There’s a Beauty [Ancient Wear Modern]

Chapter 81: The story of three people


There was continuous spring rain in Jiang City in April.

The weather today is not that good, it’s even a little bad, as shown by the door of Dan Tianfeng’s ward and the bad faces on everyone’s faces.

His bad complexion had nothing to do with Shan Tianfeng's surgery, but was due to the appearance of Gu Biqing.

In front of Gu Biqing, the other three ladies naturally looked unhappy. The presence of the Third Lady also made Gu Biqing look worse. She looked at whoever she was not satisfied with. The Second Lady, who had often challenged her 20 years ago, did not dare to say much at this time.

Twenty years ago, the Second Lady was favored by Shan Tianfeng, so of course she was not afraid of anything, and she also had a son by her side.

But now, the Second Madam dared not say a word, as she had long lost Shan Tianfeng's favor. The Third Madam was smarter in the past and had contacts with Shan Tianfeng, but she did not show off in front of Gu Biqing. But she does not say anything now. As for the Fourth Madam, she only followed Shan Tianfeng after Gu Biqing became a nun.

Who could have thought that the woman who she thought would not appear would show up again. She became very nervous.

Shen Yuhan stood aside, watching these people's actions coldly.

In fact, Gu Biqing only had a nominal title. She could only pretend to be in power, and actually had no deterrent effect on the ladies. What the three ladies were most worried about at this moment was Shan Tianfeng's condition. All they could do now was to pray that his second operation would be successfully completed and that there would be no further lesions in the future.

Gu Biqing actually knew that it was a bit cheap to talk to these people, but she had been holding it in for twenty years. It was rare that Shan Tianfeng was no longer young and strong. What role would he have in the Shan family in the future? If it weren't for her parents' support back then, how could he, a poor man, have come this far and become successful

She stared at the lights in the operating room. "But what a bunch of ungrateful people. I'll see if he can walk out of the operating room safely today."

Shen Yuhan quietly glanced at Shan Qihuan and whispered, "Husband, didn't the doctor say that the operation is not very dangerous?"

The result obtained from the doctor is correct. Shan Qihuan nodded: "It's not dangerous. The dangerous thing is after the operation, and I am afraid that the cancer cells will spread. If it doesn't spread, I can have chemotherapy regularly in the future and take good care of my health."

"Oh." He just felt that Gu Biqing seemed to be dangerous to Shan Tianfeng.

The more I observed her, the more I realized that she presented no challenge at all. The methods she used were those of an aunt, which were extremely crude. She did not look like a woman in her sixties at all. Perhaps some people really could go backwards as they aged.

I thought no one would refute Gu Biqing's words, but instead, everyone started to criticize the Fourth Madam who didn't like to interrupt.

Fourth Auntie said, "Madam, you are wrong. I hope that Mr. is well, so why do you hope that he is not well?"

Gu Biqing glanced at her and said, "Do you have the right to speak here? Don't think you can get ahead of yourself just because you gave him a son. Which of her children didn't give birth to a son?"

The Fourth Lady was also about thirty-five years old, very young. She had followed Shan Tianfeng at the age of twenty-five. She could be said to be a resourceful woman. Ten years had passed, and Shan Tianfeng's love for her remained as strong as ever.

It was impossible for Gu Biqing not to know about the existence of the Fourth Madam. She and Shan Tianfeng had been together for many years, but their love was only in the first three years of their passionate love. Later, Shan Tianfeng became more and more romantic, with more and more women outside, and gossips about him were everywhere.

She hated Shan Tianfeng, and she also hated those women who flocked to him like flies!

The fourth lady was a little surprised that Gu Biqing started talking about having children: "How come I can't let anyone talk about my own feelings?"

Gu Biqing gave Aunt Cheng a look, and Aunt Cheng walked up to the Fourth Madam, and before anyone could react, the Fourth Madam received a loud slap in the face.

The fourth lady staggered back two steps, her eyes immediately reddened, and she looked quite pitiful: "How could you hit someone!"

Gu Biqing sneered: "You dare to point fingers at me when you can't even put it on the table." She looked at the people in the third room: "Whether Shan Tianfeng is here or not, the Shan family will never fall into your hands. She must have some intention. Is it useful to seek external help?"

The Third Madam's face turned red, and the new bride, Miss Qi, felt as if she had been scolded by Gu Biqing. At this moment, she deeply realized that Shan Qiyun and her mother-in-law were illegitimate children and mistresses.

All that was hidden beneath the glamorous surface was revealed by Gu Biqing at this moment.

Shen Yuhan seemed to be quite thoughtful. The fact that Gu Biqing would argue with her actually showed that she cared about Dan Tianfeng.

But why doesn't Dan Tianfeng love this woman

After two contacts, Shen Yuhan knew that she was not only sarcastic, but also overly paranoid. What happened between them? Was it just because of Dan Tianfeng's romanticism? She could have divorced him and then looked for the next happiness, but she didn't, and was obsessed with competing with the other three wives.

Twenty years later, she is still the same.

At this time, no one stepped forward to stop Gu Biqing from beating the Fourth Madam. Shan Qiyuan and Shan Qibing stood by as if it had nothing to do with them. Shan Qihuan suspected that the Fourth Madam had harmed him in the past, so he naturally didn't bother to care. The sons from the other two rooms each protected their mothers, fearing that Gu Biqing would ask Aunt Cheng to beat people again.

This woman is a little crazy and doesn't care at all.

Gu Biqing felt his nervousness again and said in a good mood, "No one should think of taking all the money from the Shan family."

She wanted to say something else, but Shan Qiyuan interrupted her directly: "Mom, Dad's surgery will take some time. Why don't you go back first? I'll let you know after the surgery."

If they continue to make trouble, they will only become a laughing stock in the eyes of others. He doesn't care about the reputation of the other three families, but his brothers and sisters still have to continue living. They are not ordinary people.

Gu Biqing was still unwilling to listen to Shan Qiyuan's advice. She looked at the lights outside the operating room, no longer reluctant to linger, and turned around and left.

Shen Yuhan and Shan Qihuan looked at each other and they chose to stay.

Shan Tianfeng's operation was successful, but he still needs to be observed in the ICU for two days. He will be transferred to the general ward only after all indicators are normal.

Perhaps God didn't want to take Shan Tianfeng away yet. He was released from the ICU after staying there for a few days. He was able to walk the next day and his recovery progress was pretty good. The doctor said that after his injuries healed, he would have to continue with one course of chemotherapy and then see how he performs.

A week later, Shan Tianfeng had the stitches removed from his injury, and he was able to be discharged from the hospital.

On this day, the people from the third house knew that Gu Biqing would go, and no one else dared to show up. Even the fourth wife who had argued with Gu Biqing would rather stay at home.

Shan Qihuan and Shen Yuhan would come over for a visit during this period, so he had to go today, and Shan Qiyuan specifically reminded him to go.

When the two arrived, Gu Biqing had not arrived yet.

Shan Tianfeng saw that Shen Yuhan was in a good mood and asked: "Yuhan, are you going to go out with the archaeological team soon?"

"No need. We can go directly to the Archaeological Research and Conservation Center next time. It will probably be next week." Shen Yuhan was relatively sincere when interacting with others. After all, Shan Tianfeng had not done anything bad to him so far, and on the surface, he was still getting along well.

"Don't try too hard. You even injured your hand last time. It's not worth it." Shan Tianfeng really cared about him.

"I'm well now, it's not serious." Shen Yuhan said with a smile, and mentioned Shan Qihuan, "Brother Qihuan caught a cold when he came up the mountain to see me."

Shan Tianfeng looked at Shan Qihuan who was peeling an apple beside him and said, "You two are really injured and sick. Be more careful next time you go out. You keep getting injured or sick every day."

With Shen Yuhan here, the atmosphere in the ward was pretty good. Shan Qihuan and Shan Tianfeng hadn't had any conflicts with him for more than half a year.

But after the door of the ward was opened, this little bit of warmth disappeared, and Gu Biqing and Shan Qiyuan appeared together.

The two of them should have made an agreement. Gu Biqing had a natural trust in her eldest son Shan Qiyuan.

Dan Tianfeng saw the smile on the visitor's face fade away.

Shen Yuhan gave his chair to Gu Biqing, and he started watching the show again, quietly standing back.

Gu Biqing sat down without even saying thank you and spoke first: "Dan Tianfeng, you didn't expect that the next time we met would be in the hospital. I wish you didn't come out alive."

"That's such a pity. God didn't take me away and I couldn't fulfill your wish." Shan Tianfeng was also tough.

Gu Biqing looked at him with hatred on her face: "Do you know why I came back?"

Shan Tianfeng leaned over and closed his eyes: "I don't care whether you come back or not."

Gu Biqing didn't play along and only stated her own demands: "Give Shan's family back to me. Your mistresses don't deserve anything from my Gu family."

Shan Tianfeng did not get angry but laughed: "When did the Shan family become your Gu family?"

Gu Biqing started to bring up the past: "If my parents hadn't helped, would the Shan family be able to stand up again?"

Shan Tianfeng couldn't help but find it funny. The stitches on his wound had been removed, so he laughed out loud: "Gu Biqing, you have Alzheimer's disease, but I don't. The children are here today, so we might as well make things clear to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. I want to ask you, did your parents really help me? Back then, you asked him to help me, and he said good things, but he lent me the money privately at the bank interest rate at that time. After the Shan family revived, I paid back the money and cleared the matter with him."

Gu Biqing angrily retorted: "This is the money my parents gave you, you are making a fuss and talking nonsense!"

Shan Tianfeng said to the housekeeper: "Madam, this is true. I still have a photocopy of the IOU. The original has been burned by the master. If you need it, I can go home and get it."

Gu Biqing seemed to have heard some incredible news: "Would I believe your IOU that you made up out of nothing?"

The housekeeper said, "I was there at the time. There is Mr. Gu's signature on the IOU. You can compare it with Mr. Gu's handwriting."

Gu Biqing still didn't believe it: "Why didn't you say it all these years? Why did you say it now?"

Shan Tianfeng said: "Because I want to take it easy. I don't have many years left to live anyway."

Shan Qihuan and the others remained silent, wondering what else he would say. What Gu Biqing loved to mention the most was that the Shan family got rich by relying on the Gu family!

And now there is such a reversal.

Gu Biqing didn't know how to tell the difference in time: "Anyway, without this money, your Shan family wouldn't be where it is today."

"Do you know how to do business? Gu Biqing, you can't do anything with just words. I can admit that you lent me money from the Gu family to help the Shan family get through the most difficult period, but I also sacrificed my marriage and married you. Of course, I can also not marry you, and I don't need you to lend me money from the Gu family, but don't forget what you did to me. Do you really think I don't know anything? I thought that since you became a monk twenty years ago, I would no longer care about these things, but you are back, and there are some things I have to say, so as not to be misunderstood after my death."

Shan Qihuan and the other two: "..." Shan Tianfeng sacrificed his marriage? What's the meaning of this

Compared to the surprise of Shan Qihuan and the other two, Gu Biqing couldn't accept Shan Tianfeng's statement at all: "Sacrifice your marriage? Do you think you didn't want to marry me at all?"

"Don't you know that I am not willing?" Shan Tianfeng chuckled, "I think no one knows better than you how Qiyuan came about."

Shan Qiyuan, who was suddenly called, frowned and looked at Gu Biqing: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Is he now resolving old issues and arguing about who is right and who is wrong

Gu Biqing seemed to have thought of something, her face changed slightly, and she suddenly stood up: "Dan Tianfeng, what are you thinking about!"

"It's nothing. Don't you want Shan's? I just want to settle with you how much you participated in, so that the child can also evaluate whether it is worth it for me to give you Shan's."

Gu Biqing said: "The property of a couple is divided equally between them."

Shan Tianfeng asked him the question that Gu Biqing had not decided yet: "I will give you half of the money if we divorce. Do you want to divorce me?"

If Gu Biqing was willing to divorce Shan Tianfeng, why would she do this? She really didn't want to divorce!

"Why should I divorce you?"

"Then what right do you have to talk to me about Shan's family? You still won't let me go at this time. I, Shan Tianfeng, have never done anything wrong to you. On the contrary, I love you. If you hadn't interfered in my relationship, would I have married you?" Shan Tianfeng mentioned his marriage again, "Now I want to divorce you, please let me go."

Gu Biqing's face changed drastically, and she screamed, "I can't possibly divorce you, not in this lifetime!"

When she stood up, she staggered slightly. The discussion could not continue, so she had to leave!

Shan Qiyuan gave Shan Qihuan a look, then helped Gu Biqing leave.

Shen Yuhan, who was standing in the front line of the melon-eating, held Shan Qihuan's hand. Although he was not mentioned in this post, it seemed that this post fully included the grievances between Gu Biqing and Shan Tianfeng.

Shan Tianfeng said to them, "I've made you laugh at our elders. You can go back first if you have nothing to do. Can Yu Han come and accompany me when I leave the hospital tomorrow?"

Shen Yuhan nodded: "Yes, what time do you want to go home early?"

Dan Tianfeng had completely lost his calm demeanor and almost made Gu Biqing vomit blood in anger: "We can arrive at nine o'clock in the morning."

Shan Qihuan and Shen Yuhan left the hospital.

Gu Biqing was preoccupied with herself today, and her past was also heard by the juniors, so she naturally had no mood to focus on the affairs of Shan Qihuan and Shen Yuhan. In fact, she hated Shan Tianfeng, and 90% of her anger against Shen Yuhan was probably taken out on him, and she was doing it on purpose.

Shan Qihuan did not take Shen Yuhan home directly, but took him to dinner.

"Want some barbecue?"

"Yes." Shen Yuhan had eaten barbecue before, but had never gone out to eat barbecue with her husband.

The two of them were eating traditional Chinese barbecue, with smoke coming out of the grill pan.

Thinking of today's misty rain, Shan Qi asked Shen Yuhan: "The Qingming Festival is coming soon. When do you plan to visit the graves of your parents and your grandfather? Do you want to go before the festival or after the festival?"

Tomb sweeping

Shen Yuhan was stunned and almost forgot about this matter. He didn't know where the graves of "Shen Yuhan's" parents and grandfather were.

"I can go by myself. Hubby, you are busy and you don't have to accompany me."

"That won't work. After all, they are our parents. I have to thank them for sending you to me. I have to go."

"Then let me think about it again. I was a bit unfilial in the past two years. I didn't go when my grandfather asked me to." Shen Yuhan lowered his head and said, "I was afraid that he would scold me."

Shan Qihuan thought he had touched his sore spot: "Okay, I'll grill some beef tongue for you, it's delicious."

"Yeah." Shen Yuhan breathed a sigh of relief. He now knew how to deal with Shan Qihuan regarding Shen Yuhan's family affairs, and successfully changed the subject, "Hubby, your parents are not as easy to fall in love and get married as you said."

"I don't know either. I just heard about it when I was a kid. Now it seems that things are not that simple." He is a person who always wants to see the end of a bad movie. When he heard the gossip about his parents, he also wanted to know the sequel. "It's pretty bloody when I think about it."

"Since you've become a couple resentful of each other, why don't you get a divorce? Your father just mentioned it." Gu Biqing was willing to leave home for twenty years and would rather give up reuniting with her children than divorce Shan Tianfeng. Why

"Maybe it's for the Shan family and for her face, as well as the love of their youth." Shan Qihuan wasn't sure. He was still young when Gu Biqing left, and he knew very little about the inside story. Today, his eyes were opened wide. It turned out that the relationship of his parents' generation was also full of dog blood.

He dipped the roasted beef tongue in sauce, blew it down and put it to Shen Yuhan's mouth: "Open your mouth, the meat is cooked."

Shen Yuhan fully cooperated with his feeding habits: "Ah."

The two of them ate and talked, speculating about the past of Dan Tianfeng and Gu Biqing, without being influenced by him at all.

Now the only one affected should be Shan Qiyuan, who does not seem to be the fruit of his parents' love.

But it doesn’t matter anymore, it has nothing to do with him.

The next day, Shen Yuhan went to the hospital to accompany Shan Tianfeng after he was discharged.

He and Shan Tianfeng were sitting in the car, with Shan Tianfeng's window rolled down.

"It's spring now, and it's time to visit the graves." He added, "Butler, let's change the route. I want to visit the cemetery."

Shen Yuhan didn't know who he was going to see in the cemetery, so he didn't say anything. He thought Dan Tianfeng might not want to say more now.

He arrived at the cemetery.

At first Shen Yuhan thought that the current cemeteries were similar to the buildings in the city and were quite crowded. However, there were many people in the city and the dead could not compete with the living for land, so the dead could only give in.

The two of them walked towards the cemetery, each holding an umbrella, and finally stopped next to a woman's grave.

Shen Yuhan was not sure either, but he could tell the other person's identity from the tombstone.

There is a photo on the tombstone, showing a smiling woman with a good-looking appearance, a natural beauty.

The tombstone reads: Wife, Yang Jiao.

He wasn't curious, but Shan Tianfeng couldn't help it: "When I was a young man, I had a fiancée, my parents arranged one for me."

"Later, my Dan family went bankrupt, and her parents thought my family was not good, so they called off the engagement. I was very resistant to my fiancée at first, but after my family got into trouble, I realized that I had actually fallen in love with this lively and cheerful girl, and she didn't want to call off the engagement."

Shen Yuhan acted as a qualified listener at the right time: "Why didn't you get together later?"

Shan Tianfeng looked at the tombstone and presented the chrysanthemums he had just bought. He sighed and said, "Because Qihuan's mother, she and Yang Jiao were very close friends back then."

Shen Yuhan was shocked in his heart: It turns out this is the story of three people.