There’s a Beauty [Ancient Wear Modern]

Chapter 60: The second wife came to visit


Shan Qihuan sometimes had the chance to go shopping with Shen Yuhan in other places, but they would still be photographed and posted on Weibo. Even with bodyguards following them, it was hard to guard against it, because who knew whether the photos they took were of themselves or someone else.

The film and television city is already quite complicated, with self-media people often following celebrities here to take pictures. His face is so easy to recognize, so it seems easy for him to be photographed. Fortunately, there is no substantial harm to Shen Yuhan.

The two of them had lunch at a farm house near the film and television city, but unfortunately, before they started eating, Shan Qixin called.

His words were all accusations against his third brother: "Brother, I'm also at the film and television city. If I hadn't seen Weibo, I wouldn't have known you were here. Why didn't you come to see me? What are you and sister-in-law doing here? Did you have lunch? I'll treat you!"

Shan Qihuan, who originally wanted to be alone together, said: "Which question do you want me to answer?"

Shan Qixin said: "Are you going back now?"

"No." He gave the name of the farmhouse, "Come if you want to. Your sister-in-law and I just sat down."

Shan Qixin was very excited: "It will be there soon!"

Shan Qihuan told Shan Qixin what he knew about their stay at the film and television city.

Shen Yuhan was puzzled: "How did my uncle know that we were in the film and television city?"

Shan Qihuan didn't know whether to be happy or helpless about the fact that Shen Yuhan often lived in the 2G era. He told him about the incident in which the two of them were photographed and became a hot topic.

"Ah, hot search? Let me take a look." Shen Yuhan moved her chair and sat next to Shan Qihuan, squeezing closer to her husband.

He remembered that the one who was on the hot search list was the time when his husband got into trouble. This time, it was the two of them together? He was actually a little happy.

Shan Qihuan handed him the phone. He didn't mind Shen Yuhan looking at his phone and just handed it to him naturally.

Shen Yuhan was still not very familiar with Weibo, and didn't find the hot searches for him and her husband: "Husband, which one is it?"

Shan Qihuan leaned closer to him, lowered his head and said, "Take me to the one with the Chinese character 'Yi'."

"Oh, I saw it." Shen Yuhan read the trending search, "Dan Qihuan squatted down to polish his girlfriend's shoes? You polished your girlfriend's shoes? But I'm not a woman, how could I be your girlfriend?" He was very sure that the person in the photo was himself. His clothes had not changed, and he was holding two strings of candied haws in his hands.

Shan Qihuan brushed the hair that fell on the side of Shen Yuhan's face behind her ear: "You have long hair, so their first reaction is naturally that you are a woman. Use such a title to attract people's attention."

"How can you confuse right and wrong like this?" Shen Yuhan really disagreed with these people's behavior. "If I wasn't by your side, wouldn't they succeed in spreading rumors? I would misunderstand you, and then the two of us would have a conflict over this, and then our relationship would break down."

"Don't worry, nothing like that will happen. Do you want to clarify?" Shan Qihuan asked him. If he didn't want to clarify, he would just ignore it and have someone remove the trending search.

Shen Yuhan was angry at these people's behavior of confusing right and wrong. First, they revealed their whereabouts, and second, they made everyone mistakenly believe that her husband was a playboy.

She doesn’t want her husband to be misunderstood by others: “Of course I have to clarify. I don’t want my husband to be misunderstood.” Not at all.

Shan Qihuan looked at Shen Yuhan. He always knew that Shen Yuhan was very straightforward when talking to him. He always expressed everything to him directly. He thought he would get bored after hearing it too much, but when he heard him defending himself like this, he felt a little uneasy. You can tell whether a person is sincere to you from his eyes and tone. In fact, Shan Qihuan is not a sensitive person. Perhaps at some times, he is more sensitive than Shen Yuhan. He gets a very rare feeling of being protected from him.

In the Shan family, everyone has his or her own role. His elder brother and second sister, and even Shan Qixin, they all have to take care of themselves before considering others. Shan Qihuan was born at a bad time, and his mind was still in the growth stage. His mother became a nun directly, and his elder brother and second sister had to take care of their own studies. Not to mention Shan Tianfeng, he only cared about giving birth to children and giving money, but never cared about the children's physical and mental development.

It can be said that Shan Qihuan grew up on his own, and in the process of growing up he also took care of Shan Qixin who was younger than him. His growth process was more difficult than that of others. The role of parents was missing in his life. In his impression, he can no longer remember whether his mother said anything to him that made him feel warm.

At this moment, Shan Qihuan felt his nose slightly sour. He thought his wife was more like a little cotton-padded jacket, a little warm: "I know, I'll post a Weibo to clarify."

Shen Yuhan was almost so angry that she put her hands on her hips and cursed: "Of course it's true. How could there be anyone else as your husband besides me? Right, husband."

Shan Qihuan tilted his head and kissed him on the face: "Yes, only you." With a hint of thoughtfulness.

Shen Yuhan took the initiative to kiss him back: "Well, husband, please send it soon."

Once again, Shen Yuhan hooked Dan Qihuan's eyes. He put his phone on the table, put his hands on the back of his chair, squeezed Shen Yuhan in the middle, and bent down to kiss his lips.

There is actually no rush to clarify this kind of thing. Kissing your wife is more important.

He wanted to do this when he was in the film and television city.

Shen Yuhan naturally put her hands on his neck and tilted her head slightly to try to respond to him. Shan Qihuan entered and deepened the kiss until his cell phone rang and they ended it reluctantly.

Even though she had kissed her husband so many times that she had no idea how many times she had kissed him, Shen Yuhan's face still felt slightly hot and her heartbeat quickened when she was kissed. It was as if she was no longer herself. The close contact with her husband made her feel extremely happy both physically and mentally.

Shan Qixin's excited voice came from the phone: "Third brother, which private room are you in?"

Shan Qihuan told him the name of the private room, and after a while, he saw Shan Qixin coming in carrying a suitcase.

The heat on Shen Yuhan's face had subsided. He sat upright in a chair and straightened the dishes that had just been knocked crooked by his husband's elbow.

After pushing his luggage aside, Shan Qixin found a seat and complained, "Third brother, what are you doing? I made two calls before you answered."

Shan Qihuan, who had to separate himself from Shen Yuhan, just wanted to roll his eyes at his brother. What else could they do? Of course, they should do things that lovers can do!

Shan Qihuan asked him, "Why did you bring a box with you?"

"I just finished filming my scenes this morning. I saw the trending searches saying you two were here, so I thought about going back with you. You must have driven here." Shan Qixin knew Shan Qihuan quite well and knew that he would drive over as long as he didn't have to go too far.

"Don't you suspect that the person in the photo is not me?" Shen Yuhan was curious why Shan Qixin didn't doubt her husband at all.

"Isn't he easy to recognize? How could my third brother be with someone else?" Shan Qixin had never seen his third brother have any scandals with anyone over the years. It was only recently after his marriage that he frequently appeared on the hot searches. He almost felt that his brother was like a traffic star. Traffic stars have to be promoted by companies with money, but he doesn't even have to spend any money.

He then remembered: "Why are you two here? There's nothing to see."

Shan Qihuan said with a little pride: "Your sister-in-law was invited by Jin Ying to help him shoot a painting scene."

How could Shan Qixin, who has been in the entertainment industry for a long time, not know who Jin Ying is? "The director of the movie, that Jin Ying?"

Shan Qihuan nodded calmly: "Yes."

Shan Qixin widened his eyes, slapped his thigh, and said angrily: "Hey, I've always wanted to be in his movie, why didn't he give me a role!"

Shan Qihuan said casually: "It's just a movie. Your sister-in-law is just working, not filming a movie."

Shan Qixin turned and looked at his sister-in-law: "Sister-in-law, please go and ask Director Jin if he can give me a role."

"Is Director Jin famous?" He actually had no idea about modern celebrities. When he was in Qi, only those respected elders or talented people were famous. In modern times, no matter if you have talent or not, you can become famous as long as you spend money. So he didn't know who the truly talented celebrities were, and he didn't have the slightest idea of admiring them. Besides, Director Jin didn't seem to be as famous as her husband, so he had even less idea about celebrities.

"Famous, of course I should be famous. Sister-in-law, your standards are too high." Shan Qixin screamed.

Asking for help is relative. It is absolutely impossible for Shen Yuhan to ask Director Jin for a role just for Shan Qixin. He just smiled.

"I didn't choose you, which means your destiny hasn't arrived yet." Shen Yuhan smiled and comforted, "You will meet sooner or later."

If a friend said this to him, Dan Qixin would just think that the other person was a Buddhist, but his sister-in-law's words had a different effect, he actually felt comforted.

"Well, there's plenty of time in life." Shan Qixin sighed.

"You're right to think so." Shen Yuhan's voice was soft. He had the ability to calm people's hearts.

Shan Qihuan remembered that Shan Qixin had not graduated yet: "You don't have to go back to school now?"

"No, we can just take online classes. Some students in the school had the flu some time ago. In order to avoid cross infection, they let us go home and take online classes instead."

It was a bit surprising that his uncle was still a student. Shen Yuhan also learned a new word - online course, and he was a little interested in it.

He was curious and asked, "How do I take online classes?"

Shan Qixin said: "The teacher teaches online, and we just go online to listen to the class at a certain time. It's quite troublesome, and we have to punch in every time."

Shan Qihuan thought that Shen Yuhan should be a sophomore now, and thought that he should also want to get a diploma like an ordinary college student, so he asked: "Do you want to go back to class? I will talk to the principal of your school later. It is not a big problem for him to go back to class."

Shen Yuhan shook his head: "Let me think about it again. I don't want to study my current major." He needed to attend classes, but the courses he was studying were not "Shen Yuhan's". He wanted to get in touch with modern society in a different way.

"Okay, think about it carefully." Shan Qihuan was not worried about him. Shen Yuhan had his own career now, so he was not in a hurry to go back to school. The main reason was that if he went back to school, the number of times they met would decrease.

Shan Qixin had no say in whether Shen Yuhan went to school or not.

Shan Qihuan didn't want Shen Yuhan to return to school early for classes, so he didn't mention it again.

Shen Yuhan has a new idea. What you can learn from TV is always limited. He can learn online courses. He has a lot of things to learn now. If he doesn't learn them, he will be exposed when his husband asks him about them one day, such as computers, English, arithmetic, etc.

Thinking about it this way, he is far from qualified to be a modern person and has to learn everything from scratch.

After lunch, the three of them left.

Before she got home, Shen Yuhan received a call from Aunt Wang. Today was the winter solstice, and she asked them if they wanted to eat at her house. If they did, she would make dumplings, otherwise she wouldn't.

Shen Yuhan said excitedly, "Honey, is today the winter solstice? Are we going to eat dumplings tonight?"

Shan Qihuan looked at the calendar and saw that today was indeed the winter solstice, so he nodded and said, "Let's eat."

Shan Qixin was resting with his eyes closed, but he didn't want to go back to his place alone after hearing this. He wanted to spend the winter solstice with his third brother and his wife, so Shen Yuhan was naturally happy. For Shan Qihuan, Shan Qixin was also someone he had watched grow up? Was he considered a half-son

It has been almost two or three months since coming to the modern era, and Shen Yuhan has never celebrated a festival with her husband. She didn't expect that the Winter Solstice festival has been passed down from ancient times to the present day. Her thoughts about her family gradually emerge again.

It was already late when I got home.

Shen Yuhan slept for two hours leaning on her husband in the car and looked very energetic.

Aunt Wang has already made the dumplings and is preparing dinner.

There were seafood sent by the second sister and some precious medicinal herbs sent by the eldest brother. He heard from Shan Qihuan that Shen Yuhan was in poor health, so he sent them. They were all married people, and Shan Qihuan usually didn't celebrate such festivals with them. He was either away from home or abroad. Over time, Shan Qiyuan and Shan Qibing no longer called him home.

Shen Yuhan could also sense that Shan Qihuan and his elder brother and second sister didn't actually have a very deep relationship, and they didn't interact that much. Perhaps they were both relatively rational people in handling emotions, and not very enthusiastic, and with no one acting as a middleman, this bland way of getting along was formed over time.

Family ties are still there, but they are shallow.

However, Shan Qihuan is not completely unpopular with his relatives. At least Shan Qixin has always insisted on staying close to him.

The three of them enjoyed the meal very much.

During this period, Shan Qixin also called his eldest brother and second sister. Children's voices were heard on the phone, which added a lot of atmosphere to their Winter Solstice Festival.

The TV was on until they went back to their room to rest, and then it was turned off, so Shan Qixin naturally stayed at home.

After staying outside for a night and sitting in the car for a whole morning, Shen Yuhan felt sore all over, so he just wanted to take a shower and go to bed immediately.

Shan Qihuan remembered that he hadn't done one important thing yet, and he hadn't posted his clarification Weibo.

While eating dumplings tonight, he took a few photos with Shan Qixin and the dumplings as the background. Only his wife's back was shown, nothing else. No one could see his wife's face.

[Don't spread rumors, this is my child, legally registered, male. ps: xxx marketing account, you will receive my lawyer's letter tomorrow. [Photo]]

As soon as he posted on Weibo, the marketing account immediately reposted it, and then a wave of fans quickly flocked in.

-Hahahaha, who is so blind to make up such a rumor? Mr. Shan is so domineering!

-Marketing accounts these days can’t even tell the difference between men and women. Marketing accounts nowadays should take this as an example!

-Shit, this seems to be the first time that Mr. Dan has publicly released a photo of his wife’s back. Before, it was only her hands!

-Wow, with such a small figure and such hands, I can kowtow to them for a year. Mr. Dan is so lucky. But can you show your face directly? I want to see your wife.

After Shan Qihuan took a look at the Weibo post, he modified the content of the post, deleting the original photo and replacing it with a photo of only Shan Qixin eating dumplings. Someone actually dared to covet his wife without even showing her back!

Netizen: …

You are the first blogger who didn't delete the post immediately to stir up the hype, but directly modified the copy! If you delete it, won't we be able to see it? Oh, luckily we can take screenshots.

Shan Qihuan's act of deleting the photos was directly hyped up by netizens and then he spent money to remove it. If he is on the hot search again, he is a dog.

Shen Yuhan had just finished taking a shower and climbed into bed, completely unaware that while he was showering, her husband had become a hot topic on the Internet again.

"Honey, I'm sleepy, do you want to sleep?" He said softly, hinting Shan Qihuan not to play with his phone, "Will you sleep with me?"

Arguing with netizens is not as fun as sleeping with his wife. Shan Qihuan pulled Shen Yuhan into his arms and kissed him on the earlobe.

Shen Yuhan curled up and rubbed her toes because of his kiss: "Hubby, I'm really sleepy."

Shan Qihuan said unreasonably: "You go to sleep."

Shen Yuhan turned around and pressed on him, holding his hands and yawning: "Don't move."

Seeing him like this, Shan Qihuan didn't tease him anymore. He put his hand on the back of his head, rubbed it gently, and kissed him on the lips: "Go to sleep."

Shen Yuhan finally found a comfortable position in Shan Qihuan's arms and slept soundly.

In the silent night, Shan Qihuan gradually fell asleep listening to Shen Yuhan's steady breathing.

With a wife like this, what more could a husband ask for

Shen Yuhan completed her first job in Hyundai successfully. After her husband went to work, she began to download apps related to online courses. Xirui recommended several good ones to him.

He had quite a few options, and finally he found an online education software that provided tutoring. He often saw ads for it on TV.

It is actually possible to learn, and there are courses from kindergarten to senior high school. It just costs some money. It is really convenient to learn knowledge by spending money.

While her husband was at the company, Shen Yuhan quietly opened the large-class course in her study to see what the children were learning.

Unexpectedly, just as he opened the course, Aunt Wang knocked on the door of his study: "Mr. Shen, someone is looking for you later."

Shen Yuhan pressed the pause button on his phone: "Who?"

Aunt Wang said, "It's the Second Madam and a young girl. Shall we let her in?"

Shen Yuhan said: "Okay, give them a cup of tea."

After finishing, Shen Yuhan didn't rush to go downstairs, but continued to watch the video for a few minutes.

Then he tidied his clothes, and only went downstairs after every detail was arranged to his satisfaction.

What did the Second Madam want him to do

He walked gracefully and lightly, his white fingers resting lightly on the handrail. The second wife and her daughter looked up at him walking slowly down the stairs, and for a moment they didn't know how to start.

Shen Yuhan sat opposite them, and Aunt Wang brought him a cup of freshly brewed green tea.

The girl next to the second wife was not her daughter, so he had never seen her.

He calmly lifted the lid of the teacup, blew gently on the fragrant green leaves floating on the tea, and said nonchalantly, "I wonder what the Second Madam is visiting today for?"

The Second Madam had a request for help today, so she didn't dare to be as arrogant and sharp as usual. Shen Yuhan spoke in a very sarcastic tone, and although he didn't say a single curse word, it was uncomfortable to listen to, so she could only endure it.

She gritted her teeth and said, "Yuhan, let me be frank. It was Qibai who did something bad to you a few days ago, and you also smashed a vase for him. I want to beg you, can you ask Qihuan to let him go?"

Shen Yuhan put down the teacup and chuckled, "Oh? What can he do to Shan Qibai?"

The second wife couldn't hide the anger on her face: "Not only did he ruin Qibai's company that had finally started to thrive, he also sent him to a drug rehabilitation center!"

Shen Yuhan said calmly: "Do you think I can influence Shan Qihuan's decision?"

He didn't know what a drug rehabilitation center was, but since it was her husband's decision, he would not hinder him.

The second wife started to speak without thinking again: "This matter started with you, of course you can do it."

Shen Yuhan chuckled and said, "Second Madam, why isn't it true that loving mothers often spoil their children? If you don't look for the reasons in yourself and just put the blame on others, who will help you?" He stood up and didn't want to say anything more to the Second Madam. He said to Aunt Wang who was standing not far away, "Aunt, please see the guests off for me."

He had to go to his online class, so he didn't have time to care about these clowns who wasted ten minutes and delayed his online class.

At this moment, the girl who had been standing next to the Second Madam suddenly spoke up: "Shen Yuhan, don't you remember me?"

Shen Yuhan raised his eyebrows and asked, "Who are you?"