The eldest said, "My second uncle taught us today to recite poems. It's boring and dull."

The little one had just begun to learn, and he replied seriously: "Father, I am learning to write."

Shan Qihuan asked a few more questions about studying, and then stopped asking. He couldn't deprive the children of their time for rest and play, so he asked Shen Yuhan what they wanted to eat in the evening.

Shen Yuhan looked at them with a smile, the joy on his face could not be hidden. He announced the names of the dishes: "Tonight I will give you stewed mutton, bamboo fungus stewed chicken soup, chicken marrow bamboo shoots, crispy yellow radish, and lotus root powder and osmanthus sugar cake."

When they heard there were sweet cakes, the two little ones jumped for joy. Shan Qihuan patted their shoulders and said, "You two should eat less sweets, or you'll get cavities."

The eldest prince, who had already started to change his teeth, covered his mouth and said, "No, father, I brush my teeth every morning and evening, and I have always kept my teeth."

The younger one also raised his hand: "I also brush my teeth, so I don't have cavities."

Shen Yuhan has the majesty of a queen in front of others, but she is very gentle in front of her husband and children. Of course, she will not spoil her children blindly. She will be strict when it is necessary, and loving when it is necessary. Unlike her husband, he simply spoils the two children to the sky.

Many people told him that they were afraid that the virtuous prince would expand the harem after becoming emperor. But who knew that the harem was not expanded. Instead, all the places where the concubines once lived were demolished. Half of it was turned into a play park for children, and the other half was given to Shen Yuhan to grow fruits from the Western Regions. The rest was also a place for him to use for entertainment. This was something no one had expected.

Everyone thinks that the emperor has gone too far, but Shan Qihuan says, "I have the final say on my territory. Is it wrong for me to love my family?"

Everyone was speechless. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it, but it was against etiquette.

Shan Qihuan also said that etiquette and laws were set by people, and if someone sets them, someone will change them, so we must seek truth from facts. These remarks and actions also laid the foundation for him to promote monogamy.

At this time, Shan Qihuan was coaxing his two children to sleep by telling them a bedtime story. This was something Shen Yuhan could not do because Shen Yuhan was also one of the people listening to the story. The four of them sat on the bed and listened to Shan Qihuan telling the story of Alibaba and the forty pirates.

After the talk, the children were still not satisfied, so Shan Qihuan told them that he could continue the talk tomorrow night.

But after he and Shen Yuhan returned to the room, his wife begged him to tell her the second half. Shan Qihuan chuckled and said that would require a kiss in exchange. Shen Yuhan held his face and kissed him, and then it was impossible to stop. How could one kiss be enough

After the passionate lovemaking was over, Shen Yuhan thought to herself before she fell asleep in her husband's arms: her husband was so cunning.

When the State of Chu became more and more powerful, Shan Qihuan began to implement his next plan, which was to annex all the surrounding small countries and incorporate them into the territory of Chu. After that, he would take over the territories in the north and unify the surrounding countries.

During his reign, the Chu State was at its most prosperous. He was unprecedented and unrivaled, praised by everyone and loved by the people. In addition, the queen was also a big topic, but Shan Qihuan intended to weaken Shen Yuhan's influence, because he knew that there were too few men of this gender, and sooner or later they would be eliminated. Of course, he also issued many preferential policies for boys and girls, and everyone could do what they wanted. Although it couldn't be changed for a while, he still had his own children to continue his measures.

Shan Qihuan's two children were certainly not taught behind closed doors. He took them to experience the sufferings of the world during their growth and asked them to look at problems from the perspectives of different groups of people. The eldest prince had an eccentric personality, and he was suitable for commanding the army and being in charge of national defense. The younger prince had been calm since he was young, and had been taught by teachers from all sides. He had a calm personality, was smart, and was extremely majestic. Even the eldest prince sometimes had to listen to him. Later, the throne was passed to the second prince, and the two brothers worked together to take charge of the State of Chu.

Of course, all this cannot be achieved without the assistance of wise officials.

The Shen family has always been very low-key. Although they had contributed to Shan Qihuan becoming the ruler of a country, they understood the principle of "too much is as bad as too little" and retired early. Their descendants are engaged in various industries. Although not all members of the Shen family have served in the court, there are legends about the Shen family everywhere.

After the two children grew up and were able to stand on their own, Shan Qihuan took Shen Yuhan to travel and see the wider world, which was also what he had promised when they first got married.

In today's Chu State, the roads are wider and the official posts can be extended further.

Shan Qihuan later brought Shen Yuhan to the beach to feel the seaside atmosphere and watch the sunrise over the sea with him.

At this moment, one was forty-five, the other nearly forty, but both maintained a youthful appearance, though with a little more composure that came from having seen the world.

The early morning waves hit the reef.

Shan Qihuan embraced his wife, put the cloak on his shoulders, and whispered a secret to him: "Yuhan, do you know? Actually, I am not from here. I am from the future."

He thought Shen Yuhan would be surprised or afraid of him, but Shen Yuhan smiled. The sea breeze blew his hair, and Shan Qihuan skillfully pushed his hair aside.

Shen Yuhan stared at him and said, "I know."

Shan Qihuan said, "You know?" Thinking about it, his wife seemed to have never doubted him since she met him, and she was quite cooperative. "How did you know?"

Shen Yuhan nodded: "Well, do you remember when you went to Qi to pick up your bride? The night you drove away the bandits from the north, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was forced to the cliff by the bandits and died. After death, I went to a strange place, and I married a man. I lived with that man, and he helped me a lot and loved me very much."

Shan Qihuan started to get jealous: "Why are you still dreaming about someone else?"

Shen Yuhan snuggled into his arms. They've been married for so many years, but he's still so jealous!

"Listen to me, husband." Shen Yuhan chuckled, "I lived very happily in that world, and then I woke up from the dream. The next day, I saw you. You looked exactly like the person I met in my dream, and your personality and way of speaking had not changed. I thought at the time that maybe God made us meet. This is fate and destiny. You are here to save me."

No one can tell how their fates are intertwined, but in the end it's still the two of them.

"Maybe." It wasn't me who saved him, but his wife who saved me. "Many things in this world are hard to explain, but I'm glad I met you, and only you."

Shen Yuhan put her arms around his waist and said, "Me too. The day I met you, I thought, I don't want to marry the emperor, I want to marry a prince. Then, by accident, I became your wife." After getting married, he found that his husband and the person in his dream were exactly the same, as if they were the same person. After living together for 16 years, he understood that God was telling him that his husband came from outer space and was very extraordinary. He had obtained a treasure.

He turned his head to look at the endless sea, and pointed excitedly at the sun rising from the sea: "Husband, the sun is rising!"

Shan Qihuan kissed his hair, looked at him lovingly, and raised the corners of his lips slightly: "Looks good."

My wife is really pretty.

Shan Qihuan whispered in his ear: "Wife, I love you."

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