There’s a Beauty [Ancient Wear Modern]

Chapter 36: I've never seen such a thing before


When encountering something he didn't understand, Shen Yuhan had learned to remember it in his mind first and then go back to ask Xirui. The most important thing now was to satisfy his own hunger.

The car drove into a street full of life. It was the first time that Shen Yuhan saw such a large flow of people at night. Even sitting in the car, he felt that he was only an arm's length away from passers-by. There were rows of shops on both sides of the car, selling cakes, fruits, and roast duck, which made people drool.

Some shops had empty doors with few customers, but other shops had long queues. The customers were all very well-behaved and many passers-by came to take a look, and after seeing the long queues, left with regret.

There are many two-wheeled vehicles parked under the trees on the sidewalk. Some people use their mobile phones to scan and use them, while others just park the vehicles there and walk away without worrying about them being stolen. Modern people have a very good awareness. He guessed that this was the prosperous era that his eldest brother had mentioned to him.

That day, Shen Yuhan sent him a set of summer clothes that he had sewn by himself. When he met his elder brother drinking alone in the courtyard, he said, "The Book of Rites says: The conduct of the great people is to make the world public. Select the virtuous and the capable, and be trustworthy and friendly. Therefore, people not only love their relatives and their children, but also the elderly have a place to live, the strong have a place to work, the young have a place to grow, the poor, the widowed, the orphaned, the lonely, and the disabled are all taken care of. Men have their share and women have their home. Goods are not worth throwing away, so they don't have to keep them for themselves; strength is not worth not using, so it is not worth using for oneself. Therefore, conspiracies are not raised, thefts and robberies are not committed, and the outer doors are not closed. [Note 1] When can you and I see such a prosperous scene instead of listening to those stinky old talk every day? If we can see it once in our lifetime, we will die with our eyes closed."

Shen Yuhan was obviously confused, so he asked him curiously: "Brother, will there really be such a prosperous age?"

His eldest brother said: "Perhaps we won't see it in our lifetime, but our descendants and great-grandchildren may be able to wait for that day, maybe it will take hundreds of years, maybe even thousands of years."

The eldest brother has always been a serious person. He was somewhat melancholy and unhappy when he spoke to him that day. Perhaps he was upset. Their Qi State had been fighting with other countries for years, and the court was divided into several factions, which really made these hard-working young people depressed.

But now, his elder brother did not see the prosperous times, but he did.

Maybe there is a slight difference from what his elder brother said, but it is still a year of peace and prosperity.

Shan Qihuan answered a call from a friend, and after he hung up, he saw Shen Yuhan staring blankly at the pedestrians outside the window, and he had no idea what was on his mind.

Shan Qihuan stretched out his hand and pinched the flesh on his cheek: "What are you talking about?"

Shen Yuhan was disturbed by his noise and interrupted his recollection. She grabbed her husband's hand and asked, "What are you doing?" She accidentally spoke in the tone of their Qi country.

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" Shan Qihuan thought it sounded quite nice, with some of the soft tones from Suzhou and Hangzhou.

"You must not have heard the dialect of our hometown." Shen Yuhan quickly spoke back in standard Mandarin, "Have you finished your call?"

"Well, get off." Shan Qihuan wanted to tell him that he was his friend, but considering that Shen Yuhan's phone was always quiet and he had very few contacts, he didn't have many friends who were sincere to him. In his investigation report, Shen Yuhan had many bad friends, and after his family left, there was no one to comfort him, which was a bit miserable. What Shen Yuhan had to do now was to make friends again.

Uncle Li stopped the car for a moment. There were so many cars on the road that it was too crowded, so he couldn't move.

The wonton shop that Shan Qihuan was going to was only a few hundred meters away, so Shan Qihuan decided to take Shen Yuhan out of the car and walk there, so the two got out of the car.

Although there are many pedestrians and shops, the streets are very clean and there are traffic police on duty at the crowded intersections.

Shen Yuhan has a good impression of the uniformed policemen in this world. When he passes the red lights on the road, he also sees two traffic policemen wearing white gloves.

Shan Qihuan gently bent his hand and said, "The road is full of people. What's so good about the traffic police? It's not like they haven't seen it before."

Shen Yuhan chuckled. He had only seen it twice from a distance and had never seen it at such a close distance.

"That's great."

"What's so good about it?" Not even half as handsome as him.

"Oh, husband, you don't understand."

Shan Qihuan raised his hand and squeezed his paw hard: "What do I need to know?"

"I'll tell you later." Shen Yuhan decided to keep it a secret.

There were many people at the red-letter intersection, and the road was crowded. It was also an old street, and the road surface was uneven. Shan Qihuan simply grabbed Shen Yuhan's wrist tightly.

The two had just come out of a banquet and appeared on the street. Although they were wearing thick coats, they were obviously out of tune with the surrounding environment. The most important thing was that they had very ugly looks.

Shen Yuhan still had a great curiosity about the things in the outside world. He took in everything he saw and heard, and never got tired of it. The depression that had accumulated in recent days gradually disappeared.

By learning how modern people live, he can better understand the lifestyle of modern people. Even if he cannot integrate into the whole society now, it is better than nothing.

A road of two or three hundred meters is not long, but it is the bustling center of the street. Shan Qihuan led him into a darker alley, and after a few more steps they arrived at the place to eat wontons.

Shen Yuhan thought he would take them to a restaurant similar to a garden, but unexpectedly they came to an extremely simple shop. Especially it was hidden deep inside. The tables and chairs in the shop were almost full of people. The shop owner and his wife were busy and had no time to take care of them.

Shan Qihuan found a place to sit down. The distance between the tables and chairs was very close. In fact, it was just a very ordinary wonton shop in modern times.

The name of the store sounds auspicious and approachable, it is called Jixiang Wonton.

What a coincidence, the wonton stall where he and his grandmother ate was called Jixiang Wonton.

Shen Yuhan saw a somewhat old menu hanging on the wall of the shop with the shop history written next to it. It turned out that this was an old shop that had existed for many years. The wonton soup base was made from ingredients handed down from ancestors, and it actually had a history of hundreds of years.

He asked Shan Qihuan, who was using WeChat to scan the QR code to place an order, "Honey, how did you find this wonton shop?"

"I used to go to high school next to you. One time after playing basketball, there was nothing to eat in the cafeteria, so I went out with my friends to find something to eat. We accidentally walked into a wonton shop, and we have been there often since then." Shan Qihuan asked him what he wanted to eat: "Order what you want."

Shen Yuhan glanced at the large menu on the wall: "I want an order of the signature clear soup wontons."

Shan Qihuan didn't eat anything in the afternoon and was hungry now, so he quickly placed an order.

The girl at the counter quickly printed out an order, put it on their table, and then went on to serve wontons to other customers.

"What a fast speed." Shen Yuhan was stunned.

Shan Qihuan was amused by his little cousin and patiently told him: "Their business is very good. It's not the peak period yet, otherwise there would be a long queue. Although their store is small, the flow of customers is still very large."

Shen Yuhan couldn't help but think of the wonton stall where he used to eat, and decided to share it with her husband. He considered his words.

"My grandfather, my grandmother once took me to eat wontons. The wonton stall was called Jixiang Wontons. It was the first time I ate wontons outside. Although it was in clear soup, the wonton skin was thin and the filling was large. After that time, when I was hungry, I felt that it was the most delicious food I had ever eaten. Otherwise, I will never be able to eat it again."

Shen Yuhan found that he felt relieved after saying this. Although he could no longer eat Qi State's auspicious wontons, he could still eat wontons from this restaurant in the modern world.

Every time Shan Qihuan heard him talk in such detail about his relationship with his family, his eyes would light up, but there was an inexplicable sadness in his words. He thought that he might be missing his relatives.

"Is that stall closed?" Shan Qihuan guessed that if it was a stall, it should be a small vendor selling things from a cart.

Shen Yuhan nodded gently: "Well, the stall owner and his wife are very old. They are no longer alive. It is impossible for us to eat it now."

"I remember your grandma seemed to have passed away a long time ago." Shan Qihuan heard what he said and thought that his grandma seemed to have passed away a long time ago, "Then it should be when you were a child, right?"

Shen Yuhan thought that his grandmother was still healthy when he passed away, but now that he has lived in modern society, she must have passed away long ago. He just didn't know where the Shen family was buried, but the Shen family's ancestral tomb was still in the same place.

But the world changes so fast, and thousands of years have passed. He is afraid that he will not be able to find it even if he wants to.

"Yeah." Shen Yuhan was silent for a moment.

Shan Qihuan secretly regretted it and wanted to cover his mouth for a minute. How could he bring it up? His whole family was gone, and it would be difficult to avoid it if he brought it up.

Just then, the waiter brought them both wontons, breaking their brief sadness.

Shan Qihuan asked Shen Yuhan in a relaxed tone: "Would you like to try one of my shepherd's purse wontons?"

Shen Yuhan nodded and asked enthusiastically: "Yes, then do you want my fresh meat wontons?"

"Then let's have two." Shan Qihuan felt relieved when he saw the light in his eyes again, "Let's try a different flavor next time."

"I want to try the pickled cabbage flavor." Shen Yuhan started eating. He blew on the hot wontons and took a bite. As a result, the tip of his tongue was burned. "It's so hot."

Shan Qihuan looked at him and blew on the wontons in the spoon with his lips slightly pursed, and his pink tongue was exposed. He swallowed his saliva and said, "Okay."

What he wanted to eat now was not only wontons, but also something else.

The wontons are very fragrant and have a long aftertaste.

After brushing his teeth in bed, Shen Yuhan was still thinking about when he could go to eat Jixiang Wonton again.

But at this moment, Shan Qihuan no longer thought about any reason to go back to his room to sleep tonight. After taking a shower, he lay down on the bed directly.

After Shen Yuhan climbed onto the bed, she began to yawn repeatedly. His sleep quality was getting better and better. He felt sleepy at a certain time. Although she was still worried, with her husband by her side, it seemed okay and she could forget about it temporarily.

Shan Qihuan saw that he didn't rub against her as usual, and guessed that he was about to fall asleep. He felt a little anxious, so he said, "Shen Yuhan."

"Hmm?" Shen Yuhan responded with his eyes closed.

Without waiting for Shen Yuhan to approach him, Shan Qihuan deliberately moved closer to him: "Don't want to chat anymore?"

"Let's stop chatting. Honey, you're going to stay in bed again tomorrow. Go to sleep." Shen Yuhan pulled the quilt up. When he was about to turn over and face Shan Qihuan, his husband held his shoulders.

The fact that people stay in bed late can only be understood but not expressed in words. Shan Qihuan asked him in a low voice, "Tell me clearly, who is staying in bed late?"

Shen Yuhan forced herself to open her eyes and looked at her husband's handsome face, then she hooked her hands around his neck and muttered, "You."

Shan Qihuan was so mesmerized by his murmurs that he couldn't help but lower his lips and kissed him.

The two of them have kissed many times, but Shen Yuhan's ears still feel hot every time he is kissed. Her husband is a good kisser, and she hums softly every time she is kissed. She wants it but dares not ask for too much. It is inevitable that she will think deeply about it from time to time when she first tastes it.

At this moment, his mind was completely blank and he couldn't remember anything.

As if Shan Qihuan wasn't satisfied, he kissed him a little hard tonight. In fact, he felt a little uncomfortable. It wasn't because of the pain from the kiss, but because that part of his body felt swollen.

As usual, Shan Qihuan stepped back and told him to go to bed. Shen Yuhan wanted to hold his wrist, but her husband went into the bathroom faster.

He felt a little uncomfortable.

I clutched the quilt and wondered why my husband was only willing to kiss me and was reluctant to consummate the marriage with me

He is now in a man's body. The body structure of a man is indeed slightly different from that of a man. It is said that there will be no obstacles in pregnancy, but it is more difficult to conceive than a woman. But now, he is in a man's body and has lost the characteristics of a man. What should a woman do

Don't think about it anymore, it will make you feel worse.

He took a deep breath, hugged the quilt, closed his eyes and rested. When his husband returned to the bed, soaked in water, the strange feeling in his body disappeared.

I have never touched him. Could it be that my husband has some hidden illness that is not known to humans and is difficult to explain

But something was wrong. Every time they kissed deeply, her husband's thing would poke his thigh like a stick.

Don’t think anymore, go to sleep, go to sleep.

Shan Qihuan thought Shen Yuhan had fallen asleep, so he had to lie down quietly. He felt like he was almost becoming Liu Xiahui.

Didn't he want to? No, he wanted to go down, but he was still worried about the arrow, because the arrow cannot be retrieved after the bow is shot.

Now both Shen Yuhan and he still have the chance to regret. As long as one of them calls a stop, everything will return to the starting point.

He didn't want to hurt Shen Yuhan, nor did he want to be hurt.

The next day, Shan Qihuan woke up early because he had to catch a plane, but he found that Shen Yuhan was particularly clingy. From the moment he got up, she kept lingering around him, but every time he touched her, she seemed to be hesitant to speak.

After breakfast, he was ready to push his suitcase out the door, took his coat from the shelf, and said to Shen Yuhan who was standing beside him, "I'm leaving."

Shen Yuhan, who had been hesitant to speak all morning, straightened his collar for him, her eyes full of reluctance: "Honey, send me a WeChat message to let me know you're safe after you get off the plane."

Shan Qihuan nodded: "Yeah."

Shen Yuhan continued to remind him: "Husband, remember to call me on video at night."

Shan Qihuan said, "Okay."

"Husband..." Shen Yuhan stared at him with reluctance in her eyes.

"Okay, let's talk after I get off the plane. I'm getting in the car." He wanted to press Shen Yuhan's head, but when he saw his hair growing longer and longer, he tucked the hair behind his ears instead and said, "Wait at home and don't run around."

Shen Yuhan pursed her lips and said, "Oh, honey, can you hug me?" They haven't seen each other for several days, and they can't even touch each other.

Shan Qihuan saw that he looked like he was about to be abandoned and looked pitiful, so he didn't hug him. Instead, he unexpectedly lifted his chin, kissed him on the lips, and whispered, "Be good."

After being kissed by her husband in broad daylight, Shen Yuhan's face felt hot. She covered her face and watched her husband leave the house.

After the car started and drove out of the gate, Shen Yuhan hurriedly put on her coat and ran to the gate. She watched her husband's car disappear around the corner before returning to the house.

It's so cold.

In the car, Shan Qihuan put his cell phone in his pocket and tried not to reply. He saw Shen Yuhan running out and he didn't dare to reply.

As soon as I left the community, I was thinking about going home early.

Not only are the little goblins' skills in seducing people improving, but their clinginess is also increasing.

I haven't seen anyone for four days, alas.

Not long after Shan Qihuan left, Shen Yuhan went to piano lessons. She didn't like her husband going out on Saturdays because there would be no one to pick him up from get out of class on Saturdays.

Since there was no piano to practice at home, his piano skills did not improve much. His teacher said that if he wanted to learn well, he could buy an electronic keyboard to practice first, and it would not be too late to buy a piano after he had really learned it well.

Shen Yuhan said okay, and went back to ask her husband if she could buy him a piano. If he didn't have a piano, she could buy him one.

After the piano lesson, he wanted to go home directly.

He had skipped the afternoon dance class several times and he almost forgot about it. They said that he could make another appointment during the class and the teacher was always ready to serve students. Shen Yuhan didn't want to go and simply put it out of his mind.

However, just as he came out of piano lessons, he was stopped at the door.

The scene seemed familiar. Shen Yuhan took two steps back and kept a distance from the opponent. He could now face the other person calmly.

"Uncle, is there anything?"

Shan Qiyun did not bring a bouquet of flowers today, and he looked haggard.

"Can't I find you if I don't have time, sister-in-law?" Shan Qiyun asked him sarcastically, "I want to talk to you."

Shen Yuhan walked out of the piano classroom and Shan Qiyun followed.

Shen Yuhan still kept his distance from him. The wind outside was a bit strong today. He buried half of his face in his down jacket, stopped at the leeward side of the security booth, and said to Shan Qiyun, "Go ahead."

Shan Qiyun had a hint of anger on his face: "I mean let's find a cafe or a restaurant and talk while we eat. I'll treat you to lunch."

"But I don't want to eat alone with you. I have money for dinner. It's hard to avoid misunderstanding for two single men to be in the same room. If you want to talk, just say it here. I don't know why you come to me again and again, but there is one thing I must say here. Since you call me sister-in-law, please remember that I am really your sister-in-law."

Shan Qiyun did not see any trace of nostalgia in Shen Yuhan's eyes, but her lips were trembling slightly, not knowing whether it was because of the cold or because of Shen Yuhan's words.

He said abruptly: "I'll give you a chance, just speak properly."

Shen Yuhan treated him like an idiot: "Don't you understand what I'm saying? Wasn't what I said clear enough? Please stay away from me, uncle."

Shan Qiyun finally asked the question that he had been holding back for a long time: "Don't you like me anymore?"

As for who he likes, Shen Yuhan knows his thoughts better than anyone else. He said frankly: "There is only one person I like right now, and that is my husband, Shan Qihuan."

This was not the answer Shan Qiyun wanted to hear: "How ridiculous! One month you said you loved me, and the next day you said you liked Shan Qihuan. If you tell him, will he believe you? Don't forget, when you pursued me, everyone thought you were the one!"

"Whether he believes it or not is none of your business." Shen Yuhan put his hands in his pockets and stood outside talking, his face almost frozen. "Uncle, if there is nothing else, let's not meet privately anymore."

Shen Yuhan turned around and was about to leave, but was suddenly grabbed by the arm by Shan Qiyun. He frowned unhappily and shook him off: "Let go!"

Shan Qiyun almost begged: "Shen Yuhan, please leave Shan Qihuan and be with me. I admit that you have successfully stimulated me. I care about you very much now!"

The more Shan Qiyun pays attention to Shen Yuhan, whose whole body has changed so much, the more he regrets it!

Shen Yuhan is not only good-looking, but also has many advantages. He is jealous that Shen Yuhan devotes all his energy to Shan Qihuan!

Why did Shan Qihuan get to know Shen Yuhan? Why!

He doesn't deserve it!

"Why would I provoke you?" There was a trace of fear on Shen Yuhan's face. He thought that Shan Qiyun had something wrong with his brain. No matter how he explained it, it didn't make sense. He insisted that "Shen Yuhan" still liked him.

Fortunately, he was well prepared. He took a step back and knocked on the window of the security booth. He knew there were two security guards on duty inside every day.

The window was opened instantly, and a uniformed security guard asked them in a gruff voice, "Hey guys, is there anything?"

Shan Qiyun, who wanted to continue trying to keep Shen Yuhan, said: "..."

There was also a security guard inside, and his eyes were full of condemnation!

I also heard him whisper: "I've never seen such a thing before."

Shan Qiyun's face turned pale. Had he just been bullied by those two security guards for a long time

Shen Yuhan took the opportunity to escape, ran to the parking lot and found the other car. Fortunately, the security guard appeared in time to rescue him.

But what he didn't expect was that as soon as Shan Qihuan got off the plane, his phone connected to the Internet and immediately received a photo of him and Shan Qiyun "hugging" each other.