There’s a Beauty [Ancient Wear Modern]

Chapter 40: The wife of the number one scholar


"Hello, I'm Shan Qihuan's good friend Chu Shuo. Since I didn't have a hotel room booked last night, I stayed at your house for one night. Sorry to bother you." Chu Shuo introduced himself gracefully.

"Ah, ok." Shen Yuhan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was a little sensitive because his uncle came home without telling them. "I'm Shen Yuhan, Shan Qihuan's partner. We came back too late yesterday and he didn't tell me. I was rude to the guests. What would you like to eat for breakfast?"

He is the master, so there is no need to be too nervous. Her husband is not the kind of reckless person and will not bring anyone back casually.

"I came here suddenly. I'm not picky. I'll eat whatever is available." Chu Shuo thought to himself. Seeing is believing. He heard Jiang Ruolin and Wen Yan mention it a few days ago. At that time, he didn't believe that Shan Qihuan could find such a gentle and virtuous boy. Now, seeing that he is really quite young.

Shen Yuhan went to the kitchen and asked his aunt to prepare breakfast for one person. When he came out, he was quite curious about Chu Shuo. Chu Shuo read the message revealed in his eyes.

He explained: "I am Shan Qihuan's high school classmate. We met by chance at a hotel in the capital yesterday afternoon. We happened to be returning on the same flight."

"It's really a coincidence. Meeting is fate." Shen Yuhan saw that Chu Shuo had a kind face and should not be a bad person. "Do you also know Brother Wen Yan and the others?"

"Yes, they mentioned you to me." Chu Shuo smiled and said, "They said you are good at Go and Grandpa Jiang likes you very much."

"I've only met them once." Shen Yuhan didn't expect that he would leave such a good impression on others. "I'm good at playing chess, am I good at it?"

Chu Shuo said: "I learned a little from the teacher of the interest class when I was young, but I was forced by my family to participate in the competition."

"Did you get a ranking?" Shen Yuhan knew that there were many competitions in modern times, no matter what the event was.

Chu Shuo answered every question: "I was lucky enough to win first place, but there were only five children participating in the competition, and they were all from the same interest class."

"Then you must be very good. Auntie hasn't prepared dinner yet, and my husband hasn't gotten up yet. How about we play a game of chess?" Shen Yuhan likes to play chess with good people. It would be great if they could become chess friends.

"Then please give me some slack." Chu Shuo said, "I'm not very good at it."

"Dish?" Shen Yuhan didn't quite understand what "dish" meant.

"It means weaker." Chu Shuo explained. He felt that Shen Yuhan was like an inexperienced young master in front of him. He also found that in front of Shen Yuhan, there was no need to show any messy thoughts, because he could make her forget them.

Some people seem to be born with such charm. I am actually a little envious of Shan Qihuan for having such a pure lover.

Shen Yuhan moved out the white jade chair tray that Uncle Jiang had given him. He was very happy that he finally had the chance to use it. The two of them played Go on the coffee table in the living room. It was a pity that there was no coffee table in his greenhouse, otherwise they could have played there.

A game of Go brought the two strangers closer together, and Shen Yuhan gradually learned how to deal with modern strangers.

At this moment, Shan Qihuan finally woke up from his fixed alarm and went to look for Shen Yuhan immediately. However, there was no one at hand, as he seemed to have forgotten to tell him something.

By the way, Chu Shuo!

He forgot to tell Shen Yuhan that he had brought a guest back and he was so sleepy that he was confused.

Shan Qihuan quickly washed up and rushed downstairs.

Yesterday he didn’t leave Shen Yuhan a message because he was afraid that she would be woken up by the WeChat notification sound. He didn’t know if she would be angry when she suddenly brought a friend home.

However, when he went downstairs, the scene was not as he had imagined. Shen Yuhan did not think Chu Shuo was a thief. The two of them were sitting harmoniously in the living room playing chess. Shen Yuhan, who was sitting on a footstool, was very serious about the game. He didn't even notice Shan Qihuan coming downstairs. It can be seen that he really loves playing chess.

It was not until Shan Qihuan walked up to him and touched his cheek with his fingers that he looked up, his eyes bright and he did not feel wronged.

"Honey, are you up?" Shen Yuhan grabbed his hand skillfully, but let go when she thought someone was watching.

However, Shan Qihuan held his fingers and said, "Well, are you playing chess? I came back too late yesterday, and I couldn't get up early in the morning to talk to you. Chu Shuo is my high school classmate, and I think we already know each other." Shan Qihuan put down his worries.

Chu Shuo also noticed Shan Qihuan's intimacy with Shen Yuhan, and the atmosphere between the two was difficult for others to intrude upon.

Shen Yuhan raised her head and spoke to Shan Qihuan, her gesture a bit like inviting a kiss: "Yes, Brother Chu Shuo told me that he plays chess very well, but if you are not careful, he will eat you a piece."

"My chess skills are far behind his, I'm just a little bit behind." Chu Shuo spoke the truth, gave a thumbs up and said, "He is really good, I think he can be a national player."

Shan Qihuan was proud of Shen Yuhan and said with a smile, "He represented our high school in the National Youth Go Competition and won third place."

"If Yu Han was there back then, I probably wouldn't have had a chance to survive." Chu Shuo said thankfully.

Shen Yuhan suddenly realized the hidden meaning of Shan Qihuan's words. He was praising himself: "So I'm so awesome?"

"Yes, you are very good. You defeated the third place in the country." Shan Qihuan's tone was a little doting.

It was rare for her husband to praise her, so Shen Yuhan felt a little embarrassed and lowered her eyes and said, "Well, I haven't defeated you yet, and I haven't finished yet."

"If you keep going, I will definitely be the loser." Chu Shuo said at the right time.

Chu Shuo was smart, wise, and knowledgeable. Shen Yuhan had no discomfort getting along with him. He was rational and gentle. Shen Yuhan saw the characteristics of his third brother in him, so they were able to sit together calmly.

When the aunt saw Shan Qihuan got up, she came over and asked them to have breakfast. The unfinished chess game was left there. It didn't have to be finished, it was just a unique way of communicating.

Shan Qihuan hadn't touched Shen Yuhan's hand for several days, and he didn't want to let go of it until they sat down.

The three of them had breakfast together.

Chu Shuo would not deliberately mention what happened between him and Shan Qihuan in high school because he was taking care of Shen Yuhan. Shan Qihuan would not mention it either because he hadn't seen his wife for several days and was missing her so much that he had no time to think about her.

After breakfast, Shan Qihuan and Shen Yuhan saw Chu Shuo out and the driver took him away.

Chu Shuo looked back before leaving. He had no obsession. He just wanted to see his old friend. He could just quietly bury the frivolity and secrets of his youth.

Looking at the two of them standing together, they are quite a good match.

Shen Yuhan stood there and watched for a long time, and couldn't help but think of his third brother who had the same characteristics as Chu Shuo.

Shan Qihuan saw that he was reluctant to leave, so he covered his eyes from behind and said, "What are you looking at? Chu Shuo is more beautiful than your husband?"

Shen Yuhan pulled down his big hand, turned around and looked at him, and said, "No, I was thinking of an old friend."

Shan Qihuan lowered his voice and asked, "Male or female?"

"Male." Shen Yuhan deliberately didn't say the whole sentence, turned around and looked at her husband with a smile: "I'm a relative."

Shan Qihuan held his face with both hands: "Shen Yuhan."

"Hmm?" Shen Yuhan was mesmerized by her husband's deep eyes.

He heard Shan Qihuan say, "I think I miss you a little bit."

Before Shen Yuhan could feel the warmth in his heart, the next moment, Shan Qihuan pulled him closer and kissed him on the lips.

I can’t touch or meet you every day, and I miss you so much.

This kiss is passionate and hot.

This was the first time that Shen Yuhan endured Shan Qihuan's suppressed thoughts of the day, and almost all of them were reflected vividly in this kiss.

His hands involuntarily climbed up Shan Qihuan's neck, wanting more and more.

Suddenly, white dots fell from the sky and landed on the shoulders of the two men, freezing their sanity.

The four lips parted, Shen Yuhan's eyes were full of tears, her lips were slightly swollen from being kissed, and Shan Qihuan took the opportunity to kiss her again.

Shen Yuhan was stunned by his kiss. Shan Qihuan looked up at the sky with white snow floating in the air: "Shen Yuhan, it's snowing."

"Honey, it's really snowing." Shen Yuhan stretched out his hand to catch the falling snowflakes bit by bit. He and his husband welcomed the first snow in the new world together.

Snowflakes are falling, and the scenery is beautiful.

Shen Yuhan didn't feel cold anymore, but Shan Qihuan was afraid that he would get cold, so he watched the snow for a while and then took him back into the house.

Then Shen Yuhan ran to the floor-to-ceiling window to continue enjoying the sight of falling snow.

It is a rare thing to enjoy the falling snow with someone you love.

He turned around to look for Shan Qihuan, thinking that he had gone far away, but found that he was still standing next to him.

"Husband, are you still going to the company today?"

Shan Qihuan originally planned to go to the company, but when he met Shen Yuhan's deer-like eyes, it wouldn't have much impact if he didn't go to the company today.

"No, I'm not going there to buy furniture. I have a friend whose family is in this business. He recommended a century-old Chinese furniture store to me. We can go and take a look. I'll see if you like the style."

Speaking of this, Shen Yuhan immediately said: "I didn't see anything I liked online, but I did have one I liked, and I drew it on paper."

"Let me see what I painted. Where is the painting from the day before yesterday?" He was thinking about the warm summer picture.

"I've finished my painting." Shen Yuhan couldn't wait to show him his painting. "Would you like to go upstairs and see it?"

"Hmm." Shan Qihuan thought that he didn't need to look at Shen Yuhan's paintings through the camera of his mobile phone. Every time he looked at his paintings, his soul would be touched, as if he understood Shen Yuhan a little better. Obviously, he was painting traditional Chinese paintings, and the content had nothing to do with modern times, which was weird.

Maybe I'm too good at painting

Shan Qihuan successfully saw Shen Yuhan's new painting. It lacked a bit of color before it was painted, but now with the addition of details and colors, the characters in the painting became more vivid.

"This dress is not quite the same as the current Hanfu." Shan Qihuan is good at noticing details. He pointed at the person in the painting "Dang Qianqiu" sitting in the courtyard. He had long hair and a wreath of fresh flowers on his head. His head was half lowered, but one could feel his yearning for and joy for spring. "Is this the owner of the courtyard?"

"Yeah." Shen Yuhan just drew himself, but he made his face blurry. Looking at her husband who was looking at the painting seriously, she suddenly had an idea that she could not only draw her past life, but also her husband.

The next painting has been decided.

As Shan Qihuan was appreciating Shen Yuhan's new paintings bit by bit, Shen Yuhan took out the furniture style he had drawn and handed it to Shan Qihuan: "I want to make this one, I wonder if it's possible."

"It should be fine." Shan Qihuan looked at the furniture picture. Even though it was just a simple picture, he felt that it had a sense of art. There were quite a lot of items, including a desk, a coffee table, a small couch, and a piano table.

He had already thought about promoting Shen Yuhan's paintings before. Now he has the words, the paintings, and even the furniture pictures. He is afraid that the nine-square grid will not be able to accommodate them all.

Shan Qihuan asked Shen Yuhan: "Have you ever thought about sharing your calligraphy and paintings with others?"

"Is it possible?" Shen Yuhan certainly wanted to, but he didn't know how, so he wasn't very confident and said, "Will anyone like it? My painting is just average."

"Don't underestimate yourself. Do you remember that painting of yours that was taken to an exhibition before? It was on the hot search, which means that many people like it. Otherwise, why would that person insist that the painting is his? Because your paintings have your own personal style, everyone likes them when they see them." Shan Qihuan recently discovered that Shen Yuhan seemed to be living in 2G. He didn't seem to like surfing the Internet or checking Weibo, and lived a completely Buddhist life.

"Is that so? Then how can I share it? I don't know that many people." Shen Yuhan asked after hesitating for a moment.

"It's okay, I'm here." Shan Qihuan could guarantee this matter, "I have quite a few fans on Weibo, I can share it for you, and you can open a Weibo account later."

"Really?" Shen Yuhan heard him mention Weibo again. It seemed that he needed to learn how to use Weibo. Fans seemed to be supporters

"Well, you don't believe me so much?" Shan Qihuan pushed his growing hair behind his ears.

"I believe you." There was indeed trust in him in Shen Yuhan's eyes.

Encouraged, Shan Qihuan took a picture of the painting he drew yesterday with his mobile phone, and picked out a few calligraphy works he wrote during his usual practice, including today's furniture picture. Each painting was very spiritual. Shan Qihuan just wanted to promote Shen Yuhan before, but now he actually wanted to show off to others.

It only took a moment to complete the nine-square grid. Shan Qihuan was more careful than the last time he reposted the painting on Weibo, and he also added the previous painting of a boy and a cat.

My kid drew this picture when he was free. P.S. The kid named the boy and the cat "Winter Solstice", not the girl. Attached below are nine pictures, one of which is a new painting with a delicate hand wearing a ring.

After posting the Weibo post, Shan Qihuan took Shen Yuhan to a traditional furniture store recommended by a friend, and did not immediately pay attention to the heated discussion on Weibo caused by his Weibo post.

There are two key points in total.

First, who is the child of Shan Qihuan's family? Is he his new spouse? Is he a brother or sister

The second is the publication of a new work "Lixia".

The beauty on the swing has her eyes half-closed, her look is so heart-warming that anyone who sees her will fall in love with her!

The new work "Lixia" not only has lovely characters, but also every detail of the scene in the painting can stand up to scrutiny, the window grilles of a wealthy family in ancient times, the servants in simple clothes, two boy servants with buns, and a maid who seems to be telling the boy servant something. It is as if people can see a certain day in spring, a young master of a wealthy family leisurely enjoying the spring in his own courtyard, and he is thinking about some beautiful things in his heart.

Looking at him, one can't help but smile knowingly.

It can be seen that painting is not only about having a talent for painting, but also having an innocent and clever mind.

Beautiful people, beautiful scenery, and even more beautiful hearts.

Her slender hands in the photo are enough to arouse people's imagination. I want all the information about such a wonderful person within three minutes!

Using a magnifying glass, netizens discovered that Miaoren’s ring was exactly the same as the ring that Shen Yuhan was wearing on his hand when he was photographed in the temple two days ago!

It turns out that the child is Shan Qihuan’s marriage partner.

That's not right. Isn't Shen Yuhan an unlearned character? Is this calligraphy and painting his own

At this time, Miaoren was seriously communicating with the craftsman about the furniture he wanted to make.

Throughout the whole process, Shan Qihuan didn't say a word. Shen Yuhan communicated with the master himself and brought the style he needed. The master could tell at a glance that what Shen Yuhan wanted was not an ordinary object and recommended a type of wood.

Shen Yuhan chose one according to the wood he knew from memory.

The master said he had a good eyesight.

Shan Qihuan doesn't have much experience in this area, but he has experience in paying for Shen Yuhan.

After the order was placed, seeing that they needed the goods urgently, the chef said that all the products could be completed within half a month.

After leaving the furniture store, Shan Qihuan asked Shen Yuhan if he wanted to buy anything. Since it was rare for him to come out, they could buy everything at once.

Back in the car, Shen Yuhan rubbed her icy cold hands and blew into them: "Honey, I want a piano."

"Okay, I'll take you to buy it." Shan Qihuan thought that since he was good at calligraphy and painting, it seemed reasonable for him to also play the zither. However, seeing that he was afraid of the cold, he held his hand: "Why are your hands always so cold?"

"I don't know." Shen Yuhan shook her head, "Hubby, hold it for a while longer."

All right, let's go find a Chinese doctor to treat him. Shen Yuhan's previous lifestyle was really irregular, and he ruined his body at a young age. Other young people are full of energy, but he is the opposite.

However, Shan Qihuan recalled Shen Yuhan's recent behavior and couldn't help but say, "He has learned all the arts of music, chess, calligraphy and painting. If he were in ancient times, he would have been able to become a top scholar."

Shen Yuhan thought about it and replied seriously, "No, it's hard to get the top prize." His second brother took the exam twice and only got the second place. However, he said confidently, "I can barely be the wife of the top scholar."

His father had really wanted to marry the number one scholar before, but later he heard that the number one scholar was of average appearance and not too young. Although he had no wife, he already had two concubines. After inquiring about it, he decisively gave up and told his mother that their brother would not share a husband with others.

"Then you are now the wife of the top scholar." Shan Qihuan started the car. It was snowing and cold, so he let the car warm up. Shen Yuhan's hands also began to warm up gradually before he drove.

Shen Yuhan tilted her head and looked at him: "Husband, you are not the top scholar, how can I be the wife of the top scholar?"

"You may not know this, but I was the top scorer in science in Jiangcheng City when I took the college entrance examination. Now you have achieved your wish and become the wife of the top scorer. How do you feel about that?" Shan Qihuan raised his chin proudly.

Shen Yuhan was slightly stunned: "Just, so suddenly? How come you are better than Chu Shuo, husband?" I will become the wife of the top scholar now

"Chu Shuo is not as good as me. He used to lend me his test papers to read my problem-solving ideas when he was in school." Shan Qihuan said, "I was always the top student in school, and he was second. He only got third place in the college entrance examination. He went abroad because he didn't get into the school he wanted to go to."

Shen Yuhan couldn't help but look up to her husband a little more, and was also excited that she had suddenly become the wife of the top scholar. Could this be considered as fulfilling her father's little wish

Shen Yuhan asked him curiously, "Are you close to Chu Shuo?"

Shan Qihuan said: "It's okay, between ordinary friends and good friends, but we haven't seen each other for many years, so our relationship may be similar to Jiang Ruolin and others, just indifferent. I didn't tell you last night that I brought him home to stay overnight. Were you angry this morning?"

Shen Yuhan shook her head: "Don't be angry. My husband is a helpful person. If you can just write me a note next time, I will know." He is not a stingy person. It is impossible for people to take care of everything.

Shan Qihuan nodded and said yes: "I didn't expect it. I wanted to send you a WeChat message, but WeChat has a notification sound, and you have to get up to check it once it's prompted."

The newly crowned top scholar's wife felt warm at heart as her husband was so caring. It turned out that it was possible to be warm even on snowy days.

Shen Yuhan didn't turn off the notification sound on her phone because she hoped that when her husband sent her a message, she would be the first to see it.

Of course, he didn’t know how to turn off the WeChat notification sound, so for now he could only mute and adjust the volume of his phone.

Shan Qihuan took Shen Yuhan to have a hotpot meal at noon, and they felt warm all over after the meal.

Then take him to buy a piano in the afternoon.

This was another blind spot in Shan Qihuan's knowledge. The piano store was recommended by Liu Tan. Last time, in order to pursue a young girl who was learning piano, he specially bought a piano. The quality seemed to be pretty good, so Shan Qihuan went to the brand store recommended by him.

As soon as Shen Yuhan entered the store, he began to choose. When buying a piano, one should consider the material and the sound quality. Of course, the most important thing is to try the tone of the piano, as a good tone is hard to come by.

He tried two pianos, but the tone of both was average and he didn't like them. They were very different from what he had used before.

The boss recommended another piano: "That young man didn't like it. Why don't you try this one? It was made by the famous master Xisheng himself."

Shen Yuhan touched the body of the piano lightly. The cracks on the piano were indeed better than the previous two. He sat down and tried a few notes. He hadn't touched the piano for a long time, and he couldn't help but continue playing.

Shan Qihuan stood beside him, listening to the faint sound of the piano that he seldom heard, and his heart calmed down. Looking at Shen Yuhan who was playing the piano seriously, he felt a little dazed. At that moment, he seemed to see an ancient elegant man immersed in the joy of playing the piano. He couldn't help but think of his painting "Lixia". He seemed to hear his own heartbeat just now, which was strange.

Shen Yuhan hadn't finished playing a song, but he had obviously finished testing the guitar. The tone was loose, transparent and even, and the feel was good. He wanted this guitar.

"Honey, I've chosen this one."

Her husband was still shocked by his rapid heartbeat and was stunned for a moment before he went to pay.

As for the payment, he was already familiar with it without having to think about it.

Shan Qihuan wondered why he had signed up Shen Yuhan for piano lessons in the first place

He subconsciously realized that the calligraphy and painting classes, flower arrangement classes, and cooking classes were all sufficient!

As soon as they got back to the car, Shan Qihuan noticed that Shen Yuhan was in a good mood, so he asked him, "So happy?"

Shen Yuhan smiled and said, "I'm happy. I got Zhang Qin today and I'm the wife of the top scholar."

Shan Qihuan stepped forward and made a small request: "Then, Mrs. No. 1 Scholar, would you like to kiss Mr. No. 1 Scholar?"

Shen Yuhan leaned back in her chair, her fair face flushed, and she followed her husband's words and whispered, "Husband, he's outside."

Shan Qihuan wanted to tease him, but he didn't know who was so tactless to call him.

Seeing that it was from his elder brother, Shan Qihuan had no choice but to peck Shen Yuhan lightly on the lips before answering the phone.

The eldest brother said, "Qihuan, Dad fell and was admitted to the hospital an hour ago. Come to the hospital now."