There’s a Beauty [Ancient Wear Modern]

Chapter 54: A very fierce and aggressive wife


There were still tears on Shen Yuhan's face. When she raised her head, her eyes were still wet. She looked even more pitiful than Shan Qihuan who was lying on the bed.

He wiped his face with both hands at the same time, not knowing what expression to use for a moment, and said in a daze: "Husband, you, you wake up?"

"Yeah, my head hurts a little." Shan Qihuan didn't know how long he had slept. His throat was dry and hoarse, like a broken voice.

Shen Yuhan was a little at a loss: "Let's go call a doctor."

As he was about to go out, he nearly tripped over a chair as he stood up. Shan Qihuan almost wanted to laugh at his anxious look.

"Shen Yuhan, you don't have to go. There is a pager button at the bedside. Press it and someone will come over in a moment." Shan Qihuan finally found his voice again, "Pour me a glass of water."

Shen Yuhan had been in a state of panic just now. Her husband's sudden awakening gave her a huge surprise. She didn't know what to do. When he was in the Shen family, he knew how to take care of people when his grandmother was sick.

He looked at Shan Qihuan intently. Although his face looked a little haggard, he was really awake. He confirmed it again and fortunately he was still alive. He was scared to death.

Following Shan Qihuan's instructions, Shen Yuhan found the bed call bell and pressed it. After the light flashed, he went to pour water for Shan Qihuan.

He fed it to Dan Qihuan's mouth little by little, and the water in the paper cup was soon empty.

Shen Yuhan was worried that he didn't have enough to drink: "Hubby, do you want to drink more?"

Shan Qihuan said, "No need." He had a headache and felt a little dizzy. He also felt a little nauseous when he moved, but he was afraid that Shen Yuhan would think too much, so he didn't show it too obviously. "Why did you come here? Didn't I ask Shan Qixin not to let you know?"

Shen Yuhan sat on the chair and held his hand tightly, saying, "My uncle told you not to look at the trending searches this morning, and then I looked at them. I found out that you had a car accident, and I was scared, so I flew here by myself."

Since they got married, Shan Qihuan had never seen Shen Yuhan leave Jiangcheng. Suddenly, when he heard that he was going out by plane on his own, he found it a little unbelievable.

Shan Qihuan shook his slightly cold hand and said, "You left in the morning? It won't take long to get here." After the water moistened his throat, he felt more comfortable and sounded much more natural.

"It didn't take that long. I just arrived and you woke up." Shen Yuhan pursed her lips, and her gentle eyes showed a little more distress. "Husband, how could you not tell me that you were injured? I'm so sad that I can't video chat with you."

"I'm afraid you'll be even sadder if you know." Shan Qihuan was thinking about not telling him when she was about to faint, fearing that he would cry so hard that he couldn't breathe. "It won't be the same next time."

"Do you want there to be a next time?" Shen Yuhan's eyes suddenly became fierce and he glared at him. This was what his husband said to him the last time his palm was injured.

Shen Yuhan's fierce and aggressive look made Shan Qihuan want to laugh. Seeing his wife's different expressions, the wound on his forehead seemed to be less painful.

Shan Qihuan still followed his words and said, "There will be a next time."

After a while, the doctor came over and Shen Yuhan gave up his seat to make it easier for the doctor to examine him.

After the doctor asked Shan Qihuan a few questions, he said that he had a head injury and might have bruises, and he had stitches, so he was bound to feel pain. He also felt dizzy and wanted to vomit, which were symptoms of concussion. He should rest more and be hospitalized for observation.

Compared with the broken left hand, the head is more important.

Shan Qihuan didn't want to be hospitalized: "Doctor, how long will I have to stay?"

The doctor wrote something in the notebook with a blank expression and said, "It will take three to five days. It depends on your recovery. If you recover well, you can be discharged in three days. If you recover slowly, it will probably take a week."

"Is there any way to be discharged from the hospital earlier?" Shan Qihuan asked again.

"Husband, just listen to the doctor and take good care of your injuries." Shen Yuhan couldn't help but speak out. He felt that her husband wanted to be discharged from the hospital earlier.

The doctor looked at Shen Yuhan and said, "Family members, right? Please persuade him. How can he do anything wrong when his illness is already cured?"

A good doctor is worthy of respect. Shen Yuhan nodded: "Doctor, you must take good care of him and let him treat his illness well."

"Well, you just woke up. Eat some liquid food, then rest more, get injections and take medicines on time. Call me if you have anything else." After the doctor gave instructions to the disobedient patient, he went to do other things.

Shen Yuhan watched the doctor and the nurse go out before closing the door. At this time, Shan Qixin and Zuo Rong came back with packed lunch.

When he saw the doctor coming out of the ward, he thought something had happened, and then he found out that his third brother had woken up!

Shan Qixin's first reaction was to look at Shen Yuhan and sighed, "Sister-in-law, if I had known that you were the panacea for Third Brother, I should have called you over on the first day. He would have woken up as soon as you came."

Shan Qihuan thought to himself, that's right, she started crying as soon as she came, and as soon as she started crying, she was woken up by the noise.

But how could he dare to say that? He had just witnessed his wife's fierce and aggressive look. When she was angry, she was terrible. She even teamed up with the doctor to bully him. He was still dizzy and could only be scolded. Mo Xi felt that he was a little humble as a husband.

Shen Yuhan couldn't help but get angry when he heard what Shan Qixin said: "He was injured like that, why didn't you tell Yu Xin, uncle, how can you listen to an injured person? If he has any accidents, bah, it won't happen. Anyway, you are not allowed to hide anything from me in the future!" He turned around and glared at Shan Qihuan again, and then saw his husband staring at him, "Did you say something wrong?"

Shan Qihuan forced a wry smile: "You are wrong, you are wrong, you are right, but I am wrong."

Shan Qixin was stunned by Shen Yuhan's scolding. His sister-in-law usually spoke so gently, but she was quite scary when she was angry.

He immediately changed the subject: "Next time I will definitely not hide anything for my third brother, sister-in-law, please have lunch quickly."

Shan Qihuan thought his brother was smart for once: "Shen Yuhan, eat quickly. Only after eating can you have the strength to take care of me."

"Who wants to take care of you?" Shen Yuhan was so angry that he imitated Shan Qihuan's characteristic of saying one thing and thinking another, "You just didn't listen to the doctor."

"Listen, eat quickly." Shan Qihuan was really worried that he would starve, "I'll listen to you."

Shan Qixin rarely saw his third brother being humiliated, and he sighed in his heart that his sister-in-law was really awesome. It was rare to see his third brother being dominated by his wife.

Shen Yuhan started to eat only after getting his assurance, and then told Shan Qixin that Shan Qi could only eat liquid food now.

Zuo Rong was quite perceptive and immediately said that he would go downstairs and buy one and bring it up, leaving the remaining space for the three of them.

Shen Yuhan didn't want to eat anything on the plane, but after seeing that her husband was injured but still alive, she regained her appetite. The food that Shan Qixin brought back was a little cold, but it tasted very delicious. Perhaps because he was in a good mood and was very hungry, he ate it all in accordance with the principle of not wasting food.

Shan Qihuan had just woken up. He felt a little dizzy whenever he spoke, so he simply admired Shen Yuhan while he was eating. Shan Qixin wanted to talk to him, but he was sent to pour water. After Shen Yuhan finished his meal, Shan Qihuan found that his bladder was a little swollen from drinking so much water.

Shan Qixin helped him shake the bed, and then Shen Yuhan was surprised to find that the modern hospital bed had another function, which was really amazing.

Shen Yuhan asked Shan Qihuan: "Husband, I'll help you go."

"I can only rely on you." Shan Qihuan said jokingly while enduring the headache.

Shan Qixin, who was listening at the side, grumbled in dissatisfaction: "Why can't I help you? I'm your brother, can I have what you have?"

Shan Qihuan wanted to kick his brother out of the ward: "Go and throw away the takeaway box. Your sister-in-law doesn't know where the trash can is."

Shan Qixin scratched his head and finally went to throw away the garbage. Considering that his third brother was still very weak, he just listened to him.

The bathroom in the VIP ward is very clean. It has the smell of the hospital's exclusive disinfectant, but it is cleaned very well.

Although Shen Yuhan had had physical intimacy with Shan Qihuan and they had been frank with each other many times, she had never undressed her husband in such a way.

When he was shy, he would half lower his head, not daring to look up at Shan Qihuan, and even his voice would be lowered a few degrees.

Shen Yuhan asked softly: "Husband, what should I do?"

Shan Qihuan could see that Shen Yuhan's ears were red. He said slowly, "Help me untie the belt around my waist."

"Oh." Shen Yuhan obediently helped him untie the belt, then looked up, "Is this all right?"

Shan Qihuan said weakly: "I'm not strong enough, you have to keep pulling it down."

Shen Yuhan had no choice but to do as he was told. He didn't dare to look up at all. Not only were his ears red, but his face was also red. He helped Shan Qihuan hold up the upper part of his hospital gown with one hand, and held up his too-large hospital gown pants with the other hand.

"How about that?"

"Yeah." Shan Qihuan knew that he couldn't tease him anymore, so he came on his own.

Shen Yuhan and Shan Qihuan usually go to the bathroom so close to each other at home. They go to bed in the morning and wash separately at night. It is very weird for her to go to the bathroom with her husband in broad daylight.

He turned his head away and from the sound, he could tell that his husband had already finished.

Shen Yuhan helped him put on his pants again.

Shan Qihuan deliberately whispered in his ear: "Shen Yuhan, help me take a bath tonight. I feel like I'm going to stink."

Shen Yuhan raised his head suddenly: "Help you take a bath?"

To be honest, every time it was Shan Qihuan who took the initiative, and Shen Yuhan actually took the initiative to help her husband wipe his back or something.

Shan Qihuan looked at him with a half-smile: "Well, do you want your pussy to itch to death or stink to death?"

As soon as he said this, Shen Yuhan became nervous and quickly covered his mouth, saying seriously: "Don't say the word death, okay, I'll help you take a bath."

"It's almost there." Shan Qihuan kissed the palm of his hand.

After they washed their hands, they came out of the bathroom, and Shan Qixin came back after throwing away the trash.

The incident of Shan Qihuan being injured in a car accident is still continuing to ferment, and it is still on the hot search list, ranking high.

Qu Zhu was injured, and the matter had to be handled by the Shan family.

Shan Qixin's figure appeared on the hot searches, and his phone was almost blown up.

"Third brother, they all know about it. They all called me to inquire about your situation. What should I say?" Shan Qixin usually grew up under the protection of his brothers and was very good at dealing with such things. He was a little panicked for a moment.

Shan Qihuan covered his head and said, "Just say that he is still in the hospital. Don't mention anything else. Isn't acting what you are best at? Just pretend to be sad."

Shan Qixin said, "Okay, my eldest brother and second sister will send me a message saying they will come over tonight, and my eldest brother will come over and help you deal with it."

"Oh, by the way, who from their third room will contact you?" Shan Qihuan had to face some annoying problems as soon as he woke up. He always felt that his wound was getting more and more painful.

"Shan Qibai from the second room asked you whether you have come out of the ICU. Then Shan Qiyun said he would come to visit you later, but you refused. Only there was movement in the fourth room." Shan Qixin reported to Shan Qihuan one by one.

Shen Yuhan listened to their question and answer back and forth, and then said: "Husband, you should take a rest. There is no rush for these things. We can deal with them after your injury is healed."

Shan Qihuan thought of the losses suffered by several families in Shen Yuhan's house, and said, "If they come, you can deal with them casually."

"Well, no problem." He is best at dealing with small fish and shrimps.

Zuo Rong bought some porridge, but the place was different from home, so he couldn't cook it and bring it over, so he had to buy it outside.

After Shen Yuhan fed Shan Qihuan some porridge, he let him lie down.

Shan Qihuan had lost too much blood when he had the car accident. He had been in a coma for the first two days and stayed in the intensive care unit. He was fed with nutrient solution and had lost a lot of weight. Shen Yuhan looked at him with great pity and didn't want him to think or say anything more. This was the first time he had seen him look so haggard.

After the only patient in the ward lay down to rest, Shan Qixin arranged two bodyguards to wait at the door. He estimated that there were already many reporters who had come to the hospital. When Shen Yuhan came, he went directly to the parking lot to avoid being discovered by the reporters outside. He was afraid that reporters would sneak into the ward and take pictures at will, which was really annoying.

After Shen Yuhan flew out alone, his self-confidence increased a little. He asked Shan Qixin, who had taken care of Shan Qihuan for two days and two nights, to go to the hotel to have a good rest.

Shan Qixin was not too reassured: "Sister-in-law, are you really okay?"

Shen Yuhan said: "As for the problem, I can handle it. Don't you have bodyguards? You can go back and have a rest."

Shan Qihuanxin was indeed exhausted after two days, and his complexion was not much better than Shan Qihuan: "Then go and have a rest. The hotel is not far from the hospital. You must call me if there is anything."

Shen Yuhan nodded: "Well, it will be fine."

After her husband was injured, she felt that she needed to grow up quickly so that she could do her best to protect the people she wanted to protect.

Perhaps, at the beginning, it was just because Shan Qihuan was her husband that she wanted to be with him, and because his appearance attracted her, but after getting along for a long time, her husband treated her well, and she gradually fell in love with her husband and wanted to live a good life with him. She didn't want it to be like last time, when she didn't want her husband to know before he was injured. She hoped that her husband could rely on her when he loved her the most, instead of hiding it for fear that he would be sad.

Her intention in doing so was naturally good, but it made her feel even worse, which showed that she was very vulnerable in the eyes of her husband.

He wants to be better integrated into society and become stronger.

He walked around the room and found that daily necessities were incomplete. Shen Yuhan wrote down the missing items. He couldn't ask his uncle to help him with everything, so the most convenient thing was to use his mobile phone to check the Internet. Shen Yuhan began to use this.

He spent half an hour downloading a shopping app that could deliver the items he needed to a designated location within an hour.

The modern era is indeed extremely convenient.

Shen Yuhan registered an account more and more skillfully, and then followed the process to place orders to buy things, such as toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, underwear, soap, shampoo, and fruits, etc. He bought everything he could think of, even flowers. However, the courier could not deliver the things to the ward, so he had to go down and get them himself.

It was the first time Shen Yuhan shopped online by himself, and he didn’t know if he could get the item successfully. It wasn’t until he received a call from the delivery man that he knew he had succeeded, and he felt a great sense of accomplishment.

Considering that there were reporters waiting outside and fearing that they would disturb her husband's rest, he asked the bodyguard to stay and went downstairs to get the things.

The inpatient department was easy to find, and the deliveryman was able to deliver everything to the downstairs of the inpatient area. Shen Yuhan received a bunch of items he had purchased on the first floor. They were numerous and heavy, but he was very happy when he thought that it was the first time he could buy them without leaving home, and he didn't care whether the items could be delivered to the floor or not.

After thanking the delivery guy, he went upstairs carrying a large bag of items.

Sometimes, some people always show up at critical moments to ruin people's good mood.

"Do you need me to get it for you?"

As soon as Shen Yuhan looked up, he saw Shan Qiyun's haunting face.

"It's you." He took a step back cautiously. "Come to see your husband?"

Shan Qiyun said, "No, I came to see you. I don't care about Shan Qihuan." He felt bitter, "Can you please stop calling him husband?"

"What are you doing?" Shen Yuhan turned around and carried the items into the elevator. He decided to choose Dan Qiyunyuan. "Also, please don't say such misleading words again."

Shan Qiyun followed Shen Yuhan into the elevator and wanted to help him get his things, but the other party wanted to stay eight feet away from him, which made him feel more and more uncomfortable.

In the past, Shen Yuhan's eyes were always glued to him like a follower, but now that follower has changed his appearance and belongs to someone else, he wants to get her back, but Shen Yuhan has already distanced herself from him, avoiding him like the plague. He was confident at first, but later more and more things proved that Shen Yuhan would never come back.

He would check out Shan Qihuan's Weibo every day to see if he had any new paintings. His calligraphy and Chinese painting skills were very high, something he had not known before, but the more he looked at them, the more he felt that if he had agreed to Shen Yuhan's pursuit, then those who were posting on Weibo for him would have become his own.

Shan Qiyun asked himself a heart-wrenching question: "Shen Yuhan, are you in love with Shan Qihuan?"

Shen Yuhan gave him an idiotic look and said, "I am willing to bear children for him."

Have children

The elevator opened and Shen Yuhan walked out. Shan Qiyun stood in the elevator blankly. He didn't take that step until the elevator closed.

Where would one person like another to be in order to be willing to have children for the other

He thought he would hear Shen Yuhan expressing his love or liking for Shan Qihuan, but he had never thought of the answer of "having children". It was a more superficial confession than "like" and "love", but Shen Yuhan was a man, right

Why does Shen Yuhan like Shan Qihuan so much

No, he will regret it after he inherits the Shan Group! He will definitely regret it!

Shan Qihuan took a nap and thought he would have a terrible headache when he woke up, but in fact the pain on his forehead was dissipated by everything in front of him the moment he opened his eyes.

His wife was standing by the window, concentrating on pruning flower branches with a pair of scissors. He put the flower branches into a narrow-mouthed vase and looked around with a very elegant posture. He gently hooked the fallen hair behind his ears, revealing the slightly swaying silver earrings. The earrings reflected a dazzling silver-white light in the sunlight, making Shen Yuhan look fair and beautiful.

He looked around the ward and it felt completely different from when he was asleep. There were cups and kettles, and underwear hanging in the half-open closet, as if they were all for him.

He just looked at Shen Yuhan quietly with a smile on her face and put the vase on the bedside table. The bouquet added some color to the ward.

A warm current passed through Shan Qihuan's heart, and he couldn't help but blurt out: "Wife."