There’s a Beauty [Ancient Wear Modern]

Chapter 71: Thinking about it like crazy


The sandstorm that blew up in the morning made people retreat. The sky was gray and gloomy, and every time you went out, you would feel sand in your mouth.

Taking into consideration that Shen Yuhan was from the south and had never seen a sandstorm, the dean asked him to stay in the hotel for a while and wait until the strongest sandstorm passed before going back to finish recording the rest of the songs.

Shen Yuhan had never seen a sandstorm, so he didn't practice his music. He stood by the window and looked at the extremely terrifying sky from a high floor. The sky was extremely dark, without any light at all. Pedestrians on the road could hardly move, and those who went out had to wrap themselves up like dumplings. He looked at the color of the sky for a long time and felt inexplicably frightened.

He immediately took a photo and sent a message to Shan Qihuan, thinking that the scene was too terrible and he wanted to go home early.

After Shan Qihuan returned to the office after the meeting, he started a video call with him: "I'm in the company. The weather outside is good. If you can't go out, you can watch TV in your room. Just draw the curtains."

He even turned the camera around to show Shen Yuhan the sunny Jiang City.

"Yeah." Shen Yuhan immediately followed his words and closed the curtains. He stopped staring at the dim sky outside, then turned on the TV and randomly tuned to a channel. The TV was playing Spring Blossoms, the beginning of the spring season. The music was very lively, and he felt much better. His overly rapid heartbeat calmed down.

Shan Qihuan helped him divert his attention: "Are you going to continue recording for him tomorrow? How much have you recorded for him?"

When talking about his work, Shen Yuhan was very excited: "There are not many songs. I have recorded nearly half of them. I have to learn those songs first and become proficient in them before recording. The songs are not too difficult. Since I don't have to go out today, I can familiarize myself with all the songs first."

Shan Qihuan was a little puzzled: "Didn't they say before that we could only practice at the research institute? Now we can practice at the hotel?"

Shen Yuhan recounted the entire process: "The dean asked me to sign a confidentiality agreement. I showed it to Assistant Yang, and she said it was okay, so I signed it."

"Assistant Yang is trustworthy. She is always very rigorous." Shan Qihuan couldn't help but boast about himself. He was the one who found such a talent. "If you can't find me for something, you can ask Assistant Yang."

"I want to know, are you busy, husband?" He heard the sound of Shan Qihuan clicking the mouse outside the video, "If you are busy, I will practice the piano. Please listen and don't hang up."

Shan Qihuan nodded in agreement: "Okay."

Shen Yuhan took out his own piano and started practicing.

Shan Qihuan was indeed a bit busy, as he was busy talking to his subordinates about a new idea of his. He had been running between Shan's Group and his own company during this period, and had learned a lot of lessons there. After coming back, he began to make some changes to his own company. He was determined not to go down the Shan's path, otherwise a messy situation like the current one would occur.

The eldest brother is still recuperating at home, and the second and third branches are busy taking power from Shan Xifeng. As long as it is not too excessive, Shan Xifeng will agree to his requests. The two groups of people are now competing with each other. On the contrary, Shan Qihuan, who was originally very busy, has some free time to come back and deal with his own affairs. He is just a substitute, and it is impossible for him to be angry about the struggle between the other two branches. It is better for him to sit on the mountain and watch the fight between the tigers. Isn't it more interesting

Through the video, Shen Yuhan was immersed in learning new songs. Except for the previous score which he had played, he had never heard of these. Although the characters on the score were not exactly the same as those of Qi State, they were very easy to recognize.

Shen Yuhan remembered that the dean had mentioned that the ancient person's surname was Shen in the tomb two days ago. He had been thinking about it in his mind, could it be related to the Shen family

He didn't know whether he wanted to be associated with the Shen family or not. If so, the person lying in the tomb was someone he knew, and it would be extremely unfilial to have the ancestral grave dug up. Selfishly, he didn't want such a thing to happen to the Shen family.

If it doesn't matter, he will feel like a piece of his heart is missing, not knowing whether the Shen family members are still alive.

According to the information revealed by the dean, the ancient tomb might be from two thousand years ago. If there was the State of Qi and Ge'er at that time, why are they not there now? Could it be that their State of Qi is just a legend

Shen Yuhan was uneasy because he hadn't solved a puzzle yet. He played a few wrong notes on the piano and stopped.

Shan Qihuan, who was typing, did not hear the piano music and turned to look at Shen Yuhan in the video.

"Why don't you play anymore?" His wife played the piano very beautifully.

Shen Yuhan put his hands on his knees and said, "I was not calm and played the wrong note."

Shan Qihuan asked him, "Why aren't you calm? Are you still afraid of the sandstorm?"

"It's not that. I'm not afraid of the sandstorm as long as you're here. I just have a problem that I can't figure out."

"Tell me, and see if I can answer it for you."

Shen Yuhan thought that his husband was well-informed, and after hesitating for a while, he asked his question: "Husband, you said that a country that existed more than 2,000 years ago has never appeared in history, but has only been discovered now. What is the reason?"

Shan Qihuan said: "I am troubled by this matter. What is there to worry about? There are many countries in history. Big countries destroyed small countries, big fish ate small fish, and small fish ate shrimps. The information and historical records that can be left behind basically do not exist. There are many countries that have not been discovered. In addition to being destroyed by other countries, there are also countries like the ancient country of Loulan, which suddenly disappeared overnight. The reason is still unknown to this day, and now only ruins are left. What's more, you are talking about a country two thousand years ago. If it is a small country, it was destroyed or annexed. The people continued to live in anonymity. It is not uncommon. If they want to hide their identities, what is the reason? There must be a reason for this."

What does Qi have that is worthy of other countries' covetousness? Minerals

If the State of Qi disappeared, then why did it disappear accordingly

At first, he thought that his soul was reborn from one world to another, but starting from the music score, he began to realize that his thinking was too simple, and perhaps he was still in a world of time process, not another world.

Why did Qi and its surrounding countries never appear in history

It seems that he needs to find out the location where the ancient tomb was excavated.

The sandstorm lasted for three days before it disappeared, and Shen Yuhan stayed in the hotel for three days. During these three days, he practiced the remaining few songs. On the fourth day, he came to the research institute and started recording directly. The sound he played was exactly the same as the music score translated by the researcher, and the staff who were responsible for recording with him were amazed.

It took two days to record eight of the songs. The remaining two are different from the other eight. They have lyrics. After the experts translated the words, they found that the lyrics are simple but beautiful. I am considering whether to find someone to sing with me.

He didn't consider Shen Yuhan at first, but the dean saw that Shen Yuhan was versatile, so he asked casually when they were having dinner in the cafeteria.

The dean asked him, "Can Xiao Shen sing?"

"I can't sing." According to the rules of his Qi State, no girl or boy would learn to sing, because it was something that only people who wanted to make a living would sing in front of others.

After coming to the modern times, singing has become a form of entertainment, and everyone can sing, regardless of their wealth. However, Shen Yuhan has not yet overcome the threshold of "restraint" in his heart, and he is determined not to sing in front of outsiders.

The dean felt quite regretful, he had watched Shen Yuhan's recording video and recording effects, it was pleasing to watch people sitting there, and if they could sing a few lines, they would not be out of the mood, and he would be done with it once and for all, and he wouldn't have to invite anyone to sing.

There was nothing that could be done since Shen Yuhan refused to serve the dean.

After recording the remaining two songs, Shen Yuhan was about to return to Jiang City. Before that, he once again found Dean Xu and asked about the ancient tomb. Dean Xu just thought he was a young man with a lot of curiosity, so he told him nothing.

Shen Yuhan is now quite familiar with the dean: "Dean, what is the origin of that person in the tomb? Can you tell me about it? I'm really curious."

The dean chuckled and said, "It's nothing to tell you. Once the research on the ancient tomb is completed, it will be announced to the outside world."

Shen Yuhan nodded: "Then tell me quickly."

Dean Wang: "Why are you in such a hurry? This ancient tomb is full of doubts. The skeleton of the person in the tomb is not quite the same as mine. At first, experts thought it might be a girl. Later, other tombs were found nearby. The person in the tomb was a boy, who was no different from the boy we have now. I suspect that the person in this tomb might have been born different from ordinary people. We can conclude that he is a boy with a deformity or a genetic defect."

Shen Yuhan didn't expect to get this answer: "His body is different from that of ordinary men. Is he deformed?"

Dean nodded: "Yes, it's just speculation. There are too few records about his life in this tomb. But it is still being cleaned up. It would be great if there was an epitaph. What a pity."

Shen Yuhan actually breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the dean's answer.

Just as he let go of his anger, the dean received a call. The dean was beaming with joy and kept shouting, "Great, it's really great. I'll go to your place tomorrow. Your project is the top priority this year. You must be careful and not make any mistakes. You must preserve the documents carefully. These documents from more than 2,000 years ago can bring us a lot of ancient cultural value."

Shen Yuhan was just wondering if there was any new progress in the ancient tomb when the dean said, "They have found the tomb occupant's diary. Once the text is analyzed, we will be able to learn more information."

Shen Yuhan asked him, "Dean, can I see his notebook? I'm quite curious about his writing. I usually like calligraphy, and I'm very happy to see it."

"Not now. When the research is almost done, I will take a photo for you." Dean Li was happy. These documents would be published sooner or later. Showing them to Shen Yuhan in advance would not cause any work problems.

Shen Yuhan nodded, and after listening to the dean thanking him for coming over to help with the recording, Shen Yuhan quickly said that it was his duty.

With a bit of uncertainty and uneasiness, Shen Yuhan left the institute and returned to the hotel.

It wasn't a waste for Da Xi to make this long trip. He didn't know who the people in the ancient tomb were, but they should be related to the State of Qi.

The country he once lived in was really buried in the torrent of history as his father said. Perhaps the entire race was extinct, or it was just hiding in the city. Special races will never be accepted by the world. Over time, they would rather remain unknown.

Shen Yuhan is more inclined to the latter statement. It's not that the boy doesn't have it, but he is hidden because of his special physique.

Looking back now, he finally understood how special brothers were. He remembered his eldest brother had told him that, apart from Qi and Chu, many countries actually did not have brothers. If a country was destroyed, brothers might become very precious. Otherwise, they might become slaves and be bought and sold as commodities.

Just because he is too special.

At that time, he did not quite understand what his elder brother meant by "special". Perhaps he had not seen much at that time and took it for granted that his brother was a common person. Now he understands that this is not the case.

Without the protection of the state, they would become prisoners or suffer even more tragic fates.

Thinking of his own experience and the experiences of those brothers who didn't know whether they had disappeared, Shen Yuhan couldn't help but sigh. They were really too fragile.

The owner of this tomb is surnamed Shen. Maybe it's just a coincidence. There are thousands of people with the surname Shen. It's impossible to find the ancestral tomb of the Shen family in one go.

Shen Yuhan returned to the hotel with a strange mood. After dinner, he had a video call with Shan Qihuan, and Shan Qihuan easily discovered that he was in a very low mood.

"Why, you're unhappy about going home?" Shan Qihuan thought that they were chatting happily last night, but why did they become listless again after going out today

Shen Yuhan held up the camera, held his face with his hands and said to Shan Qihuan, "I'm not unhappy."

Shan Qihuan guessed that he might have encountered something during the recording, so he gave him a suggestion: "Why don't you play a few games on the first page."

Shen Yuhan had never been to a tourist attraction alone. He had seen it in Jiang City: "I go alone?"

"Having a bodyguard and Assistant Yang accompanying you is not enough?" Shan Qihuan said.

"Yes, there is him, but not my husband." Shen Yuhan's mood began to improve when the trip was mentioned, and she told herself in her heart that she should not think about the past.

"Do you still want me to fly over to accompany you? Without having to make money to support you?" Shan Qihuan smiled.

"Making money is important, but my husband can accompany me occasionally," Shen Yuhan sighed deliberately, "Of course, I don't miss my husband that much."

Shan Qihuan raised his eyebrows: "Don't you miss me?"

"But I miss you, and I can't see you. It's better to think about you less. Look, we've been video chatting now, which has reduced my longing for you so much." Shen Yuhan can say sweet words freely now. Of course, he just thinks it's nothing wrong for him to be honest with his father.

Shan Qihuan suddenly felt that the screen of this phone was still too small: "Since you want to think less about me, then hang up the video."

Shen Yuhan: "No, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep later. I'm scared."

Shan Qihuan: "You are so brave, how can you be afraid if you don't want to think about it."

"Don't be angry, husband. I was wrong. I actually missed you a lot. I thought about you while I was having meals, walking, working, and even in my dreams. I even dreamed that you came to pick me up last night." Shen Yuhan told him her thoughts sincerely and metaphorically.

Shan Qihuan admired his mother-in-law a little bit. She could use the most ordinary and daily tone to say the most pleasant words, which always kept him in suspense.

He counted the days and found that they hadn't seen each other for more than a week.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, Shen Yuhan thought about what his father-in-law did when he video chatted with him in the hotel before.

Oh, I remember now.

"Sir, I'm going to take a shower. Wait for me for a while."


Shan Qihuan thought he would be gone as soon as he turned around, but the next second, Shen Yuhan began to take off his shirt in front of the camera. His movements were relatively slow, and he unbuttoned the buttons one by one. When he unbuttoned the last button, he suddenly turned around and faced his back to the camera.

Shan Qihuan's breathing began to get worse. He had not eaten meat for a week. He wanted to cover his eyes, but he couldn't bear to do so for even a second.

With his back to the video, Shen Yuhan had a new move, with his hands resting on his lower abdomen. Shan Qihuan could imagine what he was doing.

Perhaps because he was extremely shy, Shen Yuhan suddenly turned around and said, "Husband, I'm going to take a shower!" The next moment he went into the bathroom, leaving only an empty room for Shan Qihuan.

I was originally planning to wait for the sequel to see the big white legs, but Shan Qihuan shouted, "Shen Yuhan, come back here!"

Shen Yuhan laughed out loud inside and raised his voice to reply, "I don't."

Shan Qihuan shook his head helplessly, capped the medium-sized signing pen, and wrote on the table.

He spoke to the phone, gritting his teeth and talking to the air: "Shen Yuhan, just wait for me, you will be arrogant later!"

Then he hung up the video call and quickly booked a flight to Beijing.

After Shen Yuhan came out of the shower, Shan Qihuan told him that he would not be working overtime and had already gone home, so he would not video chat with him anymore.

After the evening video, Shen Yuhan was no longer afraid. He decided to listen to his father-in-law's advice and go visit the capital's temples and famous attractions tomorrow. A quick search on the Internet would reveal a lot of places to play and eat, such as Wangfujing, Wangfu, the Forbidden City, the Great Wall, and the National Museum. It's a place you can visit at will.

I heard that the Forbidden City was the residence of the emperors of the Qing Dynasty, but now it has become a tourist attraction for people to visit at will. When I think of the boys of Qi State, in a world dominated by men and women, with the addition of "boys", wouldn't they also become exhibits

Maybe some wise emperor made the decision. There are too many uncertainties in historical changes.


Shen Yuhan didn't know when he fell asleep. Suddenly, he heard someone knocking on his room door. At the same time, his phone rang. It was his husband calling.

Why would my husband call me so late at night

Is there something urgent

Shen Yuhan opened his eyes with all his strength. In fact, he had just fallen asleep for less than two hours. He pressed the answer button, his voice still full of sleepiness: "Husband?"

There was a knock on the door, and his husband said, "Open the door, it's me."

Shen Yuhan woke up immediately: "You, are outside the door?" He was very careful when sleeping and would always fasten the anti-theft button. "Is it really you?"

Shan Qihuan got the room card from Assistant Yang, but he never expected that the room was locked: "It's me."

Shen Yuhan rubbed his face hard, afraid that he was dreaming, until he opened the door and saw his father-in-law's handsome face through the gap, and his always deliberately cold voice: "Don't be nervous, it's me."

Shen Yuhan then opened the door. Shan Qihuan, with a cold look on his face, took off his coat, picked up Shen Yuhan and let him sit on the desk.

"Ah!" Shen Yuhan hurriedly hugged his neck, "Sir, what are you doing?"

Shan Qihuan's eyes were red as he stared at his face closely: "What do you think I came all the way here for? Don't you know how to write the word conceited?"

Shen Yuhan then remembered what he did before taking a shower, and he regretted that he did it too late. It turned out that he could see his father-in-law earlier.

Shan Qihuan didn't care whether he was asleep or not, he just pressed him down and kissed him.

I was almost locked out in the middle of the night.